Spatiotemporal variability in the structure of faunal assemblages associated with the understudied kelp, Eisenia cokeri, in Peru
Uribe R, Smale DS, Morales R, Aleman S, Atoche-Suclupe D, Burrows MT, Earp HS, Hinostroza JD, King NG, Perea A, Pérez-Matus A, Smith K, Moore PJ
Marine Biology
p. 62
An assessment of the utility of green gravel as a kelp restoration tool in wave-exposed intertidal habitats
Earp HS, Smale DA, Catherall HJN, Moore PJ
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
p. 1-11
Upscaling marine forest restoration: challenges, solutions and recommendations from the Green Gravel Action Group
Wood G, Filbee-Dexter K, Coleman MA, Valckenaere J, Aguirre JD, Bentley PM, Carnell PE, Dawkins PD, Dykman LN, Earp HS, Ennis LB, Francis P, Franco JN, Hayford HA, Lamb JB, Ling SD, Lis E, Masters B, Miller N, Moore PJ, Neufeld CJ, Pocklington JB, Smale DA, Stahl F, Starko S, Steell SC, Verbeek J, Verges A, Wilding CM, Wernberg T
Frontiers in Marine Science
p. 1364263
Temporal and spatial drivers of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure within Laminaria hyperborea detritus
Gouraguine A, Smale DA, Edwards A, King, NG, Earp HS, Jackson-Bué M, Kelly S, Moore PJ
Marine Environmental Research
p. 106518
Spatial and temporal variation in the diversity and structure of understorey macrofaunal assemblages within Laminaria hyperborea forests in the northeast Atlantic
Earp HS, Smale DA, King N, Bestwick J, Fazel B, Moore PJ
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
p. 152034
Temporal variation in the structure, abundance, and composition of Laminaria hyperborea forests and their associated understorey assemblages over an intense storm season
Hannah Scarlett Earp, Dan A. Smale, Peter M. Almond, Harry J.N. Catherall, Adam Gouraguine, Catherine Wilding, Pippa J. Moore
Marine Environmental Research
The population structure, sex ratio and reproductive potential of limpets (Patella sp.) on natural shores and artificial structures in the Irish Sea
Earp HS, George R, Brooks P, Farrugia Drakard V, Thompson BJ, Fisher B, Hayden R, Crowe TP
Marine Environmental Research
p. 105853
Population structure and reproductive states of the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus differ between artificial structures and natural rocky shores
Thompson BJ, Brooks P, Farrugia Drakard V, Kubin F, Earp HS, Alverez-Cienfuegos I, Moore PJ, Crowe TP
Marine Environmental Research
p. 106059
Multiscale spatial variability and stability in the structure and diversity of bacterial communities associated with understudied kelp Eisenia cokeri in Peru
King NG, Uribe R, Earp HS, Gouraguine A, Hinostroza JD, Pérez-Matus A, Smale DA, Smith K, Moore PJ
Microbial Ecology
p. 2574-2582
The Kelp Forest Challenge: A collaborative global movement to protect and restore 4 million hectares of kelp forests
Eger AM, Agguire JD, Altamirano M, Arroyo NL, Bauer-Civiello AM, Beas-Luna R, Bekkby T, Bellgrove A, Bennett S, Bernal B, O’Blain C, Boada J, Branigain S, Bursic J, Cevallos B, Choi CG, Connell SD, Cornwall CE, Earp HS, ….., Verges A
Journal of Applied Phycology
p. 951-964
The need, opportunities, and challenges for creating a standardized framework for marine restoration monitoring and reporting
Eger A, Earp HS, Friedman K, Gatt Y, Hagger V, Hancock B, Kaewsrikhaw R, Mcleod E, Moore AM, Niner HJ, Razafinaivo F, Sousa AI, Stankovic M, Worthington TA, Bayraktarov E, Saunders M, Vergés A, Reeves S
Biological Conservation
p. 109429
Do you see what I see? Quantifying inter-observer variability in an intertidal marine citizen science experiment
Earp HS, Vye SR, Bohn K, Burrows M, Chenery J, Dickens S, Foster C, Grist H, Lamont P, Morrall Z, Pocklington J, Scott A, Watson G, West V, Jenkins SR, Delany J, Sugden H
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice
A quantitative synthesis of approaches, biases, successes and failures in marine forest restoration with considerations for future work
Earp HS, Smale DA, Pérez-Matus A, Gouraguine A, Shaw PW, Moore PJ
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
p. 1717-1731
Fucus vesiculosus populations on artificial structures have potentially reduced fecundity and are dislodged at greater rates than on natural shores
Drakard VF, Brooks P, Crowe TP, Earp HS, Thompson B, Bourke N, George R, Piper C, Moore PJ
Marine Environmental Research
p. 105324
Patterns of abundance across geographical ranges as a predictor for responses to climate change: Evidence from UK rocky shores
Vye SR, Dickens S, Adams L, Bohn K, Chenery J, Dobson N, Dunn RE, Earp HS, Evans M, Foster C, Grist H, Holt B, Hull S, Jenkins SR, Lamont P, Long S, Mieszkowska N, Millard J, Morrall Z, Pack K, Parry-Wilson H, Pocklington J, Pottas J, Richardson L, Scott A, Sugden H, Watson G, West V, Winton D, Delany J, Burrows MT
Diversity and Distributions
p. 1357-1365