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Watch our lobster trap live

Lobster trap on the quay.

Lene og kollegaene trengte en kran for å få den store teina uti sjøen.

Photo: Lene Christensen / IMR

Until October 13, you can follow our videostream live from the seafloor off the Skagerrak coast in southern Norway.



The livestream has been popular with both Norwegian and international viewers in recent years. For the 2021 season, the Green-Bay Project has constructed a brand new trap made of wood, aluminium and plexiglass.

Research technician Lene Christensen checks and baits the trap every day at noon, and any lobsters in the trap are registered, marked and released. 

The trap is located in a conservation area for lobsters. Research has shown that lobsters in conservation areas are more numerous and have bigger claws than lobsters in areas where they are fished. Observations from the lobster trap are used in further research on the effects of conservation areas.

See anything interesting? Report it to Lene at lene.christensen@hi.no.

The lobster trap is located right outside IMR's research station in Flødevigen, Arendal. Photo: Anders Martinsen/UAS Norway