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Kotaro Ono

Telephone: 96755668
Department: Fiskeridynamikk


I am an applied statistician working at the Fisheries Dynamics group at IMR. My research interests span a wide range of statistical / modeling problems in marine ecology from population dynamics, species distribution models, state-space models, simulation modeling, stock assessment, and management strategy evaluation.

Curriculum Vitae


04/2010 - 12/2014

Phd. School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences – University of Washington – Seattle, WA, USA


Master. School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences – University of Washington – Seattle, WA, USA



1 Phd student




Research scientist – Institute of Marine Research, Fisheries Dynamics group – Norway


Post-doctoral fellow – Centre for Coastal Research, University of Agder – Norway

I worked on developing approaches to examine the ecological responses of marine fish species to pollution, climate, and other anthropogenic stressors in the Norwegian Skagerrak ecosystem


Post-doctoral fellow – Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA – Seattle, WA, USA

I worked on developing a multispecies management strategy evaluation to test alternate bycatch quota allocation method for Pacific halibut in the Bering Sea Aleutian Island groundfish fishery.




Journal referee for: PNAS, Global Change Biology, Ecography, Ecological Applications, Journal of applied ecology, Marine Ecology Progress Series, ICES Journal of Marine Science, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Ecological Modeling, PLOS ONE, Fisheries Research, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Population Ecology, Geosciences, African Journal of Marine Science


Member of the ICES Working Group on the Governance of Quality Management of Data and Advice (WGQUALITY)


Member of the ICES Workshop on the Inclusion of Discard Survival in Stock Assessments (WKSURVIVE)

2020 & 2016

Member of the ICES Working Group on Improving use of Survey Data for Assessment and Advice (WGISDAA)


Anglerfish assessment in ICES subareas 1 and 2


Member of the ICES Workshop on unavoidable survey effort reduction (WKUSER). TOR II co-leader


Member of the ICES Workshop on catch forecasts from biased assessments (WKFORBIAS)


Reviewer for the NMFS Fisheries and the Environment (FATE) proposals


US petrale sole stock assessment


Organizer of the joint University of Washington-NOAA weekly seminar series (full academic year)


US pacific ocean perch stock assessment


Organizer of the weekly departmental quantitative seminar series at the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington (full academic year)


LIST OF PUBLICATION (peer-reviewed)

  1. Durant JM, Ono K, Stenseth NC, Langangen Ø. 2020. Nonlinearity in interspecific interactions in response to climate change: Cod and haddock as an example.Global Change Biology 26 (10), 5554-5563
  2. Ono K, Knutsen H, Olsen EM, Ruus A, Hjermann DØ, Stenseth NC. 2019. Possible adverse impact of contaminants on Atlantic cod population dynamics in coastal ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1908), 20191167.  
  3. Ono K, Langangen Ø, Stenseth NC. 2019. Improving risk assessments in conservation ecology
    Nature Communications 10 (2836)
  4. Kotwicki S, Ono K. 2019. The effect of random and density-dependent variation in sampling efficiency on variance estimates from fishery surveys. Fish and Fisheries. 20 (4), 760-774
  5. Stige LC, Eriksen E, Dalpadado P, Ono K. 2019. Direct and indirect effects of sea ice cover on major zooplankton groups and planktivorous fishes in the Barents Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 124-136
  6. Ono K, Haynie AC, Hollowed AB, Ianelli JN, McGilliard CR, Punt, AE. 2018. Management strategy analysis for multispecies fisheries including technical interactions and human behavior in modelling management decisions and fishing. Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. 75: 1185-1202.
  7. Ono K, Ianelli JN, McGilliard C, Punt AE. Integrating data from multiple surveys and accounting for spatio-temporal correlation to index the abundance of juvenile Pacific halibut in Alaska. 2018. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 75: 572-584. 
  8. Ono K, Kotwicki S, Dingsør GE, Johnsen E. Multispecies acoustic dead-zone correction and bias ratio estimates between acoustic and bottom-trawl data. 2018. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 75: 361-373. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsx115
  9. Hordyk AR, Ono K, Prince JD, and Walters CJ. 2016. A simple length-structured model based on life history ratios and incorporating size-dependent selectivity: application to spawning potential ratios for data-poor stocks. Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. 73: 1787-1799Ono K, Punt AE, and Hilborn R. 2015. Think outside the grids: an objective approach to define spatial strata for catch and effort analysis. Fisheries Research. 170: 89-101
  10. Thorson JT, Fonner R, Haltuch M.A., Ono K, Winker H. 2016. Accounting for spatio-temporal variation and fisher targeting when estimating abundance from multispecies fishery data. Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. 73: 1-14.
  11. Breyta R, McKenney D, Tesfaye T, Ono K, Kurath G. Increasing virulence, but not infectivity, associated with serially emergent virus strains of a fish rhabdovirus. 2016. Virus evolution 2(1). https://doi.org/10.1093/ve/vev018
  12. Monnahan, CC, Ono K, Anderson SC, Rudd MB, Hicks AC, Hurtado-Ferro F, Johnson KF, Kuriyama PT, Licandeo RR, Stawitz CC, Taylor IG, Valero JL. 2016. The effect of length bin width on growth estimation in integrated age-structured stock assessments. Fisheries Research. 180: 103-112.
  13. Ono K., Shelton AO, Ward EJ, Thorson JT, Feist BE, and Hilborn R. 2016. Space-time investigation of the effects of fishing on fish populations. Ecological Applications. 26: 392-406.  
  14. Kuriyama PT, Ono K, Hurtado-Ferro F, Hicks AC, Taylor IG, Licandeo RR, Johnson KF, Anderson SC, Monnahan CC, Rudd MB, Stawitz CC, and Valero JL. 2016. An empirical weight-at-age approach reduces estimation bias compared to modeling parametric growth in integrated, statistical stock assessment models when growth is time varying. Fisheries Reseach. 180: 119-127
  15. Ward EJ, Jannot JE, Lee Y, Ono K, Shelton AO, and Thorson JT. 2015. Using spatiotemporal species distribution models to identify temporally evolving hotspots of species co-occurrence. Ecological Applications. 28: 2198-2209.
  16. Thorson JT, Ianelli JN, Munch SB, Ono K, Spencer PD. 2015. Spatial delay-difference models for estimating spatiotemporal variation in juvenile production and population abundance. Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. 72: 1897-1915.
  17. Ono K, Punt AE and Hilborn R. 2015. How do marine closures affect the analysis of catch and effort data? Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. 72: 1177-1190
  18. Ono K, Licandeo R, Muradian M, Cunningham CJ, Anderson SC, Hurtado-Ferro F, Johnson KF, McGilliard CR, Monnahan CC, Szuwalski CS, Valero JL, Vert-pre KA, Whitten AR and Punt AE. 2015. The importance of length and age composition data in statistical catch-at-age model for marine species. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72: 31-43
  19. Brieuc M, Ono K, Drinan D, Naish K. 2015. Integration of Random Forest with population-based outlier analyses provides insight on the genomic basis and evolution of run timing in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Molecular Ecology. 24: 2729-2746
  20. Hurtado-Ferro F, Szuwalski CS, Valero JL, Anderson SC, Cunningham CJ, Johnson KF, Licandeo RR, McGilliard CR, Monnahan CC, Muradian ML, Ono K, Vert-Pre KA, Whitten AR, and Punt AE. 2015. Looking in the rear-view mirror: bias and retrospective patterns in integrated, age-structured stock assessment models. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72: 99-110
  21. Johnson KF, Monnahan CC, McGilliard CR, Vert-pre KA, Anderson CA, Cunningham CJ, Hurtado-Ferro F, Licandeo RR, Muradian M, Ono K, Szuwalski CS, Valero JL, Whitten AR, and Punt AE. 2015. Time-varying natural mortality in fisheries stock assessment models: Identifying a default approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72: 137-150
  22. Hordyk A, Ono K, Sainsbury K, Loneragan N, and Prince J. 2015. Some explorations on the life history ratios to describe length composition, spawning-per-recruit, and the spawning potential ratio. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72: 204-216
  23. Hordyk A, Ono K, Valencia S, Loneragan, and Prince J. 2015. A novel length-based empirical method of spawning potential ratio (SPR), and tests of its performance for small-scale, data-poor fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72: 217-231
  24. Ono K and Simenstad CA. 2014. Reducing the effect of overwater structures on migrating juvenile salmon: and experiment with light. Ecological Engineering. 71: 180-189
  25. Thorson JT, Ono K, and Munch SB. 2014. A Bayesian approach to identifying and compensating for model misspecification in population models. Ecology. 95: 329-341.
  26. Anderson CA, Johnson KF, Monnahan CC, Ono K, and Valero JL. 2014. ss3sim: an R package for fisheries stock-assessment simulation with Stock Synthesis. Plos ONE. 9(4): e92725. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092725
  27. Ono K, Holland D, and Hilborn R. 2013. How does species association affect mixed stock fisheries management? A comparative analysis of the effect of marine protected areas, discard bans, and individual fishing quotas. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70(12): 1792-1804.
  28. Ono K, Punt AE, and Rivot E. 2012. Model performance analysis for Bayesian biomass dynamic models using bias, precision and reliability metrics. Fisheries Research 125-126: 173-183

LIST OF PUBLICATION (in review/in prep)

  1. Goto D, Devine, J.A, Umar I, Fischer S.H, De Oliveira J.A.A, Howell D, Jardim E, Mosqueira I, Ono K. (in review) A precautionary solution to estimation bias in shaping safe harvest boundaries
  2. Deininger A, Martin A.H, Pardo J.C.F, Berg P.R, Bhardwaj J, Catarino D, Fernandez-Chacon A, Martinez-Swatson K, Ono K, Oomen R.A, Sodeland M, Sørdalen T.K, Synnes A, Thorbjørnsen S.H, Thormar J. (in review) Coastal research seen through an early career lens – a perspective on interdisciplinary collaboration
  3. Ono K, Halvor K, Olsen EM, Ruus A, Hjermann DØ, Gundersen H, Alve E, Hess S, Stenseth NC. (in prep) Half a century long studies reveals intricate influence of environment, climate, and pollution to the dynamics of coastal fish community.
  4. Ono K, Arved S, Skjæraasen J.E, Godiksen J.A, Moksness I, Merete F, Glindtvad S, Kjesbu O.S (in prep). Deriving maturity ogive curves for marine, temperate fishes: a comparison of three methodological approaches tested on saithe (Pollachius virens)
  5. Ono K, Hølleland S, Slotte A. (in prep) Examining mackerel movement and distribution in the Nordic Seas through the radio frequency identification tag data


LIST OF PUBLICATION (peer-reviewed technical reports)

  1. Haltuch MA, Ono K, and Valero JL. Status of the U.S. petrale sole resource in 2012. Pacific Fishery Management Council. Portland, Oregon
  2. Hamel OS, and Ono K. Stock assessment of Pacific Ocean Perch in waters off of the U.S. West coast in 2011. Pacific Fishery Management Council. Portland, Oregon
  3. Ono K, Simenstad CA, Toft JD, Southard SL, Sobocinski KL, and Borde A. 2010. Assessing and mitigating dock shading impacts on the behavior of juvenile Pacific salmon (Onchorynchus spp.): can artificial light mitigate the effects? WA-RD 755.1. Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC).



  1. Invited Keynote speaker at the Technical Expertise in Stock Assessment (TESA) simulation Workshop for Fisheries and Oceans Canada, DFO. 2021
  2. Invited at the Agder Vitenskapsakademi. 2020. Topic: "Forurensning - hvordan påvirker forurensning rekrutteringen av fisk i Skagerrak - komplekse statistiske modeller gir ny innsikt"
  3. Interview by https://titan.uio.no/ on the Nature Communication paper “Improving risk assessments in conservation ecology”. 2019 Featured in https://forskning.no/dyreverden-partner-universitetet-i-oslo/na-blir-det-lettere-a-telle-ville-dyr-i-verden/1648702;
  4. Invited at the Arendalsuka. 2019. Topic: Torsk og forurensning gjennom et halvt århundre
  5. Presentation at the kick-off event for the Centre for Coastal Research as a University of Agder Priority Research Centre. 2019. Topic: Adverse impact of contaminants on Atlantic cod population dynamics in coastal ecosystems
  6. Presentation at Forskningsrådets havforskningskonferansel. 2018. Topic: Skagcore - a century of change: ecological responses to pollution, climate, and other stressors on the Skagerrak coast.
  7. Public hearing and presentations at the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, USA. 2016. Topic: Investigating alternative harvest control rule for setting the halibut bycatch limit in the Bering Sea groundfish fishery. Featured in: http://legistar2.granicus.com/npfmc/meetings/2016/4/936_A_North_Pacific_Council_16-04-04_Meeting_Agenda.pdf - item C6 and  http://legistar2.granicus.com/npfmc/meetings/2016/10/948_A_North_Pacific_Council_16-10-03_Meeting_Agenda.pdf - item D1
  8. Presentation at the World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling, France. 2015. Topic: Harvest strategies for multispecies fisheries under catch constraints.
  9. Invited at the National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan. 2014. Topic: How does species association affect mixed stock fisheries management? A comparative analysis of the effect of marine protected areas, discard bans, and individual fishing quotas.
  10. Invited at Keio University for the Innovation and Challenges for Fisheries Assessment and Management Workshop, Japan. 2014. Topic: Detecting the spatio-temporal changes in local abundance. Example of the US West coast dover sole (Microstomus pacificus).
  11. Presentation at the World Conference on Stock Assessment Methods, USA. 2013. Topic: Better data yields better yields? Why the type, quantity and quality of data matters in fisheries stock assessments.
  12. Presentation at the American Fishery Society, USA. 2011. The effect of fish spatial segregation on the multispecies fishery.
  13. Public outreach at the Washington State Department of Transportation, USA. 2010. Topic: Fiber optics lighting as a mean of mitigating shading impacts from overwater structures on juvenile salmon behavior.
  14. Invited at the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, USA. 2010. Assessing and mitigating dock shading impacts on the behavior of juvenile Pacific salmon (Onchorynchus spp.): can artificial light mitigate the effects?



Academic articles


Diet and trophic structure of fishes in the Barents Sea: between empty and full stomachs – large individual variability follows a common pattern

Hein Rune Skjoldal, Elena Eriksen, Kotaro Ono, Andrey Dolgov
Journal of Fish Biology

Effect of environmental drivers on the spatiotemporal distribution of mackerel at age in the Nordic Seas during 2010−20

Kotaro Ono, Isidora Katara, Sólvá Káradóttir Eliasen, Cecilie Thorsen Broms, Andy Campbell, Thassya Christina dos Santos Schmidt, Afra Egan, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Teunis Jansen, Steve Mackinson, Erik Askov Mousing, Richard David Marriot Nash, Nikolaos Nikolioudakis, Chris Nnanatu, Leif Nøttestad, Warsha Singh, Aril Slotte, Kai Ulrich Wieland, Anna Hulda Olafsdottir
ICES Journal of Marine Science 81 p. 1282-1294

Effect of environmental drivers on the spatiotemporal distribution of mackerel at age in the Nordic Seas during 2010−20

Kotaro Ono, Isidora Katara, Sólvá Káradóttir Eliasen, Cecilie Thorsen Broms, Andy Campbell, Thassya Christina dos Santos Schmidt, Teunis Jansen, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Erik Askov Mousing, Richard David Marriot Nash, Nikolaos Nikolioudakis, Leif Nøttestad, Aril Slotte, Anna Hulda Olafsdottir, Afra Egan, Steve Mackinson, Chris Nnanatu, Kai Ulrich Wieland, Warsha Singh, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland
ICES Journal of Marine Science 81 p. 1282-1294

Effect of environmental drivers on the spatiotemporal distribution of mackerel at age in the Nordic Seas during 2010−20

Kotaro Ono, Cecilie Thorsen Broms, Andy Campbell, Thassya Christina dos Santos Schmidt, Teunis Jansen, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Erik Askov Mousing, Richard David Marriot Nash, Nikolaos Nikolioudakis, Leif Nøttestad, Aril Slotte, Anna Hulda Olafsdottir, Afra Egan, Sólvá Káradóttir Eliasen, Steve Mackinson, Chris Nnanatu, Isidora Katara, Kai Ulrich Wieland, Warsha Singh, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland
ICES Journal of Marine Science 81 p. 1282-1294

Zooplankton link climate to capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea

Padmini Dalpadado, Irina P. Prokopchuk, Bjarte Bogstad, Georg Skaret, Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen, Andreyv V. Dolgov, Anna S. Boyko, Alina Rey, Kotaro Ono, Espen Bagøien, Geir Huse
Progress in Oceanography 226

Interaction between three key species in the sea ice-reduced Arctic Barents Sea system

Joël Durant, Nicolas Dupont, Kotaro Ono, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 291

Quantifying the effects of sample size and species distribution on the precision and accuracy of abundance estimates from bottom-trawl surveys in the Gulf of Alaska

Paul G. von Szalay, Edward A. Laman, Stan Kotwicki, Lewis A. K. Barnett, Kotaro Ono
Fishery Bulletin 122 p. 143-161

Effect of environmental drivers on the spatiotemporal distribution of mackerel at age in the Nordic Seas during 2010-20

Kotaro Ono, Leif Nøttestad, Aril Slotte
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Ecosystem risk from human use of ocean space and resources: A case study from the Norwegian coast

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Vilde Regine Bjørdal, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Marina Espinasse, Berengere Husson, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Felicia Juanita Keulder-Stenevik, Kotaro Ono, Anna Siwertsson, Mette Skern-Mauritzen
Ocean and Coastal Management 256

Ecosystem risk from human use of ocean space and resources: a case study from the Norwegian coast

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Vilde Regine Bjørdal, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Marina Espinasse, Berengere Husson, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Felicia Juanita Keulder-Stenevik, Kotaro Ono, Anna Siwertsson, Mette Skern-Mauritzen
Ocean and Coastal Management

Diet and trophic structure of fishes in the Barents Sea: Effects of size within (ontogenetic) and between species

Elena Eriksen, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Kotaro Ono, Andrey Dolgov
Progress in Oceanography

Zooplankton link climate to capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea

Padmini Dalpadado, Irina P. Prokopchuk, Bjarte Bogstad, Georg Skaret, Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen, Andreyv V. Dolgov, Anna Book, Alina Rey, Kotaro Ono, Espen Bagøien, Geir Huse
Progress in Oceanography

Incorporation of observation uncertainty in stock assessment using spatio-temporal modeling of catch-at-length and age-at-length survey data

Olav Nikolai Risdal Breivik, Fabian Zimmermann, Edda Johannesen, Kotaro Ono, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, Daniel Howell, Anders Nielsen
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Northeast Atlantic fish stock productivity hindcasts and forecasts from a Bayesian framework reveal pronounced climate-induced dynamics

Shuyang Ma, Geir Huse, Kotaro Ono, Richard David Marriott Nash, Jon Helge Vølstad, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu
Fish and Fisheries

Poleward spawning of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) is facilitated by ocean warming but triggered by energetic constraints

Thassya Christina dos Santos Schmidt, Aril Slotte, Anna H. Olafsdottir, Leif Nøttestad, Teunis Jansen, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Sigurvin Bjarnason, Susan Mærsk Lusseau, Kotaro Ono, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland, Anders Thorsen, Anne Britt Sandø, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Recruitment regime shifts and nonstationarity are widespread phenomena in harvestable stocks experiencing pronounced climate fluctuations

Shuyang Ma, Geir Huse, Kotaro Ono, Richard David Marriott Nash, Anne Britt Sandø, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Svein Sundby, Thomas L Clegg, Jon Helge Vølstad, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu
Fish and Fisheries

Predatory walls may impair climate warming-associated population expansion

Joël Durant, Rebecca Emma Holt, Kotaro Ono, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen
Ecology 104 p. 1-8


Sean C. Anderson, Nate Bacheler, Lewis Barnett, Casper Willestofte Berg, Kristan Blackhart, Derek Bolser, Patrik Börjesson, Meaghan Bryan, Thibault Cariou, Corina Chaves, Elizabeth Chilton, Jason Conner, Annica De Groote, Lukas DeFilippo, Paul Dolder, Catherine Foley, Hans Gerritsen, Madison Hall, Espen Johnsen, Eoghan Kelly, Stan Kotwicki, Sven Kupschus, Gwladys Lambert, Andy Lipsky, Emily Markowitz, Guillermo Martin, Angelia Miller, Coilin Minto, Bríd O'Connor, Kotaro Ono, Zack Oyafuso, Iosu Paradinas, Maria Grazia Pennino, Elizabeth Phillips, John Gabriel Ramirez, Yves Reecht, Paul Regular, Margaret Siple, Matt Siskey, David Stokes, Anna Stroh, James T. Thorson, Ralf van Hal, Joel Vigneau, Daniel Vilas, Kai Wieland, Semra Yalcin
ICES Scientific Reports 5

Evaluating assumptions behind design-based estimators for unreported catches

Thomas L Clegg, Edvin Fuglebakk, Kotaro Ono
Fisheries Research 263

Technological creep masks continued decline in a lobster (Homarus gammarus) fishery over a century

Alf Ring Kleiven, Sigurd Heiberg Espeland, Stian Stiansen, Kotaro Ono, Fabian Zimmermann, Esben Moland Olsen
Scientific Reports 12

Discards of cod (Gadus morhua) in the Norwegian coastal fisheries: Improving past and future estimates

Hilde Sofie Fantoft Berg, Tom Clegg, Geir Blom, Jeppe Kolding, Kotaro Ono, Kjell Harald Nedreaas
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 p. 1548-1560

Empirical evidence of nonlinearity in bottom up effect in a marine predator-prey system

Joël Durant, Kotaro Ono, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen
Biology Letters 18

Effects of early life mass mortality events on fish populations

Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Jan Philipp Ohlberger, Leif Christian Stige, Rémi Patin, Lucie Buttay, Nils Christian Stenseth, Kotaro Ono, Joël Durant
Fish and Fisheries 24 p. 176-186

Space-time recapture dynamics of PIT-tagged Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) reveal size-dependent migratory behaviour

Kotaro Ono, Aril Slotte, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland, Steven Mackinson, Sigurður Þór Jónsson, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Anna Heiða Ólafsdóttir
Frontiers in Marine Science 9

Benchmark workshop for Barents Sea and Faroese stocks (WKBARFAR 2021)

Daniel Howell, Erik Berg, Matthias Bernreuther, Bjarte Bogstad, Olav Nikolai Breivik, Anatoly Chetyrkin, Gjert Endre Dingsør, Elise Eidset, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, Harald Gjøsæter, Torild Johansen, Knut Korsbrekke, Yuri A. Kovalev, Anders Nielsen, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Lise Helen Ofstad, Kotaro Ono, Alfonso Perez-Rodriguez, Yves Reecht, Alexey Russkikh, Silje Elisabeth Seim, Petur Steingrund, Dmitri Vasilyev, Natalia A. Yaragina
ICES Scientific Reports 3

. Working group on improving survey data for analysis and advice (WGISDAA; outputs from 2020 meeting)

Casper Willestofte Berg, Esther Beukhof, Patrik Börjesson, Gersom Costas, Curry Cunningham, Andrzj Jaworski, Matthias Kloppmann, Stan Kotwicki, Sven Kupschus, Richard David Marriot Nash, Ismael Núñez-Riboni, Kotaro Ono, David l. Stokes, Ioannis Thasitis, Nicola Walker, Kai Wieland
ICES Scientific Reports

Shaping sustainable harvest boundaries for marine populations despite estimation bias

Daisuke Goto, Jennifer Ann Devine, Ibrahim Umar, Simon Fischer, Jose Oliveira, Daniel Howell, Ernesto Jardim, Iago Mosquiera, Kotaro Ono

A simulation approach to assessing bias in a fisheries self-sampling programme

Tom Clegg, Edvin Fuglebakk, Kotaro Ono, Jon Helge Vølstad, Kjell Harald Nedreaas
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Multiple pollutants stress the coastal ecosystem with climate and anthropogenic drivers

Yonglong Lu, Pei Wang, Chenchen Wang, Meng Zhang, Xianghui Cao, Chunci Chen, Cong Wang, Cuo Xiu, Di Du, Haotian Cui, Xiaoqian Li, Wenyou Qin, Yi Zhang, Yichao Wang, Anqi Zhang, Mingzhao Yu, Ruoyu Mao, Shuai Song, Andrew C. Johnson, Xiuqing Shao, Xuan Zhou, Ting Wang, Ruoyu Liang, Chao Su, Xiaoqi Zheng, Sheng Zhang, Xiaotian Lu, Yuqing Chen, Yueqing Zhang, Qifeng Li, Kotaro Ono, Nils C. Stenseth, Martin Visbeck, Venugopalan Ittekkot
Journal of Hazardous Materials p. 1-10

Coastal Research Seen Through an Early Career Lens—A Perspective on Barriers to Interdisciplinarity in Norway

Anne Deininger, Angela Helen Martin, Juan Pardo, Paul Ragnar Berg, Jyotirmoy Bhardwaj, Diana Sofia de Oliveira Catarino, Albert Fernández-Chacón, Karen Agatha Martinez-Swatson, Kotaro Ono, Rebekah Alice Oomen, Marte Sodeland, Tonje Knutsen Sørdalen, Ann-Elin Synnes, Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Jonas Thormar
Frontiers in Marine Science 8

Nonlinearity in interspecific interactions in response to climate change: Cod and haddock as an example

Joel Marcel Durant, Kotaro Ono, Nils Christian Stenseth, Øystein Langangen
Global Change Biology 26 p. 5554-5563

The effect of random and density-dependent variation in sampling efficiency on variance of abundance estimates from fishery surveys

Stan Kotwicki, Kotaro Ono
Fish and Fisheries 20 p. 760-774

Direct and indirect effects of sea ice cover on major zooplankton groups and planktivorous fishes in the Barents Sea

Leif Christian Stige, Elena Eriksen, Padmini Dalpadado, Kotaro Ono
ICES Journal of Marine Science 76 p. i24-i36

Possible adverse impact of contaminants on Atlantic cod population dynamics in coastal ecosystems

Kotaro Ono, Halvor Knutsen, Esben M Olsen, Anders Ruus, Dag Ø Hjermann, Nils Chr Stenseth
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 286 p. 1-9

Improving risk assessments in conservation ecology

Kotaro Ono, Øystein Langangen, Nils Christian Stenseth
Nature Communications 10 p. 1-7

Multispecies acoustic dead-zone correction and bias ratio estimates between acoustic and bottom-trawl data

Kotaro Ono, Stan Kotwicki, Gjert Endre Dingsør, Espen Johnsen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 p. 361-373

Management strategy analysis for multispecies fisheries including technical interactions and human behavior in modeling management decisions and fishing

Kotaro Ono, Alan C. Haynie, Anne Babcock Hollowed, James N Ianelli, Carey R McGilliard, André E. Punt
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75 p. 1185-1202

Integrating data from multiple surveys and accounting for spatio-temporal correlation to index the abundance of juvenile Pacific halibut in Alaska

Kotaro Ono, James N Ianelli, Carey R McGilliard, André E. Punt
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 p. 572-584

Scientific lectures


Bridging climate, biophysical and statistical models to identify key drivers of recruitment variability of fish stocks inhabiting different North-East Atlantic ecoregions

Shuyang Ma, Geir Huse, Tom Clegg, Anne Britt Sandø, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Kotaro Ono, Richard D. M. Nash, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Jon Helge Vølstad, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu

Empirical evidence of non-linearity in the interaction between fish stocks in the Barents Sea.

Joël Durant, Kotaro Ono, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen

Toward a sustainable fishery in the North: The impacts of seabird bycatch on the population dynamics of threatened seabirds

Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard, Kate Layton-Matthews, Kotaro Ono, Hallvard Strøm, Arnaud Tarroux, Kim Magnus Bærum

Reports and dissertations


Advice on fishing opportunities for Northeast Arctic haddock in 2025 in ICES subareas 1 and 2

Daniel Howell, Anders Nielsen, Brian Stock, Kotaro Ono, Laura Clain, Maria Fossheim, Thomas de Lange Wenneck, Alf Harbitz, Alfonso Perez-Rodriguez, Ane Iriondo, Arved Staby, Bjarte Bogstad, Berengere Husson, C. Tara Marshall, Caroline Aas Tranang, Edda Johannesen, Eduardas Vozgirdas, Elena Eriksen, Elise Eidset, Elvar Halldor Hallfredsson, Erik Berg, Georg Skaret, Hannes Höffle, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Jan Erik Stiansen, Jane Aanestad Godiksen, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, John Tyler Trochta, Jon Ruiz Gondra, José Miguel Casas Sanchez, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Kordian Trella, Kristin Windsland, Magnus Aune, Matthias Bernreuther, Mikko Vihtakari, Olav Nikolai Breivik, Ricardo Alpoim, Ross Tallman, Samuel Subbey, Silje Elisabeth Seim, Sofie Gundersen, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland, Stine Karlson, Tone Vollen
IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series

Advice on fishing opportunities for beaked redfish in 2025 and 2026 in ICES subareas 1 and 2

Daniel Howell, Anders Nielsen, Brian Stock, Kotaro Ono, Laura Clain, Maria Fossheim, Thomas de Lange Wenneck, Alf Harbitz, Alfonso Perez-Rodriguez, Ane Iriondo, Arved Staby, Bjarte Bogstad, Berengere Husson, C. Tara Marshall, Caroline Aas Tranang, Edda Johannesen, Eduardas Vozgirdas, Elena Eriksen, Elise Eidset, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Erik Berg, Georg Skaret, Hannes Höffle, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Jan Erik Stiansen, Jane Aanestad Godiksen, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, John Tyler Trochta, Jon Ruiz Gondra, José Miguel Casas Sanchez, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Kordian Trella, Kristin Windsland, Magnus Aune, Matthias Bernreuther, Mikko Vihtakari, Olav Nikolai Breivik, Ricardo Alpoim, Ross Tallman, Samuel Subbey, Silje Elisabeth Seim, Sofie Gundersen, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland, Stine Karlson, Tone Vollen
IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series

Kartlegging av menneskelig aktivitet på utvalgte gytefelt for kysttorsk nord for 62°N

Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Kotaro Ono, Håkon Magne Otterå, Sofie Gundersen
Rapport fra havforskningen

Workshop on seabird bycatch monitoring in the NEAFC regulatory areas (WKBB)

Gildas Glemarec, Kim Magnus Bærum, Allen Kingston, Neil Campbell, Bethany L. Clark, Sara Hornborg, Roi Martinez, Maria Mateo, Kotaro Ono, Yann Rouxel, Arnaud Tarroux, Gregg Verutes
ICES Scientific Reports 5

Working group on the integrated assessments of the Norwegian Sea (WGINOR, outputs from 2022 meeting)

Anna H. Olafsdottir, Benjamin Planque, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Per Arneberg, Lucas Johannes Bas, Are Berset, Sigurvin Bjarnason, Knut Yngve Børsheim, Cecilie Broms, Lucie Buttay, Sólvá Káradóttir Eliasen, Anne Kirstine Højholt Frie, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Harald Hansen, Mia Høgi, Jens Christian Holst, Eydna í Homrum, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Steingrímur Jónsson, Inga Kristiansen, Mimi E. Lam, Lísa Anne Libungan, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Xiaozi Liu, Svein-Håkon Lorentsen, Kjell Arne Mork, Erik Askov Mousing, Arnt Inge Nygaard, Kotaro Ono, Maria Pettersvik Arvnes, Hildur Pétursdóttir, Morten D. Skogen, Aril Slotte, Hiroko Kato Solvang, Petur Steingrund, Espen Strand, Szymon Surma, John Tyler Trochta, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Paulus Jacobus Wensveen
ICES Scientific Reports 5

Advice on fishing opportunities for Barents Sea capelin in 2024 — ICES subareas 1 and 2 excluding Division 2.a west of 5°W

Daniel Howell, Anders Nielsen, Brian Stock, Kotaro Ono, Laura Clain, Maria Fossheim, Thomas de Lange Wenneck, Alf Harbitz, Alfonso Pérez Rodriguez, Ane Iriondo, Arved Staby, Bjarte Bogstad, Berengere Husson, C. Tara Marshall, Caroline Aas Tranang, Edda Johannesen, Eduardas Vozgirdas, Elena Eriksen, Elise Eidset, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Erik Berg, Georg Skaret, Hannes Höffle, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Jan Erik Stiansen, Jane Aanestad Godiksen, Jerzy Janusz, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, John Tyler Trochta, Jon Ruiz Gondra, José Miguel Casas Sanchez, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Kordian Trella, Kristin Windsland, Matthias Bernreuther, Mikko Vihtakari, Olav Nikolai Breivik, Ricardo Alpoim, Ross Tallman, Samuel Subbey, Silje Elisabeth Seim, Sofie Gundersen, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland, Stine Karlson, Tone Vollen
IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series

Estimating the size distribution of reported catches on-board factory vessels – Issues with using data from the production process

Thomas L Clegg, Geir Blom, Kotaro Ono, Kjell Harald Nedreaas

Final report for the REDUS project - Reduced Uncertainty in Stock Assessment

Erik Joel Steinar Olsen, Sondre Aanes, Magne Tommy Aldrin, Olav Nikolai Breivik, Edvin Fuglebakk, Daisuke Goto, Nils Olav Handegard, Cecilie Hansen, Arne Johannes Holmin, Daniel Howell, Espen Johnsen, Natoya Jourdain, Knut Korsbrekke, Kotaro Ono, Håkon Magne Otterå, Holly Ann Perryman, Samuel Subbey, Guldborg Søvik, Ibrahim Umar, Sindre Vatnehol, Jon Helge Vølstad
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