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Hake in lab

Hake sets parasite record – no codfish has more Anisakis


– Anisakis, or herring worm, was found in all the samples. On average, we found 840 herring worm larvae per fish, and 76 of them were in the edible parts of the fish, says marine scientist Paolo Cipriani.

HI 051961

This temperature provides perfect growth conditions for sea vomit


The Norwegian coast has perfect conditions for sea vomit. The unwanted carpet sea squirt thrives best in water that is between 13 and 18 °C.

A scientist in a lab, holding a petridish with samples.

The Bergen sewage: 1,580 antibiotic-resistant bacteria identified


IMR researchers have discovered a new type of antibiotic-resistant E. coli bacterium. This adds to a long list of similar findings in Bergen's sewage.

HI 039146

The Ocean’s Menopause


Researcher Melissa is like the ocean’s general practitioner. She keeps an eye on the ocean’s health. And now the symptoms have increased – really increased.

Salmon swimming in farm

Challenges and Opportunities with Sterile Salmon


Aberrant genetic inheritance may help us understand why sterile triploid salmon have poorer welfare and health. 

Hege Skaar Lars Johan Naustvoll KI Alger montasje

New technology improves the monitoring of harmful algae


“Submersible” microscope and artificial intelligence help marine researchers uncover harmful algal blooms.

 MG 6529

Follow the journey of the world’s largest tuna


Marine researchers have tracked the spectacular migrations of the "torpedo of the sea." See where the bluefin tuna went!  

Orange vessel out on a fjord surrounded by steep mountains.

Sprat cruise in Hardanger was remotely controlled from Bergen


As Frigg measured the sprat population in Hardangerfjorden, the captain was sitting in a room in Bergen.

HI 043134

Why is fish healthy – really?


The answer lies in three very special nutrients.


Hidden Delicacies of the Sea – and more


Seafood enthusiast and marine researcher Arne Duinker tastes unusual ingredients and fulfills a dream.

A brown crab on the sea floor

Scientists trace pollutants from the brown crab back to the source


The brown crab contains heavy metals and scientists can trace their sources.


Citizen scientists register larger and more lobsters in the protected areas


Data collection through citizen science works well when measuring the effects of marine conservation. 

nansen i mozambique

Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Still going strong after almost 50 years of scientific surveys


For almost 50 years, Dr. Fridtjof Nansen has been exploring seas in the southern hemisphere. It has generated important time series, provided valuable training to researchers and almost suffered a mutiny due to rice.

Picture recognition with some species.

One million photos to help identify the animals at the bottom of the sea


Can a computer help to identify the animals at the bottom of the sea? The answer is yes – but first it must learn to play lotto. 

Spekkhoggere og fiskebåt Audun Rikardsen

Researchers have discovered sounds to keep orcas away from fish nets


But humpback whales are more difficult.


Fin whales making strong comeback in the Southern Ocean


Marine scientists estimate that there may be many times more fin whales than thought in the Southern Ocean.

Håbrann munn

Porbeagle Shark swam from Lofoten in Norway to Canary Islands


Like many people living in the north of Norway, a shark tagged by the Institute of Marine Research, set its course straight for warmer climates as the autumn cold set in.

Montasje torskeegg forskere og torsk

Cod can adjust to climate change - from one generation to the next


The temperature the mother experiences affects how the offspring develop.

brugdemaki caroline

The world's largest sushi?


No, this basking shark roll is not recommended for your dinner plate. However, for innovative research, it is perfect. 

An octopus with eight arms and reddish colour

Scientists have discovered a new deep sea octopus


Deep sea octopuses are still shrouded in mystery. Researchers have recently added new insights about the creatures, describing a new Arctic species for the first time.

Collage of three photos. One man smiling to the camera, wolf fish on the sea floor and sea urchin.

New EU-project: Linking marine habitat status to predators


Fishing drives a reduction in the number of large and old predatory fish. What does this mean for ecosystems?

Man in blue sweater and blue jeans in a room with blue tiles and lots of different equipment.

Determined which directions man-made noise in Bjørnafjorden comes from


The researchers measured what animals use to detect noise directionality: particle motion in the water.


Searched for Anisakids in tusk, stumbled upon fish-liquefying parasite


Kudoa has not previously been documented in Norwegian whitefish. 

20230823 Sounder i Hardanger DSC 2976

Unmanned vehicles to meet growing need for research data


Unmanned vehicles to meet growing need for research data – even at sea.

Parts of the wreck at some distance.

Unknown submarine wreck from World War II discovered


After more than 80 years on the seabed, what is probably the wreckage of the British submarine HMS Thistle has been discovered outside Rogaland, Norway.

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Watch the scientists tag their first minke whale


How important are whales in the oceanic carbon cycle? IMR scientists are looking for the answer.

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Researchers tagged four 2.5 m porbeagles in Lofoten


Join us on our hunt for the “great white shark’s cousin” and see how our team gets them under control.

The harbour porpoise is a small cetacean of about 1.5 meters

Using sound to monitor harbour porpoises


Porpoises "click" – marine scientists listen. This is how they will find out how many porpoises there are in the Skagerrak and where they are throughout the year. 

Gjør klar CTD en

Interested in international ocean data?


Research data after Statsraad Lehmkuhl's circumnavigation is now available to anyone who is curious.

Drone photo of a fishing vessel towing a special fish net cage.

Live storage of bluefin tuna: Historic success in Norwegian waters


Researchers and fishers joined forces in trapping and transporting live bluefin tuna in the 200-300 kilo weight class.