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Anne Grete Eide Sørvik

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Chief Engineer/ Senior Engineer
Telephone: 41674923
Department: Populasjonsgenetikk


Academic articles


Genetic Stock Identification Reveals Mismatches Between Management Areas and Population Genetic Structure in a Migratory Pelagic Fish

Gaute Wilhelmsen Seljestad, Maria Quintela, Dorte Bekkevold, Christophe Pampoulie, Edward D. Farrell, Cecilie Kvamme, Aril Slotte, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Mats E. Pettersson, Leif Andersson, Arild Folkvord, Kevin Alan Glover, Florian Berg
Evolutionary Applications 17

Genetic Stock Identification Reveals Mismatches Between Management Areas and Population Genetic Structure in a Migratory Pelagic Fish

Gaute Wilhelmsen Seljestad, María Quintela, Dorte Bekkevold, Christophe Pampoulie, Edward D. Farrell, Cecilie Kvamme, Aril Slotte, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Mats E. Pettersson, Leif Andersson, Arild Folkvord, Kevin Alan Glover, Florian Berg
Evolutionary Applications 17

A genetic method to infer ploidy and aberrant inheritance in triploid organisms

Aurelien Nicolas Delaval, Kevin Alan Glover, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, John B. Taggart, Francois Besnier, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Johanne Øyro, Sofie Nordaune Garnes-Gutvik, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Alison C. Harvey
Molecular Ecology Resources

Aquaculture-driven evolution of the salmon louse mtDNA genome

Karoline Hasti Rutle, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Frank Nilsen, Alejandro Mateos-Rivera, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Eeva Jansson, Maria Quintela, Francois Besnier, Fernando Ayllon, Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 16 p. 1328-1344

Aquaculture-driven evolution of the salmon louse mtDNA genome

Karoline Hasti Rutle, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Frank Nilsen, Alejandro Mateos-Rivera, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Eeva Jansson, María Quintela, Francois Besnier, Fernando Allyon, Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 16 p. 1328-1344

Production and verification of the first Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) clonal lines

Tom Johnny Hansen, David J. Penman, Kevin Glover, Thomas Fraser, Tone Vågseth, Anders Thorsen, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
BMC Genetics 21

Genetic analysis redraws the management boundaries for the European sprat

Maria Quintela Sanchez, Cecilie Kvamme, Dorte Bekkevold, Richard David Marriott Nash, Eeva Jansson, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, John B. Taggart, Øystein Skaala, Geir Dahle, Kevin Glover
Evolutionary Applications 13 p. 1906-1922

An extensive common‐garden study with domesticated and wild Atlantic salmon in the wild reveals impact on smolt production and shifts in fitness traits

Øystein Skaala, Francois Besnier, Reidar Borgstrøm, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Eirik Normann, Britt Iren Tjelle Østbø, Michael Möller Hansen, Kevin Glover
Evolutionary Applications 12 p. 1001-1016

Implications for introgression: Has selection for fast growth altered the size threshold for precocious male maturation in domesticated Atlantic salmon?

Alison C. Harvey, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Francois Besnier, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Kevin Glover
BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:188 p. 1-13

Investigating the frequency of triploid Atlantic salmon in wild Norwegian and Russian populations

Katarina Mariann Jørgensen, Vidar Wennevik, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Laila Unneland, Sergey Prusov, Fernando Ayllon, Kevin Glover
BMC Genetics 19:90 p. 1-9

Growth of wild and domesticated Atlantic cod Gadus morhua reared under semi-commercial conditions

Håkon Magne Otterå, Mikko Petteri Heino, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Terje Svåsand, Ørjan Karlsen, Anders Thorsen, Kevin Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 187-200

Cloned and outbred Atlantic salmon display equal parasite dispersion when infected with the salmon louse

Kevin Glover, Tom Johnny Hansen, Francois Besnier, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Sussie Dalvin, Frank Nilsen
Aquaculture 480 p. 83-88

Genetic screening of farmed Atlantic salmon escapees demonstrates that triploid fish display reduced migration to freshwater

Kevin Glover, Jim B. Bos, Kurt Urdal, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Laila Unneland, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Øystein Skaala, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Yanli Tang, Vidar Wennevik
Biological Invasions 18 p. 1287-1294

Siblingship tests connect two seemingly independent farmed Atlantic salmon escape events

Maria Quintela Sanchez, Vidar Wennevik, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Øystein Skaala, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Kurt Urdal, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Kevin Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8 p. 497-509

The frequency of spontaneous triploidy in farmed Atlantic salmon produced in Norway during the period 2007–2014

Kevin Glover, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Vidar Wennevik, Øystein Skaala, Hugh Craig Morton, Tom Johnny Hansen, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
BMC Genetics 16

Potential disease interaction reinforced: double-virusinfected escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., recaptured in a nearby river

Abdullah Sami Madhun, Egil Karlsbakk, Cecilie Helen Isachsen, Linn Maren Omdal Strandenes, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Øystein Skaala, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Kevin Glover
Journal of Fish Diseases 38 p. 209-219

Hybrids between common and Antarctic minke whales are fertile and can back-cross

Kevin Glover, Naohisa Kanda, tore Haug, Luis A. Pastene, Nils Inge Øien, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Hans J. Skaug
BMC Genetics 14

Molecular Genetic Analysis of Stomach Contents Reveals Wild Atlantic Cod Feeding on Piscine Reovirus (PRV) Infected Atlantic Salmon Originating from a Commercial Fish Farm

Kevin Glover, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Egil Karlsbakk, Zhiwei Zhang, Øystein Skaala

Genetic analysis of Atlantic salmon captured in a netting station reveals multiple escapement events from commercial fish farms

Z. Zhang, Kevin Glover, Vidar Wennevik, Terje Svåsand, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Peder Fiske, Sten Karlsson, Øystein Skaala
Fisheries Management and Ecology 20 p. 42-51

Three Decades of Farmed Escapees in the Wild: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Atlantic Salmon Population Genetic Structure throughout Norway

Kevin Glover, María Quintela, Vidar Wennevik, Francois Besnier, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Øystein Skaala

Forensic identification of severely degraded Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) tissues

Sussie Trine Dalvin, Kevin Alan Glover, AGE Sørvik, BB Seliussen, JB Taggart
Investigative Genetics 1



A new genetic baseline for Atlantic herring Clupea harengus L in Norwegian waters

Gaute Wilhelmsen Seljestad, Maria Quintela, Dorte Bekkevold, Christophe Pampoulie, Cecilie Kvamme, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Arild Folkvord, Kevin Alan Glover, Florian Berg

Reports and dissertations


Sporing 2-2023 Full Rapport. Genetisk identifikasjon av torskeegg i Meløy i Nordland, mars 2023

Maria Quintela, Terje van der Meeren, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Alejandro Mateos-Rivera, Hildegunn Mjanger, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin Alan Glover
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