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Shale Pettit Rosen

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Telefon: 94483404
Avdeling: Fangst

I use and develop underwater camera technology (GoPro action cameras, Deep Vision stereo camera system) to study fish behaviour during capture with trawls; improve resolution of trawl sampling; and conduct sampling without taking catch onboard. I also work with design and performance monitoring of trawls used for scientific surveys and design of trawls and selectivity devices used to improve the sustainability of commercial fisheries.


Observation methods (underwater cameras)

Trawl selectivity

Fish behaviour

Sampling for scientific surveys

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Shale Pettit Rosen

Job title: Researcher, Research Group Fish Capture

Telephone number: (+47) 944 83 404

E-mail: shale.rosen@hi.no

Researcher unique identifier(s): ORCID 0000-0002-5857-1637, ResearcherID E-9444-2017



06.2009 - 11.2013 PhD, Biology, 26.11.13, Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Norway

08.2007 - 05.2009 MSc, Fisheries biology and management, University of Bergen, Norway

08.1994 - 05.1998 BA, Geology with concentration in environmental science, Department of Geology, Haverford College, USA



04.2017 - Ongoing Researcher, Research and development, trawl technology, Institute of Marine Research, Norway. Development and testing of trawls for research and commercial fisheries.

01.2014 - 03.2017 Postdoctoral Researcher, Trawl and underwater camera technology, Institute of Marine Research, Norway. Trawl and underwater stereo camera technology, image analysis

06.2009 - 12.2013 Researcher / PhD student, Research, Scantrol AS, Norway. Development of underwater camera system for use inside fishing trawls

01.2001 - 07.2007 Collaborative Research Operations Manager, Research, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, USA. Management of research activities and safety on board commercial fishing boats, acoustic fisheries surveys, design and testing of fishing gear for sustainable fisheries.


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


How to obtain clear images from in-trawl cameras near the seabed? A case study from the Barents Sea demersal fishing grounds

Maria Tenningen, Shale Rosen, E.H. Taraneh Westergerling, Nils Olav Handegard
Fisheries Research 268

How to obtain clear images from in-trawl cameras near the seabed? A case study from the Barents Sea demersal fishing grounds

Maria Tenningen, Shale Rosen, Eugenie Heliana Taraneh Westergerling, Nils Olav Handegard
Fisheries Research 268

A catch limitation device to avoid excessive catches in the blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) Northeast Atlantic pelagic trawl fishery

Ólafur Arnar Ingólfsson, Michael Breen, Shale Rosen, Manu Sistiaga, Terje Jørgensen, Dagfinn Lilleng, Jostein Saltskår, Liz Beate Kolstad Kvalvik, Sigurd Hannaas, Hermann Pettersen
Frontiers in Marine Science 9

A real-world dataset and data simulation algorithm for automated fish species identification

Vaneeda Allken, Shale Pettit Rosen, Nils Olav Handegard, Ketil Malde
Geoscience Data Journal

A deep learning-based method to identify and count pelagic and mesopelagic fishes from trawl camera images

Vaneeda Allken, Shale Pettit Rosen, Nils Olav Handegard, Ketil Malde
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 p. 3780-3792

Development and evaluation of dynamic catch control devices in the demersal seine fisheries for cod (Gadus morhua)

Ólafur Arnar Ingólfsson, Odd Børre Humborstad, Keno Ferter, Shale Rosen
Journal of Ocean Technology 16 p. 92-106

A deep learning-based method to identify and count pelagic and mesopelagic fishes from trawl camera images

Vaneeda Allken, Shale Rosen, Ketil Nils Olav and Malde Handegard
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78(10) p. 3780-3792

A real-world dataset and data simulation algorithm for automated fish species identification

Vaneeda Allken, Shale Rosen, Ketil Nils Olav and Malde Handegard
Geoscience Data Journal

Development and Evaluation of Dynamic Catch Control Devices in the Demersal Seine Fisheries for Cod (Gadus morhua)

Ólafur Arnar Ingólfsson, Odd-Børre Humborstad, Shale Keno and Rosen Ferter
Journal of Ocean Technology 16(2) p. 92-106

Automatic segmentation of fish using deep learning with application to fish size measurement

Rafael Garcia, Ricard Prados, Josep Quintana, Alexander Tempelaar, Nuno Gracias, Shale Rosen, Håvard Vågstøl, Kristoffer Løvall
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Fish species identification using a convolutional neural network trained on synthetic data

Vaneeda Allken, Nils Olav Handegard, Shale Rosen, Tiffanie Schreyeck, Thomas Mahiout, Ketil Malde
ICES Journal of Marine Science 76 p. 342-349

Species-specific residence times in the aft part of a pelagic survey trawl: implications for inference of pre-capture spatial distribution using the Deep Vision system

Melanie Underwood, Shale Rosen, Arill Engås, Terje Jørgensen, Anders Fernø
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 p. 1393-1404

Deep vision: An in-trawl stereo camera makes a step forward in monitoring the pelagic community

Melanie Underwood, Shale Rosen, Arill Engås, Elena Eriksen

DeepVision in-trawl imaging: Sampling the water column in four dimensions

Shale Pettit Rosen, Jens Christian Holst
Fisheries Research 148 p. 64-73

DeepVision: a stereo camera system provides highly accurate counts and lengths of fish passing inside a trawl

Shale Pettit Rosen, Terje Jørgensen, Darren Hammersland-White, Jens Christian Holst
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 p. 1456-1467

The reactions of shoaling adult cod to a pelagic trawl: implications for commercial trawling

Shale Pettit Rosen, Arill Engås, Anders Fernø, Terje Jørgensen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 p. 303-312

Trophic relationships and oceanography on and around a small offshore bank

Stevick, P, Incze, L.S., Kraus, S.D., Rosen, S., Wolff, N. and Baukus, A.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 363 p. 15-28

Current status of mobile and static sampling gears used in resource surveys

Reid, D.G., Annala, J., Rosen, S., Pol, M., Cadrin, S.X. and Walsh, S.J.
ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 p. 1607-1609

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


Subsea stereo computer vision with Scantrol Deep Vision

Rosen, Shale
Journal of Ocean Technology 6 p. 72-73

Faglige foredrag


A deep learning-based method to identify and count small pelagic and mesopelagic fishes from trawl camera images

Vaneeda Allken, Shale Pettit Rosen, Nils Olav Handegard, Ketil Malde

Advancing the interpretation of fisheries acoustics with in-trawl cameras: A survey method for mesopelagic resources

E. H. Taraneh Westergerling, Shale Rosen, Vaneeda Allken, Maria Tenningen

Combining behavioral observations with machine learning results to improve count estimates of small pelagic and mesopelagic fish in a video trawl

E. H. Taraneh Westergerling, Katja Enberg, Vaneeda Allken, Shale Rosen

Test of Deep Vision in-trawl camera during 2021 IESSNS (IMR, Norway)​

Sindre Vatnehol, Shale Pettit Rosen, Vaneeda Allken

Deep Vision stereo in-trawl camera system​

Shale Pettit Rosen, Vaneeda Allken

Using deep learning models to count and identify fish species from in-trawl images

Vaneeda Allken, Thor Aleksander Klevjer, Kristoffer Løvall, Ketil Malde, Shale Pettit Rosen, Eugenie Heliana Taraneh Westergerling, Nils Olav Handegard

Combined trawl-mounted optic and acoustic methods to study the mesopelagic ecosystem

Shale Pettit Rosen, Eva Garcia Seoane, Melanie Underwood, Thor Aleksander Klevjer, Gavin John Macaulay, Mette Dalgaard Agersted, Webjørn Raunsgård Melle, Nils Olav Handegard, Ketil Malde, Vaneeda Allken

Application of simultaneous trawl-mounted optic and acoustic methods to study the mesopelagic ecosystem

Shale Rosen, Eva García-Seoane, Melanie Underwood, Thor A. Klevjer, Gavin Macaulay, Webjørn Raunsgård Melle

Norwegian fisheries and fisheries research: Technological advances in fishing gears for sustainability

Rosen, Shale Pettit

New Norwegian fishing gear technology in the climate change era

Rosen, Shale Pettit

Using a CNN trained on synthetic data for fish species identification

Vaneeda Allken, Nils Olav Handegard, Shale Rosen, Ketil Malde

Using a CNN trained on synthetic data for fish species identification

Vaneeda Allken, Nils Olav Handegard, Shale Rosen, Ketil Malde

CRISP - eight years of innovation in fisheries technology

Aud Vold, Michael Breen, Egil Ona, Shale Rosen, Maria Tenningen

Deep Vision: Stereo bilder i trål

Rosen, Shale

Deep Vision in trawl fish sampling: mesopelagic applications

Rosen, Shale

CRISP - med øyne i dypet

Shale Rosen, Aud Vold

Bycatch Reduction Devices (BRDs) and Alternative rigging and operation Pre-catch monitoring: acoustic methods for fish targeting

Rosen, Shale
Advanced Course: TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS FOR REDUCTION OF DISCARDS IN FISHERIES, The International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomi

Deep Vision, in situ video sampling for species and sizes during pelagic and demersal trawling

Rosen, Shale
Seminar series, groundfish research group Institute of Marine Research

Deep Vision ‐ In situ fish sampling

Shale Rosen, Hege Hammersland-White

Deep Vision: non-extractive sampling using cameras inside trawls

Hege Hammerland-White, Håvard Vågstøl, Shale Rosen
7th World Fisheries Congress

Trials of ruffled small-meshed inner nets in a pelagic survey trawl

Shale Rosen, Arill Engås, Elena Eriksen, Alexander pavlenko, Tatiana Prokhorova, Jan Tore Øvredal, Asbjørn Aasen
ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB)

Deep Vision - non-extractive fish sampling for stock surveillance

Rosen, Shale
Transatlantic Science Week 2015

Using action cameras to quantify fish behaviour and passages rate inside a trawl

Leif Nøttestad, Shale Rosen, John Willy Valdemarsen
POLSHIFT Poleward shifts in the pelagic complex, and effect of climate change

Development of a standarized surface trawling swept area abundance technique for estimation of Northeast Atlantic mackerel

Leif Nøttestad, John Willy Valdemarsen, Shale Rosen, Kjell Rong Utne
POLSHIFT Poleward shifts in the pelagic complex, and effect of climate change

Excess Fish Exclusion Device (ExFED): How to passively release fish at depth during trawling

Melanie Underwood, Arill Engås, Shale Rosen, Asbjørn Aasen

Excess Fish Exclusion Device: Passive System Releases Fish at Depth During Trawling

Melanie Underwood, Arill Engås, Shale Rosen, Asbjørn Aasen

Inexpensive action cameras quantify fish behaviour and passage rates inside a survey trawl

Shale Rosen, John Willy Valdemarsen, Leif Nøttestad
ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB)

Deep vision stereo camera system to identify, count, measure, and map a variety of species during trawling

Shale Rosen, Melanie Underwood, Darren Hammersland-White, Arill Engås, Elena Eriksen, Terje Jørgensen
ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB)

DeepVision: Using in-Trawl Images to Improve Sampling

Rosen, Shale

Deep Vision: Precision Measurements of Fish Inside a Trawl

Rosen, Shale
Ukens Orientering, Institute of Marine Research

DeepVision: Using in-Trawl Images to Improve Sampling

Rosen, Shale
Gulf of Maine Research Institute, USA

DeepVision: an in-trawl stereo camera makes a step forward in monitoring the pelagic community

Shale Rosen, Melanie Underwood, Arill Engås, Elena Eriksen
The 16th Russian-Norwegian Symposium, Sochi, Russia

Biology seminar

Rosen, Shale

DeepVision: Improving surveys through identification and measurement of fish inside a trawl.

Rosen, Shale

DeepVision: Using in-Trawl Images to Improve Sampling

Rosen, Shale
Research Group seminar series, Institute of Marine Research

DeepVision Pilot: species & length of fish in the trawl

Rosen, Shale
Biology seminar, University of Bergen

DeepVision: Improving surveys through identification and measurement of fish inside a trawl

Shale Pettit Rosen, Darren Hammersland-White

CatchMeter: Video Monitoring and Real-Time Species and Length Analysis of Fish In a Trawl

Shale Rosen, Darren Hammersland-White, Jens Christian Holst, Svellingen Cato, John Willy Valdemarsen, Jan Tore Øvredal
ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB)

Pelagic Trawling for Cod, Haddock and Saithe in the Barents Sea: Shifting effort to reduce impact on the seabed.

Shale Rosen, Terje Jörgensen, Arill and Engås
Ocean and Coastal Areas Conference, Asker, NORWAY

Pelagic Trawling for Cod, Haddock and Saithe in the Barents Sea

Shale Rosen, Arill Terje and Engås Jörgensen
Nor-Fishing Technology Conference



Counting fish with in-trawl cameras: Problems and solutions

E. H. Taraneh Westergerling, Katja Enberg, Vaneeda Allken, Shale Rosen

Distribution and composition of mesopelagic macroplankton and micronekton in the North-east Atlantic.

Eva García-Seoane, Thor A. Klevjer, Tor Knutsen, Gavin Macaulay, Kjell Arne Mork, Shale Rosen, Espen Strand, Rupert Wienerroither, Melanie Underwood, Webjørn Raunsgård Melle

Distribution and composition of mesopelagic macroplankton and micronekton in the North-east Atlantic

Eva García-Seoane, Thor A. Klevjer, Tor Knutsen, Gavin Macaulay, Kjell Arne Mork, Shale Rosen, Espen Strand, Rupert Wienerroither, Melanie Underwood, Webjørn Raunsgård Melle

The Behaviour of Cod When Approaching and Entering a Pelagic Trawl

Shale Rosen, Arill Terje and Engås Jörgensen
Nor-Fishing Technology Conference

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Nytt konsept for krok og forsyn til linefiske

Odd Børre Humborstad, Ólafur Arnar Ingólfsson, Svein Løkkeborg, Jostein Saltskår, Shale Rosen, Alf Rune Ose, Jimmy Kieffer
Rapport fra havforskningen

CRIMAC cruise report: Development of acoustic and optic methods for underwater target calssification - G.O. Sars 22.11 - 03.12 2022

Nils Olav Handegard, Maria Tenningen, Leif Bildøy, Jon Even Corneliussen, Kameran Esmail, Jens Heinsdorf, Babak Khodabandeloo, Rolf Korneliussen, Rokas Kubilius, Liz Beate Kolstad Kvalvik, Eirik Svoren Osborg, Ahmed Pala, Geir Pedersen, Shale Rosen, Jostein Saltskår, Erik Schuster, Ingrid Utseth, Eugenie Heliana Taraneh Westergerling

Test av snurrevad til fiske etter makrell - Toktrapport M/S Brattholm høsten 2022

Shale Rosen, Sofie Gundersen, Kjell Harald Nedreaas

CRIMAC cruise report: Development of acoustic and optic methods for underwater target calssification - G.O. Sars 22.11 - 03.12 2022

Nils Olav Handegard, Maria Tenningen, Leif Bildøy, Jon Even Corneliussen, Kameran Esmail, Jens Heinsdorf, Babak Khodabandeloo, Rolf Korneliussen, Rokas Kubilius, Liz Beate Kolstad Kvalvik, Eirik Svoren Osborg, Ahmed Pala, Geir Pedersen, Shale Rosen, Jostein Saltskår, Erik Schuster, Ingrid Ulset, Eugenie Heliana Taraneh Westergerling

International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG)

Jim Ellis, Pia Schuchert, Anja Helene Alvestad, Auber Arnaud, Francisco Baldó, Alan Baudron, Steven E. Beggs, Barbara Bland, Patrik Börjesson, Karsten Breddermannn, Finlay Burns, Corina Chaves, Harriet S. Cole, Pierre Cresson, Ingeborg de Boois, Côme Denechaud, Elise Eidset, Arill Egil Engås, Ruadhán Gillespie-Mules, Francis Griffin, Benjamin Hatton, Alexander Holdgate, Bastian Huwer, Ruth Kelly, Eoghan Kelly, Matthias Kloppmann, Rob Kynoch, Pascal Laffargue, Uwe Lichtenstein, Kim Ludwig, Tanja Miethe, Hermann Neumann, Yves Reecht, Shale Pettit Rosen, Anne Sell, Cristina Silva, Louisa Sinclair, David Stokes, Ralf van Hal, Francisco Velasco, Ching Villanueva, Kai Wieland, Rupert Wienerroither
ICES Scientific Reports 4

ICES 2022 - International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG)

Jim Ellis, Pia Schuchert, Anja Helene Alvestad, Auber Arnaud, Francisco Baldó, Alan Baudron, Steven E. Beggs, Barbara Bland, Patrik Börjesson, Karsten Breddermannn, Finlay Burns, Corina Chaves, Harriet S. Cole, Pierre Cresson, Ingeborg de Boois, Côme Denechaud, Elise Eidset, Arill Egil Engås, Ruadhán Gillespie-Mules, Francis Griffin, Benjamin Hatton, Alexander Holdgate, Bastian Huwer, Ruth Kelly, Eoghan Kelly, Matthias Kloppmann, Rob Kynoch, Pascal Laffargue, Uwe Lichtenstein, Kim Ludwig, Tanja Miethe, Hermann Neumann, Yves Reecht, Shale Pettit Rosen, Anne Sell, Cristina Silva, Louisa Sinclair, David Stokes, Ralf van Hal, Francisco Velasco, Ching Villanueva, Kai Wieland, Rupert Wienerroither

Workshop on the Further Development of the New IBTS Gear (WKFDNG)

Ingeborg de Boois, Daniel Stepputtis, Francisco Baldó, Barbara Bland, Patrik Börjesson, Karsten Breddermannn, Corina Chaves, Jim Drewery, Jim Ellis, Francis Griffin, Ralf van Hal, Georg Haney, Benjamin Hatton, Robert Kynoch, Didier Le Roy, Valentina Melli, Thomas Pasterkamp, Yves Reecht, Shale Pettit Rosen, Brian Salter, Louisa Sinclair, David Stokes, Melanie Underwood, Benoît Vincent, David Warwick

International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG)

Anja Helene Alvestad, Arnaud Auber, Francisco Baldó, Jurgen Batsleer, Alan Baudron, Barbara Bland, Patrik Börjesson, Finlay Burns, Corina Chaves, Chun Chen, Pierre Cresson, Jasper Croll, Jim Ellis, Carolina Giraldo, Raphael Girardin, Benjamin Hatton, Holger Haslob, Ruth Kelly, Matthias Kloppmann, Cecilia Kvaavik, Rob Kynoch, Pascal Laffargue, Tanja Miethe, Quiten Mudde, Hermann Neumann, Coby Needle, Alfonso Perez-Rodriguez, Shale Rosen, Yves Reecht, Alondra Sofia Rodriguez-Buelna, Pia Schuchert, Anne Sell, Louisa Sinclair, Vaishav Soni, David Stokes, Melanie Underwood, Ralf van Hal, Francisco Velasco, Nicola Walker, Kai Wieland

CRIMAC cruise report 2020116

Egil Ona, Nils Olav Handegard, Espen Johnsen, Rokas Kubilius, Rolf Korneliussen, Geir Pedersen, Atle Totland, Shale Rosen, Melanie Underwood, Lars N Andersen, Ivar Wangen, Eirik Svoren Osborg

Fangstkontroll i fisket etter kolmule (Toktrapport nr. 11-2019 frå MS Vendla) -

Rosen, Shale

Fangstkontroll i kolmuletrål - Forstudie — Fiskeforsøk på Porcupinebanken i 2018

Shale Rosen, Ólafur Arnar Ingólfsson, Terje Jørgensen, Liz Beate Kolstad Kvalvik, Jostein Saltskår

Fangstkontroll i snurrevad Sluttrapport til Fiskeri- og Havbruksnæringens Forskningsfond

Ólafur Arnar Ingólfsson, Kurt Hansen, Bjørnar Isaksen, Jostein Saltskår, Bjørn Totland, Liz Beate Kolstad Kvalvik, Odd Børre Humborstad, Shale Rosen, Svein Løkkeborg, Dagfinn Lilleng, Terje Hemnes, Jo Myroldhaug, Bjørn Foss

Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries - Final report

Ben Brinberg, X. Valasques, Amit Lerner, Aida Campos, Moritz Eichert, Paulo J. Fonseca, L. Marques, Margarida Castro, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Endre Grimsbø, Shale Rosen, Michael Breen, Dan Watson, Aran Dasan

CRISP- Toktrapport Testing trålutstyr og instrumentering G. O. Sars 1.-11. mars 2015

John Willy Valdemarsen, Jan Tore Øvredal, Asbjørn Aasen, Arill Engås, Shale Rosen, Gavin Macaulay, Odd Kjartan Mæstad, Arvid Sæstad, Trond Nedrebø, Thor Bærhaugen, Håvard Vågstøl, Vidar Knotten

Nettløsninger foran og bak Deep Vison systemet

John Willy Valdemarsen, Shale Rosen, Asbjørn Aasen, Jan Tore Øvredal

A comparison of abundance, distribution and behavior of Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) during curved and straight forward trawling.

Bård Aarbakke, Shale Rosen, Leif Nøttestad

Selektiv flyndresnurrevad. Rapport fra forsøk med en lavåpnings snurrevad for å skille torsk fra flatfisk

Olafur Ingolfsson, Odd Børre Humborstad, Kurt Hansen, Terje Jørgensen, Jostein Saltskår, Shale Rosen, Svein Løkkeborg
Rapport fra havforskningen 27-2016

Makrell: ICES godkjenner økt bestandsestimat fra ny trålmetode

Leif Nøttestad, John Willy Valdemarsen, Shale Rosen, Kjell Rong Utne
Havforskningsrapporten 2015 p. 105-107

The behaviour of Atlantic cod, haddock and redfish in the aft belly section of a demersal trawl: implications for the interpretation of the information from the Deep Vision

Wenche Vigrestad, Shale Rosen, Arill Engås, John Willy Valdemarsen

Kan forske på fangsten uten forskningsfangsten

John Willy Valdemarsen, Shale Rosen, Hege Hammersland
Havforsknings NYTT 11-2014

Giving eyes to pelagic trawls. Acoustic and optical techniques measure behaviour, species, and sizes of fish in situ

Rosen, Shale
PhD Thesis, University of Bergen, Norway

Survey Report from the Joint Norwegian/Russian Ecosystem Survey in the Barents Sea, August – October 2012

Elena Eriksen, Shale Rosen
IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series 2/2012 p. Section 10.2: Arctic and boreal benthic process and function (ArcProFun) and Deep Sea (sic.) Vision



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