Figure 1: The saline and warm Atlantic water of the southwest (see figure to the right) contain large sponges as Geodia , Thenea and Axinella , the sea cucumber Parastichopus and Molpadia and the lobster Munida sarsi . The relatively warm southeast and northwest areas contain species such as the king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus , the sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa , and the sponge Geodia . The cold Arctic waters in the northeast and Yermak plateau holds the brittle star Gorgonocephalus and Ophiopleura borealis , the sea-pen Umbellula , the sea-lilies (echinoderm, Crinoidea) Heliometra , and the snow crab Chionoecetes opilio . The relatively cold central Barents Sea is occupied by the sea-star Ctenodiscus crispatus , the brittle-star Gorgonocephalus , and crangonid shrimps such as Sabinea . The relatively cold waters along Novaya Zemlya are characterized by the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus , and the snow crab.