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Ikram Belghit

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Jeg er forsker i fiskeernæring ved Havforskningsinstituttet i Bergen. Forskningslinjen min fokuserer på effekten av diettingredienser på metabolisme og helse hos teleostfisk. Jeg er også interessert i utviklingen av proteomikkverktøy for autentisering av fiskefôr.

I am a researcher in fish nutrition at the institute of Marine Research in Bergen. My research line focuses on the effects of dietary ingredients on metabolism and health in teleost fish. I am also interested in the development of proteomics tools for aquafeed authentication.

Curriculum Vitae

I started my research career in 2012 working in fish nutrition, more specifically on protein and amino acids metabolism in salmonids. My research gave significant insights on how dietary amino acid can affect the signaling cascades in metabolism and the deposition pattern in rainbow trout fed with alternatives ingredients. In the light of increasing the EU interest in implementing the legal obligations to put the 3Rs concepts of replacement, reduction, and refinement, my studies have developed in vitro model to evaluate the amino acid digestibility of new feed ingredients. At present, my interest is to refine the in vitro assays, mimicking the digestive tract of Atlantic salmon for a wider application of 3Rs in fish nutrition. 

I have been actively working to find novel sustainable protein sources for fish feeds, an area of priority for my research that I have emphasized in my publications. For instance, I was involved in investigating the potential of dietary insect as feed ingredients on growth, nutrient utilization, lipid metabolism, health and welfare in Atlantic salmon. My current interest is focused on converting waste from aquaculture sludge into safe feedstock using insects. The latest big advancement into the topic of novel sustainable protein sources in fish feeds was the acquisition of the 3-year project on blue mussel in salmon feed (Mussel up), where I am the project leader. 

Besides my research interest in amino acid nutrition and insect as novel protein sources, I have also interest in new research areas such as proteomics. In this respect, I learned to use a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) instrument to authenticate the species and origin of processed animal protein (PAP), which are fit for purpose for future food and feed safety risk assessments for aquafeed authentication.


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Proteomics for food and feed authentication in the circular food chain

1. Varunjikar, M. S., K. K. Lie, A. K. Lundebye, I. Belghit, R. Ørnsrud, M. G. H. Berntssen, M. C. Lecrenier, E. Oveland, N. M. Palmblad and J. D. Rasinger
Trends in Food Science & Technology

Transfer and bioaccumulation of chemical and biological contaminants in the marine polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF müller 1776) when reared on salmon aquaculture sludge

Malzahn, A. M., V. Sele, I. Belghit, J. Tibon, H. Nilsen, H. Sindre, N. S. Liland and A. Hagemann
Journal of Environmental Management

Retention of prions in the polychaete Hediste diversicolor and black soldier fly, a Hermetia illucens, larvae after short-term experimental immersion and feeding with brain homogenate from scrapie infected sheep

Benestad, S. L., L. Tran, A. M. Malzahn, N. S. Liland, I. Belghit and A. Hagemann

Fish species authentication in commercial fish products using mass spectrometry and spectral library matching approach

Madhushri S. Varunjikar, Javier Pineda-Pampliega, Belghit Ikram, Magnus Palmblad, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Sonnich Meier, Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Kai K. Lie, Josef D. Rasinger
Food research International

Aquaculture sludge as feed for black soldier fly: Transfer of chemical and biological contaminants and nutrients

Belghit Ikram, Liland S Nina, Lundebye Anne-Kathrine, Tibon Jojo, Sindre Hilde, Nilsen Hannah, Hagemann Andreas, Sele Veronika.
Waste Manag

Does the processing of black soldier fly larvae meal affect the amino acid solubility in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)?

Gopika Radhakrishnan, Marta S Silva, Nina S Liland, Rosita Secci, Araujo Pedro, Antony JP Philip, Ikram Belghit
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed

Batch-to batch variation in nutrient digestibility of black soldier fly larvae meals in rainbow trout

Sara Bellezza Oddon, Ilaria Biasato, Christian Caimi, Ikram Belghit, Gopika Radhakrishnan, Laura Gasco
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed

Characterization of Nutrients and Contaminants in Fish Sludge from Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) Production Sites - A Future Resource

Veronika Sele, Aasim Ali, Nina S Liland, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Jojo Tibon, Pedro Araujo, Hilde Sindre, Hanne Nilsen, Andreas Hagemann, Ikram Belghit

Evaluating the fillet quality and sensory characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed black soldier fly larvae meal for whole production cycle in sea cages

Gopika Radhakrishnan, Antony Jesu Prabhu Philip, Christian Caimi, Erik -Jan Lock, Pedro Araujo, Nina S. Liland, Celia Rocha, Luis Miguel Cunha, Laura Gasco, Ikram Belghit

Evaluation of black soldier fly larvae meal as a functional feed ingredient in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) under farm-like conditions

Gopika Radhakrishnan, Nina S Liland, Marianne W Koch, Erik-Jan Lock, Antony JP Philip, Ikram Belghit
Front. Aquac

The Role of Insects in Novel Sustainable Animal Production Systems In: Sustainable Use of Feed Additives in Livestock: Novel Ways for Animal Production

Teun Veldkamp, Ikram Belghit, Chatzfiotis S, Maria Mastoraki, Jansman A. J. M, Gopika Radhakrishnan, Achille Schiavone, Sergiy Smetana, Laura Gasco
Springer International Publishing

Proteomics analyses of herbicide-tolerant genetically modified, conventionally, and organically farmed soybean seeds

M.S. Varunjikar, T. Bøhn, M. Sanden, I. Belghit, J. Pineda-Pampliega, M. Palmblad, H. Broll, A. Braeuning, J.D. Rasinger

Impact of dietary glutamate and glycine on growth and nutrient utilization in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Ikram Belghit, Antony Jesu Prabhu Philip, Roel M. Maas, Erik-Jan Lock, Ep H. Eding, Marit Espe, Johan W. Schrama

Closing the gap – producing black soldier fly larvae on aquaculture side streams

N.S. Liland , M. Sørensen , I. Belghit , F. Perera Willora , A. Torrissen

Assessing amino acid solubility of black soldier fly larvae meal in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in vivo and in vitro

Gopika Radhakrishnan, Marta Silva, Erik-Jan Lock, Ikram Belghit, Antony Jesu Prabhu

In vitro assessment of protein digestibility and mineral solubility of black soldier fly larvae meals for monogastric animals

M.S. Silva , R. Matos , P. Araujo , E.J. Lock , R. Gopika , P.A.J. Prabhu , I. Belghit

A rapid acid hydrolysis method for the determination of chitin in fish feed supplemented with black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae

Pedro Araujo, Tamirat Tefera, Joar Breivik, Bashir Abdulkader, Ikram Belghit, Erik-Jan Lock

Shotgun proteomics approaches for authentication, biological analyses, and allergen detection in feed and food-grade insect species

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Ikram Belghit, Jennifer Gjerde, Magnus Palmblad, Eystein Oveland, Josef Rasinger

Insect production for feed, food and technical applications: current status and legal framework

Aman Paul, J Mathew, C Muraru, L Gasco, Derrien C Hahn T Zibek S Star L Vandenberg G Belghit Ikram
In The basics of edible insect rearing-Handbook for the production chain (pp. 227-256). Wageningen AcademicPublisher.

Comparing novel shotgun DNA sequencing and state-of-the-art proteomics approaches for authentication of fish species in mixed samples

Madhushri S. Varunjikar, Carlos Moreno-Ibarguen, Juan S. Andrade-Martinez, Hui-Shan Tung, Ikram Belghit, Magnus Palmblad, Pål A. Olsvik, Alejandro Reyes, Josef D. Rasinger, Kai K. Lie

A meta-analysis on the nutritional value of insects in aquafeeds

N.S. Liland , X.X. Xu , E.-J. Lock , G. Radhakrishnan Related, , A.J.P. Prabhu, I. Belghit

The impact of seawater warming on fatty acid composition and nutritional quality indices of Trematomus bernacchii from the Antarctic region

Pedro Araujo, Cristina Truzzi, Ikram Belghit, Matteo Antonucci

Future feed control – Tracing banned bovine material in insect meal

I. Belghit, M. Varunjikar, M-C. Lecrenier, A. Steinhilber, A. Niedzwiecka, Y.V. Wang, M. Dieu, D. Azzollini, K. Lie, E-J. Lock, M.H.G. Berntssen, P. Renard, J. Zagon, O. Fumière, J.J.A. van Loon, T. Larsen, O. Poetz , A. Braeuning, M. Palmblad, J.D. Rasinger

Inter-laboratory study on the detection of bovine processed animal protein in feed by LC-MS/MS-based proteomics

Marie-Caroline Lecrenier, Aline Marien, Pascal Veys, Ikram Belghit, Marc Dieu, Nathalie Gillard, Jean Henrottin, Uta M. Herfurth, Daniela Marchis, Sara Morello, Eystein Oveland, Oliver Poetz , Josef Daniel Rasinger, Andreas Steinhilber, Vincent Baeten, Gilbert Berben, Olivier Fumière

Effects of black soldier fly oil rich in n-3 HUFA on growth performance, metabolism and health response of juvenile mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio var. specularis)

Xinxin Xu, Hong Ji, Ikram Belghit, Nina S. Liland, Wenyi Wu, Xuqiao Li

Total replacement of dietary fish meal with black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae does not impair physical, chemical or volatile composition of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Leonardo Bruni, Ikram Belghit, Erik-Jan Lock, Giulia Secci, Cosimo Taiti, Giuliana Parisi

Does sous-vide cooking preserve the chemical and volatile composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed Hermetia illucens larvae meal?

Y. Husein, L. Bruni, G. Secci, C. Taiti, I. Belghit, E.-J. Lock, G Parisi

Black soldier fly larvae as a better lipid source than yellow mealworm or silkworm oils for juvenile mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio var. specularis)

Xinxin Xu, Hong Ji, Ikram Belghit, Jian Sun

Total replacement of fish meal with black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal does not compromise the gut health of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Yanxian Li, Trond M. Kortner, Elvis M. Chikwati, Ikram Belghit, Erik-Jan Lock, Åshild Krogdahl

Modeling the influence of time and temperature on the levels of fatty acids in the liver of Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii

Matteo Antonucci, Ikram Belghit, Cristina Truzzi, Silvia Illuminati, Pedro Araujo

Replacing fish meal with insect meal in the diet of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) does not impact the amount of contaminants in the feed and it lowers accumulation of arsenic in the fillet

Irene Biancarosa, Veronika Sele, Ikram Belghit, Robin Ornsrud, Erik-Jan Lock, Heidi Amlund

Insect-based diets high in lauric acid reduce liver lipids in freshwater Atlantic salmon

Belghit, I., R. Waagbø, E.-J. Lock, and N.S. Liland
Aquaculture Nutrition

Black soldier fly larvae meal can replace fish meal in diets of sea-water phase Atlantic salmon

Belghit I, Liland NS, Gjesdal P, Biancarosa I, Menchetti E, Li Y, Waagbø R, Krogdahl Å, Lock E-J

Growth and Safety Assessment of Feed Streams for Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Schmitt, E., I. Belghit, J. Johansen, R. Leushuis, E.-J. Lock, D. Melsen, R. Kathirampatti Ramasamy Shanmugam, J. Van Loon, and A. Paul
Animals 9 p. 189

The Effect of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on the Production of Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Metabolites by Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells

Araujo, P., I. Belghit, N. Aarsæther, M. Espe, E. Lucena, and E. Holen
Nutrients 11 p. 966

Species-Specific Discrimination of Insect Meals for Aquafeeds by Direct Comparison of Tandem Mass Spectra

Belghit, I., E.-J. Lock, O. Fumière, M.-C. Lecrenier, P. Renard, M. Dieu, H.M. Berntssen, M. Palmblad, and D.J. Rasinger

Effect of dietary replacement of fish meal with insect meal on in vitro bacterial and viral induced gene response in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) head kidney leukocytes

Stenberg, O.K., E. Holen, L. Piemontese, N.S. Liland, E.-J. Lock, M. Espe, and I. Belghit
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 91 p. 223-232

Chemical characterization of 21 species of marine macroalgae common in Norwegian waters: benefits of and limitations to their potential use in food and feed

Biancarosa I, Belghit I, Bruckner CG, Liland NS, Waagbø R, Amlund H, Heesch S, Lock EJ. 2017
J Sci Food Agric

The chemical composition of two seaweed flies (Coelopa frigida and Coelopa pilipes) reared in the laboratory

Biancarosa I, Liland NS, Day N, Belghit I, Amlund H, Lock E-J, Gilburn AS
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed

Potential of insect-based diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Belghit I, Liland NS, Waagbø R, Biancarosa I, Pelusio N, Li Y, Krogdahl Å, Lock E-J
Aquaculture 491 p. 72-81

In-depth metabolic profiling of marine macroalgae confirms strong biochemical differences between brown, red and green algae

Belghit I, Rasinger JD, Heesch S, Biancarosa I, Liland N, Torstensen B, Waagbø R, Lock E-J, Bruckner CG
Algal Research

Looking at the metabolic consequences of the colchicine-based in vivo autophagic flux assay

Iban Seiliez, Ikram Belghit, Yujie Gao, Sandrine Skiba-Cassy, Karine Dias, Marianne Cluzeaud, Didier Remond, Nordine Hafnaoui, Benedicte Salin, Nadine Camougrand, Stephane Panserat

Dietary methionine availability affects the main factors involved in muscle protein turnover in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Ikram Belghit, Sandrine Skiba-Cassy, Inge Geurden, Karine Dias, Anne Surget, Sadasivam Kaushik, Stephane Panserat, Iban Seiliez

Macronutrient Composition of the Diet Affects the Feeding-Mediated Down Regulation of Autophagy in Muscle of Rainbow Trout (O. mykiss)

Ikram Belghit, Stephane Panserat, Bastien Sadoul, Karine Dias, Sandrine Skiba-Cassy, Iban Seiliez
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