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Benjamin Planque

Portrait 20210804 FramCentre
Telephone: 48893043
Department: Økosystemprosesser

Curriculum Vitae

up-to-date publication list available at: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0557-7410 


Academic articles


Food web structure, functions, drivers, and dynamics in the Barents Sea and adjacent seas

Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen, Gunnar Bratbak, Benjamin Planque, Janne Søreide
Progress in Oceanography 233

A food-web assessment model for marine mammals, fish, and fisheries in the Norwegian and Barents Seas

Benjamin Planque, Lucas Johannes Bas, Martin Biuw, Marie-Anne Ermeline Blanchet, Bjarte Bogstad, Elena Eriksen, Hilaire Drouineau, Cecilie Hansen Eide, Berengere Husson, Erik Askov Mousing, Christian Mullon, Torstein Pedersen, Morten D. Skogen, Aril Slotte, Arved Staby, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm
Progress in Oceanography 229

Poor performance of regime shift detection methods in marine ecosystems

Hannah Haines, Benjamin Planque, Lucie Buttay
ICES Journal of Marine Science

A food-web assessment model for marine mammals, fish, and fisheries in the Norwegian and Barents Seas

Benjamin Planque, Lucas Johannes Bas, Martin Biuw, Marie-Anne Ermeline Blanchet, Bjarte Bogstad, Elena Eriksen, Hilaire Drouineau, Cecilie Hansen Eide, Berengere Husson, Erik Askov Mousing, Torstein Pedersen, Morten D. Skogen, Aril Slotte, Arved Staby, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm
Progress in Oceanography 229

Multiple stakeholders’ perspectives of marine social ecological systems, a case study on the Barents Sea

Nina Mikkelsen, Benjamin Planque, Per Arneberg, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Cecilie Hansen, Per Fauchald, Kirstin K. Holsman, Alan C. Haynie, Geir Ottersen
Ocean and Coastal Management 242

Quantifying diets for small pelagic fish: effects of weight versus occurrence methods and sampling effort

Erik Askov Mousing, Benjamin Planque, Per Arneberg, Vilde Regine Bjørdal, Felicia Juanita Keulder-Stenevik, Penny Lee Liebig, Herdis Langøy Mørk, Mette Skern-Mauritzen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 p. 317-328

Natural mortality estimations for beaked redfish (Sebastes mentella) – A long-lived ovoviviparous species of the Northeast Arctic

Hannes Höffle, Benjamin Planque
Fisheries Research 260

A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models

Benjamin Planque, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Lucie Buttay, JoLynn Carroll, Sara Filippa Krusmynta Fransner, Cecilie Hansen, Berengere Husson, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Torstein Pedersen, Raul Primicerio, Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Morten D. Skogen, Evelyn Strombom, Leif Christian Stige, Øystein Varpe, Nigel Yoccoz
Ecological Modelling 471

Combined effects of temperature and fishing mortality on the Barents Sea ecosystem stability

Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Nigel Yoccoz
Fisheries Oceanography

Quantification of trophic interactions in the Norwegian Sea pelagic food-web over multiple decades

Benjamin Planque, Aurelien Favreau, Berengere Husson, Erik Askov Mousing, Cecilie Hansen, Cecilie Broms, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Elliot Manuarii Sivel
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 p. 1815-1830

Multiple configurations and fluctuating trophic control in the Barents Sea food-web

Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Nigel G. Yoccoz

Possible future scenarios in the gateways to the Arctic for Subarctic and Arctic marine systems: II. prey resources, food webs, fish, and fisheries

Franz J. Mueter, Benjamin Planque, George L Hunt, Irene D Alabia, Toru Hirawake, Lisa Eisner, Padmini Dalpadado, Melissa Chierici, Kenneth F. Drinkwater, Naomi Harada, Per Arneberg, Sei-Ichi Saitoh
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 p. 3017-3045

Modelling chance and necessity in natural systems

Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Suitable habitats of fish species in the Barents Sea

Berengere Husson, Gregoire Certain, Anatoly A. Filin, Benjamin Planque
Fisheries Oceanography 29 p. 526-540

An appraisal of the drivers of Norwegian spring‐spawning herring (Clupea harengus) recruitment

Théo Garcia, Benjamin Planque, Per Arneberg, Bjarte Bogstad, Øystein Skagseth, Maik Tiedemann
Fisheries Oceanography

Estimation and classification of temporal trends to support integrated ecosystem assessment

Hiroko Kato Solvang, Benjamin Planque
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 p. 2529-2540

Food-web structure varies along environmental gradients in a high-latitude marine ecosystem

Susanne Kortsch, Raul Primicerio, Michaela Aschan, Sigrid Lind, Andrey V. Dolgov, Benjamin Planque
Ecography 42 p. 295-308

A participatory scenario method to explore the future of marine social-ecological systems

Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon, Per Arneberg, Arne Eide, Jean-Marc Fromentin, Johanna J Heymans, Alf Håkon Hoel, Susa Niiranen, Geir Ottersen, Anne Britt Sandø, Martin Sommerkorn, Olivier Thébaud, Thorbjørn Thorvik
Fish and Fisheries 20 p. 434-451

Principal component analyses for integrated ecosystem assessments may primarily reflect methodological artefacts

Benjamin Planque, Per Arneberg
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 p. 1021-1028

Geographic extent of introgression in Sebastes mentella and its effect on genetic population structure

Atal Saha, Torild Johansen, Rasmus Hedeholm, Einar Eg Nielsen, Jon-Ivar Westgaard, Lorenz Hauser, Benjamin Planque, Steven X. Cadrin, Jesper Boje
Evolutionary Applications 10 p. 77-90

Complexity and structural properties of food webs in the Barents Sea

Pierre Olivier, Benjamin Planque
Oikos 126 p. 1339-1346

Cryptic Sebastes norvegicus species in Greenland waters revealed by microsatellites

Atal Saha, Lorenz Hauser, Rasmus Hedeholm, Benjamin Planque, Svein-Erik Fevolden, Jesper Boje, Torild Johansen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 p. 2148-2158

Multiple patterns of food web dynamics revealed by a minimal non-deterministic model

Ulf Lindstrøm, Benjamin Planque, Sam Subbey
Ecosystems 20 p. 163-182

Exploring stochasticity and imprecise knowledge based on linear inequality constraints

Sam Subbey, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm
Journal of Mathematical Biology p. 1-21

Abundant mesopelagic fauna at oceanic high latitudes

Lia Siegelman-Charbit, Benjamin Planque
Marine Ecology Progress Series 546 p. 277-282

Multiple Patterns of Food Web Dynamics Revealed by a Minimal Non-deterministic Model

Ulf Lindstrøm, Benjamin Planque, Sam Subbey
Ecosystems (New York. Print) p. 1-20

Projecting the future state of marine ecosystems, ‘la grande illusion’?

Planque, Benjamin
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 p. 204-208

Seascape genetics of saithe (Pollachius virens) across the North Atlantic using single nucleotide polymorphisms

Atal Saha, Lorenz Hauser, Matthew Peter Kent, Benjamin Planque, Francis Neat, Tina Graceline Kirubakaran, Irene Huse, Eydna Homrum, Svein-Erik Fevolden, Sigbjørn Lien, Torild Johansen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 p. 2732-2741

Vulnerability of megabenthic species to trawling in the Barents Sea

Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Benjamin Planque, Trude Hauge Thangstad, Gregoire Certain
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 p. 84-97

Biodiversity baseline for large marine ecosystems: an example from the Barents Sea

Gregoire Certain, Benjamin Planque
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 p. 1756-1768

Mapping the vulnerability of animal community to pressure in marine systems: disentangling pressure types and integrating their impact from the individual to the community level

Gregoire Certain, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Isadora Christel, Benjamin Planque, Vincent Betagnolle
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 p. 1470-1482

Who eats whom in the Barents Sea: a foodweb topology from plankton to whales

Benjamin Planque, Raul Primicerio, Kathrine Michalsen, Michaela Aschan, Gregoire Certain, Padmini Dalpadado, Harald Gjøsæter, Cecilie Hansen, Edda Johannesen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Ina Kolsum, Susanne Kortsch, Lise-Marie Leclerc, Lena Omli, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Magnus Aune Wiedmann
Ecology 95 p. 1430-1430

Non-deterministic modelling of food-web dynamics

Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey

Choices of abundance currency, community definition and diversity metric control the predictive power of macroecological models of biodiversity

Gregoire Certain, Carsten Dormann, Benjamin Planque
Global Change Biology 23 p. 468-478

Functional diversity of the Barents Sea fish community

Magnus Aune Wiedmann, Michaela Aschan, Gregoire Certain, Andrey V. Dolgov, Michael Greenacre, Edda Johannesen, Benjamin Planque, Raul Primicerio
Marine Ecology Progress Series 495 p. 205-218

Monitoring beaked redfish (Sebastes mentella) in the North Atlantic, current challenges and future prospects

Benjamin Planque, Kristjan Kristinsson, Alexey Astakhov, Mattias Bernreuther, Eckhard Bethke, Konstantin Drevetnyak, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Jakup Reinert, Alexey Rolskiy, Thorstein Sigurdsson, Christoph Stransky
Aquatic Living Resources 26 p. 293-306

Building ecological-economic models and scenarios of marine resource systems: Workshop report

Olivier Thébaud, Luc Doyen, James Innes, Michel Lample, Claire Macher, Stephanie Mahévas, Christian Mullon, Benjamin Planque, Martin Quaas, Tony Smith, Youen Vermard
Marine Policy 43 p. 382-386

Potential movement of fish and shellfish stocks from the sub-Arctic to the Arctic Ocean

Anne B. Hollowed, Benjamin Planque, Harald Loeng
Fisheries Oceanography 22 p. 355-370

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Management and Monitoring of Deep-Water Stocks, Fisheries, and Ecosystems in Various Areas of the World-A Roadmap Toward Sustainable Deep-Water Fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic?

Philip A. Large, David J. Agnew, Jose Angel Alvarez Perez, Christopher Barrio Frojan, Rudi Cloete, Dimitrios Damalas, Leonie Dransfeld, Charles T.T. Edwards, Stephen Feist, Ivone Figueiredo, Fernando Gonzalez, Juan Gil Herrera, Andrew Kenny, Klara Jakobsdottir, Matt Longshaw, Pascal Lorance, Paul Marchal, Chryssi Mytilineou, Benjamin Planque, Chrissi-Yianna Politou
Reviews in fisheries science 21 p. 157-180

Historical variations in the year-class strength of beaked redfish (Sebastes mentella) in the Barents Sea

Benjamin Planque, Edda Johannesen, K.V. Drevetnyak, Kjell Harald Nedreaas
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 p. 547-552

Understanding what controls the spawning distribution of North Sea whiting (Merlangius merlangus) using a multi-model approach

Christophe Loots, Sandrine Vaz, Benjamin Planque, Philippe Koubbi
Fisheries Oceanography 20 p. 18-31

Uncertainties in projecting spatial distributions of marine populations

Benjamin Planque, Edwige Bellier, Christophe Loots
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 p. 1045-1050

Understanding what controls the spatial distribution of fish populations using a multi-model approach

Benjamin Planque, Christophe Loots, Pierre Petitgas, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sandrine Vaz
Fisheries Oceanography 20 p. 1-17

What controls the spatial distribution of the North Sea plaice spawning population? Confronting ecological hypotheses through a model selection framework

Christophe Loots, Sandrine Vaz, Benjamin Planque, Philippe Koubbi
ICES Journal of Marine Science 67 p. 244-257

Modelling habitat selection at multiple scales with multivariate geostatistics: an application to seabirds in open sea

Edwige Bellier, Gregoire Certain, Benjamin Planque, Pascal Monestiez, Vincent Bretagnolle
Oikos 119 p. 988-999

Estimation of the catchability of redfish and blue whiting for survey trawls in the Norwegian Sea

E. Bethke, E. Götze, Benjamin Planque
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26 p. 47-53

Population structure of beaked redfish, Sebastes mentella: evidence of divergence associated with different habitats

Steven X. Cadrin, Matthias Bernreuther, Anna Kristin Daníelsdóttir, Einar Hjorleifsson, Torild Johansen, Lisa Kerr, Kristján Kristinsson, Stefano Mariani, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Christophe Pampoulie, Benjamin Planque, Jakup Reinert, Francisco Saborido-Rey, T Sigurdsson, Christoph Stransky
ICES Journal of Marine Science 67 p. 1617-1630

Inter-annual variability of North Sea plaice spawning habitat

Christophe Loots, Sandrine Vaz, Philippe Koubbi, Benjamin Planque, Franck Coppin, Yves Verin
Journal of Sea Research 64 p. 427-435

How does fishing alter marine populations and ecosystems sensitivity to climate?

Benjamin Planque, Jean-Marc Fromentin, Philippe Maurice Cury, Ken Drinkwater, Simon Jennings, R. Ian Perry, Souad Kifani
Journal of Marine Systems 79 p. 403-417

Quantile regression models for fish recruitment-environment relationships - four case studies.

Planque, B. Buffaz, L.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 357 p. 213-223

Ecosystem oceanography for global change in fisheries

Philippe Maurice Cury, Yunne-Jai Shin, Benjamin Planque, Joël Marcel Durant, Jean-Marc Fromentin, Stephanie A. Kramer-Schadt, Nils Christian Stenseth, Morgane Travers, Volker Grimm
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 23 p. 338-346

Complex interplays among population dynamics, environmental forcing, and exploitation in fisheries

Tristan Alexander Rouyer, JM Fromentin, F Menard, B Calzelles, K Briand, R Pianet, B Planque, Nils Christian Stenseth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105

Impact of climate on eel populations of the Northern Hemisphere

Sylvain Bonhommeau, Emmanuel Chassot, Benjamin Planque, Etienne Rivot, Anthony H. Knap, Olivier Le Pape
Marine Ecology Progress Series 373 p. 71-80

Historical fluctuations in spawning location of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardina pilchardus in the Bay of Biscay during 1967-1973 and 2000-2004

Edwige Bellier, Benjamin Planque, Petitgas Pierre
Fisheries Oceanography 16 p. 1-15

Modelling potential spawning habitat of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardina pilcharnus in the Bay of Biscay

Benjamin Planque, Edwige Bellier, Pascal Lazure
Fisheries Oceanography 16 p. 16-30

Detecting hydrological landscapes over the Bay of Biscay continental shelf in spring.

Planque, B. Lazure, P. Jegou, A.M.
Climate Research 28 p. 41-52

Ecological effects of the North-Atlantic Oscillation

Geir Ottersen, B. Planque, Andrea Belgrano, Erik Post, P.C. Reid, Nils Christian Stenseth
Oecologia 128 p. 1-14

Ecological effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation

Geir Ottersen, Benjamin Planque, Andrea Belgrano, Eric Post, Philip C. Reid, Nils Christian Stenseth
Oecologia 128 p. 1-14

Temperature and the recruitment of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).

Planque, B. Frédou, T.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 p. 2069-2077

Calanus and environment in the eastern North Atlantic. 2. Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus.

J.-M. Fromentin B. Planque
Marine Ecology Progress Series 134 p. 111-118

Calanus and environment in the eastern North Atlantic. 1. Spatial and temporal patterns of C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus.

B. Planque J.-M Fromentin
Marine Ecology Progress Series 134

Other journal contributions


BarEcoRe: Barents Sea Ecosystem resilience under global environmental change

Benjamin Planque, Gregoire Certain, Padmini Dalpadado, Maria Fossheim, Harald Gjøsæter, Edda Johannesen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Kathrine Michalsen, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Michaela Aschan, Raul Primicerio, Magnus Aune Wiedmann
Institute of Marine Research Report 16

Scientific lectures


Food-web assessment using Chance and Necessity (CaN) modelling

Benjamin Planque, Hilaire Drouineau, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Christian Mullon

Competition between marine mammals and fisheries in the Norwegian and Barents seas

Benjamin Planque, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, John Andre Henden, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm

Participatory science to support integrated ecosystem assessments

Planque, Benjamin

Investigating Combined Effects of Climate Change and Fisheries on the Barents Sea Ecosystem Dynamics

Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz

Ecosystem modelling to support ecosystem-based management in the Barents Sea, now and in the future

Planque, Benjamin

What ICES IEA groups do, why, how and for whom

Planque, Benjamin

Critical transitions, spurious or not spurious?

Benjamin Planque, Lucie Buttay, Saskia A. Otto

Investigating the evidence of a regime shift in the Norwegian Sea

Hannah Haines, Benjamin Planque, Lucie Buttay

A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models

Benjamin Planque, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Lucie Buttay, JoLynn Carroll, Sara Filippa Krusmynta Fransner, Cecilie Hansen Eide, Berengere Husson, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Torstein Pedersen, Raul Primicerio, Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Morten D. Skogen, Evelyn Strombom, Leif Christian Stige, Øystein Varpe, Nigel Yoccoz

Stakeholder perspectives on the response of the Barents Sea to multiple pressures.

Benjamin Planque, Nina Mikkelsen, Arthur Valance

Forecasting Northeast Arctic cod stock biomass from climate signal – an appraisal of model skills

Planque, Benjamin

Reconstructing trophic interactions in the Norwegian Sea pelagic food-web over multiple decades

Benjamin Planque, Aurélien Favreau, Berengere Husson, Erik Askov Mousing, Cecilie Hansen Eide, Cecilie Thorsen Broms, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Elliot Manuarii Sivel

Multiple configurations and fluctuating trophic control in the Barents Sea food-web

Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Nigel Yoccoz

Identifying ecosystem reference states with “Chance and Necessity” model simulations

Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Nigel Yoccoz

Multiple stakeholders perspectives on marine ecological systems, a case study on the Barents Sea

Nina Mikkelsen, Benjamin Planque, Per Arneberg, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Cecilie Hansen, Per Fauchald, Kirstin Holsman, Alan C. Haynie, Geir Ottersen

BarentsRisk- assessing cumulative impacts on the Barents Sea Ecosystem

Nina Mikkelsen, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Geir Ottersen, Claire W. Armstrong, Per Arneberg, Per Fauchald, Cecilie Hansen, Benjamin Planque, Raul Primicerio

Estimating natural mortality for an ovoviviparous fish – Beaked redfish (Sebastes mentella) in the Northeast Arctic

Hannes Höffle, Benjamin Planque

Defining ecosystem vulnerabilities and risks of cumulative impacts in a unifying Ecosystem Risk Assessment Framework

Nina Mikkelsen, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Geir Ottersen, Claire W. Armstrong, Per Arneberg, Per Fauchald, Cecilie Hansen, Benjamin Planque, Raul Primicerio

Expected Changes in the Physical, Chemical and Phytoplankton Environments in the Subarctic to Arctic Transition Zones in the Atlantic and Pacific Sectors of the Arctic

Kenneth F. Drinkwater, Naomi Harada, Shigeto Nishino, Melissa Chierici, Benjamin Planque

Prey resources, food webs, fish and fisheries in rapidly changing Subarctic and Arctic marine systems

Franz J. Mueter, Benjamin Planque, George L. Hunt, Irene Alabia, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Padmini Dalpadado, Lisa B Eisner, Yutaka Watanuki, Toru Hirawake

Are Fishery Management Systems Prepared for Change? A Comparison of Alaska, Norway, and Japan from the RACArctic Project

Alan C. Haynie, Henry P. Huntington, Arne Eide, Amanda Faig, Alf Håkon Hoel, Mitsutaku Makino, Joji Morishita, Franz J. Mueter, Fujio Ohnishi, Benjamin Planque, Michael F. Sigler

Integrated time-series analyses to support ecosystem assessment

Benjamin Planque, Saskia A Otto

Modelling Chance and necessity in natural systems

Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon

Building scenarios for marine social-ecological systems

Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon

Take it to the limit: finding ecological boarders of fish distribution using quantile regression

Bérengère Husson, Benjamin Planque, Grégoire Certain

Modelling Chance and Necessity to explore the possible dynamics of the Barents Sea ecosystem under climate and fishing pressures

Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz

Modelling Chance and Necessity in natural systems

Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon

Patterns in Ecosystem Integrated Assessments: convincing and spurious?

Planque, Benjamin

Common Ecosystem Referrence Points : Workshop 11 Quantifying thresholds in driver-response relationships to identify reference points

Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Benjamin Planque, Per Arneberg

The (Un)Predictability of Population Dynamic Trajectories

Sam Subbey, Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Benjamin Planque

Why do some redfish grow big and other don’t?

Natalia Llopis Monferrer, Benjamin Planque

Multivariate analysis of time series in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments, what are we learning?

Benjamin Planque, Per Arneberg

Uncertain future ahead, how can scientists, managers and stakeholders get prepared together?

Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon, Per Arneberg

Serious games for building scenarios for the future of marine socioecological systems.

Christian Mullon, Benjamin Planque, Olivier Thébaud

Exploring the future of the Barents Sea social-ecological system

Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon, Per Arneberg, Arne Eide, Jean-Marc Fromentin, S Heymans, Alf Håkon Hoel, Susa Niiranen, Geir Ottersen, Anne Britt Sandø, Martin Sommerkorn, Knut Sunnanå, Olivier Thébaud, Thorbjørn Thorvik

Limits to stock assessments model projections for management

Mark Dickey-Collas, Benjamin Planque

Limits to stock assessments & dynamic ecosystem; model projections for management

Mark Dickey-Collas, Benjamin Planque

Recent stock recovery and potential future developments in the fishery, management, assessment and populations of Sebastes mentella in the Barents- and Norwegian Seas.

Benjamin Planque, Konstantin V. Drevetnyak, Kjell Harald Nedreaas

Marine ecosystems modelling. Coping with the known, the unknown and the unknowable

Planque, Benjamin

Ecosystem Resilience, What is it and how can we measure it?

Benjamin Planque, Michaela Aschan, Grégoire Certain, Padmini Dalpadado, Maria Fossheim, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Raul Primicerio

A diversity of food webs in the Barents Sea

Pierre Olivier, Benjamin Planque

Hill’s diversity: a general framework to address marine biodiversity management issues

Grégoire Certain, Benjamin Planque

Projecting the responses of fish populations to changes in ice conditions in the Barents Sea.

Planque, Benjamin

Modéliser les limites des écosystèmes marins.

Planque, Benjamin

Projecting the future state of marine ecosystems, ‘la grande illusion’ ?

Planque, Benjamin

Approximate Uncertainty Quantification Using Vague Knowledge

Sam Subbey, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm

Non deterministic modeling of food web dynamics

Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey

How can increased temperature affect the dynamics of the Barents Sea food web?

Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey

Ecosystems modelled from the outside

Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey

Ecosystem modelled from the outside

Planque, Benjamin

From Sub-Arctic to High Arctic

Harald Loeng, Anne B. Hollowed, Benjamin Planque

Potential movement of fish and shellfish stocks from sub-arctic to Arctic Ocean: Part A evaluation of exposure

Harald Loeng, Anne B. Hollowed, Benjamin Planque

The 'publish or perish' pressure, beneficial to academic research?

Planque, Benjamin

Ecological resilience for ecologists. ICES CM 2012/A:20

Benjamin Planque, Gregoire Certain, Raul Primicerio, Kathrine Michalsen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Michaela Aschan, Padmini Dalpadado, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Edda Johannesen, Susanne Kortsch, Magnus Aune Wiedmann

Ecological resilience research in practice: the experience of the Barents Sea Ecosystem Resilience project (BarEcoRe)

Benjamin Planque, Gregoire Certain, Kathrine Michalsen, Magnus Aune Wiedmann, Susanne Kortsch, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Raul Primicerio, Michaela Aschan, Padmini Dalpadado, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Edda Johannesen

Defining reference states for ecosystems, an approach through dynamic stochastic modeling

Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm

A stochastic dynamic food web model for the Barents Sea ecosystem. ICES CM 2012/A:19

Ulf Lindstrøm, Benjamin Planque, Sam Subbey

Vulnerability of benthic communities to bottom trawling in the Barents Sea. ICES CM 2012/A:25

Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Gregoire Certain, Benjamin Planque, Trude Hauge Thangstad

Choices of abundance currency, community definition and diversity metric control the predictive power of Marco-Ecological Models. ICES CM 2012/A:09

Gregoire Certain, Carsten Dormann, Benjamin Planque

Functional diversity of Barents Sea fish

Magnus Aune Wiedmann, Michaela Aschan, Gregoire Certain, Andrey Dolgov, Michael Greenacre, Edda Johannesen, Benjamin Planque, Raul Primicerio

Resilience of the Barents Sea ecosystem - what should we know and what do we know?

Benjamin Planque, Michaela Aschan, Gregoire Certain, Harald Gjøsæter, Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen, Edda Johannesen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Kathrine Michalsen, Raul Primicerio



Identifying ecosystem reference states with “Chance and Necessity” model simulations

Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Nigel Yoccoz

Predicting the geographical distribution of fish in the Barents Sea. Which species respond to environmental variability?

Benjamin Planque, Grégoire Certain, Bérengère Husson

Barents Sea 2050 - uncertain future ahead

Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon, Per Arneberg, Arne Eide, Jean-Marc Fromentin, Sheila Heymans, Alf Håkon Hoel, Susa Niiranen, Geir Ottersen, Anne Britt Sandø, Martin Sommerkorn, Olivier Thébaud, Thorbjørn Thorvik

Warming up the Barents Sea food web

Benjamin Planque, Lia Siegelman-Charbit, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey


Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon, Per Arneberg, Arne Eide, Jean-Marc Fromentin, Johanna J. Heymans, Alf Håkon Hoel, Susa Niiranen, Geir Ottersen, Anne Britt Sandø, Martin Sommerkorn, Olivier Thébaud, Thorbjørn Thorvik, Poul Degnbol

Biodiversity baseline for large marine ecosystems: an example from the Barents Sea

Grégoire Certain, Benjamin Planque

A simple method to evaluate the vulnerability of benthic assemblages to bottom trawling.

Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Benjamin Planque, Trude Hauge Thangstad, Gregoira Certain

From the Sub-Arctic to the Arctic Ocean

Harald Loeng, Anne B. Hollowed, Benjamin Planque

Fishes below 400 m depth in Norwegian Waters: Vulnerability and management

Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Tone Vollen, Lise Heggebakken, Benjamin Planque, Ole Thomas Albert

Reports and dissertations


Working Group on the Integrated Assessments of the Norwegian Sea (WGINOR; outputs from 2023 meeting)

Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Per Arneberg, Cecilie Broms, Lucie Buttay, Costanza Capelli, Gabrielle Dublet-Adli, Sólvá Káradóttir Eliasen, Anna Kirstine Frie, Hannah Haines, Hjálmar Hátún Eydna í Homrum, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Steingrímur Jónsson, Svein-Håkon Lorentsen, Erik Askov Mousing, Anna H. Olafsdottir, Hildur Pétursdóttir, Benjamin Planque, Warsha Singh, Øystein Skagseth, Morten D. Skogen, Aril Slotte, Hiroko Kato Solvang, Peter Steingrund, Espen Strand, John Tyler Trochta, Gro I. van der Meeren, Antje Voelker, Paulus Jacobus Wensveen
ICES Scientific Reports 6

Working group on the integrated assessments of the Norwegian Sea (WGINOR, outputs from 2022 meeting)

Anna H. Olafsdottir, Benjamin Planque, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Per Arneberg, Lucas Johannes Bas, Are Berset, Sigurvin Bjarnason, Knut Yngve Børsheim, Cecilie Broms, Lucie Buttay, Sólvá Káradóttir Eliasen, Anne Kirstine Højholt Frie, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Harald Hansen, Mia Høgi, Jens Christian Holst, Eydna í Homrum, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Steingrímur Jónsson, Inga Kristiansen, Mimi E. Lam, Lísa Anne Libungan, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Xiaozi Liu, Svein-Håkon Lorentsen, Kjell Arne Mork, Erik Askov Mousing, Arnt Inge Nygaard, Kotaro Ono, Maria Pettersvik Arvnes, Hildur Pétursdóttir, Morten D. Skogen, Aril Slotte, Hiroko Kato Solvang, Petur Steingrund, Espen Strand, Szymon Surma, John Tyler Trochta, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Paulus Jacobus Wensveen
ICES Scientific Reports 5

Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of the Norwegian Sea Pelagic Ecosystem

Per Arneberg, Anna Siwertsson, Berengere Husson, Knut Yngve Børsheim, Per Fauchald, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Åge Sigurd Høines, Elizabeth Marie Jones, Webjørn Raunsgård Melle, Leif Nøttestad, Benjamin Planque, Øystein Skagseth, Aril Slotte, Hiroko Kato Solvang, Erling Kåre Stenevik

Best practices for ecological model evaluation II: Workshop Report

Benjamin Planque, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Luice Buttay, Filippa Fransner, Cecilie Hansen, Berengere Husson, Øystein Langangen, Ulf Lindstrøm, Ina Nilsen, Torstein Pedersen, Raul Primicerio, Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Morten D. Skogen, Evelyn Strombom, Øystein Varpe

Best practices for ecological model evaluation I : Workshop Report

Benjamin Planque, JoLynn Carroll, Filippa Fransner, Cecilie Hansen, Berengere Husson, Noel Keenlyside, Ulf Lindstrøm, Torstein Pedersen, Raul Primicerio, Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Morten D. Skogen, Leif Christian Stige, Nigel Yoccoz

The future Barents Sea, risks, mitigation and adaptation options: Workshop Report

Benjamin Planque, Per Arneberg, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Tor Eldevik, Nina Mikkelsen

Statistical catch-at-age model for Sebastes mentella in ICES area I and II

Benjamin Planque, Alf Harbitz, Tor Arne Øigård

Report of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group, Copenhagen, 19-25 April 2017. ICES C.M. 2017/ACOM:06

Daniel Howell, Asgeir Aglen, Bjarte Bogstad, Anatoly Chetyrkin, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Yuri A. Kovalev, Sarah-Louise Millar, Benjamin Planque, Alexey A. Russkikh, Arved Staby, Sam Subbey, Dmitry A. Vasilyev, Natalia A. Yaragina, Tone Vollen, Matthias Bernreuther, Jose Miguel Casas, Ross Tallman

Final report of the Working Group on Integrated Assessments of the Norwegian Sea (WGINOR) 7-11 December 2015, Reykjavik, Iceland

Eydna í Homrum, Anna Ólafsdóttir, Gudmundur Oskarsson, Hildur Pétursdóttir, Héðinn Valdimarsson, Geir Huse, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Kjell Rong Utne, Øystein Skagseth, Elvar H. Hallfreðsson, Eneko Bachiller, Teunis Jansen, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Benjamin Planque, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Svein Håkon Lorentsen

Final report of the Working Group on Integrated Assessments of the Norwegian Sea (WGINOR) 7-11 December 2015, Reykjavik, Iceland

Eydna í Homrum, Elisabeth Kvaavik, Anna Ólafsdóttir, Gudmundur Oskarsson, Hildur Pétursdóttir, Héðinn Valdimarsson, Geir Huse, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Kjell Rong Utne, Øystein Skagseth, Elvar H. Hallfreðsson, Eneko Bachiller, Teunis Jansen, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Benjamin Planque, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Svein Håkon Lorentsen

Report of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group (AFWG), Dates 19-25 April 2016, ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark.ICES CM 2016/ACOM:06.

Gjert Endre Dingsør, Asgeir Aglen, Erik Berg, Matthias Bernreuther, Bjarte Bogstad, Jose Miguel Casas, Anatoly Chetyrkin, Åge Fotland, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Alf Harbitz, Daniel Howell, Yuri A. Kovalev, Sigbjørn Mehl, Andrey Mikhaylov, Benjamin Planque, Alexey Russkikh, Arved Staby, Ross Tallman, Dmitry Vasiliyev, Tone Vollen, Natalia A. Yaragina

Report on the Workshop on Redfish Management Plan Evaluation (WKREDMP), Copenhagen 20-25 January 2014. ICES C. M. 2014/ACOM:52

Working Group ICES, Bjarte Bogstad, Benjamin Planque, Kjell Harald Nedreaas

Report of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group, ICES C.M. 2014/ACOM:05

Working Group ICES, Bjarte Bogstad, Asgeir Aglen, Åge Fotland, Daniel Howell, Sigbjørn Mehl, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Benjamin Planque, Jan Erik Stiansen

Geographical species distribution in the Barents Sea under climate change - results from the BarEcoRe Project

Gregoire Certain, Benjamin Planque

ICES Arctic Fisheries (AFWG) REPORT 2013

Bjarte Bogstad, Asgeir Aglen, Ilya Antonov, Matthias Bernreuther, Vladimir Borisov, Jose Miguel Casas, Anatoly Chetyrkin, Gjert Endre Dingsør, Anatoly A. Filin, Åge Fotland, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Daniel Howell, Yuri A. Kovalev, Sigbjørn Mehl, Pavel Murashko, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Benjamin Planque, Alexey Russkikh, Oleg Smirnov, Jan Erik Stiansen, Ross Tallman, Oleg Titov, Natalia A. Yaragina
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