Climate Effects on Belowground Tea Litter Decomposition Depend on Ecosystem and Organic Matter Types in Global Wetlands
Stacey M. Trevathan-Tackett, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas, Martino Malerba, Peter I. Macreadie, Ika Djukic, Junbin Zhao, Erica B. Young, Paul H. York, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Yanmei Xiong, Gidon Winters, Eilat Campus, Danielle Whitlock, Carolyn A. Weaver, Anne Watson, Inger Visby, Jacek Tylkowski, Allison Trethowan, Scott Tiegs, Ben Taylor, Jozef Szpikowski, Grazyna Szpikowska, Victoria L. Strickland, Normunds Stivrins, Ana I. Sousa, Sutinee Sinutok, Whitney A. Scheffel, Rui Santos, Jonathan Sanderman, Salvador Sánchez-Carrillo, Joan-Albert Sanchez-Cabeza, Krzysztof G. Rymer, Ana Carolina Ruiz-Fernandez, Bjorn J. M. Robroek, Tessa Roberts, Aurora M. Ricart, Laura K. Reynolds, Grzegorz Rachlewicz, Anchana Prathep, Andrew J. Pinsonneault, Elise Pendall, Richard J. Payne, Ilze Ozola, Cody Onufrock, Anne Ola, Steven F. Oberbauer, Aroloye O. Numbere, Alyssa B. Novak, Joanna Norkko, Alf Norkko, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Pam Morgan, Diana I. Montemayor, Charles W. Martin, Sparkle L. Malone, Maciej Major, Mikolaj Majewski, Carolyn J. Lundquist, Catherine E. Lovelock, Songlin Liu, Hsing-Juh Lin, Ana Lillebo, Jinquan Li, John S. Kominoski, Anzar Ahmad Khuroo, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Kristin I. Jinks, Daniel Jerónimo, Christopher Janousek, Emma L. Jackson, Oscar Iribarne, Torrance Hanley, Maroof Hamid, Arjun Gupta, Rafael D. Guariento, Ieva Grudzinska, Anderson da Rocha Gripp, María A. González Sagrario, Laura M. Garrison, Karine Gagnon, Esperança Gacia, Marco Fusi, Lachlan Farrington, Jenny Farmer, Francisco de Assis Esteves, Mauricio Escapa, Monika Domańska, André T. C. Dias, Carmen B. de los Santos, Daniele Daffonchio, Pawel M. Czyryca, Rod M. Connolly, Alexander Cobb, Maria Chudzińska, Bart Christiaen, Peter Chifflard, Sara Castelar, Luciana S. Carneiro, José Gilberto Cardoso-Mohedano, Megan Camden, Adriano Caliman, Richard H. Bulmer, Jennifer Bowen, Christoffer Boström, Susana Bernal, John A. Berges, Juan C. Benavides, Savanna C. Barry, Juha M. Alatalo, Alia N. Al-Haj, Maria Fernanda Adame
Environmental Science and Technology
p. 21589-21603
Carbon stocks in Norwegian eelgrass meadows across environmental gradients
Karine Gagnon, Jonas Thormar, Stein Fredriksen, Maria Potouroglou, Jon Albretsen, Hege Gundersen, Kasper Hancke, Eli Rinde, Cecilie Linn Wathne, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug
Scientific Reports
Invertebrate Responses to Large- and Small-Scale Drivers in Coastal Phragmites australis Beds in the Northern Baltic Sea
Floriaan Eveleens Maarse, Karine Gagnon, Martin Snickars, Sonja Salovius-Laurén
Estuaries and Coasts
One hundred priority questions for advancing seagrass conservation in Europe
Lina Mtwana Nordlund, Richard K. F. Unsworth, Sieglind Wallner-Hahn, Lavenia Ratnarajah, Pedro Beca-Carretero, Elmira Boikova, James C. Bull, Rosa M. Chefaoui, Carmen B. de los Santos, Karine Gagnon, Joxe Mikel Garmendia, Francesca Gizzi, Laura L. Govers, Camilla Gustafsson, Elitsa Hineva, Eduardo Infantes, João Canning-Clode, Marlene Jahnke, Periklis Kleitou, Hilary Kennedy, Stefania Klayn, Tiia Moller, João Monteiro, Nerea Piñeiro-Juncal, Emanuele Ponis, Vasillis Papathanasiou, Dimitris Poursanidis, Riccardo Pieraccini, Oscar Serrano, Ana. I. Sousa, Susanne Schäfer, Francesca Rossi, D. Sebastian Storey, Marieke M. van Katwijk, Dave Wall, Emma A. Ward, Robert Wilkes
Plants, People, Planet
Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Foundation Species
Thomas Wernberg, Mads S. Thomsen, Julia K. Baum, Melanie J. Bishop, John F. Bruno, Melinda A. Coleman, Karen Filbee-Dexter, Karine Gagnon, Qiang He, Daniel Murdiyarso, Kerrylee Rogers, Brian R. Silliman, Dan A. Smale, Samuel Starko, Mathew A. Vanderklift
Annual Review of Marine Science
p. 247-282
Rapid faunal colonization and recovery of biodiversityand functional diversity following eelgrass restoration
Karine Gagnon, Enora-Hawa Bocoum, Chiau Yu Chen, Susanne Pihl Baden, Per-Olav Moksnes, Eduardo Infantes
Restoration Ecology
Restoration of eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Estonian coastal waters, Baltic Sea
Liina Pajusalu, Christoffer Boström, Karine Gagnon, Kaire Kaljurand, Jonne Kotta, Teemar Püss, Georg Martin
Academy Journal
p. 41-54
Coastal ecosystem engineers and their impact on sediment dynamics: Eelgrass–bivalve interactions under wave exposure
Lukas Meysick, Eduardo Infantes, Luca Rugiu, Karine Gagnon, Christoffer Boström
Limnology and Oceanography
p. 621-633
Coastal ecosystem engineers and their impact on sediment dynamics: eelgrass–bivalve interactions under wave exposure
Meysick L, Infantes E, Rugiu L, Gagnon K, Boström C
Limnology and Oceanography
Methane emissions from Nordic seagrass meadow sediments.
Asplund ME, Bonaglia S, Boström C, Dahl M, Deyanova D, Gagnon K, Gullström M, Holmer M, Björk M
Frontiers in Marine Science
p. 811533
Joint effects of patch edges and habitat degradation on faunal predation risk in a widespread marine foundation species.
Hovel KA, Duffy JE, Stachowicz JJ, Reynolds P, Boström C, Boyer K, Cusson M, Fodrie J, Gagnon K, Hereu CM, Hori M, Jorgensen P, Kruschel C, Lee K-S, Nakaoka M, O’Connor NE, Rossi F, Ruesink J, Tomas Nash F, Ziegler S
p. e03316
Incorporating facilitative interactions into eelgrass restoration to increase restoration success – challenges and opportunities.
Gagnon K, Christie H, Didderen K, Fagerli CW, Govers LL, Gräfnings MLE, Heusinkveld JHT, Kaljurand K, Lengkeek W, Martin G, Meysick L, Pajusalu L, Rinde E, van der Heide T, Boström C
Restoration Ecology
p. e13398
Role of food web interactions in promoting resilience to nutrient enrichment in a brackish water eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystem.
Gagnon K, Gustafsson C, Salo T, Rossi F, Gunell S, Richardson JP, Reynolds PL, Duffy JE, Boström C
Limnology and Oceanography
p. 2810-2826
Where is more important than how: determinants of restoration success in coastal and marine ecosystems.
Fraschetti S, McOwen C, Papa L, Papadopolou N, Bilan M, Boström C, Capdevila P, Carreiro-Silva M, Carugati L, Cebrian E, Coll M, Dailianis T, Danovaro R, De Leo F., Fiorentino D, Gagnon K, Gambi C, Garrabou J, Gerovasileiou V, Hereu B, Kipson S, Kotta J, Ledoux J, Linares C, Martin J, Medrano A, Montero-Serra I, Morato T, Pusceddu A, Sevastou K, Smith C, Verdura J, Guarnieri G
Frontiers in Marine Science
p. 626843
Coastal restoration success via emergent trait-mimicry is context dependent.
van der Heide T, Temmink RJM, Fivash GS, Bouma TJ, Boström C, Didderen K, Esteban N, Gaeckle JL, Gagnon K, Infantes E, van de Koppel J, Lenkeek W, Unsworth R, Christianen MJA
Biological Conservation
p. 109373
Habitat features and their influence on the restoration potential of marine habitats in Europe.
Bekkby T, Papadopoulou N, Fiorentino D, McOwen C, Rinde E, Boström C, Carreiro-Silva M, Linares C, Andersen GS, Bengil EGT, Bilan M, Cebrian E, Cerrano C, Danovaro R, Fagerli CW, Fraschetti S, Gagnon K, Gambi C, Gundersen H, Kipson S, Kotta J, Morato T, Ojaveer H, Ramirez-Llodra E, Smith CJ
Frontiers in Marine Science
p. 184
Facilitating foundation species: The potential for plant-bivalve interactions to improve habitat restoration success.
Gagnon K, Bengil EGT, Carugati L, Christianen M, Danovaro R, Gambi C, Govers L, Kipson S, Meysick L, Pajusalu L, Rinde E, Tüney Kızılkaya İ, Van Der Heide T, Van De Koppel J, Van Katwijk M, Boström C
Journal of Applied Ecology
p. 1161-1179
Mimicry of emergent traits amplifies coastal restoration success.
Temmink RJM, Christianen MJA, Fivash GS, Angelini C, Boström C, Didderen K, Engel SM, Esteban N, Gaeckle JL, Gagnon K, Govers LL, Infantes E, van Katwijk MM, Kipson S, Lamers LPM, Lengkeek W, Silliman BR, van Tussenbroek BI, Unsworth RKF, Yaakub SM, Bouma TJ, van der Heide T
Nature Communications
p. 3668
Context-dependency of eelgrass-clam interactions: implications for coastal restoration.
Meysick L, Norkko A, Gagnon K, Gräfnings M, Boström C
Marine Ecology Progress Series
p. 93-108
Cormorants have negligible seascape-scale impacts on benthic vegetation communities.
Gagnon K, Virtanen E, Rusanen P, Nurmi M, Viitasalo M, Jormalainen V
Marine Ecology Progress Series
p. 195-207
Habitat mapping in European Seas – is it fit for purpose in the marine restoration agenda?
Gerovasileiou V, Smith CJ, Sevastou K, Papadopoulou N, Dailianis T, Bekkby T, Fiorentino D, McOwen C, Amaro T, Bilan M, Boström C, Cebrian E, Cerrano C, Danovaro R, Eronat EGT, Fraschetti S, Gagnon K, Gambi C, Grehan A, Hereu B, Kipson S, Kotta J, Linares C, Morato T, Ojaveer H, Orav-Kotta H, Sarà A, Scrimgeour R
Marine Policy
p. 103521
The trophic role of a common mesopredator, the three-spined stickleback, in habitats of varying complexity.
Gagnon K, Gräfnings M, Boström C
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
p. 46-53
Human activities and resultant pressures on key European marine habitats: a review of mapped resources.
Dailianis T, Smith CJ, Papadopoulou N, Gerovasileiou V, Sevastou K, Bekkby T, Bilan M, Billett D, Boström C, Danovaro R, Gagnon K, Gambi C, Grehan A, Kipson S, Kotta J, McOwen C, Morato T, Ojaveer H, Scrimgeour R
Marine Policy
p. 1-10
Shifts in coastal fish communities: is eutrophication always beneficial for sticklebacks?
Gagnon K, Gräfnings M, Boström C
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science
p. 193-203
Genetic variation of a foundation rockweed species affects associated communities.
Jormalainen V, Danelli M, Gagnon K, Hillebrand H, Rothäusler E, Salminen J-P, Sjöroos J
p. 2940-2951
Allopatry, competitor recognition and heterospecific aggression in crater lake cichlids
Lehtonen TK, Gagnon K, Sowersby W, Wong BBM
BMC Evolutionary Biology
p. 3
Nutrient enrichment overwhelms top-down control in algal communities around cormorant colonies.
Gagnon K, Sjöroos J, Yli-Rosti J, Stark M, Rothäusler E, Jormalainen V
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
p. 15-30
The invasive mud crab enforces a major shift in a rocky littoral invertebrate community of the Baltic Sea.
Jormalainen V, Gagnon K, Sjöroos J, Rothäusler E
Biological Invasions
p. 1409-1419
Habitat expansion of the mud crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) in the northern Baltic Sea: potential consequences for the eelgrass food web.
Gagnon K, Boström C
BioInvasions Records
p. 101-106
Cormorant-induced shifts in littoral communities.
Gagnon K, Yli-Rosti J, Jormalainen V
Marine Ecology Progress Series
p. 15-30
Roles of dispersal mode, recipient environment and disturbance in the secondary spread of the invasive seaweed Codium fragile.
Gagnon K, McKindsey CW, Johnson LE
Biological Invasions
p. 1123-1136
Cichlid fish use coloration as a cue to assess the threat status of heterospecific intruders.
Lehtonen TK, Sowersby W, Gagnon K, Wong BBM
American Naturalist
p. 547-522
Modelling the spread of the invasive alga Codium fragile driven by long distance dispersal of buoyant propagules.
Gagnon K, Peacock SJ, Jin Y, Lewis MA
Ecological Modelling
p. 111-121
Seabird guano fertilizes Baltic Sea littoral food webs.
Gagnon K, Rothäusler E, Syrjänen A, Yli-Renko M, Jormalainen V
PLoS One
p. e61284
Dispersal potential of invasive algae: the determinants of buoyancy in Codium fragile ssp. fragile.
Gagnon K, McKindsey CW, Johnson LE
Marine Biology
p. 2449-2458
Svar på høring om tillatelse til utslipp fra foreløpig anleggsvirksomhet samt mudring, dumping og utfylling i forbindelse med bygging av Stad skipstunnel.
Lars Asplin, André Marcel Bienfait, Sigurd Heiberg Espeland, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, Karine Gagnon, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Vivian Husa, Halvor Knutsen, Tanja Kögel, Terje van der Meeren, Frithjof Emil Moy, Lise Doksæter Sivle, Henning Steen, Jan Erik Stiansen, Brian Stock, Elin Sørhus, Stig Valdersnes
Restoration results in case study sites. Deliverable 2.2. MERCES project.
Pajusalu L, Bakran-Petricioli T, Boström C, Carugati L, Christie H, Da Ros Z, Danovaro R, Gagnon K, Gambi C, Govers L, Gräfnings M, Kaljurand K, Kipson S, Kotta J, Lo Martire, Rinde E, van der Heide T, van de Koppel J, Martin G
p. 51 pp.
Manual of restoration measures in soft bottoms based on surveys and experiments. Deliverable 2.1. MERCES project.
Gagnon K, Alan V, Bakran-Petricioli T, Bengil EGT, Carugati L, Christianen MJA, Christie H, Danovaro R, Da Ros Z, Gambi C, Lo Martire M, Govers LL, Gräfnings M, Kipson S, Martin G, Meysick L, Paajusalu L, Rinde E, Tüney Kızılkaya İ, van der Heide T, van de Koppel J, Boström C
p. 36 pp.
State of the knowledge on European marine habitat mapping and degraded habitats. Deliverable 1.1, MERCES Project.
Bekkby T, Gerovasileiou V, Papadopoulou K-N, Sevastou K, Dailianis T, Fiorentino D, McOwen C, Smith CJ, Amaro T, Bakran-Petricioli T, Bilan M, Boström C, Carreiro-Silva M, Carugati L, Cebrian E, Cerrano C, Christie H, Danovaro R, Eronat EGT, Fraschetti S, Gagnon K, Gambi C, Grehan A, Hereu B, Kipson S, Kizilkaya IT, Kotta J, Linares C, Milanese M, Morato T, Ojaveer H, Orav-Kotta H, Pham CK, Rinde E, Sarà A, Scharfe M, Scrimgeour R
p. 137 pp.
Current marine pressures and mechanisms driving changes in marine habitats. Deliverable 1.2, MERCES Project.
Smith CJ, Dailianis T, Papadopoulou N, Gerovasileiou V, Sevastou K, Grehan A, Billett D, McOwen C, Amaro T, Bakran-Petricioli T, Bekkby T, Bilan M, Boström C, Carriero-Silva M, Carugati L, Cebrian E, Cerrano C, Christie H, Danovaro R, Eronat EGT, Fiorentino D, Fraschetti S, Gagnon K, Gambi C, Hereu B, Kipson S, Kotta J, Linares C, Morato T, Ojaveer H, Orav-Kotta H, Pham CK, Rinde E, Sarà A, Scrimgeour R
p. 102 pp.
State of the knowledge on marine habitat restoration and literature review on the economic costs and benefits of ecosystem service restoration. Deliverable 1.3. MERCES project.
Papadopoulou N, Sevastou K, Smith CJ, Gerovasileiou V, Dailianis T, Fraschetti S, Guarnieri G, McOwen C, Billett D, Grehan A, Bakran-Petricioli T, Bekkby T, Bilan M, Boström C, Carriero-Silva M, Carugati L, Cebrian E, Cerrano C, Danovaro R, Eronat EGT, Gagnon K, Gambi C, Kipson S, Kizilkaya IT, Kotta J, Linares C, Milanese M, Morato T, Papa L, Rinde E, Sarà A
p. 180 pp.
Top-down and bottom-up impacts of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) on coastal benthic communities in the Baltic Sea.
Gagnon K
PhD thesis. University of Turku, Finland.
Dissémination et établissement de l’algue verte envahissante Codium fragile dans les herbiers marins.
Gagnon K
M.Sc thesis. Université Laval, Canada.