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Havforsker Geir Ottersen

Alarm bells raised about ocean warming


Today the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is launching its special report on the oceans and cryosphere. Geir Ottersen, a scientist at the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and one of the main authors of the report, is concerned about the changes taking place in the Arctic.

Is i Antarktis 2019 03 03

10 things you didn’t know about ice


Where is the world’s oldest ice found? And what will happen if the Greenland ice sheet melts? Climate scientists Anne Britt Sandø and Vidar Lien have the answers.

Maria Fossheim

Fish communities consolidate their move north


Fish communities from southern Norway have consolidated their significant move north. The Barents Sea may become home to as many as 25 new species as a result of climate change.

polartorsk Peter Leopold

The Arctic cod is facing problems as the ice disappears


The Arctic cod, the Arctic cousin of the Atlantic cod, is a key species in the northern Barents Sea. The whole ecosystem may therefore be destabilised by the spawning grounds of the Arctic cod shrinking as a result of declining sea ice cover.

haddock pic

Haddock larvae have an internal compass


In a magnetic tank in which researchers can make north become south, “baby” haddock swim northwest.

makrellstorje i mexicogolfen

Scientists uncover the ''home'' of bluefin tuna in the North Atlantic


DNA testing reveals that the world’s biggest tuna cross the ocean frequently.


Research centre lands a good catch


Smart fishing gear, scientific publications and training new researchers are just a few of the achievements of the Centre for Research-based Innovation in Sustainable fish capture and Pre-processing technology (CRISP).