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Commercial pelagic fish

— Pre-released contribution to the scientific report from the Norwegian and Russian Barents Sea ecosystem surveys in August-October 2024 (BESS)

Author(s): Georg Skaret (IMR) and Dmitry Prozorkevich (VNIRO-PINRO)
Editor(s): Gro van der Meeren (IMR) and Dmitry Prozorkevich (VNIRO-PINRO)


Text by G. Skaret, D. Prozorkevich

Figures by S. Karlson, F. Rist, G. Skaret

7.1 Capelin (Mallotus villosus)

The coverage of the capelin distribution was synoptic with very high effort allocated to the important bank areas. The capelin coverage was considered to be close to complete for 2024 (see Figure, even though the south-western part of the shelf west of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) was not covered. This west shelf is normally not an area with important amounts of capelin. A summary of the capelin stock assessment for 2024 is given in Barents Sea capelin advice sheet 2024 with more details provided in Barents Sea capelin assessment report 2024.

7.1.1 Geographical distribution

The geographical distribution of capelin recorded acoustically is shown in Figure The capelin was distributed quite far north, but not as far north as in 2023 when the population size was much higher. The main distribution area was the Great Bank which is the normal core area at this time of the year. Some recordings were also made north of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) which was also observed in 2023.


Figure. Geographical distribution of capelin in autumn 2024 based on acoustic recordings. Circle sizes correspond to NASC values (m2/nmi2) per nautical mile.
Figure. Geographical distribution of capelin in autumn 2024 based on acoustic recordings. Circle sizes correspond to NASC values (m2/nmi2) per nautical mile.


7.1.2 Abundance by size and age

A detailed summary of the acoustic stock estimate is given in Table, and the time series of abundance estimates is summarized in Table A comparison between the estimates in 2024 and 2023 is given in table with the 2023 estimate shown on a shaded background.

The total stock in the covered area was estimated to about 887 thousand tons, which is only about a third of the long-term average level (2.79 million tons). About 60 % (534 thousand tons) of the 2024 stock had length above 14 cm and was therefore considered to be maturing. In terms of biomass, the contribution to the total was quite equal from both 1, 2, 3 and 4-year-olds (table The abundance of 1 and 3 year-olds was less than a third of the long term average and 2-year-olds less than a sixth of the long term average. Only the abundance of 4-year-olds (2020-yearclass) and 5-year-olds (2019-yearclass) were stronger than the long-term average.

Average weight at age increased compared to 2023 for the age groups 2-4. For 3- and 4-year-olds it was still well below the long term average, whereas it was above the long term average for 1 and 2-year-olds (figure and table

Length (cm)

Age/year class Sum (109) Biomass (103 t) Mean weight (g)
1 2 3 4 5 6
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018


0.434           0.434 0.099 1.25


2.008           2.008 2.131 1.26


4.859           4.859 7.281 1.74


5.469           5.469 9.720 2.11


8.887           8.887 19.094 2.54


7.793           7.793 20.755 3.11


8.836           8.837 27.217 3.64


7.589 0.052         7.641 32.441 4.33


5.493 0.086         5.578 27.135 4.89


3.902 0.117         4.019 22.483 5.70


2.241 0.793         3.034 20.655 6.87


0.390 1.407 0.051       1.848 14.581 7.94


0.599 2.671 0.066       3.336 29.409 8.90


0.058 4.534 0.346 0.127     5.066 52.743 10.37


  3.947 1.255 0.527     5.729 67.374 11.74


  2.136 1.896 0.828 0.211   5.071 66.915 13.24


  2.067 2.725 2.205 0.091   7.089 105.034 14.85


  1.218 3.310 2.210 0.342 0.023 7.103 119.925 16.83


  0.515 1.638 1.575 0.161   3.889 74.262 19.29


  0.207 1.233 1.179 0.391   3.010 62.802 20.99


  0.066 0.421 1.041 0.090 0.001 1.618 40.243 24.91


  0.022 0.281 0.744 0.158   1.205 33.617 27.84


    0.172 0.396 0.069   0.637 19.946 31.48


    0.040 0.232     0.272 9.444 35.45


      0.019     0.019 0.730 39.00


      0.002     0.002 0.047 31.00




        0.019   0.019 0.576 31.00

TSN (109)

58.560 19.837 13.434 11.084 1.534 0.024 104.473    

TSB (103 t)

190.690 233.120 220.203 212.774 29.479 0.395   886.661  

Mean length (cm)

9.55 13.47 14.85 15.37 15.52 15.75      

Mean weight (g)

3.96 11.90 16.19 18.97 18.04 20.33     8.49

SSN (109)

  6.230 11.716 10.430 1.534 0.024 29.933    

SSB (103 t)

  97.708 201.022 204.937 29.479 0.395   533.541  

Table Barents Sea capelin. Summary of results from the acoustic estimate in August-September 2024. The table is generated from the mean of 1000 bootstrap replicates based on calculations in StoX 4.0. TSN: Total stock number. TSB: Total stock biomass. MSN: Maturing stock number. MSB: Maturing stock biomass.

Estimates based on Target strength (TS) Length (L) relationship : TS= 19.1 log (L) – 74.0

Figure Weight at age for capelin from capelin surveys (prior to 2003) and BESS.
Figure Weight at age for capelin from capelin surveys (prior to 2003) and BESS.
Year Age Sum
1 2 3 4 5
BM1 W1 BM2 W2 BM3 W3 BM4 W4 BM5 W5 TSB
1973 1.71 3.2 2.29 6.1 0.73 18.4 0.41 23.9 + 27.3 5.15
1974 1.08 3.6 3.06 5.6 1.52 8.8 0.07 20.7 + 25.1 5.74
1975 0.66 3.4 2.44 7.0 3.24 10.9 1.48 17.1 0.01 28.1 7.82
1976 0.79 3.7 1.95 8.4 2.08 12.8 1.34 17.5 0.26 21.3 6.42
1977 0.72 2.0 1.43 8.2 1.64 16.7 0.84 20.9 0.17 23.3 4.80
1978 0.24 2.9 2.62 6.7 1.19 15.7 0.18 20.6 0.02 25.7 4.25
1979 0.06 4.7 2.48 7.4 1.52 13.3 0.10 21.1 + 24.1 4.16
1980 1.22 4.5 1.84 9.4 2.82 18.2 0.83 25.1 0.01 21.8 6.72
1981 0.92 2.3 1.81 9.2 0.82 17.1 0.33 24.2 0.01 29.1 3.89
1982 1.22 2.3 1.33 9.0 1.18 20.8 0.05 25.0     3.78
1983 1.61 3.1 1.89 9.4 0.73 19.0 0.01 22.2     4.23
1984 0.57 3.7 1.42 7.6 0.89 18.4 0.09 28.3     2.96
1985 0.17 4.4 0.40 8.4 0.27 12.9 0.01 16.3     0.86
1986 0.02 3.8 0.05 10.1 0.05 13.6 + 16.2     0.12
1987 0.08 2.1 0.02 12.2 + 14.1 + 34.0     0.10
1988 0.07 3.4 0.35 12.2 + 16.6         0.43
1989 0.62 3.3 0.20 11.4 0.05 19.5 + 22.4     0.87
1990 2.67 3.8 2.71 15.3 0.45 27.6 + 22.2     5.84
1991 1.53 3.8 5.07 8.7 0.64 19.4 0.04 29.5     7.28
1992 1.25 3.6 1.70 8.6 2.17 16.8 0.04 28.6     5.16
1993 0.01 3.4 0.49 9.1 0.26 14.9 0.04 18.5     0.80
1994 0.09 4.4 0.04 11.1 0.07 16.5 + 18.1     0.20
1995 0.05 6.7 0.11 13.8 0.03 16.7 0.01 23.0     0.19
1996 0.24 2.9 0.21 18.6 0.05 23.8 + 26.7     0.50
1997 0.41 4.2 0.45 11.5 0.04 23.2 + 23.5     0.91
1998 0.81 4.5 0.97 13.3 0.26 24.3 0.02 27.8 + 29.9 2.05
1999 0.65 4.2 1.38 13.6 0.72 27.0 0.03 30.3     2.77
2000 1.71 3.8 1.59 14.3 0.95 27.9 0.03 36.1 + 20.1 4.27
2001 0.38 3.3 2.40 11.0 0.81 26.7 0.04 35.5 + 41.3 3.63
2002 0.23 3.9 0.92 10.1 1.04 20.7 0.02 35.0     2.21
2003 0.20 2.4 0.10 10.2 0.20 18.3 0.03 23.3     0.53
2004 0.20 3.2 0.21 12.2 0.09 20.9 0.01 21.1 + 25.4 0.51
2005 0.08 3.4 0.33 15.7 0.08 22.0 0.01 18.2 + 19.6 0.50
2006 0.24 4.2 0.27 16.4 0.12 23.2 + 28.0 + 25.4 0.64
2007 0.83 4.3 0.81 16.2 0.16 28.3 0.01 29.6     1.82
2008 0.89 3.0 2.46 12.4 0.59 24.6 0.01 27.9     3.95
2009 0.47 2.7 1.63 11.0 1.15 23.9 + 25.9     3.25
2010 0.76 3.1 1.41 10.3 1.60 23.9 0.05 28.3     3.82
2011 0.47 2.4 1.72 9.9 1.19 20.7 0.21 27.5     3.60
2012 0.57 3.2 1.03 8.8 1.77 20.1 0.08 27.5     3.46
2013 0.99 3.1 1.58 8.0 1.11 16.5 0.28 23.7 + 28.7 3.97
2014 0.32 3.1 0.73 9.0 0.60 16.1 0.04 22.0     1.69
2015 0.16 4.3 0.46 11.0 0.23 18.0 0.02 22.4     0.88
2016 0.14 4.3 0.12 14.6 0.06 24.9 + 25.4     0.32
2017 0.47 4.1 1.61 13.5 0.34 24.5 0.01 27.0     2.43
2018 0.28 4.8 0.84 13.8 0.51 22.6 0.01 29.8 + 34.0 1.64
2019 0.09 4.8 0.14 14.3 0.16 23.2 0.03 25.0 + 18.9 0.41
2020 1.27 3.4 0.49 15.8 0.10 25.1 0.02 29.6 + 23.3 1.89
2021 0.75 3.4 3.07 9.4 0.16 22.0 + 26.0     3.99
2022 0.32 4.3 0.96 7.1 0.86 14.9 0.02 19.2 + 24.0 2.17
2023 0.48 4.4 0.72 9.0 1.32 12.3 0.42 17.6 + 20.5 2.95
2024 0.19 4.0 0.23 11.9 0.22 16.2 0.21 19.0 0.03 18.0 0.89
Average 0.61 3.6 1.24 10.9 0.75 19.5 0.14 24.6 0.01 25.2 2.76

Table Barents Sea capelin. Summary of acoustic estimates by age in autumn 1973- 2024. Biomass (B) in tons *106 and average weight (AW) in grams. Note that the numbers for 2004-2022 were updated following the re-estimation in StoX for the capelin benchmark in 2022. The numbers are means from 1000 bootstrap replicates.

Note:«+» <0.005*106 tons

Year class Age Numbers (106) Mean weight (g) Biomass (103 t)
2023 2022 1 58.6 108.5 3.96 4.43 190.7 480.6
2022 2021 2 19.8 80.3 11.90 9.01 233.1 723.4
2021 2020 3 13.4 107.4 16.19 12.33 220.2 1324.2
2020 2019 4 11.1 23.9 18.97 17.56 212.8 419.4
Total stock in:                
2024 2023 1-4 104.5 320.3 8.49 9.21 886.7 2951.7

Table Summary of acoustic stock size estimates for capelin. A comparison of the estimates in 2024 and 2023 (shaded background).

7.2 Polar cod (Boreogadus saida)

7.2.1 Geographical distribution

The acoustic recordings of polar cod are shown in Figure There were no areas with really high concentrations of polar cod, but the concentrations adjacent to the Great Bank dominated. Only small concentrations of polar cod were found to the south near the Kara Strait where huge concentrations were found in 2023. There were significant recordings of polar cod along the north-easternmost of transects which indicates that parts of the polar cod stock were distributed east and possibly north of the covered area.


Figure Geographical distribution of polar cod in autumn 2024 based on acoustic data. Circle sizes correspond to NASC values (m2/nmi2) per nautical mile.
Figure Geographical distribution of polar cod in autumn 2024 based on acoustic data. Circle sizes correspond to NASC values (m2/nmi2) per nautical mile.

7.2.2. Abundance estimation

The stock abundance estimates of polar cod by age, number and weight in 2024 is given in Table and the time series of abundance estimates is summarized in Table The estimated means are from 500 bootstrap replicas made in StoX 4.1.1.

The total estimated abundance of polar cod in 2024 was low, less than 15% of the estimate from 2023. Age group 1 dominated the abundance while age group 2 dominated biomass, but the abundance of all age groups was well below the levels in 2023.

The north-east part of the Barents Sea where polar cod is often distributed has not been covered since 2020. There are also indications of a northwards distribution change in polar cod, so the survey results must be interpreted with caution. However, the estimates indicate that there has been a very strong dynamic in the Barents Sea polar cod stock abundance during the past decade, especially compared to the period 1991-2013.

Length (cm) Age/year class Sum (109) Biomass (103 t) Mean weight (g)
1 2 3 4 5 6
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
7.0-8.0 0.001           0.001 0.002 2.12
8.0-9.0 0.093           0.093 0.375 4.17
9.0-10.0 0.089           0.089 0.518 5.83
10.0-11.0 0.307 0.006         0.313 2.489 7.87
11.0-12.0 0.644 0.019         0.663 7.111 10.75
12.0-13.0 0.379 0.038 0.005       0.422 5.780 13.54
13.0-14.0 0.188 0.139 0.013 0.005     0.346 6.194 17.82
14.0-15.0 0.018 0.202 0.050 0.002 0.004   0.276 6.194 22.32
15.0-16.0 0.005 0.283 0.116 0.012 0.005   0.420 11.315 26.82
16.0-17.0   0.230 0.062 0.023 0.002   0.317 10.158 32.03
17.0-18.0   0.070 0.053 0.006 0.002   0.130 4.961 38.54
18.0-19.0   0.030 0.040 0.006     0.076 3.455 46.17
19.0-20.0   0.005 0.037 0.004     0.046 2.381 52.71
20.0-21.0     0.005 0.025     0.029 1.835 62.03
21.0-22.0     0.003 0.007 0.003   0.013 0.904 77.79
22.0-23.0       0.003 0.002   0.006 0.422 76.54
23.0-24.0           0.002 0.002 0.190 93.94
24.0-25.0       0.001     0.001 0.113 79.99
25.0-26.0       0.001     0.001 0.081 96.44
TSN (109) 1.725 1.022 0.383 0.096 0.018 0.002 3.252    
TSB (103 t) 19.243 26.961 12.923 4.392 0.767 0.190   64.668  
Mean length (cm) 11.13 14.88 16.09 17.93 17.59 23.00 13.79    
Mean weight (g) 11.32 26.71 34.67 47.19 46.12 91.80     23.06

Table Barents Sea polar cod. Summary of results from the acoustic estimate in August- October 2024. All values in the table are derived from average number and biomass at length and age from 500 bootstrap runs in StoX 4.1.1.

Estimates based on Target strength (TS) Length (L) relationship : TS= 21.8 log (L) – 72.7

Year Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4+ Total
1986 24.038 169.6 6.263 104.3 1.058 31.5 0.082 3.4 31.441 308.8
1987 15.041 125.1 10.142 184.2 3.111 72.2 0.039 1.2 28.333 382.8
1988 4.314 37.1 1.469 27.1 0.727 20.1 0.052 1.7 6.562 86.0
1989 13.540 154.9 1.777 41.7 0.236 8.6 0.060 2.6 15.613 207.8
1990 3.834 39.3 2.221 56.8 0.650 25.3 0.094 6.9 6.799 127.3
1991 23.670 214.2 4.159 93.8 1.922 67.0 0.152 6.4 29.903 381.5
1992 22.902 194.4 13.992 376.5 0.832 20.9 0.064 2.9 37.790 594.9
1993 16.269 131.6 18.919 367.1 2.965 103.3 0.147 7.7 38.300 609.7
1994 27.466 189.7 9.297 161.0 5.044 154.0 0.790 35.8 42.597 540.5
1995 30.697 249.6 6.493 127.8 1.610 41.0 0.175 7.9 38.975 426.2
1996 19.438 144.9 10.056 230.6 3.287 103.1 0.212 8.0 33.012 487.4
1997 15.848 136.7 7.755 124.5 3.139 86.4 0.992 39.3 28.012 400.7
1998 89.947 505.5 7.634 174.5 3.965 119.3 0.598 23.0 102.435 839.5
1999 59.434 399.6 22.760 426.0 8.803 286.8 0.435 25.9 91.463 1141.9
2000 33.825 269.4 19.999 432.4 14.598 597.6 0.840 48.4 69.262 1347.8
2001 77.144 709.0 15.694 434.5 12.499 589.3 2.271 132.1 107.713 1869.6
2002 8.431 56.8 34.824 875.9 6.350 282.2 2.322 143.2 52.218 1377.2
2003* 32.804 242.7 3.255 59.9 15.374 481.2 1.739 87.6 53.172 871.4
2004 99.404 627.1 22.777 404.9 2.627 82.2 0.510 32.7 125.319 1143.8
2005 71.675 626.6 57.053 1028.2 3.703 120.2 0.407 28.3 132.859 1803.0
2006 16.190 180.8 45.063 1277.4 12.083 445.9 0.698 37.2 74.033 1941.2
2007 29.483 321.2 25.778 743.4 3.230 145.8 0.315 19.8 58.807 1230.1
2008 41.693 421.8 18.114 522.0 5.905 247.8 0.415 27.8 66.127 1219.4
2009 13.276 100.2 22.213 492.5 8.265 280.0 0.336 16.6 44.090 889.3
2010 27.285 234.2 18.257 543.1 12.982 594.6 1.253 58.6 59.777 1430.5
2011 34.460 282.3 14.455 304.4 4.728 237.1 0.514 36.7 54.158 860.5
2012 13.521 113.6 4.696 104.3 2.121 93.0 0.119 8.0 20.457 318.9
2013 2.216 18.1 4.317 102.2 5.243 210.3 0.180 9.9 11.956 340.5
2014 0.687 6.5 4.439 110.0 3.196 121.0 0.080 5.3 8.402 243.2
2015 10.866 97.1 1.995 45.1 0.167 5.3 0.008 0.5 13.036 148.0
2016 95.919 792.7 6.380 139.1 0.207 6.9 0.023 0.7 102.529 939.4
2017 13.810 121.8 8.269 200.8 1.112 34.3 0.003 0.1 23.195 357.1
2018** 1.900 16.4 0.980 23.1 0.240 9.4 0.014 0.6 3.124 49.6
2019** 6.109 49.8 1.217 30.3 0.214 6.3 0.014 0.8 7.555 87.2
2020 115.139 988.3 20.133 386.8 8.217 299.3 0.647 42.8 144.171 1720.8
2021** 45.340 375.5 44.020 819.9 2.190 90.4 0.210 13.3 91.760 1299.0
2022** No data                  
2023** 9.640 75.9 3.465 54.9 6.240 221.9 2.983 137.7 22.328 490.4
2024** 1.725 19.2 1.022 27.0 0.383 12.9 0.114 5.2 3.252 64.7
Average 30.760 248.4 13.720 306.8 4.450 167.2 0.520 28.1 49.490 752.0

Table Barents Sea polar cod. Summary of acoustic estimates by age in August-October 2024. TSN and TSB are total stock numbers (109) and total stock biomass (103 tons) respectively.

* numbers partly based on VPA estimates

** incomplete survey coverage

7.3 Herring (Clupea harengus)

7.3.1 Geographical distribution

Young Norwegian spring spawning herring (NSSH) was distributed over large parts of the southern Barents Sea (Figure


Figure Geographical distribution of herring in autumn 2024 based on acoustic recordings. Circle sizes correspond to NASC values (m2/nmi2) per nautical mile.
Figure Geographical distribution of herring in autumn 2024 based on acoustic recordings. Circle sizes correspond to NASC values (m2/nmi2) per nautical mile.

7.3.2 Abundance estimation

The estimated total number and biomass of NSSH in the Barents Sea in the autumn 2024 is shown in table, and the time series of abundance estimates is summarized in Table Total numbers in 2024 was estimated at ca. 72 billion individuals (Table This is the third highest on record and ca. 2.5 times higher than the long-term average (Table Abundance of age group 1 was low, while abundance of age group 2 (2022 year class) was >5 times higher than the long-term average and abundance of age group 3 (2021 year class) was >6 times higher. The abundances of both 2 and 3-year-olds were the highest on record. Also abundance of age group 4+ was above the long-term average. The very high abundances of 2 and 3-year-olds were expected given the very high abundances of 1 and 2-year-olds in 2023. The total biomass of NSS-herring in the Barents Sea which is dominated by biomass of 2 and 3-year-olds is the highest that has been measured since 1999.

Length (cm) Age/year class Sum (10⁹) Biomass (10³ t) Mean weight (g)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
10.0-11.0 0.004                 0.004 0.028 6.83
11.0-12.0 0.075                 0.075 0.760 9.54
12.0-13.0 1.194                 1.194 15.353 12.38
13.0-14.0 1.020                 1.020 15.317 15.29
14.0-15.0 0.269 0.146               0.415 7.846 18.90
15.0-16.0 0.080 1.577               1.657 41.317 24.92
16.0-17.0 0.240 9.481               9.721 282.643 29.07
17.0-18.0 0.176 10.613               10.789 374.855 34.99
18.0-19.0 0.039 7.451               7.490 312.536 41.99
19.0-20.0 0.012 5.938 0.240             6.191 302.748 49.52
20.0-21.0   3.604 0.790             4.394 255.483 58.14
21.0-22.0   1.898 3.099             4.997 348.415 68.75
22.0-23.0   0.968 5.163             6.132 496.857 79.97
23.0-24.0   1.288 5.936             7.224 659.783 91.00
24.0-25.0   0.485 3.535             4.020 425.111 106.75
25.0-26.0   0.500 2.128             2.628 324.159 122.22
26.0-27.0   0.045 0.853 0.052           0.950 132.731 138.86
27.0-28.0     0.262 0.047           0.309 49.073 156.65
28.0-29.0     0.043 0.148           0.191 39.034 203.19
29.0-30.0     0.060 0.043           0.103 22.626 217.40
30.0-31.0       0.117           0.117 28.084 237.69
31.0-32.0       0.018       0.077   0.095 26.542 278.02
32.0-33.0         0.021 0.180 0.059 0.414   0.674 205.013 304.32
33.0-34.0           0.143 0.061 1.024   1.229 397.241 323.00
34.0-35.0             0.056 0.465 0.014 0.535 181.439 340.52
35.0-36.0               0.068   0.068 24.542 357.42
TSN (109) 3.109 43.995 22.109 0.424 0.021 0.323 0.176 2.048 0.014 72.321    
TSB (103 t) 53.788 1943.005 2055.332 87.421 6.173 97.890 57.020 663.762 5.144   4984.863  
Mean length (cm) 12.50 18.70 23.12 28.42 32.00 32.46 33.06 33.08 34.00 20.14    
Mean weight (g) 14.93 49.94 95.95 204.02 292.00 303.70 325.34 324.99 364.00     75.27

Table NSSH. Acoustic estimate in the Barents Sea in August-October 2024 . All values in the table are derived from average number and biomass at length and age from 1000 bootstrap runs in StoX 4.0.

Estimates based on Target strength (TS) Length (L) relationship: TS= 20.0 log (L) – 71.9

Year Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4+ Total
1999 48.759 716.0 0.986 31.0 0.051 2.0     49.795 749.0
2000 14.731 383.0 11.499 560.0         26.230 943.0
2001 0.525 12.0 10.544 604.0 1.714 160.0     12.783 776.0
2002 No data                  
2003 99.786 3090.0 4.336 220.0 2.476 326.0     106.597 3636.0
2004 14.265 406.0 36.495 2725.0 0.901 107.0     51.717 3252.0
2005 46.380 984.0 16.167 1055.0 6.973 795.0     69.520 2833.0
2006 1.618 34.0 5.535 398.0 1.620 211.0     8.773 643.0
2007 3.941 148.0 2.595 218.0 6.378 810.0 0.250 46.0 13.164 1221.0
2008 0.030 1.0 1.626 77.0 3.987* 287* 3.223* 373* 8.866* 738*
2009 1.538 48.0 0.433 52.0 1.807 287.0 1.686 393.0 5.577 815.0
2010 1.047 35.0 0.315 34.0 0.234 37.0 0.428 104.0 2.025 207.0
2011 0.095 3.0 1.504 106.0 0.006 1.0     1.605 109.0
2012 2.031 36.0 1.078 66.0 1.285 195.0     4.394 296.0
2013 7.657 202.0 5.029 322.0 0.092 13.0 0.057 9.0 12.835 546.0
2014 4.188 62.0 1.822 126.0 6.825 842.0 0.162 25.0 13.011 1058.0
2015 1.183 6.0 9.023 530.0 3.214 285.0 0.149 24.0 13.569 845.0
2016 7.760 131.0 1.573 126.0 3.089 389.0 0.029 6.0 12.452 652.0
2017 34.950 820.0 2.138 141.0 3.465 412.0 0.982 210.0 41.537 1583.0
2018** 0.530 22.6 6.035 526.0 1.299 165.5 0.897 171.7 1.165 482.5
2019 13.650 172.0 0.209 15.1 6.000 756.0 1.600 487.0 21.460 1430.0
2020     0.231 13.0 1.816 189.0 11.59* 2796* 13.636* 2998*
2021 1.410 80.8 0.120 10.1 0.360 39.5 0.720 144.7 2.610 275.1
2022** 4.442 155.2 0.882 76.6 0.000 0.0 1.459 412.3 6.783 645.7
2023 64.115 925.2 32.920 1558.1 4.443 546.7 2.458 752.9 103.935 3783.0
2024 3.109 53.8 43.995 1943.0 22.109 2055.3 2.993 912.3 72.321 4984.9
Average 15.740 355.3 7.880 461.3 3.340 371.3 1.790 429.2 27.050 1420.0

Table NSSH. Summary of acoustic estimates by age in autumn 1999-2024. TSN and TSB are total stock numbers (109) and total stock biomass (103 tons) respectively.

*in mix with Kanin herring in the south-eastern part of the coverage area

**survey coverage only on Norwegian (western) side

7.4 Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou)

7.4.1 Geographical distribution

Blue whiting contributes to make up the mid-trophic pelagic component in the south-western part of the Barents Sea ecosystem. The Barents Sea is on the border of the distribution area for the blue whiting, but with incoming strong year-classes, increased abundance of young blue whiting in the Barents Sea is normally observed. The distribution of blue whiting from the BESS 2024 is shown in Figure The distribution in 2024 was similar to 2023 following the shelf edge north to Svalbard (Spitsbergen) and with some recordings stretching north of Svalbard (Spitsbergen).


Figure Geographical distribution of blue whiting in autumn 2024 based on acoustic recordings. Circle sizes correspond to NASC values (m2/nmi2) per nautical mile.
Figure Geographical distribution of blue whiting in autumn 2024 based on acoustic recordings. Circle sizes correspond to NASC values (m2/nmi2) per nautical mile.


7.4.2 Abundance by size and age

The estimated total number and biomass of blue whiting in the Barents Sea in the autumn 2024 is shown in table, and the time series of abundance estimates is summarized in Table

The total abundance and biomass are higher than in 2023 but below the long-term average (Table The 3 and 4-year-olds (2021 and 2020 year classes) dominate both the abundance and biomass (Table

Length (cm) Age/year class Sum (10⁶) Biomass (10³ t) Mean weight (g)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2009
20.0-21.0 0.6                         0.6 0.0 44.33
21.0-22.0 2.5                         2.5 0.1 54.96
22.0-23.0 3.6 5.8                       9.4 0.6 62.12
23.0-24.0 14.2 0.7 0.9                     15.9 1.1 73.05
24.0-25.0 1.1 5.2 3.4 0.7                   10.4 0.9 86.04
25.0-26.0     19.4                     19.4 2.0 101.47
26.0-27.0   2.4 19.0 15.3                   36.7 4.1 112.29
27.0-28.0     36.8 25.1 9.9                 71.7 9.0 126.09
28.0-29.0     32.3 54.9 6.9                 94.0 13.4 142.51
29.0-30.0   1.0 19.2 7.5 27.0                 54.7 8.5 156.99
30.0-31.0     11.2 22.0 8.9 11.0 5.5     3.9       62.3 10.7 170.68
31.0-32.0     2.9 5.9 8.2   1.8 1.7 1.8         22.3 4.2 189.94
32.0-33.0       3.7 6.9   5.8 2.8   3.3 3.9     26.3 5.2 199.15
33.0-34.0       4.1             5.4     9.5 2.1 220.59
34.0-35.0           3.2 4.0 3.6       3.1   13.8 3.5 250.26
35.0-36.0           3.6 1.4 3.4 1.5 1.9       11.9 3.3 270.30
36.0-37.0             0.1 4.0   0.1       4.3 1.3 300.24
37.0-38.0                   0.2       0.2 0.1 243.00
42.0-43.0                         0.1 0.1 0.0 402.00
TSN (106) 22.0 15.2 144.9 139.2 67.6 17.8 18.6 15.5 3.3 9.4 9.2 3.1 0.1 499.0    
TSB (103 t) 1.5 1.3 19.1 20.2 10.9 3.9 3.9 3.8 0.8 1.9 2.0 0.8 0.0   70.8  
Mean length (cm) 22.30 24.50 27.10 28.20 29.10 31.10 32.20 33.10 33.00 32.10 32.50 34.00 42.00 28.00    
Mean weight (g) 66.70 92.60 128.90 143.90 159.00 202.20 214.20 224.00 217.80 196.30 216.60 257.20 402.00     143.77

Table Blue whiting. Acoustic estimate in the Barents Sea in August-October 2024. All values in the table are derived from average number and biomass at length and age from 500 bootstrap runs in StoX 4.0.0.

Estimates based on Target strength (TS) Length (L) relationship: TS= 20 log (L) - 65.2

Year Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4+ Total
2004 669 26 439 33 1056 98 1211 159 3575 327
2005 649 20 523 36 1051 86 809 102 3039 244
2006 47 2 478 34 730 70 922 129 2177 235
2007 + + 116 11 892 92 743 107 1757 210
2008 + + + + 10 1 238 36 247 37
2009 1 + + + 6 1 359 637 366 65
2010     2   5 1 155 31 163 33
2011 2 + 2 + 13 2 93 22 109 25
2012 583 27 64 8 58 9 321 77 1025 121
2013 1   349 28 135 13 175 42 664 84
2014 111 5 19 2 185 20 127 28 443 55
2015 1768 71 340 29 134 15 286 44 2529 159
2016 277 13 1224 82 588 48 216 36 2351 188
2017 43 2 253 22 503 49 269 38 1143 115
2018     18 1 74 8 215 29 332 40
2019 54 2 64 5 66 8 162 27 347 43
2020 110 5 19 2 11 1 56 11 196 18
2021 406 17 58 5 39 5 67 13 584 40
2022 195 8 143 12 41 4 58 10 437 34
2023 29 2 61 5 84 10 100 17 275 34
2024 22 1 15 1 145 19 284 48 499 71
Average 292 14 220 19 277 27 327 78 1060 104

Table Blue whiting. Acoustic estimates by age in autumn 2004-2024. TSN and TSB are total stock numbers (106) and total stock biomass (103 tons).

Estimates based on Target strength (TS) Length (L) relationship : TS = 20 log (L) - 65.2 (Recalculation by Åge Høines, IMR 2017)

Note:«+» <0.5

Year class Age Numbers (106) Mean weight (g) Biomass (103 t)
2023 2022 1 22.0 29.3 66.73 56.52 1.5 1.7
2022 2021 2 15.2 61.3 92.61 88.57 1.3 5.4
2021 2020 3 144.9 84.0 128.93 118.40 19.1 9.9
2020 2019 4+ 283.8 100.2 166.41 136.44 48.1 17.4
Total stock in:                
2024 2023 Total 499.0 274.8 143.77 125.37 70.8 34.5

Table Summary of stock size estimates for blue whiting in 2023-2024.