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Figure 1. Normalized anomalies of meteorological and hydrographic variables in the Barents Sea in 1981–2021: storm activity (Storms), air temperature (Air T) in the west and east of the sea; ice extent in the Barents Sea (BS) and Arctic (Ar) ; sea surface temperature (SST) in the west and east of the sea; Atlantic water temperature (Tw) in the Kola Section (0–200 m); area-averaged temperature (AAT) at 100 m depth; areas covered by different waters ( ArW – Arctic waters, <0°C; AW – A tlantic waters, >3°C; CBW – cold bottom waters, <0°C; WBW – warm bottom waters, >1°C) ; length index of thermal frontal zones at 50 m depth (Front index); mean temperature gradient in the zones (T gradient); geographical centroids (longitude and latitude) of the zones; climate index of the Barents Sea (the average of normalized anomalies of ice-free area, air and water temperatures).
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