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Figure 3.1. Andel av lus (%) som faller av (lost+collected) i 4 ulike forsøk med ulik trengetid og størrelse fisk. Lusestadie: PA1 - preadult1, PA2 – Preadult 2, AM – voksen hann, AF – voksen hunn, Cal – Skottelus. Outcomes for mobile louse stages during crowding in Trials 1-4. Initial outcome, showing the proportion of lice that either remained attached through crowding and were counted when their host was sampled from the crowding net (‘Attached’), or detached during crowding as either lost or collected. Lice stage: PA1 - preadult1, PA2 – Preadult 2, AM – adult male, AF – adult female, Cal – Caligus.
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