Fiskeprøver på våtlaben.
Photo: Espen Bierud / HavforskningsinstituttetDyreplanktonlab.
Photo: Øystein Paulsen / HavforskningsinstituttetOveringeniør Ida Kristin Mellerud sjekker her genetikken til ulike typer torsk. Da gjelder det å være konsentrert, forteller hun.
Photo: Liv Eva Welhaven Løchen / HavforskningsinstituttetThe strategic location is both in the most populous part of the countryside and well-placed to regularly monitor the water as it flows west. Over the years, the research station has been a platform for highly varied research activities, both on land and at sea. It was here that the Norwegian aquaculture adventure started, for example with cod hatching and lobster farming.
The development of the station has taken place in stages. The total building stock today amounts to 3500 square meters. A new modern office and laboratory building was commissioned in the spring of 2011 and there is a new and modern quay facility of 1000 square meters. Since 2002, Statsbygg has been the owner of the actual building stock, while the Institute of Marine Research (Havforskningsinstituttet) is responsible for the research and technical fixtures and fittings, water treatment equipment, and scientific instruments.
Published: 02.03.2020 Updated: 23.09.2020