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Johanna Myrseth Aarflot

HI 058557 zoom
Telephone: 41104205
Department: Økosystemprosesser

I am a marine ecologist researching various aspects related to the structure/function and dynamics of marine ecosystems. I enjoy combining quantitative and theoretical approaches in my research, and to take a mechanistic view on biological processes for analyzing the patterns we observe. My research methods are wide, and span from statistical analyses of complex datasets, to simple theoretical models of ecological processes and more advanced numerical models coupling biological processes with ocean circulation.

I am particularly fond of popular science communication, and have given several talks (Researcher "Grand Prix", Pint of Science, Researcher Friday at Bergen Aquarium etc.) and interviews (NRK Ekko, VG, Aftenposten, ++) related to my research. 


Currently, I am the principal investigator for the PELAGIC project (Plankton size and planktivore competition along the Norwegian coast and fjords: ecological implications of warmer and darker waters), a young researchers project funded by the Norwegian Research Council  (2023-2027). The aim of this project is to understand how foraging opportunities for pelagic fish (herring, sprat, mackerel etc.) may change as a result of two climate change assoicated stressors: warming and coastal water darkening. Both warming and coastal water darkening are expected to alter the size structure within plankton communities that have rapid life cycles and respond fast to changes in the environment. In this project we expose historical zooplankton samples to new technology for revealing community size structures, and incorporate plankton size in an existing ecosystem model for Norwegian coastal waters. With this we aim to enhance our understanding of how temperature and light affects the size structure within planktonic communities along the Norwegian coast, both historically and in the future, which ultimately affects the feeding opportunities for fish.

I am also involved in several projects (CoastRisk, CoastShift, ++) focusing on integrated ecosystem assessment, and cumulative impact assessments in particular. Coastal nations like Norway are becoming increasingly dependend on marine resources and maritime activities, a trend often referred to as the "Blue Economy" or "Blue Acceleration". This means that over the next decades, the intensity and diversity of cumulative anthropogenic pressures to the ocean will increase. In cumulative impacts assessments, we systematically evaluate how sectors through their activities are drivers for pressures on the marine environment, and thus contributing to risk of negative impacts on different components of the ecosystem. Cross-sectoral assessments like these are a key step in ecosystem-based management, and we use our results both to inform managers and stakeholders, and also for method development to improve and make these assessments even more relevant for marine management.


Academic articles


Ethical approaches for engaging extended peer communities: Insight into responsible workshopping with citizens

Jessica Leyla Fuller, Maiken Bjørkan, Lisbeth Iversen, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Dorothy Jane Dankel
Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies 166

Comparison of WP-2 and MOCNESS plankton samplers for measuring zooplankton biomass in the Barents Sea ecosystem

Hein Rune Skjoldal, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Tor Knutsen, Peter H. Wiebe
Journal of Plankton Research

Bridging the gap: integrating models and observations for better ecosystem understanding

Morten D. Skogen, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Maria Garcia-Garcia Luz, Rubao Ji, Mauel Luiz-Villareal, Elin Almroth-Rosell, Andrea Belgrano, Deborah Benkort, Ute Daewel, Moa Edman, Rene Friedland, Shuang Gao, Mariana Hill-Cruz, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Martin Huret, Julie B. Kellner, Sonja van Leeuwen, Ane Lopez de Gamiz-Zearra, Marie Maar, Erik Askov Mousing, Myron A. Peck, Ane Pastor Rollan, Sevrine F. Sailley, Sofia Saraiva, Cassie Speakman, Tineke A. Troost, Veli Çağlar Yumruktepe
Marine Ecology Progress Series 739

Ecosystem risk from human use of ocean space and resources: A case study from the Norwegian coast

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Vilde Regine Bjørdal, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Marina Espinasse, Berengere Husson, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Felicia Juanita Keulder-Stenevik, Kotaro Ono, Anna Siwertsson, Mette Skern-Mauritzen
Ocean and Coastal Management 256

Ecosystem risk from human use of ocean space and resources: a case study from the Norwegian coast

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Vilde Regine Bjørdal, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Marina Espinasse, Berengere Husson, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Felicia Juanita Keulder-Stenevik, Kotaro Ono, Anna Siwertsson, Mette Skern-Mauritzen
Ocean and Coastal Management

Bridging the gap: integrating models and observations for better ecosystem understanding

Morten D. Skogen, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Erik Askov Mousing
Marine Ecology Progress Series

Abundance and biomass of copepods and cladocerans in Atlantic and Arctic domains of the Barents Sea ecosystem

Hein Rune Skjoldal, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot
Journal of Plankton Research

Abundance and biomass of copepods and cladocerans in Atlantic and Arctic domains of the Barents Sea ecosystem

Hein Rune Skjoldal, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot
Journal of Plankton Research fbad043

New insights into the Barents Sea Calanus glacialis population dynamics and distribution

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Elena Eriksen, Irina P. Prokopchuk, Camilla Svensen, Janne Søreide, Anette Wold, Morten D. Skogen
Progress in Oceanography 217

Visual predation risk and spatial distributions of large Arctic copepods along gradients of sea ice and bottom depth

Tom Langbehn, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Jennifer J. Freer, Øystein Varpe
Limnology and Oceanography

Transportation and predation control structures the distribution of a key calanoid in the Nordic Seas

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Espen Strand, Morten D. Skogen
Progress in Oceanography 202

A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models

Benjamin Planque, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Lucie Buttay, JoLynn Carroll, Sara Filippa Krusmynta Fransner, Cecilie Hansen, Berengere Husson, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Torstein Pedersen, Raul Primicerio, Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Morten D. Skogen, Evelyn Strombom, Leif Christian Stige, Øystein Varpe, Nigel Yoccoz
Ecological Modelling 471

Seasonal and interannual variability in abundance and population development of Calanus finmarchicus at the western entrance to the Barents Sea, 1995–2019

Hein Rune Skjoldal, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Espen Bagøien, Øystein Skagseth, Jon S. Rønning, Vidar Suren Lien
Progress in Oceanography 195

Foraging success in planktivorous fish increases with topographic blockage of prey distributions

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Padmini Dalpadado, Øyvind Fiksen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 644 p. 129-142

Caught in broad daylight: Topographic constraints of zooplankton depth distributions

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Dag Lorents Aksnes, Anders Frugård Opdal, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Øyvind Fiksen
Limnology and Oceanography 64 p. 849-859

Contribution of Calanus to the mesozooplankton biomass in the Barents Sea

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Padmini Dalpadado, Mette Skern-Mauritzen
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Contribution of Calanus species to the mesozooplankton biomass in the Barents Sea

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Padmini Dalpadado, Mette Skern-Mauritzen
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Do accurate stock estimates increase harvest and reduce variability in fisheries yields?

Johanna Myrseth, Katja Enberg, Mikko Heino, Øyvind Fiksen
Natural Resource Modeling 24 p. 222-241

Other journal contributions


Fiske er største trussel

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth
VG : Verdens gang

Slik endres Norge: Havtemperatur

Lars Asplin, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot
VG : Verdens gang

Hver sommer bader du med verdens sterkeste dyr

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) p. 16-17

Scientific lectures


Calanus in the Nordic Seas: Ecosystem models as a tool for knowledge validation.

Morten D. Skogen, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot

Miljøutfordringer i Oslofjorden: samlet påvirkning fra menneskelig aktivitet

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

Evaluating impacts of climate and human pressures on primary production - with implications for management

Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Morten D. Skogen, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot

The role of predation in structuring the distribution of large, lipid-rich copepods

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

Light, darkness and the ocean ecosystem

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Tom Langbehn

Prey size and visibility is more important than prey abundance for fish foraging and production

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

Det usynlige livet i havet

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

The total human footprint in the ocean - is there space enough for everyone?

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

Hvordan vurderer vi samlet menneskelig påvirkning på kysten vår?

Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot

Risk of negative cumulative human impact on scientific-based valuable and vulnerable areas in Norwegian waters

Cecilie Hansen, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Berengere Husson, Per Fauchald, G.O. Johansen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Nina Mikkelsen, Geir Ottersen, Cecilie von Quillfeldt, Mette Skern-Mauritzen

Cumulative impact assessment of four coastal regions with contrasting scope of human activities

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models

Benjamin Planque, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Lucie Buttay, JoLynn Carroll, Sara Filippa Krusmynta Fransner, Cecilie Hansen Eide, Berengere Husson, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Torstein Pedersen, Raul Primicerio, Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Morten D. Skogen, Evelyn Strombom, Leif Christian Stige, Øystein Varpe, Nigel Yoccoz


Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Lynne Falconer, Shuang Gao, Elisabeth Ytteborg, Morten D. Skogen

Integrated assessment of human activities and associated pressures along the Norwegian coast

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

Integrated assessment of human activities and associated pressures along the Norwegian coast

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Mette Skern-Mauritzen

Visual predation risk and spatial distribution of large Arctic copepods along gradients sea ice and bottom depth

Tom Langbehn, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Øystein Varpe, Jennifer Freer

How the bottom kills plankton

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Øyvind Fiksen

The pelagic riskscape and consequences for zooplankton size along gradients of light and sea-ice in the Barents Sea

Tom Jasper Langbehn, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Øystein Heggernes Varpe

Why we care about copepods

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

Bathymetry Structures Predator-prey Dynamics between Zooplankton and Fish in Marine Pelagic Ecosystems

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Dag Lorents Aksnes, Padmini Dalpadado, Anders Frugård Opdal, Øyvind Fiksen

Bathymetry structures predator-prey dynamics between zooplankton and fish in marine pelagic ecosystems

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Dag Lorents Aksnes, Padmini Dalpadado, Anders Frugård Opdal, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Øyvind Fiksen

Zooplankton-phytoplankton relationships in a changing climate

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

Tips and tricks for popular science communication

Myrseth Aarflot, Johanna

Verdens sterkeste dyr

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

Contribution of Calanus to the mesozooplankton biomass in the Barents Sea

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Padmini Dalpadado, Mette Skern-Mauritzen

Mesozooplankton in the Barents Sea: Key drivers, predation effects and impacts on fish stock productivity

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth

Zooplankton studies in the Barents Sea

Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth



The distribution of Calanus hyberboreus in the Nordic Seas is structured by advective transport and predation

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Espen Strand, Morten D. Skogen

Cosmopolitan or endemic: on the source of Calanus glacialis in the Barents Sea ecosystem

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Elena Eriksen, Øystein Skagseth, Morten D. Skogen

Sea-ice loss is bad news for large copepods

Tom Langbehn, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Øystein Varpe

Do predation from fish structure zooplankton communities in the Barents Sea?

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Øyvind Fiksen

Reports and dissertations


Liste over forvaltningsrelevante naturenheter - Oppfølgende informasjon til rapporten "Forvaltningsrelevante naturenheter i sjø"

Jonatan Fredricson Marquez, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Terje van der Meeren, Jon Albretsen, Rebecca Ross, Henning Steen, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Stein Mortensen, Halvor Knutsen, Jonas Thormar, Per Erik Jorde, Elisabeth Helene Juliussen, Tone Kroglund, Carla Freitas, Guldborg Søvik, Tina Kutti, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Even Moland, Gayantonia Franzè, Florian Berg, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Fabian Zimmermann, Edda Johannesen, Erlend Langhelle, Halvard Aas Midtun, Jane Aanestad Godiksen, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, Jon Egil Skjæraasen, Knut Korsbrekke, Magnus Aune, Sigmund Grønnevik, Pål Buhl-Mortensen, Erik Berg, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Rupert Wienerroither, Mats Brockstedt Olsen Huserbråten, Cecilie Kvamme, Espen Johnsen, Per Arneberg, Sigurd Heiberg Espeland
Rapport fra havforskningen

Pilotprosjekt for vurdering av samlet påvirkning i Oslofjorden – ytre del

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Frithjof Emil Moy, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Florian Berg, Cecilie Kvamme, Guldborg Søvik, Alf Ring Kleiven, Jon Albretsen, Carla Freitas, Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Tone Falkenhaug
Rapport fra havforskningen

Samlet påvirkning i foreslåtte særlig verdifulle og sårbare områder i norske havområder

Cecilie Hansen, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Elena Eriksen, Berengere Husson, Per Fauchald, Geir Odd Johansen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Nina Mikkelsen, Geir Ottersen, Cecilie von Quillfeldt, Mette Skern-Mauritzen

Best practices for ecological model evaluation II: Workshop Report

Benjamin Planque, Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Luice Buttay, Filippa Fransner, Cecilie Hansen, Berengere Husson, Øystein Langangen, Ulf Lindstrøm, Ina Nilsen, Torstein Pedersen, Raul Primicerio, Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Morten D. Skogen, Evelyn Strombom, Øystein Varpe

Three-dimensional zooplankton distributions seen through the lens of fish in the Barents Sea

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Padmini Dalpadado, Øyvind Fiksen
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