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Eystein Oveland

Telefon: 90263022
Avdeling: Sjømat, ernæring og miljøtilstand

Senior Research Scientist

I am a senior research scientist (1183 research professor) focusing on development of different analytical methods in food chemistry for research, surveillance and reporting to authorities.


Streamlining laboratory operations focusing on the accredited analyses to optimize the deliveries, including the project on vitamin analyses (SmartLabHI, Vitaminomics).
Nordic-Baltic Committee on Food Analysis work associated with my position as Executive Director. NMKL is hosted by the Institute of Marine Research since Nov 2020, website: www.nmkl.org.



I am leading the project SmartLabHI, a transformation project in line with the new IMR strategy, aiming at streamlining laboratory operations focusing on the accredited analyses to optimize the deliveries.

Vitamin research

I am leading a project, Vitaminomics, on modernization of methods for vitamin analyses of food and feed, taking advantage of my expertise in HPLC and mass spectrometry for identification and quantification of compounds in biological- and biomedical sciences. 

Recent work include method establishment at IMR of an LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of vit B1, B2, B3, B6 (and soon B7), an immunoaffinity LC-UV method for vit B12 analysis (AOAC/ISO), and an LC-MS/MS method to determine folate based on 6 different vitamin forms (modified from AOAC/NMKL).

Standardization work

I am an expert member in working groups for vitamins and other nutrients in the standardization organizations CEN and ISO, and participate in development of standardized methods in food chemistry through AOAC and as executive director of NMKL.

Researcher profile in ResearchGate

Curriculum Vitae


2018 Jan –                   Senior Researcher (Research professor, 1183). Institute of Marine Research (IMR).

2022 Aug –                  Executive Director. Nordic-Baltic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL).

2020 – 2022                Secretary General. Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL).

2016 – 2017                Senior Scientist (Research professor 1183 from 2017). The National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES).

2012 – 2016                Researcher (1109). The Department of Clinical Medicine (K1) and the Proteomics Unit at the University of Bergen (PROBE), Department of Biomedicine (IBM), Faculty of medicine and Dentistry (MOFA), University of Bergen (UiB): ”Identification of biomarkers to define the cause of multiple sclerosis”.

2011 – 2012                Researcher (1109). PROBE, UiB, 3 months.

2008 – 2011                Post Doc. Project: “The extracellular microenvironment”, the Cardiovascular Research Group, IBM, MOFA, UiB.

2003 – 2004               Researcher. PROBE, UiB.

2002 – 2003                Researcher. UniTargetingResearch AS (R&D), 50-100%.


2004 – 2008                PhD, thesis: “Modulation of apoptosis by the receptor tyrosine kinase Flt3 in acute myeloid leukemia cells”, Institute for Biomedicine/Proteomics Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen.

2000 – 2003                Cand. scient. (Master’s degree), thesis: "The use of marine luciferases in a study aiming at the secretion of intracellular proteins from mammalian cells", the Department of Molecular Biology, UiB.

1996 – 1999                Høgskolekandidat (similar to Bachelor), thesis: ”Mikrotubers on potato plants; induction conditions, regeneration ability and genetic transformation”, The Biotechnology Section, Hedmark University College.


2024 Apr –                  Recent Advances in Food Analysis Scientific Board member.

2023 Oct –                  Proteomics Unit UiB (PROBE) Advisory Board member.

2023 Feb –                  MicroVal (Board member).

2022 Feb –                  AOAC International - Europe Section Board member.

2021 Jan –                   NordVal International Board member.

2017 Feb –                  Comitè Europeèn de Normalisation (CEN) Technical Committee (TC) Working Group (WG) Analytical Standards on Vitamins (CEN/TC 275/WG 9) (Expert member).

2017 Feb –                  ISO/TC 34/WG 14 Vitamins, carotenoids and other nutrients (Expert member).

2017 Feb –                  AOAC International (Expert member), participate in stakeholder and expert review panel meetings on multi laboratory testing for analytical methods for vitamins.

2009 – 2011                Representative for temporary scientific employees in the institute council at IBM, UiB.

2007 – 2008                Representative for temporary scientific employees in the institute research council at IBM, UiB.

2006 – 2007                Representative for temporary scientific employees in the faculty research council, MOFA, UiB.

Presentations at scientific meetings (last 7 years)

17th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology FOODBALT 2024 “SUSTAINABLE FOOD PRODUCTION – A CHALLENGE FOR THE WHOLE PRODUCTION CHAIN”. Talk: “Nordic-Baltic Committee on Food Analysis: Current Activities, Validation of Methods, and Application of Mass Spectrometry”. 2024.

Int. Vitamin Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. Talk: “LC-ESI-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of the B-vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 in feed and food​. Oane ZM, Bøkevoll A, Petrova S, Myhra T, Oveland E. 2023.

16th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology FOODBALT 2023 “TRADITIONAL MEETS NON-TRADITIONAL IN FUTURE FOOD”. Invited keynote lecture with presentation: “NMKL and validation of methods for food analysis – Examples from determination of vitamins using LC-MS/MS”. Scientific committee member and conference session co-moderator. 2023.

Int. Vitamin Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster and presentation: “UHPLC-MS/MS determination of total folate by quantification of 6 vitamers -current challenges. Oveland E, Petrova SM, Myhra T, Bøkevoll A, Waagbø R. Conference session co-moderator. 2021.

Norske Seminar i Massespektrometri Bi-annual Meeting, Hafjell. Poster: “Quantification of Folates in Salmon using UHPLC-MS/MS”. Oveland E, Hageskal R, Wollertsen N, Mommens M, Waagbø R, Skjaerven KH. Poster prize. 2019.

AOAC Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. Poster: “Salmon Production and Quantification of Folates Using AOAC Trienzyme UPLC-MS/MS Method”. Oveland E, Hageskal R, Samori E, Wollertsen N, Mommens M, Waagbø R, Skjaerven KH. 2018.

AOAC Annual Meeting , Atlanta, USA. Poster: “Method development and analysis of vit K (phylloquinone and menaquinones) in selected foods”. Oveland E, Rød KE, Bøkevoll A, Dahl L, Hamre K, Waagbø R. 2017.

AOAC SPIFAN and ISO WG 14 Midyear Meeting, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. Representant for Standard Norge i ISO WG 14. 2017.

Project lead

2024 –                          SmartLabHI (IMR project), in line with the new IMR strategy the project will coordinate the transformation of the IMR laboratory operations with focus on the accredited analyses to streamline and modernize the deliveries.

2020 –                          NMKL.org and different projects within NMKL.

2017 –                          Vitaminomics (IMR project).

2018 – 2019                Metodeutvikling Nansen, prøvebehandling og lagring (IMR project).

2012 – 2016                Brain tissue proteomics project, KG Jebsen Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research, Department of Clinical Medicine (UiB project).

2008 – 2011                Ovarian cancer and tissue physiology proteomics and mass spectrometry projects, Heart and Circulatory research group (UiB project).

Supervision of students

2024     Co-supervisor PhD: “Proteomics and immunohistochemistry to detect lesion stage markers in multiple sclerosis”, Ahmad IM, MOFA, UiB.

2021     Co-supervisor PhD: “Using meta-analyses of proteomics data to identify novel disease networks in multiple sclerosis”, Lereim RR, MOFA, UiB.

2014     Main supervisor master: “Proteomics of human brain and CSF to detect biomarkers in multiple sclerosis” Reehorst Lereim R, MOFA, UiB.

2013     Co-supervisor PhD: “The microenvironment in human ovarian carcinoma – characterization through proteomic analysis of tissue interstitial fluid”, Haslene-Hox H, MOFA, UiB.

2011     Co-supervisor master: “Proteinuria: A new approach to understand glomerular barrier function using quantitative proteomics”, Wallace PW, MOFA, UiB.

2010     Co-supervisor medical Student Research Programme: ”Identification of tumor-specific proteins in ovarian cancer”, Sværen MK and Naterstad IK, MOFA, UiB.

2006     Co-supervisor master: ”Approaches to discover members of the oncogenic Flt3 receptor tyrosine kinase signaling network”, Hodneland LI, MOFA, UiB.

University examiner and teaching

2020                              External examiner master’s degree: Chemistry Department, UiB.

2020                              External examiner master’s degree: Centre for International Health Department of Global Health and Primary Care, UiB.

2017 – 19                    External examiner (3 times): Biomedical Nutrition Physiology (BMED 381), IBM, UiB.

2006 – 08                    Assistant teacher: medical students in particular subjects in Histology (1st year) and Anatomy (2nd year), MOFA, UiB.

2005 – 06                    Teacher and course responsible (2 years): HUCEL 370 Apoptose, MOFA, UiB.

Organizer of meetings

2024 Sept                    NMKL-NordVal International Workshop on Validation and Certification of Alternative Methods for Food Analysis, Vilnius, Lithuania.

2023 Sept                    NMKL Annual Meeting as joint physical and virtual, Stockholm, Sweden.

2023 Aug                     NMKL Workshop on MALDI-TOF and Vibrio spp., IMR, Norway.

2023 May                    NMKL-NordVal International Steering Group Meeting, IMR, Norway.

2022 Aug                     NMKL Annual Meeting as joint physical and virtual, Seinäjoki, Finland.

2021 Aug                     NMKL Annual Meeting as joint physical and virtual, Jevnaker, Norway.

2019 May                   CEN/TC 275/WG 9 and ISO/TC/WG 14 joint meeting hosted by IMR, Bergen, Norway.

Scientific responsible for analytical methods at IMR

15 analytical methods for vitamin determination, 10 accredited by NA.



Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Shotgun Proteomics Protocol for Insects

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Ikram Belghit, Eystein Oveland, Magnus Palmblad, Josef Rasinger
Methods in molecular biology 2884 p. 81-98

Quantification of vitamin K (phylloquinone and menaquinones 4-10) in various shellfish

Amalie Moxness Reksten, Kari Elin Langeland Rød, Inger Aakre, Lise Madsen, Kristin Holvik, Sigrun Henjum, Eystein Oveland, Lisbeth Jane Dahl
British Journal of Nutrition

Proteomics for food and feed authentication in the circular food chain

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Ikram Belghit, Robin Ørnsrud, Marc HG Berntssen, M.C. Lecrenier, Eystein Oveland, N.M. Palmblad, Josef Rasinger
Trends in Food Science & Technology 153

Frozen storage procedures for salmon and plaice samples: Nutrient composition and implications for preservation

Eystein Oveland, Annbjørg Bøkevoll, Pedro Araujo, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Journal of Food Science 89 p. 4660-4670

An Association of Chitinase-3 Like-Protein-1 With Neuronal Deterioration in Multiple Sclerosis

Intakhar Ahmad, Stig Wergeland, Eystein Oveland, Lars Bø
ASN Neuro 15

Vitamin K (phylloquinone and menaquinones) in foods – Cost-effective quantification by LC-ESI-MS/MS

Marie Bagge Jensen, Kari Elin Langeland Rød, Petra Ložnjak Švarc, Eystein Oveland, Jette Halkjær Jakobsen
Food Chemistry 385

Shotgun proteomics approaches for authentication, biological analyses, and allergen detection in feed and food-grade insect species

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Ikram Belghit, Jennifer Gjerde, Magnus Palmblad, Eystein Oveland, Josef Rasinger
Food Control 137 p. 1-11

Earlier or delayed seasonal broodstock spawning changes nutritional status and metabolic programming of growth for next-generation Atlantic salmon

Kaja Helvik Skjærven, Maren Mommens, Anne-Catrin Adam, Takaya Saito, Eystein Oveland, Marit Espe
Aquaculture 554 p. 1-14

Inter-laboratory study on the detection of bovine processed animal protein in feed by LC-MS/MS-based proteomics

Marie-Caroline Lecrenier, Aline Marien, Pascal Veys, Ikram Belghit, Marc Dieu, Nathalie Gillard, Jean Henrottin, Uta M. Herfurth, Daniela Marchis, Sara Morello, Eystein Oveland, Oliver Poetz, Josef Rasinger, Andreas Steinhilber, Vincent Baeten, Gilbert Berben, Olivier Fumière
Food Control 125

Proteoglycans contribute to the functional integrity of the glomerular endothelial cell surface layer and are regulated in diabetic kidney disease

Alina Khramova, Roberto Boi, Vincent Fridén, Anna Björnson Granqvist, Ulf Nilsson, Olav Tenstad, Eystein Oveland, Börje Haraldsson, Kerstin Ebefors, Jenny Nyström
Scientific Reports 11

A higher proportion of ermin-immunopositive oligodendrocytes in areas of remyelination

Intakhar Ahmad, Stig Wergeland, Eystein Oveland, Lars Bø
PLOS ONE 16 p. 1-16

Cuprizone and EAE mouse frontal cortex proteomics revealed proteins altered in multiple sclerosis

Eystein Oveland, Intakhar Ahmad, Ragnhild Reehorst Lereim, Ann Cathrine Kroksveen, Harald Barsnes, Astrid Guldbrandsen, Kjell-Morten Myhr, Lars Bø, Frode Steingrimsen Berven, Stig Wergeland
Scientific Reports 11

Out-of-season spawning affects the nutritional status and gene expression in both Atlantic salmon female broodstock and their offspring

Kaja Helvik Skjærven, Eystein Oveland, Maren Mommens, Elisa Samori, Takaya Saito, Anne-Catrin Adam, Marit Espe
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 247

Fingolimod downregulates brain sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 levels but does not promote remyelination or neuroprotection in the cuprizone model

Agnes Elisabeth Nystad, Ragnhild Reehorst Lereim, Stig Wergeland, Eystein Oveland, Kjell-Morten Myhr, Lars Bø, Øivind Fredvik Torkildsen
Journal of Neuroimmunology 339

Collaborative study: Quantification of total folate in food using an efficient single-enzyme extraction combined with LC-MS/MS

Petra Ložnjak Švarc, Eystein Oveland, Hanna Sara Strandler, Susanna Kariluoto, Esther Campos-Giménez, Elise Ivarsen, Isabelle Malaviole, Carla Motta, Michael Rychlik, Lisa Striegel, Jette Jakobsen
Food Chemistry 333 p. 1-10

Fingolimod downregulates brain sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 levels but does not promote remyelination or neuroprotection in the cuprizone model

Agnes Elisabeth Nystad, Ragnhild Reehorst Lereim, Stig Wergeland, Eystein Oveland, Kjell-Morten Myhr, Lars Bø, Øivind Torkildsen
Journal of Neuroimmunology 339

Novel protein signatures suggest progression to muscular invasiveness in bladder cancer

Magnus Berle, Luiza Ghila, Heidrun Vethe, Beenish Adeel Chaudhry, Hilde Kristin Garberg, Christian Beisland, Øystein Ariansen Haaland, Eystein Oveland, Ole Johan Halvorsen, Thomas Davidsson, Simona Chera
PLOS ONE 13:e0206475 p. 1-15

Quantitative proteomics analysis reveals perturbation of lipid metabolic pathways in the liver of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) treated with PCB 153

Fekadu Yadetie, Eystein Oveland, Anne Marie Simonne Døskeland, Frode Berven, Anders Goksøyr, Odd Andre Karlsen
Aquatic Toxicology 185 p. 19-28

Epac1-deficient mice have bleeding phenotype and thrombocytes with decreased GPIbβ expression

Gyrid Nygaard, Lars Herfindal, Kathrine Sivertsen Åsrud, Ronja Bjørnstad, Reidun Kristin Kopperud, Eystein Oveland, Frode Berven, Lene Elisabeth Myhren, Erling Andre Høivik, Turid Helen Felli Lunde, Marit Bakke, Stein Ove Doskeland, Frode Selheim
Scientific Reports 7:8725 p. 1-15

Fast hyperbaric decompression after heliox saturation altered the brain proteome in rats

Alvhild Alette Bjørkum, Eystein Oveland, Linda Elin Birkhaug Stuhr, Marianne Bjordal Havnes, Frode Berven, Marit Grønning, Arvid Hope
PLOS ONE 12 p. 1-16

1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin-D3 induces brain proteomic changes in cuprizone mice during remyelination involving calcium proteins

Eystein Oveland, Agnes Elisabeth Nystad, Frode Berven, Kjell-Morten Myhr, Øivind Torkildsen, Stig Wergeland
Neurochemistry International 112 p. 262-277

Quantitative analyses of the hepatic proteome of methylmercury-exposed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) suggest oxidative stress-mediated effects on cellular energy metabolism

Fekadu Yadetie, Silje Bjørneklett, Hilde Kristin Garberg, Eystein Oveland, Frode Berven, Anders Goksøyr, Odd Andre Karlsen
BMC Genomics 17:554 p. 1-15

CSF-PR 2.0: an interactive literature guide to quantitative cerebrospinal fluid mass spectrometry data from neurodegenerative disorders

Astrid Guldbrandsen, Yehia Mohamed Mokhtar Farag, Ann Cathrine Kroksveen, Eystein Oveland, Ragnhild Reehorst Lereim, Jill Anette Opsahl, Kjell-Morten Myhr, Frode Berven, Harald Barsnes
16 p. 300-309

The Brain Proteome of the Ubiquitin Ligase Peli1 Knock-Out Mouse during Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

Ragnhild Reehorst Lereim, Eystein Oveland, Y. Xiao, Øivind Torkildsen, Stig Wergeland, Kjell-Morten Myhr, Shao-Cong Sun, Frode Berven

Extracellular matrix composition affects rat skin distribution volume of plasma proteins with different size and charge

Solfrid Johanne Sagstad, Eystein Oveland, Tine Veronica Karlsen, Hanne Haslene-Hox, Olav Tenstad, Helge Wiig
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology 308 p. H29-H38

Distribution volume of macromolecules in human ovarian and endometrial cancers - effects of extracellular matrix structure

Hanne Haslene-Hox, Eystein Oveland, Kathrine Woie, Helga Salvesen, Olav Tenstad, Helge Wiig
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology 308 p. H18-H28

Viewing the proteome: How to visualize proteomics data?

Eystein Oveland, Thilo Muth, Erdmann Rapp, Lennart Martens, Frode Berven, Harald Barsnes
Proteomics 15 p. 1341-1355

Cerebrospinal fluid proteomics in multiple sclerosis

Ann Cathrine Kroksveen, Jill Anette Opsahl, Astrid Guldbrandsen, Kjell-Morten Myhr, Eystein Oveland, Øivind Torkildsen, Frode Berven
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics 1854 p. 746-756

In-depth characterization of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteome displayed through the CSF proteome resource (CSF-PR)

Astrid Guldbrandsen, Heidrun Vethe, Yehia Mohamed Mokhtar Farag, Eystein Oveland, Hilde Kristin Garberg, Magnus Foldal Berle, Kjell-Morten Myhr, Jill Anette Opsahl, Harald Barsnes, Frode Berven
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 13 p. 3152-3163

In-depth characterization of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteome displayed through the CSF proteome resource (CSF-PR)

Astrid Guldbrandsen, Heidrun Vethne, Yehia Mohamed Mokhtar Farag, Eystein Oveland, Hilde Kristin Garberg, Magnus Foldal Berle, Kjell-Morten Myhr, Jill Anette Opsahl, Harald Barsnes, Frode Berven
13 p. 3152-3163

Increased WD-repeat containing protein 1 in interstitial fluid from ovarian carcinomas shown by comparative proteomic analysis of malignant and healthy gynecological tissue

Hanne Haslene-Hox, Eystein Oveland, Kathrine Woie, Helga Birgitte Salvesen, Helge Wiig, Olav Tenstad
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics 1834 p. 2347-2359

Ectopic expression of Flt3 kinase inhibits proliferation and promotes cell death in different human cancer cell lines

Eystein Oveland, Line Wergeland, Randi Hovland, James Lorens, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, Kari Espolin Fladmark
Cell Biology and Toxicology 28 p. 201-212

Proteomic Evaluation of Inflammatory Proteins in Rat Spleen Interstitial Fluid and Lymph during LPS-Induced Systemic Inflammation Reveals Increased Levels of ADAMST1

Eystein Oveland, Tine Veronica Karlsen, Hanne Haslene-Hox, Elvira Semaeva, Bartlomiej Janaczyk, Olav Tenstad, Helge Wiig
Journal of Proteome Research 11 p. 5338-5349

A new method for isolation of interstitial fluid from human solid tumors applied to proteomic analysis of ovarian carcinoma tissue

Hanne Haslene-Hox, Eystein Oveland, Kaja Christine Graue Berg, Odd Kolmannskog, Kathrine Woie, Helga Birgitte Salvesen, Olav Tenstad, Helge Wiig

The glomerular endothelial cell coat is essential for glomerular filtration

Vincent Friden, Eystein Oveland, Olav Tenstad, Kerstin Ebefors, Jenny Nyström, Ulf A Nilsson, Börje Haraldsson
Kidney International 79 p. 1322-1330

Isolation of interstitial fluid in skin during volume expansion: evaluation of a method in pigs

Hege Kristin Brekke, Eystein Oveland, Odd Kolmannskog, Stig Morten Hammersborg, Helge Wiig, Paul Husby, Olav Tenstad, Torbjørn Nedrebø
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology 299 p. H1546-H1553

Epac-induced Alterations in the Proteome of Human SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cells

Even Birkeland, G Nygaard, Eystein Oveland, Olav Mjaavatten, Marie Louise Ljones, Stein Ove Doskeland, Camilla Krakstad, Frode Selheim
p. 244-245

Ligand-induced Flt3-downregulation modulates cell death associated proteins and enhances chemosensitivity to idarubicin in THP-1 acute myeloid leukemia cells

Eystein Oveland, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, Line Wergeland, Frode Selheim, Kari Espolin Fladmark, Randi Hovland
Leukemia Research 33 p. 276-287

Proteomics approaches to elucidate oncogenic tyrosine kinase signaling in myeloid malignancies

Eystein Oveland, Kari Espolin Fladmark, Line Wergeland, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, Randi Hovland
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 7 p. 185-198

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


PeptideShaker enables reanalysis of MS-derived proteomics data sets

Marc Vaudel, Julia M. Burkhart, René P. Zahedi, Eystein Oveland, Frode Berven, Albert Sickmann, Lennart Martens, Harald Barsnes
Nature Biotechnology 33 p. 22-24


Leonard Ebah, Eystein Oveland, Ian Read, Angela Summers, Milin Nikam, Andrew Sayce, Christopher Chaloner, Warwick Dunn, Helge Wiig, Paul Brenchley, Sandip Mitra
Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 27 p. 48-48


Hege Kristin Brekke, Eystein Oveland, Olav Tenstad, Stig Morten Hammersborg, Odd Kolmannskog, Helge Wiig, Paul Husby, Torbjørn Nedrebø
Intensive Care Medicine 36 p. S407-S407

FLT3 internal tandem duplication involving its libiquitin dependent endocytosis motif suspend modulation by HDM2 and are associated with inferior survival in AML

Line Wergeland, Eystein Oveland, Gry Sjøholt, Siv Lise Bedringaas, Randi Hovland, Øystein Bruserud, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen
Haematologica 93 p. 10-10

Flt3 mutations in proximity to an ubiquitin dependent endocytosis motif suspend its Hdm2 modulation

Line Wergeland, Eystein Oveland, Gry Sjøholt, Siv Lise Bedringaas, Randi Hovland, Øystein Bruserud, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen
Blood 110 p. 148B-148B

Faglige foredrag


Påvirker endret gytetidspunkt neste generasjon?

Kaja Helvik Skjærven, Takaya Saito, Maren Mommens, Eystein Oveland, Anne-Catrin Adam, Marit Espe

A possible connection between oxidative stress and production related diseases in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L)

Kristin Hamre, Eystein Oveland, Giulia Micallef, Sofie C. Remø, Sylvian Merel, Marie Hillestad, Rune Waagbø, Robin Ørnsrud

Surveillance of microplastics (MPs) in seafood. Ongoing activity and future perspectives. Poster Presentation

Monica Sanden, Tanja Kögel, Michael Bank, Ørjan Bjorøy, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Helge Torbjørn Hove, Eystein Oveland, Stig Valdersnes

Microplastics in Seafood – An Overview of Surveillance and Analytical Activities at the Institute of Marine Research

Ørjan Bjorøy, Eystein Oveland, Stig Valdersnes, Helge Torbjørn Hove, Michael Bank, André Marcel Bienfait, Monica Sanden

Integrative transcriptome and proteome analysis reveals perturbation of lipid metabolic pathways in the liver of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) treated with PCB 153

Fekadu Yadetie, Marta Eide, Eystein Oveland, Anne Marie Simonne Døskeland, Frode Berven, Christer Hogstrand, Anders Goksøyr, Odd Andre Karlsen

Integrative -omics analyses reveal perturbation of lipid metabolic pathways in the liver of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to the persistent organic pollutant PCB 153

Odd Andre Karlsen, Fekadu Yadetie, Marta Eide, Hilde Kristin Garberg, Eystein Oveland, Frode Berven, Anders Goksøyr



Integrated analysis of transcriptome and proteome reveals perturbation of lipid metabolic pathways in the liver of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) treated with the persistent organic pollutant PCB 153

Fekadu Yadetie, Marta Eide, Eystein Oveland, Hilde Kristin Garberg, Frode Berven, Christer Hogstrand, Odd Andre Karlsen, Anders Goksøyr

Flt3 Mutations in Proximity to an Ubiquitin Dependent Endocytosis Motif Suspend Its Hdm2 Modulation

Line Wergeland, Eystein Oveland, Gry Sjøholt, Siv Lise Bedringaas, R Hovland, Øystein Bruserud, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

Flt3 and HDM2 are reciprocally regulated through phosphorylation and ubiquitination in acute myelogenous leukaemia

Line Wergeland, Eystein Oveland, Randi Hovland, Øystein Bruserud, Anne Paulus Døskeland, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Oksidativt stress, vårdropp i pigmentering og produksjonslidelser hos laks

Kristin Hamre, Sofie C. Remø, Robin Ørnsrud, Eystein Oveland, Sylvain Alain Yves Merel, Rune Waagbø, Giulia Micallef, Marie Hillestad, Johan Johansen

Pyrolysis-GC-Orbitrap MS - a powerful analytical tool for identification and quantification of microplastics in a biological matrix

Jörn Logemann, Eystein Oveland, Ørjan Bjorøy, Wibke Peters, Cristian Cjocariu, Tanja Kögel

Establishment and usage of quantitative brain proteomics to investigate the role of Peli1 E3 ubiquitin ligase in the EAE mouse model of multiple sclerosis

Ragnhild Reehorst Lereim, Eystein Oveland, Frode Berven

An in vivo study of the glomerular sieving of endogenous proteins in rats

Pål William Wallace, Olav Tenstad, Eystein Oveland

Modulation of apoptosis by the receptor tyrosine kinase Flt3 in acute myeloid leukemia cells

Oveland, Eystein

Approaches to discover members of the oncogenic Flt3 receptor tyrosine kinase signaling network

Linn I. Hodneland, Randi Hovland, Eystein Oveland

The use of marine luciferases in a study aiming at the secretion of intracellular proteins from mammalian cells

Oveland, Eystein
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