Fish Sludge as Feed in Circular Bioproduction: Overview of Biological and Chemical Hazards in Fish Sludge and Their Potential Fate via Ingestion by Invertebrates
Kristin Sæbø Pettersen, Veronika Sele, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Ikram Belghit, Sylvie Lafond Benestad, Aksel Bernhoft, Booth Andy M., Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Julia Farkas, Aleksander Handå, Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Kari Marie Olli Helgesen, Arne Holst-Jensen, Gro Skøien Johannessen, Nina Sylvia Liland, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Arne Malzahn, Hanne Nilsen, Ståle Nordtvedt Tom, Madelaine Norström, MAGDALENA MONIKA OWCZAREK KOSCIELNIAK, Øivind Øines, Sonal Jayesh Patel, Hilde Sindre, Inger Beate Standal, Andreas Hagemann
Reviews in Aquaculture
Fish Sludge as Feed in Circular Bioproduction: Overview of Biological and Chemical Hazards in Fish Sludge and Their Potential Fate via Ingestion by Invertebrates
Veronika Sele, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Ikram Belghit, Sylvie Lafond Benestad, Aksel Bernhoft, Booth Andy M., Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Julia Farkas, Aleksander Handå, Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Kari Marie Olli Helgesen, Arne Holst-Jensen, Gro Skøien Johannessen, Nina Sylvia Liland, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Arne Malzahn, Hanne Nilsen, Ståle Nordtvedt Tom, Madelaine Norström, MAGDALENA MONIKA OWCZAREK KOSCIELNIAK, Øivind Øines, Sonal Jayesh Patel, Hilde Sindre, Inger Beate Standal, Andreas Hagemann
Reviews in Aquaculture
Characterization of nutrients and contaminants in fish sludge from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) production sites - A future resource
Veronika Sele, Aasim Musa Mohamed Ali, Nina Sylvia Liland, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Jojo Tibon, Pedro Araujo, Hilde Sindre, Hanne Katrine Nilsen, Andreas Hagemann, Ikram Belghit
Journal of Environmental Management (JEM)
Stability study and validation of a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantitative analysis of polyphenols in fish feed ingredients
Deisy Viviana Sarmiento Garzón, Kristin Hamre, Aleksander Arnø, Joshua Dagogo Jama, Elisabeth Rasmussen Ødegård, Odd Elvebø, Pedro Araujo
Journal of chromatography. B
Does the processing of black soldier fly larvae meal affect the amino acid solubility in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)?
Gopika Radhakrishnan, Marta Sofia Silva, Nina Sylvia Liland, R. Secci, Pedro Araujo, Antony Jesu Prabhu Philip, Ikram Belghit
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed
p. 1-16
Frozen storage procedures for salmon and plaice samples: Nutrient composition and implications for preservation
Eystein Oveland, Annbjørg Bøkevoll, Pedro Araujo, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Journal of Food Science
p. 4660-4670
Characterization of nutrients and contaminants in fish sludge from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) production sites - A future resource
Veronika Sele, Aasim Musa Mohamed Ali, Nina Sylvia Liland, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Jojo Tibon, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Hilde Sindre, Hanne Katrine Nilsen, Andreas Hagemann, Ikram Belghit
Journal of Environmental Managment
Stability study and validation of a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantitative analysis of polyphenols in fish feed ingredients
Deisy Viviana Sarmiento Garzón, Kristin Hamre, Aleksander Arnø, Joshua Dagogo, Elisabeth Rasmussen Ødegård, Odd Elvebø, Pedro Araujo
Journal of chromatography. B
Evaluating the fillet quality and sensory characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed black soldier fly larvae meal for whole production cycle in sea cages
Gopika Radhakrishnan, Antony Jesu Prabhu Philip, Christian Caimi, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Pedro Araujo, Nina Sylvia Liland, Celia Rocha, Luís Miguel Cunha, Laura Gasco, Ikram Belghit
Aquaculture Reports
Tissue accumulation of polystyrene microplastics causes oxidative stress, hepatopancreatic injury and metabolome alterations in Litopenaeus vannamei
Yingxu Zeng, Baichuan Deng, Zixin Kang, Pedro Araujo, Svein Are Mjøs, Jianhui Lin, Ruina Liu, Tao Yang, Yuangao Qu
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Validation of a Liquid–Liquid Extraction Method to Study the Temporal Production of D-Series Resolvins by Head Kidney Cells from Atlantic Salmon (Salmon salar) Exposed to Docosahexaenoic Acid
Pedro Araujo, Sarah Iqbal, Aleksander Arnø, Marit Espe, Elisabeth Holen
Changes in daylength and temperature from April until August for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reared in sea cages, increase growth, and may cause consumption of antioxidants, onset of cataracts and increased oxidation of fillet astaxanthin
Kristin Hamre, Giulia Micallef, Marie Hillestad, Johan Johansen, Sofie c Remø, Wuxiao Zhang, Elisabeth Rasmussen Ødegård, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, P. Antony Jesu Prabhu, Rune Waagbø
Impact of dietary zinc and seawater transfer on zinc status, availability, endogenous loss and osmoregulatory responses in Atlantic salmon smolt fed low fish meal feeds
Sahar Sartipi Yarahmadi, Marta Sofia Marques Rodrigues Da Silva, May-Helen Holme, Thea Morken, Sofie c Remø, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Rune Waagbø, P. Antony Jesu Prabhu
A rapid acid hydrolysis method for the determination of chitin in fish feed supplemented with black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae
Pedro Araujo, Temesgen Tamirat, Joar Fjørtoft Breivik, Bashir Abdulkader, Ikram Belghit, Erik Jan Robert Lock
In vitro assessment of protein digestibility and mineral solubility of black soldier fly larvae meals for monogastric animals
Marta Sofia Silva, Rita Matos, Pedro Araujo, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Gopika Radhakrishnan, P. Antony Jesu Prabhu, Ikram Belghit
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed
p. 953-966
A meta-analysis on the nutritional value of insects in aquafeeds
Nina Sylvia Liland, Pedro Araujo, X.X. Xu, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Gopika Radhakrishnan, P. Antony Jesu Prabhu, Ikram Belghit
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed
p. 743-759
Differential production of prostaglandins and prostacyclins by liver and head kidney cells from Atlantic salmon challenged with arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Marit Espe, Eva Lucena, Yang Yang, Elisabeth Holen
Fish and Shellfish Reports
A meta-analysis on the nutritional value of insects in aquafeeds
Nina Sylvia Liland, Pedro Araujo, X.X. Xu, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Gowtham Radhakrishnan, P. Antony Jesu Prabhu, Ikram Belghit
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed
p. 743-759
Assessing mineral availability in fish feeds using complementary methods demonstrated with the example of zinc in atlantic salmon
Marta Sofia Silva, Thea Stewart, Heidi Amlund, Jens Jørgen Sloth, Pedro Araujo, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Christer Hogstrand, Robin Ørnsrud, Rune Waagbø, P. Antony Jesu Prabhu
Journal of Visualized Experiments
p. 1-16
Challenges Ahead for a Rational Analysis of Vitamin D in Athletes
Pedro Araujo, Cioly Méndez-Dávila
Frontiers in Nutrition
The impact of seawater warming on fatty acid composition and nutritional quality indices of Trematomus bernacchii from the Antarctic region
Pedro Araujo, Cristina Truzzi, Ikram Belghit, Matteo Antonucci
Food Chemistry
Dietary Lipid Modulation of Intestinal Serotonin in Ballan Wrasse (Labrus bergylta)—In Vitro Analyses
Angela Etayo, Hoang Thi My Dung Le, Pedro Araujo, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Øystein Sæle
Frontiers in Endocrinology
p. 1-15
Increasing the dietary n-6/n-3 ratio alters the hepatic eicosanoid production after acute stress in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Bjørg Kristine Hundal, Nina Sylvia Liland, Grethe Rosenlund, Erik Höglund, Pedro Araujo, Ingunn Stubhaug, Nini Sissener
A new correction for controlling family-wise error rate in multiple comparison studies
Araujo, Hernandez Pedro W
Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Vitamin D supplementation during winter: Effects on stress resilience in a randomized control trial
Anita Lill Hansen, Gina Ambroziak, David Thornton, James C. Mundt, Rachel E. Kahn, Lisbeth Dahl, Leif Waage, Daniel Kattenbraker, Pedro Araujo, Robert Murison, Knut Rypdal, Bjørn Grung
p. 1-21
Dietary 18:2n-6 affects EPA (20:5n-3) and ARA (20:4n-6) content in cell membranes and eicosanoid production in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
Nini Sissener, Pedro Araujo, Øystein Sæle, Gjert Hovland Rosenlund, Ingunn Stubhaug, Monica Sanden
Fatty acid reference intervals in red blood cells among pregnant women in Norway–Cross sectional data from the ‘Little in Norway’ cohort
Pedro Araujo, Marian Kjellevold, Ive Nerhus, Lisbeth Dahl, Inger Aakre, Vibeke Moe, Lars Smith, Maria Wik
p. 1-16
Modeling the influence of time and temperature on the levels of fatty acids in the liver of Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii
Matteo Antonucci, Ikram Belghit, Cristina Truzzi, Silvia Illuminati, Pedro Araujo
Polar Biology
p. 2017-2030
Resveratrol inhibited LPS induced transcription of immune genes and secretion of eicosanoids in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), comparing mono-, co- and a novel triple cell culture model of head kidney leukocytes, liver cells and visceral adipocyte tissue
Elisabeth Holen, Pedro Araujo, Shiwei Xie, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, Marit Espe
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C
The effect of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the production of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase metabolites by human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Pedro Araujo, Ikram Belghit, Niels Aarsaether, Marit Espe, Eva Lucena, Elisabeth Holen
p. 1-18
Development of a fatty liver model using oleic acid in primary liver cells isolated from Atlantic salmon and the prevention of lipid accumulation using metformin
Marit Espe, Shiwei Xie, Shijun Chen, Pedro Araujo, Elisabeth Holen
Aquaculture Nutrition
p. 737-746
Apparent availability of zinc, selenium and manganese as inorganic metal salts or organic forms in plant-based diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Marta Sofia silva, Saskia Kröckel, Antony Prabhu, Wolfgang Koppe, Robin Ørnsrud, Rune Waagbø, Pedro Araujo, Heidi Amlund
p. 562-570
Extraction of Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Biomarkers from fish Cells Exposed to Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Quantification by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Eva Lucena, Yang Yang, Cioly Mendez, Elisabeth Holen, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo
Current Analysis on Chemistry
Speciation of zinc in fish feed by size exclusion chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry – using fractional factorial design for method optimisation and mild extraction conditions
Marta Sofia Silva, Veronika Sele, Jens Jørgen Sloth, Pedro Araujo, Heidi Amlund
Journal of chromatography. B
p. 262-268
A comparative study: Difference in omega-6/omega-3 balance and saturated fat in diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) affect immune-, fat metabolism-, oxidative and apoptotic-gene expression, and eicosanoid secretion in head kidney leukocytes
Elisabeth Holen, Pedro Araujo, Nini Sissener, Grethe Rosenlund, Rune Waagbø
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
p. 57-68
Effect of storage time, temperature, antioxidant and thawing on fatty acid composition of plasma, serum and red blood cells – A pilot biobank study
Pedro Araujo, Tormod Bjørkkjær, Livar Frøyland, Rune Waagbø
Clinical Biochemistry
p. 94-105
A novel strategy for discriminating marine oils by using the positional distribution (sn-1, sn-2, sn-3) of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in triacylglycerols
Pedro Araujo, Ephrem Tilahun, Yingxu Zeng
Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry
p. 32-37
Modulation of nutrient composition of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae by feeding seaweed-enriched media
Nina Sylvia Liland, Irene Biancarosa, Pedro Araujo, Daan Biemans, Christian Guido Bruckner, Rune Waagbø, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Erik-Jan Lock
Uptake of heavy metals and arsenic in black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae grown on seaweed-enriched media
Irene Biancarosa, Nina Sylvia Liland, Daan Biemans, Pedro Araujo, Christian Guido Bruckner, Rune Waagbø, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Erik-Jan Lock, Heidi Amlund
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
p. 2176-2183
Comments on Boelaert et al. Determination of Asymmetric and Symmetric Dimethylarginine in Serum from Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: UPLC–MS/MS versus ELISA
Dimitrios Tsikas, bibiana beckmann, Pedro Araujo
p. 1-3
A simple liquid extraction protocol for overcoming the ion suppression of triacylglycerols by phospholipids in liquid chromatography mass spectrometry studies
Pedro Araujo, Ephrem Tilahun, Joar Fjørtoft Breivik, Bashir Mohamed Hissen Abdulkader, Livar Frøyland, Yingxu Zeng
Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry
p. 463-471
An LC–MS-based lipidomics approach for studying the impact of dietary eicosapentaenoic acid on modulating methylmercury toxicity in mice
Yingxu Zeng, Svein Are Mjøs, Pedro Araujo, Bjørn Grung, Lisa Kolden Midtbø, Zhen-yu Du
p. 1-14
Hydrolyzed fish proteins modulates both inflammatory and antioxidant gene expression as well as protein expression in a co culture model of liver and head kidney cells isolated from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Elisabeth Holen, Juyun He, Pedro Araujo, Jørgen Seliussen, Marit Espe
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
p. 22-29
Plackett-Burman design and fragmentation studies to assist the 1 comparison of techniques used to extract phospholipids prior to regiospecific characterization by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
Pedro Araujo, Han Zhu, Joar Fjørtoft Breivik, Jan Idar Hjelle, Yingxu Zeng, Svein Are Mjøs
American Journal of Modern Chromatography
p. 1-22
Comments on Boelaert et al. Determination of Asymmetric and Symmetric Dimethylarginine in Serum from Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: UPLC–MS/MS versus ELISA
Dimitrios Tsikas, Bibiana Beckmann, Pedro Araujo
p. 1-3
Combining eicosapentaenoic acid, decosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid, using a fully crossed design, affect gene expression and eicosanoid secretion in salmon head kidney cells invitro
Elisabeth Holen, Juyun He, Marit Espe, Liqiou Chen, Pedro Araujo
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
p. 695-703
Determination and structural elucidation of triacylglycerols in krill oil by chromatographic techniques
Pedro Araujo, Han Zhu, Joar Fjørtoft Breivik, Jan Idar Hjelle, Yingxu Zeng
p. 163-172
Development and validation of an extraction method for the determination of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids in human plasma using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Pedro Araujo, Zebasil Tassew Mengesha, Eva Lucena, Bjørn Grung
Journal of Chromatography A
p. 57-64
The impact of exogenous ω-6 and ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the induced production of pro- and anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes in Atlantic salmon head kidney cells using a full factorial design and LC-MS/MS
Pedro Araujo, Eva Lucena, Yang Yang, Bupesh Ceemala, Zebasil Tassew Mengesha, Elisabeth Holen
Journal of chromatography. B
p. 164-171
A co culture approach show that polyamine turnover is affected during inflammation in Atlantic salmon immune and liver cells and that arginine and LPS exerts opposite effects on p38MAPK signaling
Elisabeth Holen, Marit Espe, Synne Marte Andersen, Richard Taylor, Anders Aksnes, Zebasil Tassew Mengesha, Pedro Araujo
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
p. 286-298
Cytokine gene expression and prostaglandin production in head kidney leukocytes isolated from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) added different levels of arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid
Miriam Furné Castillo, Elisabeth Holen, Pedro Araujo, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Mari Moren
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
p. 770-777
Dietary eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation accentuates hepatic triglyceride accumulation in mice with impaired fatty acid oxidation capacity
Zhen-yu Du, Tao Ma, Bjørn Liaset, Alison H. Keenan, Pedro Araujo, Erik-Jan Lock, Laurent Demizieux, Pascal Degrace, Livar Frøyland, Karsten Kristiansen, Lise Madsen
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
p. 291-299
Accurate measurement of nitrate, nitrite, and S-nitrosothiols in biological samples by mass spectrometry
Dimitrios Tsikas, Anke Böhmer, Anja Mitschke, Pedro Araujo
Free Radical Biology and Medicine
p. 301-304
Pathogen recognition and mechanisms in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) head kidney cells Bacteria (LPS) and virus (poly I:C) signals through different pathways and affect distinct genes
Elisabeth Holen, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Hernandez Pedro W. Araujo, Pål Asgeir Olsvik
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
p. 267-276
Application of Doehlert uniform shell designs for selecting optimal amounts of internal standards in the analysis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Hernandez Pedro W. Araujo, Steve Janagap, Elisabeth Holen
Journal of Chromatography A
p. 102-110
Development of an extraction method for the determination of prostaglandins in biological tissue samples using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: Application to gonads of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Steve Janagap, Rita Azeredo, Thu Thao Nguyen, Kristin Hamre, Hernandez Pedro W. Araujo
Analytica Chimica Acta
p. 51-55
Chemometrics in chromatography
Pedro Araujo, Bjørn Grung
Journal of chromatography. B
p. 1
Doehlert uniform shell designs and chromatography
Hernandez Pedro W. Araujo, Steve Janagap
Journal of chromatography. B
p. 14-21
Evaluation of different fingerprinting strategies for differentiating marine oils by liquid chromatography ion-trap mass spectrometry and chemometrics
Yingxu Zeng, HERNANDEZ PEDRO W ARAUJO, Bjørn Grung, Liangxiao Zhang
The Analyst
p. 1507-1514
Evaluation of different fingerprinting strategies for differentiating marine oils by liquid chromatography ion-trap mass spectrometry and chemometrics
Yingxu Zeng, Pedro Araujo, Bjørn Grung, Liangxiao Zhang
The Analyst
p. 1507-1514
Evaluation of different fingerprinting strategies for differentiating marine oils by liquid chromatography ion-trap mass spectrometry and chemometrics
Yingxu Zeng, Pedro Araujo, Bjørn Grung, Liangxiao Zhang
The Analyst
p. 1507-1514
Subjective food hypersensitivity: assessment of enterochromaffin cell markers in blood and gut lavage fluid
Kine Gregersen, Jørgen Valeur, Kristine Lillestøl, Livar Frøyland, Hernandez Pedro W. Araujo, Gülen Arsland Lied, Arnold Berstad
International Journal of General Medicine
p. 555-560
Elucidation of triacylglycerols in cod liver oil by liquid chromatography electrospray tandem ion-trap mass spectrometry
Yingxu Zeng, HERNANDEZ PEDRO W ARAUJO, ZHEN-YU DU, Thu-Thao Nguyen, Livar Frøyland, Bjørn Grung
Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry
p. 1261-1270
Discrimination of n-3 rich oils by gas chromatography
HERNANDEZ PEDRO W ARAUJO, Yingxu Zeng, ZHEN-YU DU, Thu-Thao Nguyen, Livar Frøyland, Bjørn Grung
p. 1147-1158
Unbound DHA causes a high blank value in beta-oxidation assay: a concern for in vitro studies
ZHEN-YU DU, HERNANDEZ PEDRO W ARAUJO, Ingunn Stubhaug, Livar Frøyland
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
p. 333-342
Epidermis-Type Lipoxygenase 3 Regulates Adipocyte Differentiation and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Activity
Philip Hallenborg, Claus Jørgensen, Rasmus K. Petersen, Søren Feddersen, HERNANDEZ PEDRO W ARAUJO, Patrick Markt, Thierry Langer, Gerhard Furstenberger, Peter Krieg, Arjen Koppen, Eric Kalkhoven, Lise Madsen, K Kristiansen
Molecular and Cellular Biology
p. 4077-4091
Dietary fatty acids and inflammation in the vertebral column of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts: a possible link to spinal deformities
Laura Gil Martens, ERIK-JAN LOCK, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Anna Wargelius, HERNANDEZ PEDRO W ARAUJO, BENTE ELISABETH TORSTENSEN, P. Eckhard Witten, Tom Hansen, Rune Waagbø, ROBIN ØRNSRUD
Journal of Fish Diseases
p. 957-972
UCP1 Induction during Recruitment of Brown Adipocytes in White Adipose Tissue Is Dependent on Cyclooxygenase Activity
Lise Madsen, Lone M Pedersen, Haldis Haukås Lillefosse, Even Fjaere, Ingeborg Brønstad, Qin Hao, Rasmus Kofoed Petersen, Philip Hallenborg, Tao Ma, Rita De Matteis, HERNANDEZ PEDRO W ARAUJO, Josep Mercader, M Louisa Bonet, Jacob B Hansen, Barbara Cannon, Jan Nedergaard, Jun Wang, Saverio Cinti, Peter Voshol, Stein Ove Doskeland, Karsten Kristiansen
Elucidation of triacylglycerols in cod liver oil by liquid chromatography electrospray tandem ion-trap mass spectrometry
Yingxu Zeng, Pedro Araujo, Zhen-Yu Du, Thu-Thao Nguyen, Livar Frøyland, Bjørn Grung
Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry
p. 1261-1270
Discrimination of n-3 rich oils by gas chromatography
Pedro Araujo, Yingxu Zeng, Zhen-Yu Du, Thu-Thao Nguyen, Livar Frøyland, Bjørn Grung
p. 1147-1158
Unbound DHA causes a high blank value in beta-oxidation assay: a concern for in vitro studies
Zhen-Yu Du, Pedro Araujo, Ingunn Stubhaug, Livar Frøyland
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
p. 333-342
Epidermis-Type Lipoxygenase 3 Regulates Adipocyte Differentiation and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Activity
Philip Hallenborg, Claus Jørgensen, Rasmus K. Petersen, Søren Feddersen, Pedro Araujo, Patrick Markt, Thierry Langer, Gerhard Furstenberger, Peter Krieg, Arjen Koppen, Eric Kalkhoven, Lise Madsen, K Kristiansen
Molecular and Cellular Biology
p. 4077-4091
Dietary fatty acids and inflammation in the vertebral column of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts: a possible link to spinal deformities
Laura Gil Martens, E-J Lock, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Anna Wargelius, Pedro Araujo, Torstensen Bente Elisabeth, P. Eckhard Witten, Tom Hansen, Rune Waagbø, Ørnsrud Robin
Journal of Fish Diseases
p. 957-972
Elucidation of triacylglycerols in cod liver oil by liquid chromatography electrospray tandem ion-trap mass spectrometry
Ying-Xu Zeng, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Zhen-yu Du, Thu Thao Nguyen, Livar Frøyland, Bjørn Grung
Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry
UCP1 induction during recruitment of brown adipocytes in white adipose tissue is dependent on cyclooxygenase activity
Lise Madsen, Lone M Pedersen, Haldis H Lillefosse, Even Fjære, Ingeborg Brønstad, Qin Hao, Rasmus K Petersen, Philip Hallenborg, Tao Ma, Rita De Matteis, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Josep Mercarder, M. Luisa Bonet, Jacob B Jacob B. Hansen, Barbara Cannon, Jan Nedergaard, Jun Wang, Saverio Cinti, Peter Voshol, Stein Ove Døskeland, Karsten Kristiansen
UCP1 Induction during Recruitment of Brown Adipocytes in White Adipose Tissue Is Dependent on Cyclooxygenase Activity
Lise Madsen, Lone M Pedersen, Haldis Haukås Lillefosse, Even Fjaere, Ingeborg Brønstad, Qin Hao, Rasmus Kofoed Petersen, Philip Hallenborg, Tao Ma, Rita De Matteis, Pedro Araujo, Josep Mercader, M Louisa Bonet, Jacob B Hansen, Barbara Cannon, Jan Nedergaard, Jun Wang, Saverio Cinti, Peter Voshol, Stein Ove Doskeland, Karsten Kristiansen
Elucidation of triacylglycerols in cod liver oil by liquid chromatography electrospray tandem ion-trap mass spectrometry
Yingxu Zeng, Pedro Araujo, Du Zhen-Yu, Thu-Thao Nguyen, Livar Frøyland, Bjørn Grung
Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry
p. 1261-1270
Discrimination of n-3 rich oils by gas chromatography
Pedro Araujo, Yingxu Zeng, Zhen-Yu Du, Thu-Thao Nguyen, Livar Frøyland, Bjørn Grung
p. 1147-1158
Unbound DHA causes a high blank value in beta-oxidation assay: a concern for in vitro studies
Zhen-Yu Du, Pedro Araujo, Ingunn Stubhaug, Livar Frøyland
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
p. 333-342
Epidermis-Type Lipoxygenase 3 Regulates Adipocyte Differentiation and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Activity
Philip Hallenborg, Claus Jørgensen, Rasmus K. Petersen, Søren Feddersen, Pedro Araujo, Patrick Markt, Thierry Langer, Gerhard Furstenberger, Peter Krieg, Arjen Koppen, Eric Kalkhoven, Lise Madsen, K Kristiansen
Molecular and Cellular Biology
p. 4077-4091
Dietary fatty acids and inflammation in the vertebral column of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts: a possible link to spinal deformities
Laura Gil Martens, Erik-Jan Lock, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Anna Wargelius, Pedro Araujo, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Rune Witteaagbø, Robin Ørnsrud, Eckhard, Tom Hansen
Journal of Fish Diseases
p. 957-972
Key aspects of analytical method validation and linearity evaluation
Araujo, Hernandez Pedro W
Journal of chromatography. B
A randomized double blind comparison of short-term duodenally administrated whale and seal blubber oils in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and joint pain
Tormod Bjørkkjær, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Tor Magne Madland, Arnold Berstad, Livar Frøyland
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
A randomized double blind comparison of short-term duodenally administrated whale and seal blubber oils in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and joint pain
Tormod Bjørkkjær, Pedro Araujo, Tor Magne Madland, Arnold Berstad, Livar Frøyland
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
p. 425-432
Key aspects of analytical method validation and linearity evaluation
Araujo Pedro
Journal of chromatography. B
p. 2224-2234
Evaluation of a rapid method for the quantitative analysis of fatty acids in various matrices
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Thu Thao Nguyen, Livar Frøyland, Jingdong Wang, Jing X Kang
Journal of Chromatography A
Variability, confidence and statistical power in aquaculture experiments
Araujo, Hernandez Pedro W
Israeli Journal of Aquaculture (Bamidgeh)
Direct injection of redissolved cell culture media into a single-column liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for the measurement of PGE2
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Zhen-yu Du, Thu Thao Nguyen, Elisabeth Holen
Open Analytical Chemistry Journal
Improved quantification of prostaglandins in biological samples by optimizing simultaneously the relationship eicosanoid/internal-standard and using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Tormod Bjørkkjær, Arnold Berstad, Livar Frøyland
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
Statistical power and analytical quantification
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Livar Frøyland
Journal of Chromatography A
Improved quantification of prostaglandins in biological samples by optimizing simultaneously the relationship eicosanoid/internal standard and using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Pedro Araujo, Tormod Bjørkkjær, Arnold Berstad, Livar Frøyland
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
p. 9-13
Optimisation of an extraction method for the determination of prostaglandin E2 in plasma using experimental design and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Livar Frøyland
Journal of chromatography. B
Experimental design considerations in quantification experiments by using the internal standard technique: Cholesterol determination by gas chromatography as a case study
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Felicia Dawn Couillard, Else Leirnes, Kjersti Ask, Annbjørg Bøkevoll, Livar Frøyland
Journal of Chromatography A
Hierarchical classification designs for the estimation of different sources of variability in proficiency testing experiments
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Livar Frøyland
Analytica Chimica Acta
Statistical Approach to the Rational Selection of Experimental Subjects
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Livar Frøyland
Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Chemometric Approaches in Calibration Experiments of Trilinolenoylglycerol by Liquid Chromatography Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometry
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Thu-Thao Nguyen, Livar Frøyland
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Application of experimental design and calibration in analytical chemistry and improved chlorophyll measurement techniques
Pedro Araujo
Natural antioxidants from ingredient to fish
Sarmiento V, Hamre K, Elvebø O, Arnø A, Araujo P.
Transfer and bioaccumulation of chemical and biological contaminants, and retention of prions after short-term experimental feeding with brain homogenate from scrapie infected sheep, in Hediste diversicolor and Hermetia illucens when reared on salmon aquaculture sludge
Hagemann A, Malzahn A.M, Sele V, Belghit I, Tibon J, Nilsen H, Sindre H, Liland N.S, Benestad S.L, Tran L, Pettersen K.S, Lundebye A-K, Araujo P, Asim A, Holst-Jensen A.
Monitoring the levels of natural antioxidants during fish feed production, after dietary incorporation if fish tissue
Araujo P, Sarmiento V, Arnø A, Iqbal S, Elvebø O, Ødegård E, Hamre K
Seasonal broodstock management alters the epigenome of the next generation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Kaja Helvik Skjærven, Takaya Saito, Jorge Manuel de Oliveira Fernandes, Paul Whatmore, Pedro Araujo, Maren Mommens, Marit Espe
Bioclimatic models for visualizing changes in fatty acid concentration in the liver of Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii as a function of time and temperature
Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Ikram Belghit, Matteo Antonucci, Cristina Truzzi, Silvia Illuminati
Variation of levels of fatty acids composition in the liver of antarctic fish trematomus bernacchii in function of time and temperature: a modelling approach
Matteo Antonucci, Ikram Belghit, Cristina Truzzi, Silvia Illuminati, Anna Annibaldi, Giuseppe Scarponi, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo
Effekter av resveratrol på lipo-polysakkarid indusert transkripsjon av immungener og eikosanoidsekresjon i atlantisk laks, ved bruk av forskjellige cellemodeller.
Elisabeth Holen, Pedro Araujo, S Xie, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, Marit Espe
Spesiering og biotilgjengelighet av selen og sink i laksefôr
Antony Prabhu, Marta Sofia Silva, Veronika Sele, thea stewart, Pedro Araujo, Heidi Amlund, Jens Jørgen Sloth, Saskia Kröckel, May-Helen Holme, Christer Hogstrand, Robin Ørnsrud, Erik-Jan Lock, Rune Waagbø
A novel method for the determination of chitin in an insect based fish feed by using experimental design and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
Tamirat Tefera, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Bjørn Grung, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo
Fractional factorial design to assess zinc speciation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) feeds
Marta Sofia Marques Rodrigues Da Silva, Veronika Sele, Heidi Amlund, Jens Jørgen Sloth, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo
Omega-6/omega-3 balanse og metta feitt i fôr til laks – konsekvensar for immunrespons og sjukdomsforløp av PD?
Sofie c Remø, Nini Hedberg Sissener, Elisabeth Holen, Sonal Jayesh Patel, Sven Martin Jørgensen, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Ingrid Uglenes Fiksdal, Charles McGurk, Grethe Rosenlund, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Rune Waagbø
Bioconversion of brown seaweed by black soldier fly larvae, effects on nutritional composition and feed safety considerations
Erik Jan Robert Lock, Irene Biancarosa, Nina Sylvia Liland, Ikram Belghit, Heidi Amlund, Robin Ørnsrud, Christian Guido Bruckner, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Rune Waagbø
Omega-6/Omega-3 balance and saturated fat in diets for Atlantic salmon- effects on fish health and disease resistance
Sofie c Remø, Nini Hedberg Sissener, Elisabeth Holen, Sonal Jayesh Patel, Sven Martin Jørgensen, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Inger Uglenes, Charles McGurk, Grethe Rosenlund, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Rune Waagbø
Kva betyr omega-6/omega-3 balanse og metta feitt i fôr for motstandsdyktigheit mot PD?
Sofie C. Remø, Sonal Patel, Pedro Araujo, Inger Uglenes, Charles McGurk, Grethe Rosenlund, Nini Sissener, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Rune Waagbø
Application of chemometric and computational tools for the analysis of molecular lipid species by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Zeng Y, Mjøs S, Grung B, Araujo P, Meier S.
Is PGE2 production dependent on the EPA:ARA ratio or only the concentration of ARA? In vitro studies with primary cell cultures from A. cod head kidney
Miriam Furné Castillo, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Elisabeth Holen, Mari Moren, Kai Kristoffer Lie
Bacteria (LPS) and virus (poly I:C) signals through different pathways and affect different genes in Atlantic cod head kidney cells
Elisabeth Holen, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Pål Asgeir Olsvik
Eicosapantaenoic acid moderates MeHg-induced metabolic abnormalities via COX-2 inhibition in C57BI/6J mice fed high fat diet
Zhen-yu Du, Lisa Kolden Midtbø, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Malde Marian Kjellevold, Livar Frøyland, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Lise Madsen
Systematic internal standard selection for chromatographic analysis
Araujo, Hernandez Pedro W
(Dietary) increase in ARA alters mineralization and PGE2 production
Miriam Furné Castillo, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Elisabeth Holen, Kvalheim Kvalheim, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Mari Moren
The PUFA unbound to albumin causes high experimental error in in vitro studies: an example of β-oxidation assay
Zhen-yu Du, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Ingunn Stubhaug, Livar Frøyland
Effect of graded levels of arachidonic acid on reproductive physiology, spawning performance, and egg quality of Atlantic cod
Lena Birgitta Norberg, Kristin Hamre, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Terje van der Meeren, Grethe Rosenlund
Evaluation of a Rapid Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Fatty Acids in Various Matrices
Araujo, Hernandez Pedro W
Dietary Fatty Acids and Inflammation in the vertebral column of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts: A possible link to spinal deformities
Laura Gil Martens, Erik-Jan Lock, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Anna Wargelius, Pedro Araujo, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Paul Eckhard Witten, Tom Johnny Hansen, Rune Waagbø, Robin Ørnsrud
Inflammation as a risk factor for spinal deformities in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) 0+ smolts
Laura Gil Martens, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Robin Ørnsrud, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Anna Sofie Troedsson Wargelius, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Paul Eckhard Witten, Tom Johnny Hansen, Rune Waagbø
Comparison of the effects of short-term duodenal administration of whale and seal oils on joint pain in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A double blind Improved controlled study
28. Bjørkkjær T, Araujo P, Madland T.M, Berstad A, Frøyland, L.
Comparison of the effects of short-term duodenal administration of whale and seal oils on joint pain in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a double blind randomized controlled study
Bjørkkjær T, Araujo P, Berstad A, Frøyland L.
Improved quantification of prostaglandins in biological samples by optimizing simultaneously the relationship eicosanoid/internal-standard and using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Araujo P, Bjørkkjær T, Berstad A, Frøyland L.