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Ragnar Nortvedt

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Telephone: 92829508
Department: Fôr og ernæring

Curriculum Vitae

I have many years experience as researcher (Master in 1987, PhD in 1997) and as 1183 researcher (since year 2000) and professor within fish feed formulation, nutrition, fish welfare and slaughter quality from IMR, NIFES and University of Bergen (1987 - 2008). In 2008 - 2012 I held two positions as Quality Manager and Director having responsibilities for product quality and food safety in the aquaculture industry and I managed a research consortium in medical image analysis and visualization (2012 - 2017) at Haukeland University Hospital. I was head of Matre Research Station (1211 Section manager) in the period 2017 - 2024. From April 2024 I returned to my former position as senior research scientist in the Feed & Nutrition research group in Bergen. The current research focus is on precision feeding by water transport. Lately I have also become focused on applications and ethical considerations on the applications of artificial intelligence. High mobility by working two periods at Matre, one period in Austevoll and two periods in Bergen is one of my key qualifications. I have also contributed as Manager of IK Akva at IMR for seven years and been member of the Miljøfyrtårn group for three years. Moreover, International tasks: I have managed two international committees through NOKUT to evaluate 1) The Master program and 2) The PhD program at the University College in Bodø before they became Nord University. I have been western coordinator of the 1st International Chemometric Conference in Zhangiage in China (1996), had six months sabattical at Pacific Biological Statiion in Nanaimo, Canada (2001) and worked as technical advisor for NORAD at University of Fisheries in NhaTrang, Vietnam (2004 - 2008).  I have had a one year 20 % adjunct position as program coordinator in NRC (1998) and as 20 % researcher at Nofima Ingredients in Kjerreidviken (2008).


Academic articles


Prolonged intestinal transit and diarrhea in patients with an activating GUCY2C mutation

Hilde Løland Von Volkmann, Ingeborg Brønstad, Odd Helge Gilja, Rune Rose Tronstad, Dag André Sangnes, Ragnar Nortvedt, Trygve Hausken, Georg Gjorgji Dimcevski, Torunn Fiskerstrand, Kim Nylund

Optimal AC frequency range for electro-stunning of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Endre Grimsbø, Ragnar Nortvedt, Bjørn Tore Hjertaker, Erling Hammer, Bjørn Roth
Aquaculture 451 p. 283-288

Preventing injuries and recovery for electrically stunned Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using high frequency spectrum combined with a thermal shock

Endre Grimsbø, Ragnar Nortvedt, Erling Hammer, Bjørn Roth
Aquaculture 434 p. 277-281

The effect of stunning methods and season on muscle texture hardness in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Grigory Merkin, Lars Helge Stien, Karin Pittman, Ragnar Nortvedt
Journal of Food Science 79 p. E1137-E1141

Comparison of fillet composition and initial estimation of shelf life of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) fed raw fish or fish silage moist diets

Diep Mach Ellertsen, Ragnar Nortvedt
Aquaculture Nutrition 19 p. 333-342

Digital image analysis as a tool to quantify gaping and morphology in smoked salmon slices

Grigory Merkin, Lars Helge Stien, Karin Pittman, Ragnar Nortvedt
Aquacultural Engineering 54 p. 64-71

Live chilling of Atlantic salmon: physiological response to handling and temperature decrease on welfare

A. Foss, Endre Grimsbø, E Vikingstad, Ragnar Nortvedt, Erik Slinde, Bjørn Roth
38 p. 565-571

Crowding, pumping and stunning of Atlantic salmon, the subsequent effect on pH and rigor mortis

Bjørn Roth, Endre Grimsbø, Erik Slinde, Atle Foss, Lars Helge Stien, Ragnar Nortvedt
Aquaculture 326-329 p. 178-180

Free amino acid distribution in plasma and liver of juvenile cobia (Rachycentron canadum) fed increased levels of lizardfish silage

Diep Thi Ngoc Mach, Ragnar Nortvedt
Aquaculture Nutrition 17 p. E644-E656

Effect of pre-slaughter procedures on stress responses and some quality parameters in sea-farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Grigory Merkin, Bjørn Roth, Camilla Gjerstad, Erik Dahl-Paulsen, Ragnar Nortvedt
Aquaculture 309 p. 231-235

Electrical stimulation of Atlantic salmon muscle and the effect on flesh quality

Bjørn Roth, Ragnar Nortvedt, Erik Slinde, Atle Foss, Endre Grimsbø, Lars Helge Stien
Aquaculture 301 p. 85-90

Percussion and electrical stunning of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after dewatering and subsequent effect on brain and heart activities

Bert Lambooij, Endre Grimsbø, Hans van de Vis, Henny G.M. Reimert, Ragnar Nortvedt, Bjørn Roth
Aquaculture 300 p. 107-112

Effects on digestibility and growth of juvenile cobia (Rachycentron canadum) fed fish or crab silage protein

Diep Thi Ngoc Mach, Mao Dinh Nguyen, Ragnar Nortvedt
Aquaculture Nutrition 16 p. 305-312

Laksebein i fôr til torsk. - Biologisk evaluering av laksebeinmel som alternativ proteinkilde i torskefôr

Sissel Albrektsen, Åshild Krogdahl, Ragnar Nortvedt, Kjartan Sandnes, Marie Hillestad
Rubin 178

Chemical and nutritional quality of silage made from raw or cooked lizard fish (Saurida undosquamis) and blue crab (Portunus pelagicus)

Diep Thi Ngoc Mach, Ragnar Nortvedt
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89 p. 2519-2526

A consumer preference study of raw Norwegian rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as sashimi with focus on young adults in Japan

Izumi Sone, Ragnar Nortvedt
44 p. 2055-2061

Factors affecting residual blood and subsequent effect on bloodspotting in smoked Atlantic salmon fillets

Bjørn Roth, Alex Obach, Dougie Hunter, Ragnar Nortvedt, Fernando Oyarzun
Aquaculture 297 p. 163-168

Optimization of activated carbon-based decontamination of fish oil by response surface methodology

Åge Oterhals, Marianne Solvang, Ragnar Nortvedt, MARC BERNTSSEN
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 109 p. 691-705

Exsanguination of turbot and the effect on fillet quality measured mechanically, by sensory evaluation, and with computer vision

Bjørn Roth, R. Schelvis, Lars Helge Stien, Atle Foss, Ragnar Nortvedt, Albert Imsland
Journal of Food Science 72 p. E525-E531

Quality characterization of farmed Atlantic halibut during ice storage

Christelle Guillerm-Regost, Trine Haugen, Nortvedt Ragnar, Mats Carlehög, Bjørn-Tore Lunestad, Anders Kiessling, Anna Maria Bencze Rørå
Journal of Food Science 71 p. 83-90

Seasonal variations in muscle growth dynamics and selected quality attributes in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) fed dietary lipids containing soybean and/or herring oil under different rearing regimes

Trine Haugen, Anders Kiessling, Rolf Erik Olsen, Mia Rørå Bencze, Erik Slinde, Nortvedt Ragnar
Aquaculture 261 p. 565-579

Compensatory growth and fillet crude composition in juvenile Atlantic halibut: Effects of short term starvation periods and subsequent feeding

Andreas Heide, Atle Foss, Sigurd Stefansson, Ian Mayer, Birgitta Norberg, Bjørn Roth, Mads D. Jenssen, Ragnar Nortvedt, Albert Imsland
Aquaculture 261 p. 109-117

Nutritional composition of blubber and meat of hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) and harp seal (Phagophilus groenlandicus) from Greenland

Linn Anne Bjelland Brunborg, Kåre Julshamn, Ragnar Nortvedt, Livar Frøyland
Food Chemistry 96 p. 524-531

Quality characterization of farmed Atlantic halibut during ice storage

C. Guillerm-Regost, T. Haugen, Ragnar Nortvedt, M. Carlehög, B.T. Lunestad, A. Kiessling, A.M.B. Rørå
Journal of Food Science 71 p. S83-S90

Seasonal variations in muscle growth dynamics and selected quality attributes in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) fed dietary lipids containing soybean and/or herring oil under different rearing regimes

T. Haugen, A Kiessling, R.E. Olsen, Anna Maria Bencze Rørå, E. Slinde, Ragnar Nortvedt
Aquaculture 261 p. 565-579

The effects of stress and storage temperature on the colour and texture of pre-rigor filleted farmed cod (Gadus morhua L.)

Lars Helge Stien, Elisabeth Hirmas, Marit Bjørnevik, Ørjan Karlsen, Ragnar Nortvedt, Anna Maria Bencze Rørå, Jan Sunde, Anders Kiessling
Aquaculture Research 36 p. 1197-1206

Interactions between ice storage time, collagen composition, gaping and textural properties in farmed salmon muscle harvested at different times of the year

Marit Espe, Kari Ruohonen, Marit Bjørnevik, Livar Frøyland, Nortvedt Ragnar, Anders Kiessling
Aquaculture 240 p. 489-504

Multivariate approach to the study of fish growth

Ragnar Nortvedt, Tom Johnny Hansen, Frode Brakstad, Trygve Lunde, Steinar Skybakmoen
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 14 p. 279-286

First feeding of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., under different photoperiods and light intensities

Sigurd Olav Stefansson, Ragnar Nortvedt, Tom Johnny Hansen, Geir Lasse Taranger
Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 21 p. 435-441

The effect of a short time exposure to different temperature and salinity regimes on survival of maturing Atlantic salmon and eyed eggs, and changes in blood and seminal plasma during the spawning period

Sissel Albrektsen, Ragnar Nortvedt, Ole Torrissen
ICES Journal of Marine Science F:25

Scientific lectures


Fasteperioden før slakt av laks kan forkortes

Ragnar Nortvedt, Simon Flavell, Ole Folkedal, Kjell Gundersen, Karen Anita Kvestad, Ivar Helge Matre, Lars Helge Stien

Produktutvikling fra silderogn

Nortvedt, Ragnar

Seasonal growth, muscle fibre size distribution and quality characterization of farmed atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus fed soybean oil and/or marine lipids for 1 year

Trine Haugen, Mats Carlehog, Anders Kiessling, Bjørn-Tore Lunestad, Nortvedt Ragnar, Christelle Regost, Mia Rora, Erik Slinde

Anvendelse av bildeanalyse og andre ikke-destruktive målemetoder for kvalitetsvurdering av fisk

Lars H. Stien, Fredrik Manne, Anders Kiessling, Jorma Suontama, Nortvedt Ragnar

Interaction between raw material characteristics and smoking process on quality of smoked salmon

Ragnar Nortvedt, Hannes Hafsteinsson, J.L. Vallet, J Borderias, Ole Torrisen, Øyvind Lie, Magny Skinlo Thomassen, Sjøfn Sigurgisladottir, M Cardinall, Marit Bjørnevik, P Garcia, Marit Espe




Endre Grimsbø, Bjørn Roth, Ragnar Nortvedt


Atle Foss, Endre Grimsbø, E Vikingstad, Ragnar Nortvedt, Erik Slinde, B. Roth

Reports and dissertations


Measuring methods for fish welfare during slaughter based on electrical impedance, EEG, ECG and blood parameters

Endre Grimsbø, Ragnar Nortvedt

Measuring methods for fish welfare during slaughter based on electrical impedance, EEG, ECG and blood

Endre Grimsbø, Ragnar Nortvedt

The opportunities in the catfish surplus market in Vietnam

Nortvedt, Ragnar

Effects of synthetic antioxidants and light exporsure on fish oil oxidation and effects of graded levels of CoQ10 in fish feed on accumulation in fillet and liver of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Veronika Tkachenko, Ragnar Nortvedt

Injection of pre rigor fillets from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) with salt solutions of Na+, Ca2+, and distilled water. The effect on rigor morits, texture, colour, and weight changes

Ana Maria Gutiérrez, Ragnar Nortvedt

Tilsetning og forekomst av Listeria monocytogenes i rakfisk under systematisk variasjon i salt, sukker, nisin, melkesyrebakterier og variabel lagringstemperatur, samt effekter på sensorisk kvalitet

Kathrine Marie Løkling Lunde, Ragnar Nortvedt

Anbefalinger av kjemiske kvalitetsmetoder og prøvetakingsstørrelse på islagret oppdrettet og vill atlantisk torsk (Gadus morhua)

Siri Smith-Giske, Ragnar Nortvedt

Occurrence and distribution of parasitic Anisakis sp. larvae (Nematoda, Anisakidae) in the body musculature of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus)

Hiswaty Hafid, Ragnar Nortvedt

Anvendelse av Nær Infrarød Spektroskopi og kvalitetsindeksmetoden for å bestemme holdbarhet i torsk (Gadus morhua)

Linn Eide, Ragnar Nortvedt

Effects of graded levels of vitamin C and vitamin E on the oxidation status and color appearance of cool stored fillets and liver of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

Thao La Xuan, Ragnar Nortvedt

Effekt av ulike bedøvelses- og slaktetemperaturregimer på korttidsstress og kvalitet hos oppdrettstorsk (Gadus morhua), vurdert ved kvalitetsindeksmetoden (QIM)

Halldis Olsen, Ragnar Nortvedt

Muscle growth dynamics and quality of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)

Trine Haugen, Ragnar Nortvedt

Application of machine vision to quantify rigor development, colour and fat content in slaughtered fish

Lars Helge Stien, Ragnar Nortvedt

ATP degradation, fillet contraction and sensory evaluation of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) subjected to a handling stress situation and starvation

Amir Ebrahim Yazdanpanah Amin, Ragnar Nortvedt

The fatty acid contents in the muscle and liver of wild, fed-wild and farmed cod (Gadus morhua), and its development of rancidity during storage in ice or in slurry

Thi Ngoc Diep Mach, Ragnar Nortvedt

A comparison of the quality deterioration in the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and the Nile perch (Lates niloticus) stored in ice or slurry

John Bosco Ahimbisibwe, Ragnar Nortvedt

A multivariate approach to the study of growth, feed utilization, body composition and sensory assessment of cultured Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossu hippoglossus, L., 1758)

Nortvedt, Ragnar
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