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Katherine Mary Dunlop

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Telephone: 48509074
Department: Bentiske ressurser

Curriculum Vitae

I have 15 year experience working in benthic ecological research with a focus on imaging, acoustic and autonomous instruments to monitor and study benthic and bentho-pelagic processes. My previous research has focused on both shallow and deep coastal systems and the deep abyssal plain. 

Since joining IMR in 2019, my research has in a broad sense focused on coastal salmon aquaculture environmental interactions and coastal mapping. Specifically, impacts of particulate organic material on coastal hard bottom and vulnerable habitats and the development of monitoring methods.  Also risk assessment, focused specifically on aquaculture and also coastal integrated ecosystem based risk assessments. I am also involved in the provision of advice to management related to coastal aquaculture effects.


Academic articles


Temporal changes in visual organic enrichment indicators at an aquaculture site over mixed- and hard-bottom substrates

Caterina Pezzola, Signe Gunborg Bentzröd Svensson, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Tore Strohmeier, Pia Kupka Hansen, Nigel B. Keeley
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 16 p. 267-282

Attraction and avoidance of wild demersal fish and crustaceans to open-net aquaculture pens resolved by baited and towed underwater camera surveys

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Ilona Strammer, Nigel B. Keeley
Frontiers in Marine Science 11 p. 1-12

Ecosystem risk from human use of ocean space and resources: A case study from the Norwegian coast

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Vilde Regine Bjørdal, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Marina Espinasse, Berengere Husson, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Felicia Juanita Keulder-Stenevik, Kotaro Ono, Anna Siwertsson, Mette Skern-Mauritzen
Ocean and Coastal Management 256

Ecosystem risk from human use of ocean space and resources: a case study from the Norwegian coast

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Vilde Regine Bjørdal, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Marina Espinasse, Berengere Husson, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Felicia Juanita Keulder-Stenevik, Kotaro Ono, Anna Siwertsson, Mette Skern-Mauritzen
Ocean and Coastal Management

Use of emerging technologies to help measure fjordic biodiversity and blue carbon: mini-manned submarines and autonomous underwater vehicle swarms

David Barnes, Will Goodall-Copestake, Kara Weller, Andrew Durrent, Terri Souster, Kathy Dunlop, et al.
Carbon Footprints 2:10

Major fine-scale spatial heterogeneity in accumulation of gelatinous carbon fluxes on the deep seabed

Henk-Jan Hoving, Antje Boetius, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Jens Greinert, Matthias Haeckel, Daniel O. B. Jones, Erik Simon-Lledó, Yann Marcon, Tanja Stratmann, Inken Suck, Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman, Autun Purser
Frontiers in Marine Science 10

Habitat associations of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) and sympatric demersal fish communities within shallow inshore nursery grounds

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Arved Staby, Terje van der Meeren, Nigel B. Keeley, Esben Moland Olsen, Raymond Bannister, Jon Egil Skjæraasen
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 279

Attraction of cod Gadus morhua from coastal spawning grounds to salmon farms

Jon Egil Skjæraasen, Ørjan Karlsen, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Sonnich Meier, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Terje van der Meeren, Nigel B. Keeley, Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll, Geir Dahle, Even Moland, Rune Nilsen, Kristine Marit Schrøder Elvik, Raymond Bannister, Esben Moland Olsen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 14 p. 229-242

Autonomous Surface and Underwater Vehicles as Effective Ecosystem Monitoring and Research Platforms in the Arctic—The Glider Project

Lionel Camus, Hector Antonio Andrade Rodriguez, Ana Sofia Aniceto, Magnus Aune, Kanchana Bandara, Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Kai Håkon Christensen, Jeremy Cook, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Stig Falk-Petersen, Peer Fietzek, Gro Fonnes, Peygham Ghaffari, Geir Gramvik, Inger Graves, Daniel Hayes, Tor Langeland, Harald Lura, Trond Kristiansen, Ole Anders Nøst, David Peddie, Joel Pederick, Geir Pedersen, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Kai Sørensen, Luca Tassara, Sigurd Tjøstheim, Vigdis Tverberg, Salve Dahle

Spatial response of hard- and mixed-bottom benthic epifauna to organic enrichment from salmon aquaculture in northern Norway

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Astrid Harendza, Raymond Bannister, Nigel B. Keeley
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13 p. 455-475

Autonomous Surface and Underwater Vehicles as Effective Ecosystem Monitoring and Research Platforms in the Arctic - The Glider Project

Lionel Camus, Hector Antonio Andrade Rodriguez, Ana Sofia Aniceto, Magnus Aune, Kanchana Bandara, Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Kai Håkon Christensen, Jeremy Cook, Malin Daase, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Stig Falk-Petersen, Peter Fietzek, Gro Fonnes, Peygham Ghaffari, Geir Gramvik, Inger Graves, Daniel Hayes, Tor Langeland, Harald Lura, Trond Kristiansen, Ole Anders Nøst, David Peddie, Joel Pederick, Geir Pedersen, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Kai Sørensen, Luca Tassara, Sigurd Tjøstheim, Vigdis Tverberg, Salve Dahle
Sensors 21 p. 6752

Epifaunal habitat associations on mixed and hard bottom substrates in coastal waters of Northern Norway

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Astrid Harendza, Liv Plassen, Nigel B. Keeley
Frontiers in Marine Science 7 p. 1-15

Terrestrial and semi-aquatic scavengers on invasive Pacific pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) carcasses in a riparian ecosystem in northern Norway

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Mark Wipfli, Rune Muladal, Grzegorz Wierzbinski
Biological Invasions

Benthic scavenger community composition and carrion removal in Arctic and Subarctic fjords

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Paul Eric Renaud, Jørgen Berge, Daniel O.B. Jones, Rob P. Harbour, Anne Helene S. Tandberg, Andrew K. Sweetman
Polar Biology 44 p. 31-43

Evidence of energy and nutrient transfer from invasive pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) spawners to juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in northern Norway

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Antti Eloranta, Erik Schoen, Mark Wipfli, Jenny Lovisa Alexandra Jensen, Rune Muladal, Guttorm N. Christensen
Ecology of Freshwater Fish

Understanding the biogeochemical impacts of fish farms using a benthic-pelagic model

Evgeniy V Yakushev, Philip Wallhead, Paul Eric Renaud, Alisa Ilinskaya, Elizaveta Protsenko, Shamil Yakubov, Svetlana Pakhomova, Andrew K Sweetman, Kathy Dunlop, Anfisa Berezina, Richard GJ Bellerby, Trine Dale
Water 12 p. 1-20

Seasonal variations in downward particle fluxes in Norwegian fjords

Catherine Lalande, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Paul Eric Renaud, Gabrielle Nadaï, Andrew K. Sweetman
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 241

Seasonal variations in downward particle fluxes in Norwegian fjords.

Lalande, C., Dunlop, K., Renaud, P. E., Nadaï, G., & Sweetman, A. K
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 241 p. 106811

Ecological insights into abyssal bentho-pelagic fish at 4000 m depth using a multi-beam echosounder on a remotely operated vehicle

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Kelly J Benoit-Bird, Chad M Waluk, Richard G Henthorn
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography p. 1-6

Scavenging processes on jellyfish carcasses across a fjord depth gradient

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Daniel O.B. Jones, Andrew K Sweetman
Limnology and Oceanography 63 p. 1146-1155

Detection and characterisation of deep-sea benthopelagic animals from an autonomous underwater vehicle with a multibeam echosounder: A proof of concept and description of data-processing methods

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Toby Jarvis, Kelly J Benoit-Bird, Chad M Waluk, David W Caress, Hans Thomas, Kenneth L Smith
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 134 p. 64-79

Major impacts of climate change on deep-sea benthic ecosystems

AK Sweetman, AR Thurber, CR Smith, LA Levin, C Mora, C-L Wei, AJ Gooday, DOB Jones, M Rex, M Yasuhara, J Ingels, HA Ruhl, CA Frieder, R Danovaro, L Würzberg, A Baco, BM Grupe, A Pasulka, KS Meyer, KM Dunlop, L-A Henry, JM. Roberts
Elementa 5

Direct evidence of an efficient energy transfer pathway from jellyfish carcasses to a commercially important deep-water species

Katherine Mary Dunlop, Daniel O.B. Jones, Andrew K Sweetman
Scientific Reports 7

Carbon cycling in the deep eastern North Pacific benthic food web: Investigating the effect of organic carbon input.

Dunlop, K. M., Van Oevelen, D., Ruhl, H. A., Huffard, C. L., Kuhnz, L. A., & Smith Jr, K. L.
Limnology and Oceanography 61

Environmental impacts of the deep-water oil and gas industry: a review to guide management strategies.

Cordes, E.E., Jones, D.O., Schlacher, T.A., Amon, D.J., Bernardino, A.F., Brooke, S., Carney, R., DeLeo, D.M., Dunlop, K.M., Escobar-Briones, E.G. and Gates, A.R.
Frontiers in Marine Science 4

An evaluation of deep-sea benthic megafauna length measurements obtained with laser and stereo camera methods.

Dunlop, Katherine M., Linda A. Kuhnz, Henry A. Ruhl, Christine L. Huffard, David W. Caress, Richard G. Henthorn, Brett W. Hobson, Paul McGill, and Kenneth L. Smith Jr.
Deep Sea Research 96

Do agonistic behaviours bias baited remote underwater video surveys of fish?

Dunlop, K. M., Marian Scott, E., Parsons, D., & Bailey, D. M.
Marine Ecology 36

Absolute abundance estimates from shallow water baited underwater camera surveys; a stochastic modelling approach tested against field data.

Dunlop, K. M., Ruxton, G. D., Scott, E. M., & Bailey, D. M
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 472

Variation of scavenger richness and abundance between sites of high and low iceberg scour frequency in Ryder Bay, west Antarctic Peninsula

Dunlop, Katherine M., David KA Barnes, and David M. Bailey
Polar Biology 37

Scientific lectures


Effekter av fiskeoppdrettsaktiviteter på dypvannskorallerog svamper – en første vurdering av deres sårbarhet

Ana S. Gomes, Tina Kutti, Siri Aaserud Olsen, Sonnich Meier, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Birte Katarina Schuppe, Nigel B. Keeley

Autonomous surface vehicles for persistent acoustic monitoring of zooplankton in a highly productive shelf area

Geir Pedersen, Stig Falk-Petersen, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Lionel Camus, Malin Daase, Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Kanchana Bandara W. M. Dumindu, Vigdis Tverberg, Joel Pederick, David Peddie

An integrated ecosystem understanding of a northern fjord receiving massive winter herring and whale arrivals (weShare, WHALE, EFFECT projects in the Fram Centre Fjord & Coast flagship)

Martin Biuw, Paul Eric Renaud, Angelika Renner, Ingrid Wiedmann, Jofrid Skardhamar, Q. Zhou, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Elizabeth Jones, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Evert Mul, Zoe Walker

Fjord i Nord Symposium

Martin Biuw, Paul Eric Renaud, Angelika Renner, Ingrid Wiedmann, Jofrid Skardhamar, Q. Zhou, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Elizabeth Jones, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Evert Mul, Zoe Walker

Fjord i Nord Symposium

Martin Biuw, Paul Eric Renaud, Angelika Renner, Ingrid Wiedmann, Jofrid Skardhamar, Q. Zhou, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Elizabeth Jones, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Evert Mul, Zoe Walker

Reports and dissertations


Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2025 - Produksjonsdødelighet hos oppdrettsfisk og miljøeffekter av norsk fiskeoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Lasse Berg Andersen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Samantha Bui, Thomas Bøhn, Ola Håvard Diserud, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Rosa Helena Escobar Lux, Peder Fiske, Ole Folkedal, Lena Geitung, Kevin Alan Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Rita Hannisdal, Pia Kupka Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Vivian Husa, Eeva Jansson, Ørjan Karlsen, Sten Karlsson, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Rune Nilsen, Jonatan Nilsson, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ole Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Rosa Maria Serra Llinares, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Morten D. Skogen, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lars Helge Stien, Elisabeth Stöger, Kjell Rong Utne, Vidar Wennevik
Rapport fra havforskningen

Hvor godt fungerer marine bevaringsområder? En litteraturstudie

Alf Ring Kleiven, Helene Skjeie Thorstensen, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Albert Fernández-Chacón, Terje van der Meeren, Even Moland, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Marthe Larsen Haarr

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2024 - Produksjonsdødelighet hos oppdrettsfisk og miljøeffekter av norsk fiskeoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Lasse Berg Andersen, Ola Håvard Diserud, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Rosa Escobar, Peder Fiske, Ole Folkedal, Kevin Alan Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Rita Hannisdal, Pia Kupka Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Vivian Husa, Eeva Jansson, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Ørjan Karlsen, Sten Karlsson, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Jonatan Nilsson, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ole Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Rosa Maria Serra Llinares, Øystein Skaala, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lars Helge Stien, Elisabeth Stöger, Terje Svåsand, Kjell Rong Utne, Vidar Wennevik
Rapport fra havforskningen

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2024

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Lasse Berg Andersen (HI), Ola Diserud NINA, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Rosa Escobar (HI), Peder Fiske NINA, Ole Folkedal, Kevin Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Kim Halvorsen, Rita Hannisdal, Pia Kupka Hansen (HI), Kjetil Hindar NINA, Vivian Husa, Eeva Jansson, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Ørjan Karlsen (HI), Sten Karlsson NINA, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Kjell Nedreaas, Jonatan Nilsson, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ole Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Rosa Maria Serra-Llinares, Øystein Skaala, Rasmus Skern, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Monica F. Solberg, Lars Helge Stien, Elisabeth Stöger, Terje Svåsand, Kjell Rong Utne og Vidar Wennevik (HI) Redaktør(er): Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Lasse Berg Andersen, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Pia Kupka Hansen, Vivian Husa, Ørjan Karlsen, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Ole Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Monica F. Solberg, Lars Helge Stien og Terje Svåsand (HI)
HI Report

Sluttrapport fra ICOD-prosjektet - Arbeidspakke 2: Egg- og yngelundersøkelser på gyte- og oppvekstområder på Smøla og i Aure i forbindelse med etablering av oppdrettsanlegg nær lokale gyteområder for kysttorsk

Terje van der Meeren, Sonnich Meier, Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll, Geir Dahle, Ørjan Karlsen, Arved Staby, Hildegunn Mjanger, Annhild Engevik, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Raymond Bannister, Jon Egil Skjæraasen

Innspill til høring - Forslag til program for konsekvensutredning for mineralvirksomhet på norsk sokkel

Terje van der Meeren, Kjell Arne Mork, Tina Kutti, Tor Knutsen, Espen Bagøien, Anne Kirstine Højholt Frie, Harald Gjøsæter, André Marcel Bienfait, Julia Endresen Storesund, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Kristin Windsland, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Kristin Helle, Hannes Höffle, Claudia Junge, Bjørn Serigstad, Melissa Chierici
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