The Scientific Advisory Board of the IMR shall act as an independent advisory body on scientific matters. The role of the Board is to advise the IMR on its scientific development, in view of its goals, duties and operational framework at any given time.
The Scientific Advisory Board shall be made up of internationally recognised scientists within the IMR’s disciplines, and of people with experience of supervising and evaluating administrative agencies or research institutes.
The Board shall have 7–10 members appointed by the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries. The IMR shall propose members.
The Board members, including the chair and any deputy chair, shall be appointed by the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries for a three-year term. Members may be reappointed once.
The Board’s annual report, which is a public document, shall be sent to the IMR, and copied to the Ministry, by the end of January.
The IMR shall facilitate the meetings of the Scientific Advisory Board and act as the secretariat of the Board. This includes helping it to administer scientific assessments and ensuring that the Board is adequately involved in relevant activities of the IMR. The Managing Director of the IMR shall attend Board meetings.
Published: 06.09.2023