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HI 037829

Swapping waders for business attire


Anne Hege Straume’s day-to-day work consists of editing the genome of salmon eggs. She and the other postdocs at the Institute of Marine Research are now getting ready to act as eyes and ears during the upcoming ocean conference in Bergen this autumn.


Part of our ocean is dying


Opinion in Washington Post 23.10.18: PERTH, Australia – Over the last few years, an intense, marine heatwave has decimated Northern California’s kelp forests by helping trigger an explosive growth of the purple sea urchin.


One month to go until the government's marine science conference in Bergen


On 20-21 November the world’s leading marine scientists will meet in Bergen. The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) is hosting the conference, which was launched by Erna Solberg at the G7 meeting in the summer.


Conference: Science for Ocean Actions


Institute for Marine Research (IMR) is, on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, responsible for a science conference to share new knowledge and suggest action points for the High-level Panel and G7 countries. 

Kvalblåst i Barentshavet   Audun Rikardsen

Follow whales on their migration


The humpback whales have started their migration, but where are they going? You can follow their journey live here.

IMG 1016

Delousing agent kept juvenile lobsters from finding shelter


Juvenile lobsters fed with realistic quantities of teflubenzuron developed stiff joints and were unable to find shelter.