Silent uncrewed surface vehicles reveal the diurnal vertical distribution of lesser sandeel
Sakura Komiyama, Arne Johannes Holmin, Geir Pedersen, Espen Johnsen
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) as platforms for fisheries and plankton acoustics
Nils Olav Handegard, Alex De Robertis, Arne Johannes Holmin, Espen Johnsen, Joshua Lawrence, Naig Le Bouffant, Richard O'driscoll, David Peddie, Geir Pedersen, Pierre Priou, Rabea Patricia Rogge, Mikal Arntzen Samuelsen, David A. Demer
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Estimating individual fish school biomass using digital omnidirectional sonars, applied to mackerel and herring
Hector Pena, Gavin Macaulay, Egil Ona, Sindre Vatnehol, Arne Johannes Holmin
ICES Journal of Marine Science
p. 940-951
Estimating individual fish school biomass using digital omnidirectional sonars, applied to mackerel and herring
Héctor Peña, Gavin J Macaulay, Egil Ona, Sindre Vatnehol, Arne J Holmin
Evaluating acoustic-trawl survey strategies using an end to end ecosystem model
Arne Johannes Holmin, Erik Askov Mousing, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Morten D. Skogen, Geir Huse, Nils Olav Handegard
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Evaluating acoustic-trawl survey strategies using an end-to-end ecosystem model
Arne Johannes Holmin, Erik Askov Mousing, Morten D. Skogen, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Geir Huse, Nils Olav Handegard
ICES Journal of Marine Science
StoX: An open source software for marine survey analyses
Espen Johnsen, Atle Totland, Åsmund Skålevik, Arne Johannes Holmin, Gjert Endre Dingsør, Edvin Fuglebakk, Nils Olav Handegard
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
p. 1523-1528
Method to observe large scale behavioural waves propagating through fish schools using 4D sonar
Nils Olav Handegard, Arne Johannes Holmin, Guillaume Rieucau
ICES Journal of Marine Science
p. 804-812
Estimation and simulation of multi-beam sonar noise
Arne Johannes Holmin, Rolf Korneliussen, Dag Bjarne Tjøstheim
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
p. 851-862
School level structural and dynamic adjustments to risk promote information transfer and collective evasion in herring
Guillaume Rieucau, Arne Johannes Holmin, Jose Carlos Castillo, Iain D. Couzin, Nils Olav Handegard
Animal Behaviour
p. 69-78
Simulations of multi-beam sonar echos from schooling individual fish in a quiet environment
Arne Johannes Holmin, Nils Olav Handegard, Rolf Korneliussen, Dag Bjarne Tjøstheim
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
p. 3720-3734
Pipeline for Testing Convolutional Neural Networks for Acoustic Trawl Surveys
Arne Johannes Holmin, Ahmet Pala
Pipeline for testing convolutional neural networks for Acoustic Trawl Surveys
Arne Johannes Holmin, Ahmet Pala
Analysing large amounts of echosounder data using cloud based data access combined with deep learning models
Nils Olav Handegard, Leif Bildøy, Olav Brautaset, Tomasz Furmanek, Arne Johannes Holmin, Ahmet Pala, Ingrid Utseth, Ketil Malde
Fisheries acoustics and deep learning
Nils Olav Handegard, Leif Bildøy, Olav Brautaset, Tomasz Furmanek, Arne Johannes Holmin, Ingrid Utseth, Ketil Malde
Testing acoustic data quality and performance on Sounder USV
Nils Olav Handegard, Arne Johannes Holmin, Espen Johnsen, Rolf Korneliussen, Geir Pedersen, Joakim Skjefstad, Rabea Patricia Rogge, Mikal Arntzen Samuelsen
A story about data extraction and deep learning applied to fishery acoustic data
Nils Olav Handegard, Leif Bildøy, Olav Brautaset, Tomasz Furmanek, Arne Johannes Holmin, Ingrid Utseth, Sindre Vatnehol, Ketil Malde
Towards a multi-platform armada strategy for ecosystem based marine surveys
Espen Johnsen, Nils Olav Handegard, Atle Totland, Arne Johannes Holmin, Cecilie Kvamme, Are Salthaug, Geir Huse
Catch and gear monitoring in purse seines using multibeam sonar: a new approach for improved catch control and reduced unintended fishing mortality
Maria Tenningen, Hector Pena, Arne Johannes Holmin
A new fish school segmentation method for fishery sonar
Arne Johannes Holmin, Hector Pena, Egil Ona
Using acoustics to observe fine scale schooling behaviour in open ocean and controlled net pen experiments
Nils Olav Handegard, Guillaume Rieucau, Jose Castillo Montoya, Arne Johannes Holmin
Increasing the precision in acoustic estimates of patchy distributed fish
Espen Johnsen, Egil Ona, Alf Harbitz, Hector Pena, Arne Johannes Holmin
School biomass estimates using digital omnidirectional fisheries sonar
Hector Pena, Egil Ona, Gavin Macaulay, Arne Johannes Holmin, Sindre Nordlund Vatnehol, Ole Bernt Gamelsæter
Biomass estimation by echo integration using omnidirectional fishery sonar
Hector Pena, Arne Johannes Holmin, Egil Ona
Improved morphological fish school characterization using simulations of multibeam sonar data
Arne Johannes Holmin, Rolf Korneliussen, Dag Bjarne Tjøstheim
Revision of the Norwegian-Russian Barents Sea Ecosystem Survey (BESS) - The current status and revision of the Norwegian sector of the BESS survey
Elena Eriksen, Geir Odd Johansen, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Herdis Langøy Mørk, Stine Karlson, Espen Bagøien, Miguel Bao, Erik Berg, Bjarte Bogstad, Stepan Boitsov, Paolo Cipriani, Padmini Dalpadado, Hanna Ellerine Helle Danielsen, Lucilla Giulietti, Elvar Halldor Hallfredsson, Hilde Elise Heldal, Ann Merete Hjelset, Arne Johannes Holmin, Hannes Höffle, Edda Johannesen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Arne Levsen, Georg Skaret, Hiroko Kato Solvang, Julia Endresen Storesund, Espen Strand, Ida Vee, Tone Vollen, Rupert Wienerroither, Kristin Windsland, Fabian Zimmermann, Nils Inge Øien
Rapport fra havforskningen
Survey report for CRIMAC SFI 2023
Nils Olav Handegard, Vaneeda Allken, Arne Johannes Holmin, Espen Johnsen, Rolf Korneliussen, Geir Pedersen, Joakim Skjefstad, Rabea Patricia Rogge, Mikal Arntzen Samuelsen, Maria Tenningen, Lise Doksæter Sivle
Fish diversity data from the Barents Sea Ecosystem Survey 2004-2019
Edda Johannesen, Rupert Wienerroither, Herdis Langøy Mørk, Berengere Husson, Arne Johannes Holmin, Espen Johnsen, Andrey Dolgov, Tatiana Prokhorova
Final report for the REDUS project - Reduced Uncertainty in Stock Assessment
Erik Joel Steinar Olsen, Sondre Aanes, Magne Tommy Aldrin, Olav Nikolai Breivik, Edvin Fuglebakk, Daisuke Goto, Nils Olav Handegard, Cecilie Hansen, Arne Johannes Holmin, Daniel Howell, Espen Johnsen, Natoya Jourdain, Knut Korsbrekke, Kotaro Ono, Håkon Magne Otterå, Holly Ann Perryman, Samuel Subbey, Guldborg Søvik, Ibrahim Umar, Sindre Vatnehol, Jon Helge Vølstad
PELFOSS (PELagic Fish Observation System Simulator)
Morten D. Skogen, Nils Olav Handegard, Arne Johannes Holmin, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Erik Askov Mousing, Kjell Rong Utne, Rune Vabø
Analysis of multi-beam sonar echos of herring schools by means of simulation
Holmin, Arne Johannes