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New research aims to give more, safer and cleaner seafood


In a major new initiative, scientists at IMR will study how to get more food from the ocean into our ovens – without putting our health and the environment at risk.

Andreas Wolden med kamera i isødet web

Check the photos: Spectacular glimpses of the polar deserts


Able-bodied seaman Andreas Wolden takes 2,000-3,000 photos on each trip to the polar regions. As a keen photographer, he never tires of meeting polar bears.

HI 026473

Watch the cod spawn


Below the sea’s surface, the cod spawning season is now well underway. We have trapped cod in a pen rigged with cameras and hydrophones - you can follow the spawning live.


Study: Cleaner fish no magic bullet against salmon lice


Researchers have combed data from almost 500 fish farms all over Norway. They found only a weak and variable effect of using cleaner fish in the battle against salmon lice.

Dagaa 2 (bilde krediteres Marian) 2

Small fish may act as “vitamin sweets” for East African children


Malnutrition is a bigger problem than hunger in the world today. Researchers hope that a small freshwater fish may prove to be packed with important micronutrients.