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Each year, the Institute of Marine Research publishes a large number of documents, reports, brochures and articles. In 2007 the IMR established the archive Brage IMR to permanently store and make available full text versions of its own research results. The archive also contains a growing number of digitised older IMR publications dating right back to 1900. Our aim is for it to be as comprehensive as possible. You will also find our scientific papers that have been released for open access on BRAGE IMR.

Latest reports

Standardisation of manual louse counts for validation of automatic camera systems

18.12.2024 / Rapport fra havforskningen 2024-61

The shift toward continuous and more precise monitoring of Atlantic salmon in aquaculture has been rapidly progressing, with new technologies being developed and ready for adoption before systematised validation has been made available. Automatic detection and estimation of salmon lice on fish is on...

Fish Atlas of the Southern Ocean, based on the AKES 2008 expedition

17.12.2024 / Rapport fra havforskningen 2024-62

AKES (“Antarctic Krill and Ecosystem Studies”, 2008-2011) was an IMR project that focused on mapping the abundance and distribution of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the central to eastern parts of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Through the project IMR has contributed...