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Praksisplassar ved Havforskingsinstituttet i 2025

Lista nedanfor viser noverande tilbod til studentar (høgskular/universitet) om praksisplass ved Havforskingsinsinstituttet (ulønna arbeid). Studenten er pålagt å skrive rapport/bloggar om arbeidet ho/han har gjort. Arbeidsomfanget er vanlegvis 140–150 timar ila. eit semester, men nokre universitet tilbyr også emne i forskingspraksis (og ikkje berre arbeidspraksis) med ca. 240–250 timar (6–8 veker). Praksisen har som formål å gje studentane ei praktisk og teoretisk innføring i offentlege og private verksemder i sjømatnæringa.

Ved enkelte universitet kan praksisen gjennomførast over heile semesteret iht. avtale mellom student og verksemd, mens bachelorprogrammet i fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap ved Norges fiskerihøgskole (UiT) har tre faste veker (veke 38, 42 og 46) i løpet av haustsemesteret som studentane skal ha praksis i bedriftene/verksemdene. Vidare ønskjer UiT at studentane skal ha fokus på berekraft i den enkelte praksisbedrifta. 

Identifying vulnerable species on video imagery and estimate densities

Benthic video imagery has been collected in the fjords around Nordland and Troms with the help of ROVs, including imagery of so called vulnerable ecosystem indicator species such as sponges, corals and seapens. While poorly mapped, these species are often important for management decisions, for example in the process of establishment of marine protected areas around the coast of Norway. One of the research questions we hope to answer with the collected imagery is in which densities these species occur.

We have extensive video material of different quality, which needs to be assessed for density estimates. We need help going through the material, evaluate video quality and annotate (identify and count) videos for target species. Depending on the students’ interest and skills we can formulate this work into a small project, with the possibility for a more quantitative analysis of data. The student will learn identification of selected marine organisms from imagery, acquire software skills on image annotation, get to know and be integrated into the work environment at HI in Tromsø.

We expect a large degree of independence and an interest to learn new software – quantitative skills are also an advantage. We can currently only offer these placements to people willing to be based in Tromsø for the majority of their placement period.

Please remember to contact us directly to ensure availability - we are sometimes away for several weeks with cruises and conferences and want to make sure we can dedicate time to you.

Arbeidsted: HI Tromsø
Kontaktperson: Mona.m.fuhrmann@hi.no, FG Bentiske ressurser