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Toktrapport fra CODFUN 2016114 i Barentshavet 5.-11. oktober 2016 (Rapport fra Havforskningen nr. 41-2016)(engelsk)


The survey is part of the project “The cod – capelin interaction in the Barents Sea: spatial dynamics in predator prey overlap and functional response (CODFUN)” funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NRC project number 243676/E40). The CODFUN project was motivated by the need to update and improve the current formulation of the functional response of cod used in the capelin assessment model. (Rapporten er på engelsk)

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: Zope/(2.13.22, python 2.7.18, linux2) ZServer/1.1 Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 19:17:48 GMT Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with,content-type Charset: utf-8 Connection: close Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: True Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS Content-Type: text/html Toktrapport fra CODFUN 2016114 i Barentshavet 5.-11. oktober 2016 (Rapport fra Havforskningen nr. 41-2016)(engelsk) | Havforskningsinstituttet Gå til hovedinnhold

Toktrapport fra CODFUN 2016114 i Barentshavet 5.-11. oktober 2016 (Rapport fra Havforskningen nr. 41-2016)(engelsk)


The survey is part of the project “The cod – capelin interaction in the Barents Sea: spatial dynamics in predator prey overlap and functional response (CODFUN)” funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NRC project number 243676/E40). The CODFUN project was motivated by the need to update and improve the current formulation of the functional response of cod used in the capelin assessment model. (Rapporten er på engelsk)