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Marta Silva

HI 046989
Telefon: 94114552
Avdeling: Uorganisk kjemilab

Curriculum Vitae

I am working in a research project which aims to understand the suitability and risks of using low trophic organisms as food or as feed ingredients. Low trophic organisms may contain different levels and types of arsenic compounds, with different toxicity potentials. Within my postdoctoral research, cell culture essays are being used to evaluate toxicity of the different arsenic compounds. In addition, feed-to-fish transfer of arsenic compounds in Atlantic salmon fed on diets containing new marine feed materials is also under evaluation.

I have several years of experience with the development of extraction and separation techniques (i.e. FPLC, HPLC and GC). In addition, I acquired skills on the application of analytical methods based on atomic spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine metals and metal species in animal feed and seafood. Moreover, I have been involved in mineral availability studies (in vivo and in vitro) in Atlantic salmon and toxicity exposure experiments in model organisms (e.g. fish eggs and microalgae).


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Assessing amino acid solubility of black soldier fly larvae meal in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in vivo and in vitro

Gopika R, A Prabhu I Belghit E-J Lock MS Silva
Frontiers in Physiology 10 p. 3389

In vitro assessment of protein digestibility and mineral solubility of black soldier fly larvae meals for monogastric animals

Silva MS, I Belghit A Prabhu R Gopika E-J Lock P Araujo R Matos
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed p. 1-14

Arsenic species in mesopelagic organisms and their fate during aquafeed processing

J Tibon, V Sele JJ Sloth M Wiech MS Silva MHG Berntssen AI Gomez-Delgado H Amlund
Chemosphere 302 p. 134906

Impact of dietary zinc and seawater transfer on zinc status, availability, endogenous loss and osmoregulatory responses in Atlantic salmon smolt fed low fish meal feeds

SS Yarahmadi, R Waagbø E-J Lock P Araujo S Remø T Morken M-H Holme MS Silva
Aquaculture 549 p. 737804

Bioaccumulation of selenium in black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) prepupae reared on seaweed or selenium enriched substrates

L Ferrari, L Pinotti R Ørnsrud P Bonilauri F Selmin MS Silva V Sele M Ottoboni
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 8 (8) p. 887-899

Speciation analysis of organoarsenic species in marine samples: method optimization using fractional factorial design and method validation

J Tibon, V Sele H. Amlund JJ Sloth MS Silva
Anal Bioanal Chem 413 p. 3909–3923

Dietary selenium required to achieve body homeostasis and attenuate pro-inflammatory responses in Atlantic salmon post-smolt exceeds the present EU legal limit

A Prabhu, R Waagbø E-J Lock M-H Holme MS Silva M Espe E Holen
Aquaculture 526 p. 735413

Assessing mineral availability in fish feeds using complementary methods demonstrated with the example of zinc in Atlantic salmon.

MS Silva, A Prabhu R Waagbø R Ørnsrud C Hogstrand E-J Lock P Araujo JJ Sloth H Amlund T Stewart
Journal of Visualized Experiments e59862

In vitro digestion method to evaluate solubility of dietary zinc, selenium and manganese in salmonid diets

MS Silva, H Amlund JJ Sloth S Kröckel V Sele R Ørnsrud A Prabhu
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 57 p. 126418

Effect of levels and sources of dietary manganese on growth and mineral composition of postsmolt Atlantic salmon fed low fish meal, plant-based ingredient diets

A Prabhu, R Waagbø E-J Lock H Amlund R Ørnsrud M-H Holme S Kröckel Silva MS
Aquaculture 512 p. 734287

Apparent availability of zinc, selenium and manganese as inorganic metal salts or organic forms in plant-based diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

MS Silva, H Amlund P Araujo R Waagbø R Ørnsrud W Koppe A Prabhu S Kröckel
Aquaculture 503 p. 562-570

Speciation of zinc in fish feed by size exclusion chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry – using fractional factorial design for method optimization and mild extraction conditions.

MS Silva, H Amlund P Araujo JJ Sloth V Sele
Journal of Chromatography B 1104 p. 262-268

Zinc uptake in fish intestinal epithelial model RTgutGC: Impact of media ion composition and methionine chelation.

A Prabhu, C Hogstrand R Waagbø E-J Lock R Ørnsrud MS Silva T Stewart
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 50 p. 377–383

Optimization and comparison of miniaturized extraction techniques for PAHs from crude oil exposed Atlantic cod and haddock eggs.

L Sørensen, AM Booth and S Meier MS Silva
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 408(4) p. 1023-1032

Advances in miniaturization and increasing sensitivity in analysis of organic contaminants in marine biota samples.

L Sørensen, S Meier and AM Booth MS Silva
Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry 6–7 p. 39-47

3,3′-Diamino-N-methyldipropylamine as a versatile affinity ligand.

MS Silva, JA Queiroz and F Sousa P Almeida L Granadeiro S Silvestre PF Santos LV Reis VC Graça
Journal of Separation Science 38(5) p. 732-740

Ethylenediamine-Derived Chromatographic Ligand to Separate BSA, Lysozyme, and RNase A.

VC Graça, JA Queiroz and PF Santos P Almeida F Sousa LV Reis MS Silva
Chromatographia 77 p. 1529–1537

Protein purification by aminosquarylium cyanine dyes-affinity chromatography.

MS Silva, JA Queiroz and F Sousa P Almeida PF Santos LV Reis VC Graça
Biomedical Chromatography 27 p. 1671–1679

Evidence of olive mild mosaic virus transmission by Olpidium brassicae.

Carla MR Varanda, Maria do Rosário F Felix and Maria Ivone E Clara Marta SMR Silva
European Journal of Plant Pathology 130 p. 165-172
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Marta Silva

HI 046989
Telefon: 94114552
Avdeling: Uorganisk kjemilab

Curriculum Vitae

I am working in a research project which aims to understand the suitability and risks of using low trophic organisms as food or as feed ingredients. Low trophic organisms may contain different levels and types of arsenic compounds, with different toxicity potentials. Within my postdoctoral research, cell culture essays are being used to evaluate toxicity of the different arsenic compounds. In addition, feed-to-fish transfer of arsenic compounds in Atlantic salmon fed on diets containing new marine feed materials is also under evaluation.

I have several years of experience with the development of extraction and separation techniques (i.e. FPLC, HPLC and GC). In addition, I acquired skills on the application of analytical methods based on atomic spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine metals and metal species in animal feed and seafood. Moreover, I have been involved in mineral availability studies (in vivo and in vitro) in Atlantic salmon and toxicity exposure experiments in model organisms (e.g. fish eggs and microalgae).


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Assessing amino acid solubility of black soldier fly larvae meal in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in vivo and in vitro

Gopika R, A Prabhu I Belghit E-J Lock MS Silva
Frontiers in Physiology 10 p. 3389

In vitro assessment of protein digestibility and mineral solubility of black soldier fly larvae meals for monogastric animals

Silva MS, I Belghit A Prabhu R Gopika E-J Lock P Araujo R Matos
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed p. 1-14

Arsenic species in mesopelagic organisms and their fate during aquafeed processing

J Tibon, V Sele JJ Sloth M Wiech MS Silva MHG Berntssen AI Gomez-Delgado H Amlund
Chemosphere 302 p. 134906

Impact of dietary zinc and seawater transfer on zinc status, availability, endogenous loss and osmoregulatory responses in Atlantic salmon smolt fed low fish meal feeds

SS Yarahmadi, R Waagbø E-J Lock P Araujo S Remø T Morken M-H Holme MS Silva
Aquaculture 549 p. 737804

Bioaccumulation of selenium in black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) prepupae reared on seaweed or selenium enriched substrates

L Ferrari, L Pinotti R Ørnsrud P Bonilauri F Selmin MS Silva V Sele M Ottoboni
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 8 (8) p. 887-899

Speciation analysis of organoarsenic species in marine samples: method optimization using fractional factorial design and method validation

J Tibon, V Sele H. Amlund JJ Sloth MS Silva
Anal Bioanal Chem 413 p. 3909–3923

Dietary selenium required to achieve body homeostasis and attenuate pro-inflammatory responses in Atlantic salmon post-smolt exceeds the present EU legal limit

A Prabhu, R Waagbø E-J Lock M-H Holme MS Silva M Espe E Holen
Aquaculture 526 p. 735413

Assessing mineral availability in fish feeds using complementary methods demonstrated with the example of zinc in Atlantic salmon.

MS Silva, A Prabhu R Waagbø R Ørnsrud C Hogstrand E-J Lock P Araujo JJ Sloth H Amlund T Stewart
Journal of Visualized Experiments e59862

In vitro digestion method to evaluate solubility of dietary zinc, selenium and manganese in salmonid diets

MS Silva, H Amlund JJ Sloth S Kröckel V Sele R Ørnsrud A Prabhu
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 57 p. 126418

Effect of levels and sources of dietary manganese on growth and mineral composition of postsmolt Atlantic salmon fed low fish meal, plant-based ingredient diets

A Prabhu, R Waagbø E-J Lock H Amlund R Ørnsrud M-H Holme S Kröckel Silva MS
Aquaculture 512 p. 734287

Apparent availability of zinc, selenium and manganese as inorganic metal salts or organic forms in plant-based diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

MS Silva, H Amlund P Araujo R Waagbø R Ørnsrud W Koppe A Prabhu S Kröckel
Aquaculture 503 p. 562-570

Speciation of zinc in fish feed by size exclusion chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry – using fractional factorial design for method optimization and mild extraction conditions.

MS Silva, H Amlund P Araujo JJ Sloth V Sele
Journal of Chromatography B 1104 p. 262-268

Zinc uptake in fish intestinal epithelial model RTgutGC: Impact of media ion composition and methionine chelation.

A Prabhu, C Hogstrand R Waagbø E-J Lock R Ørnsrud MS Silva T Stewart
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 50 p. 377–383

Optimization and comparison of miniaturized extraction techniques for PAHs from crude oil exposed Atlantic cod and haddock eggs.

L Sørensen, AM Booth and S Meier MS Silva
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 408(4) p. 1023-1032

Advances in miniaturization and increasing sensitivity in analysis of organic contaminants in marine biota samples.

L Sørensen, S Meier and AM Booth MS Silva
Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry 6–7 p. 39-47

3,3′-Diamino-N-methyldipropylamine as a versatile affinity ligand.

MS Silva, JA Queiroz and F Sousa P Almeida L Granadeiro S Silvestre PF Santos LV Reis VC Graça
Journal of Separation Science 38(5) p. 732-740

Ethylenediamine-Derived Chromatographic Ligand to Separate BSA, Lysozyme, and RNase A.

VC Graça, JA Queiroz and PF Santos P Almeida F Sousa LV Reis MS Silva
Chromatographia 77 p. 1529–1537

Protein purification by aminosquarylium cyanine dyes-affinity chromatography.

MS Silva, JA Queiroz and F Sousa P Almeida PF Santos LV Reis VC Graça
Biomedical Chromatography 27 p. 1671–1679

Evidence of olive mild mosaic virus transmission by Olpidium brassicae.

Carla MR Varanda, Maria do Rosário F Felix and Maria Ivone E Clara Marta SMR Silva
European Journal of Plant Pathology 130 p. 165-172
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