Curriculum Vitae
Personal information:
Name : Cecilie Hansen
Date of birth: 15.04.1978
Citizenship: Norwegian
Address: Institute of marine research Nordnesgaten 33
N-5005 Bergen NORWAY
Telephone: +4798431016
Research interest and experience: End-to-end and ecosystem models (in particular Atlantis and NORWECOM.E2E), mainly with focus on the Barents and Nordic Seas. Use these to explore combined climate and management scenarios, management strategy evaluations, ocean acidification, invasive species and the effects of these on the ecosystem structure and function. Ecosystem characterization and ecosystem based approaches to management in regions with varying intensity of monitoring.
Present position:
Researcher. Ecosystem processes research group.
Project leader experience:
2013-2016: Project leader, "Increased knowledge of the Barents Sea, funded on joint meetings, surveys, data bases and modelling" - funded by the Norwegian ministry of foreign affairs. Budget:1.7 million per year
2014-2017: Project leader “IMR-PINRO cooperations and meetings”, internal project at IMR 2016-2019: Project leader, ‘ Process integration into multispecies and ecosystem Models for realistic evaluation of ecological, economic and social tradeoffs’, COFASP-project.
Budget: 0.8 million per year over three years.
2017- : Theme leader, theme 11 “Ecosystem characterizations”, EAF-Nansen
2017-2020: Work package leader, BSECO (Barents Sea Ecosystem structure, functioning and vulnerability under climate change)
2018-2022: Work package leader BarentsRISK (Assessing risks of cumulative impacts on the Barents Sea ecosystem and its services, Research Council of Norway)
2020-2021: Work package leader, HARMES (Harvesting the Mesopelagics - Ecological and Management Implications, Research Council of Norway)
2019- : Project leader at IMR for SINORSEAS
2019-2020: Project leader at IMR for CERES (EU Horizon 2020); Budget: 1.9 million
2005-2008: Phd in oceanography- University of Bergen, Geophysical Institute : University of 2003-2005: Bergen, 80 points from department of Geophysics,
oceanography. (Courses taken while working as research assistant at Nansen environmental and remote sensing center (NERSC).)
1998-2003: NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Faculty of Information
Spring 2003: Master thesis: “Prosthesis design”.
1997-1998 : University of Bergen, Ex.Phil+45 points mathematics.
Work experience:
2013- : Researcher, Ecosystem processes, Institute of Marine Research (2013/2014: 8 months maternity leave)
2010-2013: Post Doc, Institute of Marine Research
2009-2010: 8 months maternity leave
2008-2010: Post Doc, NERSC
2005-2008: PhD-student, NERSC
2003-2005: Research assistant, NERSC (Working on industry oriented modelling projects,
modelling the South China Sea and the North Sea/Norwegian Sea)
Scientific societies and mentoring
2014-2018: Member of Scennet
2015-2016: Adept in the ‘Balanse’ project in Bergen.
Popular science contributions
Samuelsen, A., Bertino, L. and Hansen, C., 2009. The 2007 North Atlantic spring bloom in
operational analysis from the TOPAZ system. Ocean Sci. Discuss., 6, 343-369.
Hansen, C. and Samuelsen, A. 2009. Influence of horizontal model grid resolution on the simulated primary production in an embedded primary production model in the Norwegian Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 75(1-2): 236-244.
Samuelsen, A., Bertino, L. and Hansen, C. 2009. Impact of data assimilation of physical variables in the spring bloom from TOPAZ operational runs in the North Atlantic. Ocean science, 5(4), 635-647
Samuelsen, A. and Huse, G. and Hansen, C. 2009. Shelf recruitment of Calanus finnmarchicus off the west coast of Norway: role of physical processes and timing of diapause termination, Marine Ecology Progress Series 386, 163-180.
Hansen, C., Kvaleberg, E. and Samuelsen, A, 2010. Anticyclonic eddies in the Norwegian Sea: Their generation, evolution and impact on primary production. Deep-Sea Research, Part I, 57(9):1079-1091.
Planque, B, Primicerio, R., Michalsen, K., Aschan, M., Certain, G., Dalpadado, P., Gjøsæter, H., Hansen,C., Johannesen, E., Jørgensen, L.L., Kolsum, I., Kortsch, S., Leclerc, L.-M., Omli, L., Mauritzen, M.S., Wiedmann, M., 2014: Who eats whom in the Barents Sea: a food web topology from plankton to whales. Ecology, 95(5):1430.
Samuelsen, A., Hansen, C. and Wehde, H., 2015: Tuning and assessment of the HYCOMNORWECOM V2.1 biogeochemical modeling system for the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Geosc. Model Dev.,8, 1-16. Doi: 10.5194/gmd-8-1-2015
Howell, D., Hansen, C., Bogstad, B., Skern-Mauritzen, M, 2016., Balanced harvesting in a variable world – a case study from the Barents Sea. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw034
Weijerman, M., Link, J.S., Fulton, E.A., Olsen, E., Townsend, H., Gaichas, S., Hansen, C., SkernMauritzen, M., Kaplan, I.C., Gamble, R., Fay, G., Savina, M., Ainsworth, C., van Putten, I., Gorton, R., Brainard, R., Larsen, K., Hutton, T., 2016. Atlantis Ecosystem Model Summit: Report from a Workshop. Ecol. Mod.
Olsen, E., Kaplan, I.C., Ainsworth, C., Fay, G., Gaichas, S., Gamble, R., Girardin, R., Eide, C.H., Ihde, T.F., Morzaria-Luna, H.N., Johnson, K.F., Savina-Rolland, M., Townsend, H., Weijerman, M., Fulton, E.A., Link, J.S. 2018. Ocean futures under ocean acidification, marine protection, and changing fishing pressures explored using a worldwide suite of ecosystem models. Front.Mar.Sci.
Hansen, C., Skern-Mauritzen, M, Jähkel, A, Drinkwater, K., 2019: Sensitivity of the Norwegian and Barents Sea Atlantis end-to-end ecosystem model to perturbing parameters of key species. PlosONE:
Hansen, C., Nash, R.D.M, Drinkwater, K.F., Hjøllo, S.S. 2019. Management Scenarios under climate change – A study of the Nordic and Barents Seas. Front. Mar. Sci.
Olsen, E., Hansen, C., Nilsen, I., Perryman, H., Vikebø, F., 2019. Ecological effects and ecosystem shifts caused by mass mortality events on early life stages of fish. Front. Mar. Sci.
Woolley, S.N.C., Foster, S.D., Bax, N.J., Currie, J.C., Dunn, D.C., Hansen, C., Hill, N., O’Hara, T.D., Ovaskainen, O., Sayre, R., Vanhatalo, J.P., Dunstan, P.K. 2019. Bioregions in marine environments: Combininb biological and environmental data for management and scientific understanding. BioScience. doi:10.1093/biosci/biz133
Zhou, S., Kolding, J., Garcia, S.M., Plank, M.J., Bundy, A., Charles, A., Hansen, C., Heino, M., Howell, D., Jacobsen, N.S., Reid, D.S., Rice, J.C., van Zwieten, P.A.M., 2019. Balanced harvest: concept, policies, evidence, and management implications. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fisheries.
Nilsen, I., Kolding, J., Hansen, C., Howell, D., 2020. Exploring balanced harvesting by using an atlantis ecosystem model for the Nordic and Barents Seas. Front. Mar. Sci.
Kaplan, I.C., Hansen, C., Morzaria-Luna, H.N., Girardin, R., Marshall, K.N., 2020. Ecosystem-Based Harvest Control Rules for Norwegian and US Ecosystems. Front. Mar. Sci.
Olsen, E., Fogarty, M.J., Fulton, E.A., Hansen, C., Kaplan, I.C., Otto, S.A., Tam, J.C., 2020. Editorial: Future Oceans Under Multiple Stressors: From Global Change to Anthropogenic Impact. Front. Mar. Sci.
Skogen, M.D., Ji, R., Akimova, A., Daewel, U., Hansen, C., Hjøllo, S.S., van Leeuwen, S., Maar, M., Macias, D., Mousing, E.A., Almroth-Rosell, E., Sailley, S.F., Spence, M.A., Troost, T., van de Wolfshaar, K. Disclosing the truth: are models better than observations? Accepted Marine Ecol. Prog. Ser.
Hansen, C., van der Meeren, G., Loeng, H and Skogen, M.D., Assessing the state of the Barents Sea using indicators. How, when and where? Accepted, ICES Journal of Marine Science (special edition, MSEAS 2020)
Perryman, H.A., Hansen, C., Howell, D., Olsen, E. A review of applications evaluating fisheries management scenarios through marine ecosystem models. Accepted, Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture.
Hansen, C., Skogen, M.D., Utne, K.R., Broms, C., Strand, E., Hjøllo, S.S. Patterns and efficiency when fishing Calanus finmarchicus in the Norwegian Sea - using an Individual based model. In review, MEPS.
Scientific reports/ technical reports
Hansen, C. 2008. Simulated primary production in the Norwegian Sea – Interannual variability and impact of mesoscale activity. Ph.D. thesis, Geofysisk Institutt, Universitetet i Bergen
Hansen, C., Skern-Mauritzen, M., Jähkel, A., Fulton, E.A., Gorton, R and Drinkwater, K., 2016. Set-up of the Nordic and Barents Seas (NoBa) Atlantis model. Fisken og havet 2-2016. 123 pp.
Skagen, D.W., Bogstad, B., Søvik, G., Howell, D. and Hansen, C. 2016. Harvest control rules for Pandalus in Subdivision 3.a.20 and Division 4.a East fishery – model setup. Working document WKPandMSE 2016. 8 pp.
ICES. 2020a. Working Group on the Integrated Assessments of the Norwegian Sea (WGINOR; outputs from 2019 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports. 2:29. 46 pp.
ICES. 2020b. Working Group on the Integrated Assessments of the Barents Sea ( WGIBAR). ICES Scientific Reports. 2: 30. 206 pp.