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Lena Geitung

Bilde Fotocredit Jarle Tollaksen
Telefon: 99389844
Avdeling: Dyrevelferd


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Cleaner Fish Do Not Impact the Pigmentation of Salmon Lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in Commercial Aquaculture Cages

Imsland, A. K. D., Berg, J. P., Nola, V., Geitung, L., Oldham, T.
Fishes 8 p. 455

Tapeworm (Eubothrium sp.) infestation in sea caged Atlantic salmon decreased by lice barrier snorkels during a commercial-scale study

Geitung, L., Wright, D. W., Stien, L. H., Oppedal, F., Karlsbakk, E.
Aquaculture 541 p. 736774

Cleaner fish growth, welfare and survival in Atlantic salmon sea cages during an autumn-winter production

Geitung, L., Wright, D. W., Oppedal, F., Stien, L. H., Vågseth, T., Madaro, A.
Aquaculture 528 p. 735623

Salmon lice survive the straight shooter: a commercial scale sea cage trial of laser delousing

Bui, S., Geitung, L., Oppedal, F., Barrett, L. T.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 181 p. 105063

Snorkel sea cage technology decreases salmon louse infestation by 75% in a full-cycle commercial test

Geitung, L., Oppedal, F., Stien, L.H., Dempster, T., Karlsbakk, E., Nola, V., Wright, D.W.
International Journal for Parasitology 49 p. 843-846

Surface environment modification in Atlantic salmon sea-cages: effects on amoebic gill disease, salmon lice, growth and welfare

Wright, D. W.* , Geitung, L.* , Karlsbakk, E., Stien, L. H., Dempster, T., Oldham, T., Nola, V., Oppedal, F
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 255-265

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Complexities in commercial scale use of non-invasive controls against parasites in aquaculture

Geitung, L.
Doktorgradsavhandling fra Universitetet i Bergen
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