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Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar

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Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Shotgun Proteomics Protocol for Insects

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Ikram Belghit, Eystein Oveland, Magnus Palmblad, Josef Rasinger
Methods in molecular biology 2884 p. 81-98

Proteomics for food and feed authentication in the circular food chain

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Ikram Belghit, Robin Ørnsrud, Marc HG Berntssen, M.C. Lecrenier, Eystein Oveland, N.M. Palmblad, Josef Rasinger
Trends in Food Science & Technology 153

Fish species authentication in commercial fish products using mass spectrometry and spectral library matching approach

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Javier Pineda Pampliega, Ikram Belghit, Magnus Palmblad, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Sonnich Meier, Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Josef Rasinger
Food Research International 192

Proteomics analyses of herbicide-tolerant genetically modified, conventionally, and organically farmed soybean seeds

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Thomas Bøhn, Monica Sanden, Ikram Belghit, Javier Pineda Pampliega, M. Palmblad, H. Broll, A. Braeuning, Josef Rasinger
Food Control 151

Unveiling the potential of proteomics in addressing food and feed safety challenges

Ingus Perkons, Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Josef Rasinger
EFSA Journal 21

Multi-tissue proteogenomic analysis for mechanistic toxicology studies in non-model species

M.S. Lin, Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, L. Dellafiora, Robin Ørnsrud, Monica Sanden, Marc HG Berntssen, J.L.C.M. Dorne, V. Bafna, Josef Rasinger
Environment International 182

Multi-tissue proteogenomic analysis for mechanistic toxicology studies in non-model species

MS Lin, MS Varunjikar, KK Lie, L Søfteland, L Dellafiora, R Ørnsrud, M Sanden, MHG Berntssen, JLCM Dorne, V Bafna, JD Rasinger

Proteomics analyses of herbicide-tolerant genetically modified, conventionally, and organically farmed soybean seeds

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Thomas Bøhn, Monica Sanden, Ikram Belghit, J. Pineda-Pampliega, M. Palmblad, H. Broll, A. Braeuning, Josef Rasinger
Food Control 151

Shotgun proteomics approaches for authentication, biological analyses, and allergen detection in feed and food-grade insect species

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Ikram Belghit, Jennifer Gjerde, Magnus Palmblad, Eystein Oveland, Josef Rasinger
Food Control 137 p. 1-11

CompareMS2 2.0: An Improved Software for Comparing Tandem Mass Spectrometry Datasets

Rob Marissen, Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Jeroen F. J. Laros, Josef Rasinger, Benjamin A. Neely, Magnus Palmblad
Journal of Proteome Research

Comparing novel shotgun DNA sequencing and state-of-the-art proteomics approaches for authentication of fish species in mixed samples

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Carlos Moreno-Ibarguen, Juan S. Andrade-Martinez, Hui-Shan Tung, Ikram Belghit, Magnus Palmblad, Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Alejandro Reyes, Josef Rasinger, Kai Kristoffer Lie
Food Control 131

Future feed control – Tracing banned bovine material in insect meal

Ikram Belghit, Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Marie-Caroline Lecrenier, A. Steinhilber, A. Niedzwiecka, Y.V. Wang, Marc Dieu, D. Azzollini, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Marc HG Berntssen, Patricia Renard, Jutta Zagon, Olivier Fumière, Loon van Loon, Thomas Larsen, O. Poetz, Albert Braeuning, Magnus Palmblad, Josef Rasinger
Food Control 128

Compartmentalization of the Carbaryl Degradation Pathway: Molecular Characterization of Inducible Periplasmic Carbaryl Hydrolase from Pseudomonas spp. Journal of Applied and environmental microbiology

Kamini Gautam, Dasvit Shetty, Vikas D. Trivedi, Madhushri Varunjikar and Prashant S. Phale
Journal of Applied and environmental microbiology

Insights into metabolism and adaptability of carbaryl degrading halotolerant Pseudomonas sp. strain C7

• Trivedi VD, Bharadwaj A, Varunjikar M, Singha AK, Upadhyay P, Gautam K and Phale PS
Archives of Microbiology
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