Figure 21: Distribution of random Blim values (A) and annual risks of falling below Blim under three escapement rules and zero catch in bifrost (B and C). The dashed line in panels (B) and (C) denotes the 5% threshold. Individual Blim values are randomly drawn from a truncated normal with mean=68,000 tonnes, st. dev.=24,480 tonnes (CV=0.36), and lower and upper limits of 10,000 and 108,000 tonnes respectively. Panel (C) displays the same values as (B) at the lower limit of risk to better show differences between Bescapement values. Risk for Bescapement=400,000 tonnes is negligible (i.e. less than risk of Bescapement=200,000 tonnes) and thus not shown. Risk in each year is computed from 2,000 iterations.