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Erwann Legrand

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Avdeling: Bentiske ressurser


Peer-reviewed publication

  • Legrand E. Svensen Ø. Husa V. Lelièvre Y., Svensen R. (2025) In situ growth dynamics of the invasive ascidian Didemnum vexillum in Norway: Insights from a two-year monitoring study. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 211: 117440.
  • Legrand E. Mengede M., Olsen S.A., Parsons A.E., Husa V. (2024) Efficacy of lime, hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos as potential control treatments against the proliferation of the invasive ascidian Didemnum vexillumManagement of Biological Invasions, 15: 169-186.
  • Legrand E., Taormina B., Grall J., Sævik P.N., Lelièvre Y., Pinsivy L., Peña V., Husa V. (2024) Salmon farming alters the structure and functioning of Norwegian maerl bed communities. Aquatic conservation : Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34: e4142.
  • Taormina B., Kutti T., Olsen S.A., Sævik P.N., Hannisdal R., Husa V., Legrand E. (2024) Effects of aquaculture effluents on the slender sea pen Virgularia mirabilis. Scientific Reports, 14: 9385.
  • Taormina B., Escobar Lux R.H., Legrand E., Parsons A.E., Kutti T., Husa V., Hannisdal R., Samuelsen O., Agnalt A.L. (2024) Effects of the sea lice chemotherapeutant, emamectin benzoate, on metabolism and behaviour of the sea-pen Pennatula phosphoreaMarine Pollution Bulletin, 198: 115903.
  • Kutti T., Legrand E., Husa V., Olsen S.A., Gjelsvik Ø.H., Carvajalino-Fernandez M.A., Johnsen I.A., (2022) Fish farm effluents cause metabolic depression, reducing energy stores and growth in the reef-forming coral Lophelia pertusaAquaculture Environment Interactions, 14: 279-293.
  • Legrand E., Parsons A.E., Escobar Lux R.H., Freytet F., Agnalt A.L., Samuelsen O., Husa V. (2022) Effect of sea lice chemotherapeutant hydrogen peroxide on the photosynthetic characteristics and bleaching of the coralline alga Lithothamnion soriferumAquatic Toxicology, 247: 106173.
  • Legrand E., Kutti T., Gonzalez Casal E.V., Rastrick S.P.S., Andersen S., Husa V. (2021) Reduced physiological performance in a free-living coralline alga induced by salmon faeces deposition. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. 13, 225-236.
  • Peña V., Bélanger D., Gagnon P., Richards J.L., Le Gall L., Hughey J.R., Saunders G.W., Lindstrom S.C., Rinde E., Husa V., Christie H., Fredriksen S., Hall-Spencer J.M., Steneck R.S., Schoenrock K.M., Gitmark J., Grefsrud E.S., Anglès d’Auriac M.B., Legrand E., Grall J., Mumford T.F., Kamenos N.A., Gabrielson P.W. (2021) Lithothamnion (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta) in the changing Arctic and Subarctic: DNA sequencing of type and recent specimens provides a systematics foundation. European Journal of Phycology. 56, 468-493.
  • Legrand E., Martin S., Leroux C., Riera P. (2020) Using stable isotope analysis to determine the effects of ocean acidification and warming on trophic interactions in a maerl bed community. Marine Ecology. 41, e12612.
  • Sarrazin J., Portail M., Legrand E., Cathalot C., Laes A., Lahaye N., Sarradin P.M., Husson B. (2020) Endogenous versus exogenous factors: What matters for vent mussel communities? Deep Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 160, 103260. 
  • Legrand E., Riera P., Lutier M., Coudret J., Grall J., Martin S. (2019) Grazers increase the sensitivity of coralline algae to oceanacidification and warming, Journal of Sea Research, 148-149, 1-7.
  • Legrand E., Martin S., Leroux C., Riera P. (2018) Effect of temperature on an alga-grazer trophic interaction: a dual stable isotope (13C, 15N) labeling experiment, Marine Ecology, e12495.
  • Qui Minet Z.N., Delaunay C., Grall J., Six C., Cariou T., Bohner O., Legrand E., Davoult D., Martin S. (2018) The role of local environmental changes on maerl and its associated non-calcareous epiphytic flora in the Bay of Brest, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 208, 140-152.
  • Legrand E., Riera P., Bohner O., Coudret J., Schlicklin F., Derrien M., Martin S. (2018) Impact of ocean acidification and warming on the productivity of a rock pool community, Marine Environmental Research, 136, 78-88.
  • Legrand E., Riera P., Pouliquen L., Bohner O., Cariou T., Martin S. (2018) Ecological characterization of intertidal rock pools: seasonal and diurnal monitoring of physico-chemical parameters, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 17, 1-10.
  • Legrand E., Riera P., Lutier M., Coudret J., Grall J., Martin S. (2017) Species interactions can shift the response of a maerl bed community to ocean acidification and warming. Biogeosciences, 14, 5359-5376.
  • Cox, T.E., Nash, M., Gazeau, F., Déniel, M., Legrand, E., Alliouane, S., Mahacek, P., Le Fur, A., Gattuso, J.-P., Martin, S. (2017) Effects of in situ CO2 enrichment on Posidonia oceanica epiphytic community composition and mineralogy. Marine Biology, 164, 103.
  • Riera, P., Noel, L., Leroux, C., Legrand, E. & Martin, S. (2016) Effect of elevated pCO2 on biofilm - herbivore trophic interactions: preliminary investigation through a stable isotope experiment. Vie et Milieu-Life and Environment, 66, 245-249.
  • Noisette, F., Comtet, T., Legrand, E., Bordeyne, F., Davoult, D. & Martin, S. (2014) Does encapsulation protect embryos from the effects of ocean acidification? The example of Crepidula fornicataPlos One, 9, e93021.

International communications

  • Legrand E., Riera P., Lutier M., Coudret J., Grall J., Martin S. (Jun. 2018) Impact of ocean acidification and warming on the diversity and the functioning of a maerl bed community. VI international Rhodolith Workshop, Biological Station of Roscoff, France. Communication
  • Legrand E., Riera P., Lutier M., Coudret J., Grall J., Martin S. (Jun. 2018) May grazers influence the response of coralline algae to ocean acidification and warming? VI international Rhodolith Workshop, Biological Station of Roscoff, France. Poster
  • Legrand E., Riera P., Lutier M., Coudret J., Grall J., Martin S. (Feb. 2016) Impact of ocean acidification and warming on the diversity and the functioning of a maerl bed community, Mares Conference, Olhão, Portugal. Communication
  • Legrand E., Riera P., Marsac R., Grall J., Martin S. (Jul. 2015) Impact of ocean acidification and warming on the diversity and the functioning of a North Eastern Atlantic maerl bed community, V International Rhodolith Workshop, San José, Costa Rica. Communication

Curriculum Vitae

2022-              Researcher - Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Benthic Resources and processes, Bergen, Norway.

2019-2022      Post-doc researcher - Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen, Norway. Impact of salmon fish farms on the structure and the functioning of maerl beds.

2014-2017      Ph.D. research project  - Laboratory Adaptation and diversity in the marine environment – Biological Station of Roscoff, France. Impact of ocean acidification and warming on the diversity and the functioning of two coastal communities associated with macroalgae: maerl beds and intertidal rock pools

2012-2014      Master thesis - Laboratoire Environnement Profond – IFREMER, Plouzané, France. Integrated study of the structure of faunal communities associated with Bathymodiolus azoricus assemblages of Lucky Strike and Menez Gwen hydrothermal vents, mid-Atlantic ridge. 


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


In situ growth dynamics of the invasive ascidian Didemnum vexillum in Norway: Insights from a two-year monitoring study

Erwann Legrand, Øyvind Svensen, Vivian Husa, Yann Lelièvre, Rudolf Svensen
Marine Pollution Bulletin 211

Efficacy of lime, hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos as potential control treatments against the proliferation of the invasive ascidian Didemnum vexillum

Erwann Legrand, Rosa Helena Escobar Lux, Martin Mengede, Siri Aaserud Olsen, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Vivian Husa
Management of Biological Invasions 15 p. 169-186

Salmon farming alters the structure and functioning of Norwegian maerl bed communities

Erwann Legrand, Bastien Taormina, Jacques Grall, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Yann Lelièvre, Lucas Pinsivy, Viviana Peña, Vivian Husa
Aquatic conservation 34

Effects of aquaculture effluents on the slender sea pen Virgularia mirabilis

Bastien Taormina, Tina Kutti, Siri Aaserud Olsen, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Rita Hannisdal, Vivian Husa, Erwann Legrand
Scientific Reports 14

Effects of the sea lice chemotherapeutant, emamectin benzoate, on metabolism and behaviour of the sea-pen Pennatula phosphorea

Bastien Taormina, Rosa Helena Escobar Lux, Erwann Legrand, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Tina Kutti, Vivian Husa, Rita Hannisdal, Ole Samuelsen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt
Marine Pollution Bulletin 198

Fish farm effluents cause metabolic depression, reducing energy stores and growth in the reef-forming coral Lophelia pertusa

Tina Kutti, Erwann Legrand, Vivian Husa, Siri Aaserud Olsen, Øystein Hansgård Gjelsvik, Marcos Antonio Carvajalino-Fernandez, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 14 p. 279-293

Effect of sea lice chemotherapeutant hydrogen peroxide on the photosynthetic characteristics and bleaching of the coralline alga Lithothamnion soriferum

Erwann Legrand, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Rosa Escobar, Florian Freytet, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Vivian Husa
Aquatic Toxicology 247

Lithothamnion (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta) in the changing Arctic and Subarctic: DNA sequencing of type and recent specimens provides a systematics foundation

Viviana Peña, David Bélanger, Patrick Gagnon, Joseph L. Richards, Line Le Gall, Jeffery R. Hughey, Gary W. Saunders, Sandra C. Lindstrom, Eli Rinde, Vivian Husa, Hartvig C Christie, Stein Fredriksen, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Robert S. Steneck, Kathryn M. Schoenrock, Janne Kim Gitmark, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Marc Anglès d'Auriac, Erwann Legrand, Jacques Grall, Thomas F. Mumford, Nicholas A. Kamenos, Paul W. Gabrielson
European journal of phycology 56 p. 468-493

Reduced physiological performance in a free-living coralline alga induced by salmon faeces deposition

Erwann Legrand, Tina Kutti, Erika V. Gonzalez Casal, Samuel Rastrick, Sissel Andersen, Vivian Husa
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13 p. 225-236

Endogenous versus exogenous factors: What matters for vent mussel communities?

Jozée Sarrazin, Marie Portail, Erwann Legrand, Cécile Cathalot, Agathe Laës-Huon, Noé J. Lahaye, Pierre Marie Sarradin, Berengere Husson
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 160:103260 p. 1-19

Using stable isotope analysis to determine the effects of ocean acidification and warming on trophic interactions in a maerl bed community

Erwann Legrand, Sophie Martin, Cédric Leroux, Pascal Riera
Marine Ecology 41

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Identifying priorities for the protection of deep-sea species and habitats in the Nordic Seas

Erwann Legrand, Marion Boulard, Joe O'Connor, Tina Kutti
Rapport fra havforskningen

Kartlegging av den fremmede marine arten havnespy Didemnum vexillum ved hjelp av miljø-DNA og visuell inspeksjon. Oppfølgende undersøkelser i 2022-23

Frode Fossøy, Vivian Husa, Ida Pernille Øystese Andersskog, Hege Brandsegg, Rolf Sivertsgård, Erwann Legrand, Øyvind Svensen, Lars Dahle Øverby, Even Husby
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