Dunlop, K., Harendza, A., Plassen, L., and Keeley, N. (2020). Epifaunal habitat associations of sessile epifauna on mixed and hard bottom substrates in northern Norwegian fjords. Frontiers in Marine Science 7(November 2020), 1-16. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.568802.
Dunlop, K., Harendza, A., Bannister, R., Keeley, N., 2021. Spatial response of hard- and mixed-bottom benthic epifauna to organic enrichment from salmon aquaculture in northern Norway. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13, 455-475.
Laroche, O., Meier, S., Mjøs, S.A., Keeley, N., 2022. Suspension-Feeding Benthic Species’ Physiological and Microbiome Response to Salmon Farming and Associated Environmental Changes. Frontiers in Marine Science 9.
Laroche, O., Pochon, X., Wood, S.A., Keeley, N., 2021. Beyond taxonomy: Validating functional inference approaches in the context of fish-farm impact assessments. Molecular Ecology Resources 21, 2264-2277.
Laroche, O., Meier, S., Mjøs, S.A., Keeley, N., 2021. Effects of fish farm activities on the sponge Weberella bursa, and its associated microbiota. Ecological Indicators 129, 107879.
Keeley, N., Laroche, O., Birch, M., Pochon, X., 2021. A Substrate-Independent Benthic Sampler (SIBS) for Hard and Mixed-Bottom Marine Habitats: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Frontiers in Marine Science 8.
Carvajalino-Fernández, M.A., Sævik, P.N., Johnsen, I.A., Albretsen, J., Keeley, N.B., 2020. Simulating particle organic matter dispersal beneath Atlantic salmon fish farms using different resuspension approaches. Marine Pollution Bulletin 161, 111685.
Carvajalino-Fernández, M.A., Keeley, N.B., Fer, I., Law, B.A., Bannister, R.J., 2020. Effect of substrate type and pellet age on the resuspension of Atlantic salmon faecal material. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 12, 117-129.