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Heidi Kristina Meyer

PXL 20241111 124542391
Telefon: 55238500
Avdeling: Bunnsamfunn

Curriculum Vitae

I am a researcher with 7+ years of experience using image analysis, image cataloging, habitat mapping, method testing, facilitate AI training, and AUV and ROV surveying techniques to study and characterise benthic and deep-sea communities around the North Sea, Norwegian Seas, and the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge.


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


The emerging picture of a diverse deep Arctic Ocean seafloor: From habitats to ecosystems

Ramirez-Llodra, E., Meyer, H.K., Bluhm, B.A., Brix, S., Brandt, A., Dannheim, J., Downey, R.V., Egilsdottir, H., Eilertsen, M.H., Gaudron, S.M., Gebruk, A., Golikov, A., Hasemann, C., Hilario, A., Jørgensen, L.L., Kaiser, S., Korfhage, S.A., Kurzel, K., Lorz, A.N., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Ofalsdottir, S.H., Piepenburg, D., Purser, A., Riberio, P.A., Sen, A., Soltwedel, T., Stratmann, T., Steger, J., Svavarsson, J., Tandberg, A.H.S., Taylor, J., Theising, F.I., Uhlir, C., Waller, R.G., Xavier, J.R., Zhulay, I., and Saaedi, H.
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 12:1 p. 38

Deep-sea sponge derived environmental DNA analysis reveals demersal fish biodiversity of a remote Arctic ecosystem

Brodnicke, O.B., Meyer, H.K., Busch, K., Xavier, J.R., Knudsen, S.W. Møller, P.R., Hentschel, E., and Sweet, M.J.
Environmental DNA p. 13

Beyond the tip of the seamount: Distinct megabenthic communities found beyond the charismatic summit sponge ground on an arctic seamount (Schulz Bank, Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge)

Meyer H.K., Davies, A.J., Roberts, E.M., Xavier, J.R., Ribeiro, P.A., Glenner, H., Birkely, S.-R., and Rapp, H.T.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 191 p. 16

Beyond the tip of the seamount: Distinct megabenthic communities found beyond the charismatic summit sponge ground on an arctic seamount (Schulz Bank, Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge)

H.K. Meyer, A.J. Davies, E.M. Roberts, J.R. Xavier, P.A Ribeiro, H. Glenner, S.-R. Birkely, H.T. Rapp
Deep-Sea Research Part I 191 p. 16

Water masses constrain the distribution of deep-sea sponges in the North Atlantic Ocean and Nordic Seas

E.M. Roberts, D.G. Bowers, H.K. Meyer, A. Samuelsen, H.T. Rapp, and P. Cárdenas
Marine Ecology Progress Series 659 p. 22

The First Cut Is the Deepest: Trawl Effects on a Deep-Sea Sponge Ground Are Pronounced Four Years on

K.M. Morrison, H.K. Meyer, E.M. Roberts, H.T. Rapp, A. Colaço, and C.K. Pham
Frontiers in Marine Science 7 p. 13

Drivers of Megabenthic Community Structure in One of the World's Deepest Silled-Fjords, Sognefjord (Western Norway)

H.K. Meyer, E.M. Roberts, F. Mienis, and H.T. Rapp
Frontiers in Marine Science 7:393 p. 16

Spatial patterns of arctic sponge ground fauna and demersal fish are detectable in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) imagery

H.K. Meyer, E.M. Roberts, H.T. Rapp, and A.J. Davies
Deep-Sea Research Part I 153 p. 12

Oceanographic setting and short-timescale environmental variability at an Arctic seamount sponge ground

E.M. Roberts, F. Mienis, H.T. Rapp, U. Hanz, H.K. Meyer, and A.J. Davies
Deep-Sea Research Part 1 138 p. 16

Vitenskapelige foredrag


Deep-Ocean Observation in a Changing Planet: status, needs, and tools

H.K. Meyer
PhD Trial Lecture

The Secrets of the Schulz Bank - Exploring the community structure of deep-sea sponge grounds on an Arctic Seamount

H.K. Meyer, E.M. Roberts, A.J. Davies, J. Xavier, and H.T. Rapp
16th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium

Using AUV imagery to investigate spatial patters of arctic sponge ground megafauna and demersal fish species

H.K. Meyer, E.M. Roberts, H.T. Rapp, and A.J. Roberts
7th International Symposium of Deep-Sea Corals

Faglige foredrag


How to Write a Materials and Methods Section

H.K. Meyer
BIO300A: Academic Writing - Universitetet i Bergen



To Higher Places: Gersemia using large demosponges as a perch

Meyer, H.K, Roberts, E.M., Davies, A., Jensen, G., Klungseth Johansen, Y., Sveistrup, A.K., Marquez, J., Ross, R., and Xavier, J.R

Using AUV imagery to investigate spatial patters of arctic sponge ground megafauna and demersal fish species

H.K. Meyer, E.M. Roberts, H.T. Rapp, and A.J. Davies
SponGES General Assembly Meeting 2019

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Biodiversity and spatial ecology of arctic sponge grounds in the Nordic Seas

H.K. Meyer
Universitetet i Bergen, Institutt for biovitenskap (BIO) p. 211



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