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Anne Christine Utne Palm

Telephone: 93065501
Department: Fangst

Curriculum Vitae

Jeg har over 30 års erfaring med studier av fiskeatferd. I løpet av disse årene har mitt hovedfokus vært på atferdsøkologi, hvor jeg har sett på hvordan ulike miljøforhold (lys, turbiditet, turbulens, lyd og lukt) påvirker de ulike atferdene (fôring, habitatvalg, reproduksjon og kommunikasjon) til marin fisk og krepsdyr. Jeg har også sett på artens rolle i økosystemet, og deres evne til å tilpasse seg menneskeskapte endringer i miljøet.

De første 20 årene var jeg ansatt ved UiB. Hvor jeg fikk erfaring som underviser, prosjekt leder og forskningsgruppe leder. Jeg ledet også et u-lands prosjekt, rettet mot utdanning av master og PhD studenter fra Namibia og Sør-Afrika. Tilsvarende har jeg på HI vært engasjert i et UNIDO prosjekt i Sudan, hvor HI bidrar med opplæring av fiskeriforvaltning kompetanse for å bedre landets resurs forvaltning i Rødehavet. Videre var jeg nylig i Vietnam i forbindelse med UNDP prosjekt, hvor HI skal gi råd til Vietnam med hensyn til Marine Spatial Planning og utbygging av havvind.

Siden 2012 har jeg jobbet på HI i forskningsgruppen Fangst. Hvor jeg har hovedsakelig arbeidet med fisk og krabbers atferd relatert til fiskeredskap og i fangstprosessen. Utvikling av seleksjonsinnretninger i fangst redskap for leppefisk og i kongekrabbe teiner for å få ut undermåls fisk eller krabbe på et bærekraftig vis (slik at de overlever), samt hindre oter og stor predator fisk i å ta seg inn i leppefisk redskapen. Prosjekt relatert til råtne-tråd i teiner for å hindre spøkelsesfiske. Ledet ICES arbeidsgruppe på bruk av kunstig lys for hindre bi fangst og for å øke fangsteffektivitet slik at fiskeriene blir mer bærekraftig. Prosjekt på produksjon av agn fra råstoff avfall i fra fiskeindustrien.

Siden 2021 har jeg vært engasjert som prosjektleder i to ulike prosjekter som ser på effekter av havvindparker (OWF) på fiskerinæringen. I disse prosjektene har vi fokusert på å få en oversikt over tilgjengelig kunnskap om mulige effekter av OWF på miljøet og fiskeressursene. For å øke vår kunnskap om hvordan OWF kan påvirke fiskeriene har vi intervjuet fiskere, og vi ser på fiskeri og landings data. Vi ser også på hvordan fjerning av vind kan påvirke de oseanografiske forholdene og med det primærproduksjon, og vi ser på muligheten for samlokalisering av havvind og produksjon av lavtrofisk mat. For å styrke sameksistensen mellom fiskeri og havvind næringene har vi organisert webinarer og møter mellom bransjene. Jeg har ansvar for gjennomføring av tokt og innsamling av data på Hywind Tampen for NFR prosjektet Windsys, som ser på effekt av flytende havvind parker på pelagisk fisk, og Orchestra prosjektet som ser på flytende havvinds effekt på zooplankton. Tilsvarende var jeg i 2022 ansvarlig for gjennomføring av tokt og innsamling av data for NFR prosjektet ZoopSeis, som så på effekt av seismikk på zooplankton under seismikk skyting på Ekofisk.  


Academic articles


Guidelines for Evaluating Artificial Light to Mitigate Unwanted Fisheries Bycatch

Noëlle Yochum, Junita D. Karlsen, Jesse F. Senko, John H. Wang, Valentina Melli, Michele Luca Geraci, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Michael Breen, Elsa Cuende, Shannon M. Bayse, Jasmine Somerville, Andreas Hermann, Alexius Edridge, Emma K. Mackenzie, Peter Ljungberg, Jérôme Chladek, Mattias Van Opstal, Dan Watson, Mark Joseph Max Lomeli, Martin Oliver
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture

Improving size selection in the Norwegian red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) fishery through modification to pot design and soak time.

Neil Anders, Kenneth Arnesen, Anette Hustad, Terje Jørgensen, Svein Løkkeborg, Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Tina Thesslund, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
Fisheries Research 261:106641 p. 1-10

Two of the most common crustacean zooplankton Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Calanus spp. produce sounds within the hearing range of their fish predators

Saskia Kühn, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Karen de Jong
Bioacoustics p. 1-17

Distribution and diversity of fish species along the Sudanese Red Sea coast based on three combined trap and gillnet surveys

Erik Joel Steinar Olsen, Bjørn Erik Eversvik Axelsen, Even Moland, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Elamin Mohammed Elamin, Motassim Ali Mukhtar, Adel Mohamed Saleh, Sheikheldin Mohamed Elamin, Mohamed Abdelhameed Iragi, Said Gumaa Fadul Gumaa
Fisheries Research 242:106032 p. 1-13

Sound production in male and female corkwing wrasses and its relation to visual behaviour

Karen Bussmann, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Karen de Jong

The response of mesopelagic organisms to artificial lights

Melanie Underwood, Anne Christine Utne Palm, Jan Tore Øvredal, Åsmund Bjordal
Aquaculture and Fisheries

Feeding response of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) to attractants made from by-products from the fishing industry

Anne Christine Utne Palm, André Sture Bogevik, Odd Børre Humborstad, Tone Aspevik, Michael Robert Pennington, Svein Løkkeborg
Fisheries Research 227

Artificial light in baited pots substantially increases the catch of cod (Gadus morhua) by attracting active bait, krill (Thysanoessa inermis).

Odd Børre Humborstad, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Michael Breen, Svein Løkkeborg
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Winning ways with hydrogen sulphide on the Namibian shelf

Bronwen Currie, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes
Frontiers in Marine Science

Behavioural responses of krill and cod to artificial light in laboratory experiments

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Michael Breen, Svein Løkkeborg, Odd Børre Humborstad

Variation in growth, morphology and reproduction of the bearded goby (Sufflogobius bibarbatus) in varying oxygen environments of northern Benguela

Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Henrik Christiansen, Yusra Taha, Christina Henseler, Maria Larsen Seivåg, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu, Arild Folkvord, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Bronwen Currie, Werner Ekau, Anje K. van der Plas, Mark J. Gibbons
Journal of Marine Systems 188 p. 81-97

Size-dependent social attraction and repulsion explains the decision of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua to enter baited pots

Neil Anders, Anders Fernø, Odd Børre Humborstad, Svein Løkkeborg, Guillaume Rieucau, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
Journal of Fish Biology 91 p. 1569-1581

Reproductive tactics of male bearded goby (Sufflogobius bibarbatus) in anoxic and hypoxic waters

Maria Larsen Seivåg, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu
Journal of Sea Research 109 p. 29-41

Seasonal variation in male alternative reproductive tactics

Munroe Melanie, Trond Amundsen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Mobley Kenyon B.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29 p. 2362-2372

Species specific behaviour and catchability of gadoid fish to floated and bottom set pots

Neil Anders, Anders Fernø, Odd Børre Humborstad, Svein Løkkeborg, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 p. 769-779

Size dependent male reproductive tactic in the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens)

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Kjartan Eduard, Knut Helge Jensen, Ian Mayer, Per Johan Jakobsen

Opposite selection on behavioural types by active and passive fishing gears in a simulated guppy Poecilia reticulata fishery

Beatriz Diaz Pauli, Martin Wiech, Mikko Petteri Heino, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
Journal of Fish Biology 86 p. 1030-1045

Towards more efficient longline fisheries: fish feeding behaviour, bait characteristics and development of alternative baits

Svein Løkkeborg, Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Odd Børre Humborstad, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Keno Ferter
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24 p. 985-1003

An insight into the reproductive biology of the bearded goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Lisa Locatello, Ian Mayer, Mark J. Gibbons, Maria Berica Rasotto
Journal of Fish Biology 82 p. 725-731

Dietary success of a 'new' key fish in an overfished ecosystem: evidence from fatty acid and stable isotope signatures

MG van der Bank, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Karin Pittman, Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman, NB Richoux, V Bruchert, MJ Gibbons
Marine Ecology Progress Series 428 p. 219-233

Cross-shelf observations of diet and diel feeding behaviour of the bearded goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus off Namibia

Matthias Hundt, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Mark J Gibbons
South African Journal of Marine Science 33 p. 119-126

Behavioural and physiological adaptations of the bearded goby, a key fish species of the extreme environment of the northern benguela upwelling

Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Bronwen Currie, Victoria Anne Braithwaite
Marine Ecology Progress Series 425 p. 193-202

Communication in troubled waters: Responses of fish communication systems to changing environments

Inke van der Sluijs, Suzanne M. Gray, Maria Clara P. Amorim, Iain Barber, Ulrika Candolin, Andrew P. Hendry, Rüdiger Krahe, Martine E. Maan, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Hans-Joachim Wagner, Bob B.M. Wong
Evolutionary Ecology 25 p. 623-640

Trophic Structure and Community Stability in an Overfished Ecosystem

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Bronwen Currie, Stein Kaartvedt, Göran Erik Nilsson, Victoria Anne Braithwaite, Jonathan Anthony William Stecyk, Matthias Hundt, Megan van der Bank, Bradley Flynn, Guro Katrine Sandvik, Thor A. Klevjer, Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman, Volker Brüchert, Karin Pittman, Kathleen R Peard, Ida Gjervold Lunde, Rønnaug Strandabø, Mark J Gibbons
Science 329 p. 333-336

Sperm motility in European hake, Merluccius merluccius, and characterization of its spermatozoa concentration and volume, spermatocrit, osmolality and pH

Anne-Laure Groison, Marc Suquet, Jacky Cosson, Ian Mayer, Armelle Severe, Jean-Marie Bouquet, Audrey J. Geffen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu
Aquaculture 301 p. 31-36

Effects of light intensity on visual prey detection by juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)

Justin James Meager, Olav Moberg, Espen Strand, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
Marine Behaviour and Physiology 43 p. 99-108

Enrichment promotes learning in fish

David Allan Strand, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Per Johan Jakobsen, Victoria Anne Braithwaite, Knut Helge Jensen, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes
Marine Ecology Progress Series 412 p. 273-282

Effect of turbidity on habitat preference of juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua

Justin James Meager, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
Environmental Biology of Fishes 81 p. 149-155

Spectral sensitivity of the two-spotted goby Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius): a physiological and behavioural study

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, James K. Bowmaker
Journal of Experimental Biology 209 p. 2034-2041

Escape responese in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.): the effect of turbidity and predator speed

Justin James Meager, Paolo Domenici, Alex Shingles, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
Journal of Experimental Biology 209 p. 4174-4184

Escape responses in juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L.: the effects of turbidity and predator speed

Justin James Meager, Paolo Domenici, Alex Shingles, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
Journal of Experimental Biology 209 p. 4174-4184

Effects of turbidity on the reactive distance, search time, and foraging success of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

Justin James Meager, Turid Solbakken, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Tina Oen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62 p. 1978-1984

Recovery from handling stress in Gadus morhua

Mireia Lara Artigas, Jon Egil Skjæraasen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Trygve Nilsen
Journal of Fish Biology 67 p. 384-391

Effects of larvae ontogeny, turbidity and turbulence on prey attack rate and swimming activity of Atlantic herring larvae

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 310 p. 147-161

Effect of larval ontogeny, turbulence and light on prey attack rate and swimming activity in herring larvae

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Jan Erik Stiansen
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 268 p. 147-170

Visual feeding of fish in a turbid environment: Physical and behavioural aspects

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine
Marine Behaviour and Physiology 35 p. 111-128

Response of naïve two-spotted gobies Gobiusculus flavescens to visual and chemical stimuli of their natural predator, cod Gadus morhua

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine
Marine Ecology Progress Series 218 p. 264-274

Parental investment of male two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius)

Rune Skolbekken, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 261 p. 137-157

Prey visibility, activity, size and catchability's (evasiveness) influence on Gobiusculus flavescens prey choice

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine
Sarsia 85 p. 157-165

The effects of familiarity on competitive interactions between threespined sticklebacks

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Paul J.B. Hart
Oikos 91 p. 225-232

The effect of prey mobility, prey contrast, turbidity and spectral composition on the reaction distance of Gobiusculus flavescens to its planktonic prey

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine
Journal of Fish Biology 54 p. 1244-1258

Other journal contributions


Toxicoproteomic and behavioural studies of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to MeHg and 2,2 ',4,4 ',5,5 '-hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB-153)

Karin Berg, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, I Bruheim, AB Kjersem, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Anders Goksøyr
Marine Environmental Research 66 p. 209-210

Scientific lectures


Mapping effects and consequences of the establishment of offshore wind for the Norwegian fishing industry: Insights from Hywind Tampen

Dorothy Jane Dankel, Nils Roar Hareide, Nils Roar Hareide, Nils-Roar Hareide, Maria Tenningen, Kate McQueen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm

Felteksperimenter for å teste mulige effekter av seismikk på zooplankton

Karen de Jong, Anne Christine Utne Palm

havforskningsinstituttets ferskeste forskningsresultater

Karen de Jong, Anne Christine Utne Palm, Kate McQueen, Alessandro Cresci, Nils-Roar Hareide

Effekter på dyreplankton av seismikk - undersøkelser i felt ved fullskala seismisk innsamling

Karen de Jong, Anne Christine Utne Palm, Emilie Hernes Vereide

Offshore wind development in Norway – Ongoing investigations into ecological effects and interactions with fisheries

Karen de Jong, Anne Christine Utne Palm

ZoopSeis- Zooplankton og seismikk

Emilie Hernes Vereide, Karen de Jong, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Josefin Titelman, Howard Browman, Marina Mihaljevic, David M. Fields, Mette Dalgaard Agersted

ZoopSeis- The effects of seismic surveys on zooplankton

Emilie Hernes Vereide, Karen de Jong, Marina Mihaljevic, David M. Fields, Josefin Titelman, Howard Browman, Mette Dalgaard Agersted, Babak Khodabandeloo, Anne Christine Utne-Palm

A baseline study of demersal fish assemblages around Norway’s first offshore floating wind farm site.

Kate McQueen, Sofie Gundersen, Nils-Roar Hareide, Gavin John Macaulay, Anne Christine Utne Palm, Maria Tenningen, Karen de Jong

The biology of fish vision

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine

The biology of vision in fish and how it could be affected by climate change.

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine

Use of artificial light in fishing, what we have learned from the previous ICES Topic Group

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Michael Breen

Use of Artificial Light to Enhance Catch Efficiency of Pots

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Svein Løkkeborg, Odd Børre Humborstad

Variation in growth and reproduction of bearded goby (Sufflogobius bibarbatus) in hypoxic waters of northern Benguela.

Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Maria Larsen Seivåg, Yusra Taha, Henrik Christiansen, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu, Arild Folkvord, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Bronwen Currie, Werner Ekau, Anja van der Plas, Christina Henseler, Mark J Gibbons

The Benguela goby - a breath taking little fish

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Mark J Gibbons

A breath taking little Fish - exploring Extreme environments and redressing the balance in an overfished ecosystem

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Mark J Gibbons

Size dependent male reproductive tactic in the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens)

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Kjartan Edvard, Knut Helge Jensen, Ian Mayer, Per Johan Jakobsen

Who limits who? Skewed sex ratios in Nordic gobies – preliminary results from transect investigations in Sweden, Norway and Finland

Elisabet Forsgren, Trond Amundsen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Lotta Kvarnemo, Kai Lindström, Karen de Jong, Sebastian Wacker, Ola Svensson, Colette St. Mary

Does fishing affect behaviour? An experimental test with guppy (Poecilia reticulata) populations

Beatriz Diaz Pauli, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Martin Wiech, Sean Ehlman, Andrew Sih, Mikko Petteri Heino

Phenotypic and genetic changes in life history traits in experimental populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) that experienced size-selective fishing

Beatriz Diaz Pauli, Heikki Savolainen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Diep Mach Ellertsen, David N. Reznick, Mikko Petteri Heino

Changes in productivity and life-history traits in experimentally harvested guppy populations

Mikko Petteri Heino, Beatriz Diaz Pauli, Heikki Savolainen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Diep Mach Ellertsen, David N. Reznick

Biologi, helse og velferd hos leppefisk

Stein Mortensen, Egil Karlsbakk, Lisbeth Sælemyr, Anne Christine Utne-Palm

Dynamics of size-selective exploitation and changes in life history traits in experimental populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

Beatriz Diaz Pauli, Heikki Savolainen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, David N. Reznick, Mikko Petteri Heino

Visual detection in fish and the effect of water turbidity and - spectral composition

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Dag Lorents Aksnes

Effect of physical and optical relations on the predator prey interaction

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine

Ecology of the goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus in the Benguela ecosystem

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine

Sufflogobius bibarbetus - a success species in the Benguela up-welling system due to its tolerance of hypoxia and H2S

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine

Size distribution in male two-spotted gobies - could it be climatic driven?

Kjartan Eduard, Anne Christine Utne-Palm

Grid-Generated Turbulence in a Mesocosm Ecosystem Experiment

Signild Nerheim, Harald Svendsen, Jan Erik Stiansen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm

Kartlegging av synspigmenter hos tangkutling

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, James K. Bowmaker, Ronald Douglas

Vision in predator behaviour

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine

Effect of turbulence and light on herring larvaes' prey attack rate and swimming activity

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine



Monitoring demersal fish assemblages at the site of Norway’s first offshore floating wind farm

Kate McQueen, Sofie Gundersen, Nils Roar Hareide, Anne Christine Utne Palm, Maria Tenningen, Karen de Jong

Monitoring the effects of Norway’s first floating offshore wind farm on demersal fish

Kate McQueen, Sofie Gundersen, Nils-Roar Hareide, Anne Christine Utne Palm, Maria Tenningen, Karen de Jong

Behavioural responses of krill and cod to artificial light in laboratory experiments

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Michael Breen, Svein Løkkeborg, Odd Børre Humborstad

Spatial and temporal variation in sex ratio and sexual size dimorphism in two species of gobies

Trond Amundsen, Elisabet Forsgren, Sebastian Wacker, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Kai Lindström, Carin Magnhagen, Kenyon B. Mobley, Karen de Jong

Reproduction and growth of the suboxia tolerant bearded goby on the Namibian shelf

Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Maria Larsen Seivåg, Yusra Taha, Henrik Christiansen, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu, Arild Folkvord, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Werner Ekau, Anja van der Plaz, Andreas Neumann, Christina Henseler

Reproduction and growth of the suboxia tolerant bearded goby on the Namibian shelf

Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Maria Larsen Seivåg, Yusra Taha, Henrik Christiansen, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu, Arild Folkvord, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Werner Ekau, Anja van der Plaz, Andreas Neumann, Christina Henseler

Fisheries impact on life-history: Phenotypic changes in life-history of size-selected guppy populations

Beatriz Diaz Pauli, Heikki Savolainen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, David N. Reznick, Mikko Petteri Heino

The behavioural effect of fishing. Do personality types differ in vulnerability to fishing gear?

Beatriz Diaz Pauli, Martin Wiech, Mikko Petteri Heino, Anne Christine Utne-Palm

Experimental approach to the study of fisheries induced evolution

Beatriz Diaz Pauli, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, David N. Reznick, Mikko Petteri Heino

Sufflogobius bibarbatus - en art med stor suksess i up-welling systemet Benguela

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Bronwen Currie

Sufflogobius bibarbatus - a success species in the Benguela up-welling system due to evolved tolerance of hypoxia and H2S

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Bronwen Currie

Toxicoproteomic and behavioural studies of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to MeHg and 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB-153)

Karin Berg, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Ingar Bruheim, Anneli Bohne Kjersem, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Anders Goksøyr

Response of naïve two-spotted gobies Gobiusculus flavescens to visual and chemical stimuli of their natural predator, cod Gadus morhua

Utne-Palm, Anne Christine

Reports and dissertations


Kunnskapsinnhenting for Sameksistens mellom fiskeri- og havvindsnæring - En kartlegging av eksisterende kunnskap og erfaringer om effekter og konsekvenser av etablering av havvind for norsk fiskerinæring.

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Nils Roar Hareide, Karen de Jong, Maria Tenningen, Dorothy Jane Dankel
Rapport fra havforskningen

Cruise report Hywind Tampen 13 to 28 March 2023 - Cruise no. 2023001004 G.O. Sars

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Henrik Søiland, Anne Sveistrup, Angelika Renner, Rebecca Ross, Frithjof Emil Moy, Mosttafa Bakhoday Paskyabi, Atle Totland, Sigurd Hannaas, Karen de Jong, Genoveva Gonzalez-Mirelis, Terje Hovland, Geir Pedersen, Jan Frode Wilhelmsen, Markus Majaneva, Sverre Waardal Heum, William Skjold, Stig Vågenes, Georg Skaret, Finn Corus, Andrey Voronkov, Leonard Kielland

Forsøksfiske med teine etter torsk i Finnmark - For kystfiskefartøy under 15m med sikte på leveringsevne av levende fisk gjennom året

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Svein Løkkeborg, Odd Børre Humborstad, Jostein Saltskår

Strandkrabber Carcinus maenas og strandkrabbefiskeri

Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Fabian Zimmermann, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Martin Wiech, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Alf Ring Kleiven, Portia Joy Nillos Kleiven, Terje Jørgensen, Johanna Bjånes Marcussen

Does seismic have an effect on zooplankton? - Field study at Ekofisk with RV Kristine Bonnevie

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Karen de Jong, Geir Pedersen, Thor A. Klevjer, Josefin Titelman, Espen Strand, Emilie Hernes Vereide, Saskia Kühn, Sigurd Hannaas, Atle Totland, Håvard Johnsen Buschmann, Marina Mihaljevic, Rune Strømme, Reidar Johannesen

Utvikling av fiske ved oppdrettsanlegg - Sluttrapport FHF

Odd Børre Humborstad, Svein Løkkeborg, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Jostein Saltskår, Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Anette Hustad, Ingebrigt Bjørkevoll, Paul Jacob Helgesen

Teiner som fisker selektivt for stor kongekrabbe - minske fangst av undermåls krabbe ved utsortering på fiskedypet

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Terje Jørgensen, Anette Hustad, Svein Løkkeborg, Tina Thesslund, Jostein Saltskår, Neil Anders, Odd Børre Humborstad

Potensielle effekter av havvindanlegg på havmiljøet

Karen de Jong, Henning Steen, Tonje Nesse Forland, Henning Wehde, Daniel Nyqvist, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Jon Albretsen, Tone Falkenhaug, Martin Biuw, Lene Buhl-Mortensen, Lise Doksæter Sivle

Potensielle effekter av havvindanlegg på havmiljøet

Karen de Jong, Henning Steen, Tonje Nesse Forland, Daniel Nyquist, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Jon Albretsen, Tone Falkenhaug, Martin Biuw, Lene Buhl-Mortensen, Lise Doksæter Sivle

Kunstig lys som fangstfremmende tiltak i teinefiske etter torsk – Fiskeforsøk i Vesterålen og Vest Finnmark våren 2016 og 2017

Odd Børre Humborstad, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Svein Løkkeborg, Jostein Saltskår

Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries - Final report

Ben Brinberg, X. Valasques, Amit Lerner, Aida Campos, Moritz Eichert, Paulo J. Fonseca, L. Marques, Margarida Castro, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Endre Grimsbø, Shale Rosen, Michael Breen, Dan Watson, Aran Dasan

Råstoffkilder for anvendelse som attraktanter i fabrikkert agn

Svein Løkkeborg, André Sture Bogevik, Odd Børre Humborstad, Anne Christine Utne-Palm

Rapport fra forsøk med oter - for å hindre oter å drukne i leppefisk redskap

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Terje Jørgensen

Utprøving av sorteringsrist med utslippsåpninger i reketrål for å beholde bifangst av kreps

Terje Jørgensen, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Ólafur Arnar Ingólfsson

Consequences of size-dependent harvest in guppy: study of morphological traits and their heritability

Ranga Jayawickrama, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Suneetha Gunawickrama, Mikko Petteri Heino, Beatriz Diaz Pauli

Contemporary evolution caused by fisheries. Contributions from experimental studies

Beatriz Diaz Pauli, Mikko Petteri Heino, Anne Christine Utne-Palm

The effect of early rearing environment and social learning on foraging behaviour in juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.)

David Allan Strand, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Per Johan Jakobsen

Size dependent seasonal plasticity in the reproductive tactic of the male Two Spotted Goby, Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius)

Kjartan Eduard, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Per Johan Jakobsen

The effect of habitat enrichment in the early rearing environment influences anti-predator behaviour in juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.)

Lise Langård, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Per Johan Jakobsen

Environmental influence on fish stocks

Anne Gro Salvanes, Dag Lorents Aksnes, Folkvord Arild, Mette Hordnes, Hans Ingolf Høie, Frank Midtøy, Jens Christian Nejstgaard, Erling Otterlei, Jon Egil Skjæraasen, Tom Asbjørn Sørnes, Anne Christine Utne-Palm
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