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Martin Biuw

Telephone: 40729615
Department: Sjøpattedyr

I have extensive experience in marine mammal research, going back to my master's degree in zoology at Stockholm University 1996-1997. I have worked extensively with southern elephant seals in the Souther Ocean, initially through a PhD at the University of St Andrews linked to the Australian Antarctic Division in Australia. I have worked extensively with the development of innovative instrumentation methods for the study of migratory patterns and ecophysiology in marine mammals, as well as instrumentation for collecting oceanographic data using marine mammals. I have organized a number of research expeditions to islands in the Southern Ocean, and was expedition leader on the expedition to Bouvet Island in 2007-2008, organized by the Norwegian Polar Institute. Since 2018 I have been employed at the Institute of Marine Research, within the marine mammal research group. I was responsible for population modeling and assessment of ice-breeding seals (harp and hooded seals) until 2023, and currently co-chair the working group on harp and hooded seals (WGHARP) of the International Council of the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). I was group leader from October 2021 to December 2024, when I took over as leader of the large whale research and monitoring project. I am a member of the NAMMCO (North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission) Scientific Committee, and a national delegate to the International Whaling Commission. 

Curriculum Vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE, Erik Martin Biuw (BSc, PhD)


Nationality: Swedish

Date of birth: 1968/03/09

Home address: Innelvvegen 241, 9100 Kvaløysletta, Norway

Civil status: Married, one child (born 2010)


Present employment: Senior Researcher, Institute of Marine Research

Work address: Forskningsparken, Sykehusvegen 23, 9019 Tromsø, Norway

Phone: +47 55 23 85 00, E-mail:  martin.biuw@imr.no



Feb 2017 – present:         Senior Researcher, Institute of Marine Research

Feb 2013 - Jan 2017:       Senior Researcher, Akvaplan-niva (Permanent, 100% research)

Oct 2010 - Jul 2011:        Scientific Coordinator -Swedish Polar Research Secretariat

Oct 2010 - Jul 2011:        Project Manager -International Study of Arctic Change (ISAC)




2011 – 2013:                  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

2007 - 2010:                   NFR Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Norwegian Polar Institute

2003 - 2007:                   NERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of St Andrews, UK

2003:                             PhD, Environmental and Evolutionary Ecology, University of St Andrews, UK and Australian Antarctic Division, Australia

2001:                             Marie Curie Fellow (PhD Training Grant), Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.

1997:                             BSc (Hons.), Zoology, University of Stockholm, Sweden.



2014:                             Fram Centre – Fjord & Kyst: weShare – Ecological and commercial implications of extreme winter arrivals of herring and whales into North-Norwegian fjord systems (Principal Investigator), NOK 600,000

2014:                             Fram Centre – Insentivmidler: Impacts of fish superabundance on oxygen levels in a constricted fjord system in Northern Norway – weBreathe (co-PI) NOK 150,000

2014:                             National geographic Global Exploration Fund: Image based Research and monitoring of North Norway Humped back whales A Citizen science approach (Principal Investigator), NOK 192,000

2013:                             Norwegian Research Council – Hav & Kyst: COEXIST - Condition and energy expenditure estimates from free-ranging marine mammals (Principal Investigator), NOK 3,169,000

2005:                             Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Standard Grant: Remote monitoring of body mass and composition of marine predators foraging at sea: Development of sexual dimorphism in southern elephant seals, £253,740

2003:                             Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Connect B Grant: Using southern elephant seals to provide temperature and salinity profiles across the Southern Ocean: New platforms for operational oceanography, £254,061

2001:                             Marie Curie PhD Training Grant: Developing methods for spatial analysis of wildlife tracking data in relation to remotely sensed oceanographic data €20,000

1999:                             Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Small Grant: Partitioning and utilization of maternal resources by southern elephant seal pups, £35,000



2007 & 2009:                 Masters Course on Wildlife Telemetry. Invited lecturer. University Center, Svalbard (UNIS), Norway

2004, 05 & 06:                Honours Course in Marine Mammal Biology. Invited lecturer. School of Environmental and Evolutionary Ecology, University of St Andrews, UK



2018 – present:               Lisa Elena Kettemer, PhD, University of Tromsø

2017 – present:               Evert Mul, PhD, University of Tromsø

2013 - 2018:                   Ana Sofia Aniceto, PhD, University of Tromsø

2013 – 2018:                  Ryan Dillon, PhD, University of Tromsø

2019 – present:               Emma Vogel, MSc, University of Tromsø

2019 – present:               Maren Andrea Pedersen, MSc, University of Tromsø

2018 – 2019:                  Aleksander Malde, MSc, University of Tromsø

2015 – 2016:                  Kevin Ochoa, MSc, University of Tromsø

2015 – 2019:                  Judith Ullmann, MSc, University of Tromsø

2008 – 2009:                  Virginie Ramasco, MSc, University of Tromsø

2007 – 2010:                  Theoni Photopoulou, PhD, University of St Andrews

2004 – 2006:                  Lars Boehme, PhD, University of St Andrews



2019 – present:               NAMMCO Scientific Council

2019 – present:               NAMMCO/ICES/NAFO Working Group on Harp and Hooded Seals (WGHARP)

2018 – present:               Sjøpattedyrutvalget, Norwegian Government Advisory Board on Marine Mammals

2010 – 2017:                  Ocean Search – Crowd-sourced Ocean Observation (Scientific advisor)

2006 - present:               Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Expert Group on Birds and Marine Mammals (EG-BAMM)

2005:                             Organizing Committee for the 2nd International Bio-logging Science Symposium, St Andrews, UK



Peer-reviewed papers

Biuw, M., Øigård, T. A., Nilssen, K. T., Stenson, G., & Haug, T. (2019). Estimation of pup production of harp and hooded seals in the Greenland Sea in 2018. WGHARP, WP SEA 247.

Mul, E., Blanchet, M.-A., Biuw, M., & Rikardsen, A. (2019). Implications of tag positioning and performance on the analysis of cetacean movement. Animal Biotelemetry, 7(1), 11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40317-019-0173-7

Verfuss, U. K., Aniceto, A. S., Harris, D. V., Gillespie, D., Fielding, S., Jiménez, G., Johnston, P., Sinclair, R.R., Sivertsen, A., Solbø, S.A., Storvold, R., Biuw, M., Wyatt, R. (2019). A review of unmanned vehicles for the detection and monitoring of marine fauna. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.01.009

Harcourt, R., Sequeira, A. M. M., Zhang, X., Roquet, F., Komatsu, K., Heupel, M., McMahon, C., Whoriskey, F., Meekan, M., Carroll, G., Brodie, S., Simpfendorfer, C., Hindell, M., Jonsen, I., Costa, D.P., Block, B., Muelbert, M., Woodward, B., Weise, M., Aarestrup, K., Biuw, M., Boehme, L., Bograd, S.J., Cazau, D., Charrassin, J.-B., Cooke, S.J., Cowley, P., de Bruyn, P.J.N., Jeanniard du Dot, T., Duarte, C., Eguíluz, V.M., Ferreira, L.C., Fernández-Gracia, J., Goetz, K., Goto, Y., Guinet, C., Hammill, M., Hays, G.C., Hazen, E.L., Hückstädt, L.A., Huveneers, C., Iverson, S., Jaaman, S.A., Kittiwattanawong, K., Kovacs, K.M., Lydersen, C., Moltmann, T., Naruoka, M., Phillips, L., Picard, B., Queiroz, N., Reverdin, G., Sato, K., Sims, D.W., Thorstad, E.B., Thums, M., Treasure, A.M., Trites, A.W., Williams, G.D., Yonehara, Y.,  Fedak, M. A. (2019). Animal-borne telemetry: An integral component of the ocean observing toolkit. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6(JUN). https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00326

Vacquie-Garcia, J., Lydersen, C., Biuw, M., Haug, T., Fedak, M. A., & Kovacs, K. M. (2017). Hooded seal Cystophora cristata foraging areas in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean—Investigated using three complementary methods. PLoS ONE, 12(12). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0187889

Aune, M., Aniceto, A. S., Biuw, M., Daase, M., Falk-Petersen, S., Leu, E., … Camus, L. (2018). Seasonal ecology in ice-covered Arctic seas - Considerations for spill response decision making. Marine Environmental Research, 141(March), 275–288. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.09.004

Biuw, M., Nilssen, K. T., Haug, T., & Stenson, G. (2018). Report From Surveys To Assess Harp And Hooded Seal Pup Production In The Greenland Sea Pack-Ice In 2018, (7). Retrieved from https://www.hi.no/filarkiv/2018/08/vesterisen_2018_toktrapport_nr._7-2018.pdf/nb-no

Aniceto, A. S., Biuw, M., Lindstrøm, U., Solbø, S. A., Broms, F., & Carroll, J. (2018). Monitoring marine mammals using unmanned aerial vehicles: Quantifying detection certainty. Ecosphere, 9(3). https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2122

Blanchet, M.-A., Acquarone, M., Biuw, M., Larsen, R., Nordøy, E. S., & Folkow, L. P. (2018). A life after research? First release of harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) after temporary captivity for scientific purposes. Aquatic Mammals, 44(4). https://doi.org/10.1578/AM.44.4.2018.343

Aniceto, A. S., Biuw, M., Lindstrøm, U., Solbø, S. A., Broms, F., & Carroll, J. (2018). Monitoring marine mammals using unmanned aerial vehicles: Quantifying detection certainty. Ecosphere, 9(3). https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2122

Boehme, L., A. Baker, M. Fedak, M. Årthun, K. Nicholls, P. Robinson, D. Costa, M. Biuw and T. Photopoulou (2016). Bimodal Winter Haul-out Patterns of Adult Weddell Seals (Leptonychotes Weddellii) in the Southern Weddell Sea. PLoS ONE 11 (5).

Ramasco, V., F. Barraquand, M. Biuw, B. McConnell and K.T. Nilssen (2015). The Intensity of Horizontal and Vertical Search in a Diving Forager: The Harbour Seal. Movement Ecology 3(1):15. doi:10.1186/s40462-015-0042-9.

Blanchet, M.A., C. Lydersen, M. Biuw, P.J.N. De Bruyn, G. Hofmeyr, B.A. Krafft and K.M. Kovacs (2014). Instrumentation and Handling Effects on Antarctic Fur Seals (Arctocephalus Gazella). Polar Research 33. doi:10.3402/polar.v33.21630.

Lowther, A.D., C. Lydersen, M. Biuw, P.J.N. De Bruyn, G. Hofmeyr and K.M. Kovacs (2014). Post-Breeding at-Sea Movements of Three Central-Place Foragers in Relation to Submesoscale Fronts in the Southern Ocean around Bouvetøya. Antarctic Science 26 (5): 533-544. doi:10.1017/S0954102014000170.

Ramasco, V., M. Biuw and K.T. Nilssen (2014). Improving Time Budget Estimates through the Behavioural Interpretation of Dive Bouts in Harbour Seals. Animal Behaviour 94: 117–34. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.05.015.

Zhou, Q., T. Hattermann, O. A. Nøst, M. Biuw, K. M. Kovacs and C. Lydersen. (2014). Wind-Driven Spreading of Fresh Surface Water beneath Ice Shelves in the Eastern Weddell Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (6): 3818–33. doi:10.1002/2013JC009556.

Arriola, A., M. Biuw, M. Walton, S. Moss and P. Pomeroy  (2013). Selective Blubber Fatty Acid Mobilization in Lactating Gray Seals (Halichoerus Grypus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86 (4): 441–50. doi:10.1086/671446.

Blanchet, M.A., M. Biuw, G. Hofmeyr, P.J.N. De Bruyn, C. Lydersen K.M. Kovacs. (2013). At-Sea Behaviour of Three Krill Predators Breeding at Bouvetøya - Antarctic Fur Seals, Macaroni Penguins and Chinstrap Penguins. Marine Ecology Progress Series 477 (285–302). doi:10.3354/meps10110.

Close, S.E., A.C. Naveira Garabato, E.L. McDonagh, B.A. King and M. Biuw. (2013). Control of Mode and Intermediate Water Properties in Drake Passage by the Amundsen Sea Low. Journal of Climate American Meteorological Society. doi:10.1175/jcli-d-12-00346.1.

Roquet, F., C. Wunsch, G. Forget, P. Heimbach, C. Guinet, G. Reverdin, J.B. Charrassin, F. Baillul, D.P. Costa, L.A. Hucktadt, K.T. Goetz, K.M. Kovacs, C. Lydersen, M. Biuw, O.A. Nøst et al. (2013). Estimates of the Southern Ocean General Circulation Improved by Animal-Borne Instruments. Geophysical Research Letters 40 (23): 6176–80. doi:10.1002/2013GL058304.

Miller, P.J.O., M. Biuw, Y.Y. Watanabe, D. Thompson and M.A. Fedak. (2012). Sink Fast and Swim Harder! Round-Trip Cost-of-Transport for Buoyant Divers. Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (20): 3622–30. doi:10.1242/jeb.070128.

Aoki, K., Y.Y. Watanabe, D.E. Crocker, P.W. Robinson, M. Biuw, D.P. Costa, N. Miyazaki, M.A. Fedak, and P.J.O. Miller. (2011). Northern Elephant Seals Adjust Gliding and Stroking Patterns with Changes in Buoyancy: Validation of at-Sea Metrics of Body Density. Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (17): 2973–87. doi:10.1242/jeb.055137.

Derocher, A.E., M. Andersen, O. W., J. Aars, E. Hansen and M.Biuw. (2011). Sea Ice and Polar Bear Den Ecology at Hopen Island, Svalbard. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 441: 273–79. doi:10.3354/meps09406.

Meredith, M.P., K.W. Nicholls, I.A. Renfrew, L. Boehme, M. Biuw and M.A. Fedak. (2011). Seasonal Evolution of the Upper-Ocean Adjacent to the South Orkney Islands, Southern Ocean: Results from A ‘lazy Biological Mooring’. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 58: 1569–79. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.07.008.

Nost, O.A., M. Biuw, V. Tverberg, C. Lydersen, T. Hattermann, Q. Zhou, L.H. Smedsrud and K.M. Kovacs. (2011). Eddy Overturning of the Antarctic Slope Front Controls Glacial Melting in the Eastern Weddell Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 116, C11014, doi:10.1029/2011jc006965.

Biuw, M., O.A. Nøst, A. Stien, Q. Zhou, C. Lydersen, K.M. Kovacs and O.A. Nøst. (2010). Effects of Hydrographic Variability on the Spatial, Seasonal and Diel Diving Patterns of Southern Elephant Seals in the Eastern Weddell Sea. Plos One 5 (11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013816.

Biuw, M., C. Lydersen, P.J.N. De Bruyn, A. Arriola, G. Hofmeyr, P. Kritzinger and K.M. Kovacs. (2010). Long-Range Migration of a Chinstrap Penguin from Bouvetoya to Montagu Island, South Sandwich Islands. Antarctic Science 22 (2): 157–62. doi:10.1017/s0954102009990605.

Boehme, L., K. Kovacs, C. Lydersen, O.A. Nøst, M. Biuw, J.B. Charrassin, F. Roquet, et al. (2010). Biologging in the Global Ocean Observing System. In Proceedings of OceanObs09 Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society Vol 2. European Space Agency. http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/14472/.

Charrassin, J.B., F. Roquet, Y.H. Park, F. Bailleul, C. Guinet, M.M. Meredith, K. Nicholls, et al. (2010). New Insights into Southern Ocean Physical and Biological Processes Revealed by Instrumented Elephant Seals.” In Wildlife Research. European Space Agency. http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/14473/.

Biuw, M., B.A. Krafft, G. Hofmeyr, C. Lydersen and K.M. Kovacs. (2009). Time Budgets and at-Sea Behaviour of Lactating Female Antarctic Fur Seals Arctocephalus Gazella at Bouvetoya. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 385: 271–84. doi:10.3354/meps08025.

Boehme, L., P. Lovell, M. Biuw, F. Roquet, J. Nicholson, S.E. Thorpe, M.P. Meredith and M. Fedak. (2009). Animal-Borne CTD-Satellite Relay Data Loggers for Real-Time Oceanographic Data Collection. Ocean Science 5 (4): 685–95. doi:10.5194/os-5-685-2009.

Graves, J.A., A. Helyar, M. Biuw, M. Jussi, I. Jussi and O. Karlsson. (2009). Microsatellite and mtDNA Analysis of the Population Structure of Grey Seals (Halichoerus Grypus) from Three Breeding Areas in the Baltic Sea. Conservation Genetics 10 (1): 59–68. doi:10.1007/s10592-008-9517-1.

Boehme, L., M.P. Meredith, S.E. Thorpe, M. Biuw and M. Fedak. (2008). The Antarctic Circumpolar Current Frontal System in the South Atlantic: Monitoring Using Merged Argo and Animal-Borne Sensor Data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 113 (C9). doi:10.1029/2007jc004647.

Boehme, L., S.E. Thorpe, M. Biuw, M. Fedak and M.P. Meredith. (2008). Monitoring Drake Passage with Elephant Seals: Frontal Structures and Snapshots of Transport. Limnology and Oceanography 53 (5): 2350–60. doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2350.

Charrassin, J.B, M. Hindell, S.R. Rintoul, F. Roquet, S. Sokolov, M. Biuw, D. Costa, et al.  (2008). Southern Ocean Frontal Structure and Sea-Ice Formation Rates Revealed by Elephant Seals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (33): 11634–39. doi:10.1073/pnas.0800790105.

Nicholls, K.W., L. Boehme, M. Biuw and M.A. Fedak. (2008). Wintertime Ocean Conditions over the Southern Weddell Sea Continental Shelf, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters 35 (21). doi:10.1029/2008gl035742.

Bailleul, F., J.B. Charrassin, P. Monestiez, F. Roquet, M. Biuw and C. Guinet. (2007). Successful Foraging Zones of Southern Elephant Seals from the Kerguelen Islands in Relation to Oceanographic Conditions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 362 (1487): 2169–81. doi:10.1098/rstb.2007.2109.

Biuw, M., L. Boehme, C. Guinet, M. Hindell, D. Costa, J.B. Charrassin, F. Roquet et al. (2007). Variations in Behavior and Condition of a Southern Ocean Top Predator in Relation to in Situ Oceanographic Conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (34): 13705–10. doi:10.1073/pnas.0701121104.

Gallon, S.L., C.E. Sparling, J.Y. Georges, M.A. Fedak, M. Biuw and D. Thompson. (2007). How Fast Does a Seal Swim? Variations in Swimming Behaviour under Differing Foraging Conditions. Journal of Experimental Biology 210 (18): 3285–94. doi:10.1242/jeb.007542.

Hooker, S.K., M. Biuw, B. J. McConnell, P.J. Miller and C.E. Sparling. (2007). Bio-Logging Science: Logging and Relaying Physical and Biological Data Using Animal-Attached Tags. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 54 (3–4): 177–82. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.01.001.

Fedak, M., P. Lovell, J. Nicholson, M Biuw, L. Bohme and K.M. Kovacs. (2006). Enlisting Marine Mammals as Oceanographic Explorers: Unique CTD Profilers for IPY. Geophysical Research Abstracts 8: 8935. https://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU06/08935/EGU06-J-08935.pdf.

Biuw, M, B. McConnell, C.J.A. Bradshaw, H. Burton and M. Fedak. (2003). Blubber and Buoyancy: Monitoring the Body Condition of Free-Ranging Seals Using Simple Dive Characteristics. Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (19): 3405–23. doi:10.1242/jeb.00583.



ICES. (2019). Report of the Joint ICES/NAFO/NAMMCO Working Group on Harp and Hooded Seals (WGHARP), 2-6 Sept. 2019, Tromsø, Norway, 1(72), 193 pp. http://doi.org/10.17895/ices.pub.5617

Dahl-Hansen, I.E., Falk, A.H., Dahl-Hansen, G., Falk-Petersen, S. & Biuw, M. (2014) Utbygging og drift av Johan Castberg - Virkninger for marint naturmiljø. Development and operation of Johan Castberg – Consequences on the natural environment. Akvaplan-niva Report 6397-02. 99 pp.

Biuw, M., Weissenberger, J., Carroll, J.L., Aniceto, A.S. & Bluhm, K. (2014) Scoping Workshop on Marine Mammal Detection methodologies in use or under consideration by the petroleum industry. Proceedings from a workshop held at Statoil's Fornebu offices, March 25-26, 2014.

Rintoul S.R., Sparrow M., M.P. Meredith Wright L.S. (2012) The Southern Ocean Observing System: Initial science and implementation strategy. Contribution to Section on Animal-borne Sensors p. 38-40. SCAR/SCOR Report.

Biuw, M., Hooker, S.K., McConnell, B.J., Miller, P.J.O. & Sparling, C.E. (2007) Bio-logging Science: Logging and Relaying Physical and Biological Data Using Animal-Attached Tags - Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Bio-logging Science, St Andrews, 13-16 June, 2005. Deep-Sea Research II, 54 (3-4), 177-436 (February 2007)




Biuw M. Strategies, networking and career moves in polar science. Association of Polar Early Career

Scientists (APECS) Social Meeting, Tromsø, Norway, 05 May, 2010.

Biuw M., Observational approaches to vertical movements of predators and prey in relation to physi- cal/chemical structures, Workshop on Ocean Biology Observatories, Mestre, Italy, 16-18 Sep, 2009.

Biuw M. and Ausubel J. Census of Marine Life: the known, the unknown, the unknowable. Can we use marine animals as oceanographic platforms? Invited guest at the 12th session of the GCOSGOOS- WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate, IOC/UNESCO, Paris, France, 2-5 May, 2007.

Biuw M. Coping with energetic constraints in a dynamic and unpredictable environment: Ontogeny and individual variations in foraging strategies. Opening plenary, 19th Biennial Conference of the

European Cetacean Society, La Rochelle, 2-7 Apr, 2005.

Biuw M. Nordnorske fjorder: Ny(-gammel) hotspot for sild og hval. Forskernatt Framsenteret, Sep 25th,


Biuw M. et al. weShare: Ecological and commercial implications of extreme winter arrivals of herring and whales into North-Norwegian fjord systems. Presentation to Sjøpattedyrutvalget (Norwegian Governmental Marine Mammal Advisory Board), Tromsø, Oct 13, 2016.




Royal Society Science Exhibition (2006) What Ahab Never Saw

Forskningsdagane Tromsø (2008). MEOP

Forskningsdagane Tromsø (2014). Arktiske sjøpattedyr

Forskningsdagane Tromsø (2015). COEXIST


Academic articles


A food-web assessment model for marine mammals, fish, and fisheries in the Norwegian and Barents Seas

Benjamin Planque, Lucas Johannes Bas, Martin Biuw, Marie-Anne Ermeline Blanchet, Bjarte Bogstad, Elena Eriksen, Hilaire Drouineau, Cecilie Hansen Eide, Berengere Husson, Erik Askov Mousing, Christian Mullon, Torstein Pedersen, Morten D. Skogen, Aril Slotte, Arved Staby, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm
Progress in Oceanography 229

Previous, current and future monitoring and management of common minke whales in Norway

Nils Inge Øien, Martin Biuw, Arne Jostein Bjørge, Tore Haug, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Hans Julius Skaug, Hiroko Kato Solvang
NAMMCO scientific publications 13

A food-web assessment model for marine mammals, fish, and fisheries in the Norwegian and Barents Seas

Benjamin Planque, Lucas Johannes Bas, Martin Biuw, Marie-Anne Ermeline Blanchet, Bjarte Bogstad, Elena Eriksen, Hilaire Drouineau, Cecilie Hansen Eide, Berengere Husson, Erik Askov Mousing, Torstein Pedersen, Morten D. Skogen, Aril Slotte, Arved Staby, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm
Progress in Oceanography 229


Nils Inge Øien, Martin Biuw, Arne Jostein Bjørge, Tore Haug, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Hans Julius Skaug, Hiroko Kato Solvang
NAMMCO scientific publications 13

Characterizing humpback whale behavior along the North-Norwegian coast

Ingvild Ytterhus Utengen, Emma Frances Vogel, Martin Biuw, Meghan Van Ruiten, Audun Håvard Rikardsen
Animal Biotelemetry 12

Characterizing humpback whale behavior along the North-Norwegian coast

Ingvild Ytterhus Utengen, Emma Frances Vogel, Martin Biuw, Meghan Van Ruiten, Audun Håvard Rikardsen
Animal Biotelemetry

Categorical data analysis using discretization of continuous variables to investigate associations in marine ecosystems

Hiroko Kato Solvang, Shinpei Imori, Martin Biuw, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Tore Haug

Trophic interactions between common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and their prey during summer in the northern Barents Sea

Tore Haug, Martin Biuw, Kit M. Kovacs, Lotta Lindblom, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Christian Lydersen, Kirsteen MacKenzie, Sonnich Meier
Progress in Oceanography

Norwegian killer whale movements reflect their different prey types

Emma Frances Vogel, Audun H. Rikardsen, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Pierre Blévin, Martin Biuw
Polar Research 43

Estimated summer abundance and krill consumption of fin whales throughout the Scotia Sea during the 2018/2019 summer season

Martin Biuw, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Jennifer A. Jackson, Mick Baines, Nat Kelly, George McCallum, Georg Skaret, Bjørn Arne Krafft
Scientific Reports 14

Research Priorities as exercised from the Norwegian RV Kronprins Haakon during the Multinational Large-Scale Krill Survey in CCAMLR area 48, 2018/2019

Bjørn Arne Krafft, Tor Knutsen, Gavin John Macaulay, Georg Skaret, Kjell Gunnar Bakkeplass, Andrew Lowther, Martin Biuw, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Thor Aleksander Klevjer, Terje Berge, Melissa Chierici, Angelika Renner, Rune Øyerhamn, Juan Höfer, Geir Huse
CCAMLR science 24 p. 19-34

Research priorities as exercised from the Norwegian RV Kronprins Haakon during the Multinational Large-Scale Krill Survey in CCAMLR area 48, 2018/2019

Bjørn Arne Krafft, Tor Knutsen, Gavin John Macaulay, Georg Skaret, Kjell Gunnar Bakkeplass, Andrew Lowther, Martin Biuw, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Thor Aleksander Klevjer, Terje Berge, Melissa Chierici, Angelika Renner, Rune Øyerhamn, Juan Höfer, Geir Huse
CCAMLR science

Non-lunge feeding behaviour of humpback whales associated with fishing boats in Norway

Takashi Iwata, Kagari Aoki, Patrick J. O. Miller, Martin Biuw, Michael J. Williamson, Katsufumi Sato

Large-scale seabird community structure along oceanographic gradients in the Scotia Sea and northern Antarctic Peninsula

Victoria Marja Sofia Ollus, Martin Biuw, Andrew Lowther, Per Fauchald, Johannessen John Elling Deehr, Lucía Martina Martín López, Kalliopi C. Gkikopoulou, W. Chris Oosthuizen, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm
Frontiers in Marine Science 10

Foraging movements of humpback whales relate to the lateral and vertical distribution of capelin in the Barents Sea

Emma Vogel, Stine Skalmerud, Martin Biuw, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Lars Kleivane, Georg Skaret, Nils Inge Øien, Audun H. Rikardsen
Frontiers in Marine Science 10

Don't mind if I do: Arctic humpback whales respond to winter foraging opportunities before migration

Lisa Elena Kettemer, Theresia Ramm, Fredrik Björn Broms, Martin Biuw, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Sophie Bourgeon, Paul Dubourg, Anna C. J. Ellendersen, Mathilde Horaud, Joanna Kershaw, Patrick J. O. Miller, Nils Inge Øien, Logan J. Pallin, Audun H. Rikardsen
Royal Society Open Science 10

Multi-decadal trends in biomarkers in harp seal teeth from the North Atlantic reveal the influence of prey availability on seal trophic position

Camille de la Vega, Joanna Kershaw, Garry B. Stenson, Anne Kirstine Højholt Frie, Martin Biuw, Tore Haug, Louisa Norman, Claire Mahaffey, Sophie Smout, Rachel M. Jeffreys
Global Change Biology

A dataset of direct observations of sea ice drift and waves in ice

Jean Rabault, Malte Müller, Joey Voermans, Dmitry Brazhnikov, Ian Turnbull, Aleksey Marchenko, Martin Biuw, Takehiko Nose, Takuji Waseda, Malin Johansson, Øyvind Breivik, Graig Sutherland, Lars Robert Hole, Mark Johnson, Atle Jensen, Olav Gundersen, Yngve Kristoffersen, Alexander Babanin, Paulina Souza Tedesco, Kai Håkon Christensen, Martin Kristiansen, Gaute Hope, Tsubasa Kodaira, Victor Cesar Martins de Aguiar, Catherine Cecilia A Taelman, Cornelius Patrick Quigley, Kirill Filchuk, Andrew R. Mahoney
Scientific Data 10

A dataset of direct observations of sea ice drift and waves in ice

Jean Rabault, Malte Müller, Joey Voermans, Dmitry Brazhnikov, Ian D. Turnbull, Aleksey Marchenko, Martin Biuw, Takehiko Nose, Takuji Waseda, Malin Johansson, Øyvind Breivik, Graig Sutherland, Lars Robert Hole, Mark Johnson, Atle Jensen, Olav Gundersen, Yngve Kristoffersen, Alexander Babanin, Paulina Souza Tedesco, Kai Håkon Christensen, Martin Kristiansen, Gaute Hope, Tsubasa Kodaira, Victor Cesar Martins de Aguiar, Catherine Cecilia A Taelman, Cornelius Patrick Quigley, Kirill Filchuk, Andrew R. Mahoney
Scientific Data 10 p. 1-17

Body condition changes at sea: Onboard calculation and telemetry of body density in diving animals

Taiki Adachi, Philip Lovell, James Turnbull, Mike A. Fedak, Baptiste Picard, Christophe Guinet, Martin Biuw, Theresa R. Keates, Rachel R. Holser, Daniel P. Costa, Daniel E. Crocker, Patrick J. O. Miller
Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Nutrient concentrations in minke whale faeces and the potential impact on dissolved nutrient pools off Svalbard, Norway

Carla Freitas, Kjell Gundersen, Lotta Lindblom, Martin Biuw, Tore Haug
Progress in Oceanography 210

Assessing the viability of estimating baleen whale abundance from tourist vessels

Angus Fleetwood Henderson, Mark Andrew Hindell, Simon Wotherspoon, Martin Biuw, Mary-Anne Lea, Nat Kelly, Andrew Lowther
Frontiers in Marine Science 10

Environmental drivers of population-level variation in the migratory and diving ontogeny of an Arctic top predator

W. James Grecian, Garry B. Stenson, Martin Biuw, Lars Boehme, Lars Folkow, Pierre J. Goulet, Ian D. Jonsen, Aleksander Malde, Erling Sverre Nordøy, Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid, Sophie Smout
Royal Society Open Science 9

Intra-season variations in distribution and abundance of humpback whales in the West Antarctic Peninsula using cruise vessels as opportunistic platforms

Johannessen John Elling Deehr, Martin Biuw, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Victoria Marja Sofia Ollus, Lucía Martina Martín López, Kalliopi C. Gkikopoulou, Wessel Chris Oosthuizen, Andrew Lowther
Ecology and Evolution 12

Niches of marine mammals in the European Arctic

Kirsteen M. MacKenzie, Christian Lydersen, Tore Haug, Heli Anna Irmeli Routti, Jon Aars, Clare Margaret Andvik, Katrine Borgå, A.T. Fisk, Sonnich Meier, Martin Biuw, Andrew Lowther, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Kit M. Kovacs
Ecological Indicators 136

Multi-decadal environmental change in the Barents Sea recorded by seal teeth

Camille de la Vega, Pearse J. Buchanan, Alessandro Tagliabue, Joanne E. Hopkins, Rachel M. Jeffreys, Anne Kirstine Højholt Frie, Martin Biuw, Joanna Kershaw, James Grecian, Louisa Norman, Sophie Smout, Tore Haug, Claire Mahaffey
Global Change Biology 28 p. 3054-3065

Round-trip migration and energy budget of a breeding female humpback whale in the Northeast Atlantic

Lisa Elena Kettemer, Audun Rikardsen, Martin Biuw, Fredrik Björn Broms, Evert Mul, Marie-Anne Blanchet

Marine mammal hotspots across the circumpolar Arctic

Charmain D. Hamilton, Christian Lydersen, Jon Aars, Mario Acquarone, Todd Atwood, Alastair Baylis, Martin Biuw, Andrei N. Boltunov, Erik W. Born, Peter Boveng, Tanya M. Brown, Michael Cameron, John Citta, Justin Crawford, Rune Dietz, Jim Elias, Steven H. Ferguson, Aaron Fisk, Lars Folkow, Kathryn J. Frost, Dmitri M. Glazov, Sandra M. Granquist, Rowenna Gryba, Lois Harwood, Tore Haug, Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen, Nigel E. Hussey, Jimmy Kalinek, Kristin L. Laidre, Dennis I. Litovka, Josh M. London, Lisa L. Loseto, Shannon MacPhee, Marianne Marcoux, Cory J. D. Matthews, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Erling Sverre Nordøy, Greg O’Corry-Crowe, Nils Inge Øien, Morten Tange Olsen, Lori Quakenbush, Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid, Varvara Semenova, Kim E. W. Shelden, Olga V. Shpak, Garry Stenson, Luke Storrie, Signe Sveegaard, Jonas Teilmann, Fernando Ugarte, Andrew L. Von Duyke, Cortney Watt, Øystein Wiig, Ryan R. Wilson, David J. Yurkowski, Kit M. Kovacs
Diversity and Distributions: A journal of biological invasions and biodiversity 28 p. 2729-2753

Marine mammal consumption and fisheries removals in the Nordic and Barents Seas

Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Martin Biuw, Bjarki Elvarsson, Thorvaldur Gunnlaugsson, Tore Haug, Kit M. Kovacs, Christian Lydersen, Margaret McBride, Bjarni Mikkelsen, Nils Inge Øien, Gísli Víkingsson
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 p. 1583-1603

Identifying seasonal distribution patterns of fin whales across the Scotia Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula region using a novel approach combining habitat suitability models and ensemble learning methods

Sacha Viquerat, Claire M. Waluda, Amy S. Kennedy, Jennifer A. Jackson, Marta Hevia, Emma L. Carroll, Danielle L. Buss, Elke Burkhardt, Scott Thain, Patrick Smith, Eduardo R. Secchi, Jarrod A. Santora, Christian Reiss, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Bjørn Arne Krafft, George Gittins, Luciano Dalla Rosa, Martin Biuw, Helena Herr
Frontiers in Marine Science 9

Recent Harp and Hooded Seal Pup Production Estimates in the Greenland Sea Suggest Ecology-Driven Declines

Martin Biuw, Tor Arne Øigård, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Garry Stenson, Lotta Lindblom, Michael Tino Poltermann, Martin Kristiansen, Tore Haug
NAMMCO scientific publications 12

Recent harp and hooded seal pup production estimates in the Greenland Sea suggest ecology-driven declines

Biuw, Martin Øigård, Tor Arne Nilssen, Kjell Tormod Stenson, Garry Lindblom, Lotta Poltermann, Michael
NAMMCO Scientific Publications 12 p. 1-15

Intra-season variations in distribution and abundance of humpback whales in the West Antarctic Peninsula using cruise vessels as opportunistic platforms

Johannessen, E Biuw, M Lindstrøm, U Ollus, V Lopez, L Gkikopoulou, K Oosthuizen, C Lowther, A
Ecology and Evolution 12:e8571 p. 1-13

Aerial photogrammetry and tag-derived tissue density reveal patterns of lipid-store body condition of humpback whales on their feeding grounds

Kagari Aoki, Saana Isojunno, Charlotte Bellot, Takashi Iwata, Joanna Kershaw, Yu Akiyama, Lucía M. Martín López, Christian Ramp, Martin Biuw, René Swift, Paul J. Wensveen, Patrick Pomeroy, Tomoko Narazaki, Ailsa J. Hall, Katsufumi Sato, Patrick J.O. Miller
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 288

Population abundance of recovering humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae and other baleen whales in the Scotia Arc, South Atlantic

Mick Baines, Natalie Kelly, Maren Reichelt, Claire Lacey, Simon Pinder, Sophie Fielding, Eugene Murphy, Phil Trathan, Martin Biuw, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Bjørn Arne Krafft, Jennifer A. Jackson
Marine Ecology Progress Series 676 p. 77-94

Indication that the behavioural responses of humpback whales to killer whale sounds are influenced by trophic relationships

Benjamin Benti, Patrick J.O. Miller, Martin Biuw, Charlotte Curé
Marine Ecology Progress Series 660 p. 217-232

Report of the NAMMCO-ICES Workshop on Seal Modelling (WKSEALS 2020)

Sophie Smout, Kimberly Murray, Geert Aarts, Martin Biuw, Sophie Brasseur, Alejandro Buren, Fanny Empacher, Anne Kirstine Højholt Frie, James Grecian, Mike Hammill, Bjarni Mikkelsen, Arnaud Mosnier, Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid, Debbie Russell, Hans Julius Skaug, Garry Stenson, Len Thomas, Jay Ver Hoef, Lars Witting, Vladimir Zabavnikov, Tor Arne Øigård, Ruth Fernandez, Fern Wickson
NAMMCO scientific publications

Marine mammal hotspots in the Greenland and Barents Seas

Charmain Danielle Hamilton, Christian Lydersen, Jon Aars, Martin Biuw, Andrei Boltunov, Erik W. Born, Rune Dietz, Lars Folkow, Dmitry M. Glazov, Tore Haug, Mads-Peter Heide-Jørgensen, Lisa Elena Kettemer, Kristin L. Laidre, Nils Inge Øien, Erling Sverre Nordøy, Audun H. Rikardsen, Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid, Varvara Semenova, Olga V. Shpak, Signe Sveegaard, Fernando Ugarte, Øystein Wiig, Kit M. Kovacs
Marine Ecology Progress Series 659 p. 3-28

Salmon louse infestation levels on sea trout can be predicted from a hydrodynamic lice dispersal model

Thomas Bøhn, Rune Nilsen, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Martin Biuw, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Raul Primicerio, Ørjan Karlsen, Rosa Maria Serra Llinares
Journal of Applied Ecology p. 1-11

Killer whale movements on the Norwegian shelf are associated with herring density

Emma Vogel, Martin Biuw, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Ian D. Jonsen, Evert Mul, Espen Johnsen, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Morten Tange Olsen, Rune Dietz, Audun Rikardsen

Using an omnidirectional video logger to observe the underwater life of marine animals: Humpback whale resting behaviour

Takashi Iwata, Martin Biuw, Kagari Aoki, Patrick J.O. Miller, Katsufumi Sato
Behavioural Processes 186 p. 1-5

Antarctic krill Euphausia superba: spatial distribution, abundance, and management of fisheries in a changing climate

Margaret McBride, Olav Schram Stokke, Angelika Renner, Bjørn Arne Krafft, Odd Aksel Bergstad, Martin Biuw, Andrew Lowther, Jan Erik Stiansen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 668 p. 185-214

Harp seal body condition and trophic interactions with prey in Norwegian high Arctic waters in early autumn

Tore Haug, Martin Biuw, Harald Gjøsæter, Tor Knutsen, Ulf Lindstrøm, Kirsteen M. MacKenzie, Sonnich Meier, Kjell Tormod Nilssen
Progress in Oceanography 191

Arctic Marine Data Collection Using Oceanic Gliders: Providing Ecological Context to Cetacean Vocalizations

Ana Sofia Aniceto, Geir Pedersen, Raul Primicerio, Martin Biuw, Ulf Lindstrøm, Lionel Camus
Frontiers in Marine Science 7

Arctic seals as tracers of environmental and ecological change

Camille de la Vega, Claire Mahaffey, Robyn E. Tuerena, David J. Yurkowski, Steven H. Ferguson, Garry B. Stenson, Erling Sverre Nordøy, Tore Haug, Martin Biuw, Sophie Smout, Jo Hopkins, Alessandro Tagliabue, Rachel M. Jeffreys
Limnology and Oceanography Letters

Migratory and diurnal activity of North Atlantic killer whales (Orcinus orca) off northern Norway

Rune Dietz, Audun H. Rikardsen, Martin Biuw, Lars Kleivane, Christina Lehmkuhl Noer, Dominique Stalder, Floris M. van Beest, Frank Rigét, Christian Sonne, Martin Hansen, Hanne Strager, Morten Tange Olsen
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 533 p. 1-13

Killer whales are attracted to herring fishing vessels

Evert Mul, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Brett McClintock, James Grecian, Martin Biuw, Audun H. Rikardsen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 652 p. 1-13

Seasonal dynamics of carbonate chemistry, nutrients and CO2 uptake in a sub-Arctic fjord

Elizabeth Marie Jones, Angelika Renner, Melissa Chierici, Ingrid Wiedmann, helene Hodal, Martin Biuw
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 8

Estimating the spatial distribution of vocalizing animals from ambient sound spectra using widely spaced recorder arrays and inverse modelling

Sebastian Menze, Daniel P. Zitterbart, Martin Biuw, Olaf Boebel
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146 p. 4699-4717

Animal-borne telemetry: An integral component of the ocean observing toolkit

Rob Harcourt, Ana M.M. Sequeira, Xuelei Zhang, Fabien Roquet, Kosei Komatsu, Michelle Heupel, Clive McMahon, Fred Whoriskey, Mark Meekan, Gemma Carroll, Stephanie Brodie, Colin Simpfendorfer, Mark Hindell, Ian Jonsen, Daniel P. Costa, Barbara Block, Mônica Muelbert, Bill Woodward, Mike Weise, Kim Aarestrup, Martin Biuw, Lars Boehme, Steven J. Bograd, Dorian Cazau, Jean-Benoit Charrassin, Steven J. Cooke, Paul Cowley, P.J. Nico de Bruyn, Tiphaine Jeanniard du Dot, Carlos Duarte, Victor M. Eguíluz, Luciana C. Ferreira, Juan Fernández-Gracia, Kimberly Goetz, Yusuke Goto, Christophe Guinet, Mike Hammill, Graeme C. Hays, Elliott L. Hazen, Luis A. Hückstädt, Charlie Huveneers, Sara Iverson, Saifullah Arifin Jaaman, Kongkiat Kittiwattanawong, Kit M. Kovacs, Christian Lydersen, Tim Moltmann, Masaru Naruoka, Lachlan Phillips, Baptiste Picard, Nuno Queiroz, Gilles Reverdin, Katsufumi Sato, David W. Sims, Eva Bonsak Thorstad, Michele Thums, Anne M. Treasure, Andrew W. Trites, Guy D. Williams, Yoshinari Yonehara, Mike A. Fedak
Frontiers in Marine Science 6:326 p. 1-|21

Implications of tag positioning and performance on the analysis of cetacean movement

Evert Mul, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Martin Biuw, Audun H. Rikardsen
Animal Biotelemetry 7

A review of unmanned vehicles for the detection and monitoring of marine fauna

Ursula Verfuss, Ana Sofia Aniceto, Danielle Harris, Douglas Gillespie, Sophie Fielding, Guillermo Jiménez, Phil Johnston, Rachael R. Sinclair, Agnar Holten Sivertsen, Stian Solbø, Rune Storvold, Martin Biuw, Roy Wyatt
Marine Pollution Bulletin 140 p. 17-29

Seasonal ecology in ice-covered Arctic seas - Considerations for spill response decision making

Magnus Aune, Ana Sofia Aniceto, Martin Biuw, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Stig Falk-Petersen, Eva Leu, Camilla Ottesen, Kjetil Sagerup, Lionel Camus
Marine Environmental Research

Seasonal ecology in ice-covered Arctic seas - Considerations for spill response decision making

Magnus Aune, Ana Sofia Aniceto, Martin Biuw, Malin Daase, Stig Falk-Petersen, Eva Leu, Camilla Ottesen, Kjetil Sagerup, Lionel Camus
Marine Environmental Research 141 p. 275-288

Monitoring marine mammals using unmanned aerial vehicles: Quantifying detection certainty

Ana Sofia Aniceto, Martin Biuw, Ulf Lindstrøm, Stian Solbø, Fredrik Björn Broms, JoLynn Carroll
Ecosphere 9 p. 1-15

Monitoring marine mammals using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): quantifying detection certainty

Ana Sofia Aniceto, Martin Biuw, Ulf Lindstrøm, Stian Solbø, Fredrik Björn Broms, JoLynn Carroll
Ecosphere 9

A life after research? First release of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) after temporary captivity for scientific purposes

Marie-Anne Blanchet, Mario Acquarone, Martin Biuw, Roger B. Larsen, Erling Sverre Nordøy, Lars Folkow
Aquatic Mammals 44 p. 343-356

Hooded seal Cystophora cristata foraging areas in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean—Investigated using three complementary methods

Jade Vacquie-Garcia, Christian Lydersen, Martin Biuw, Tore Haug, Michael A. Fedak, Kit M. Kovacs
PLOS ONE 12 p. 1-23

Spatial distribution of Svalbard rock ptarmigan based on a predictive multi-scale habitat model

Åshild Ønvik Pedersen, Eva Fuglei, Maria Hörnell Willebrand, Martin Biuw, Jane Uhd Jepsen
Wildlife Biology 2017

Bimodal winter haul-out patterns of adult Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in the southern Weddell Sea

Lars Boehme, Amy Baker, Michael Fedak, Marius Årthun, Keith W. Nicholls, Patrick Robinson, Dan Costa, Martin Biuw, Theoni Photopoulou

Instrumentation and handling effects on Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazalla).

Marie-Anne Blanchet, Martin Biuw, Lydersen Christian, Kovacs Kit, Nico de Bruyn P.J., Hofmeyr Greg
Polar Research

Wind-driven spreading of fresh surface water beneath ice shelves in the Eastern Weddell Sea

Qin Zhou, Tore Hattermann, Ole Anders Nøst, Erik Martin Biuw, Kit Kovacs, Christian Lydersen
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 119 p. 3818-3833

Post-breeding at-sea movements of three central-place foragers in relation to submesoscale fronts in the Southern Ocean around Bouvetøya

Andrew D. Lowther, Christian Lydersen, Erik Martin Biuw, P.J. Nico de Bruyn, Greg J.G. Hofmeyr, Kit M. Kovacs
Antarctic Science 26 p. 533-544

Improving time budget estimates through the behavioural interpretation of dive bouts in harbour seals

Virginie Ramasco, Erik Martin Biuw, Kjell Tormod Nilssen
Animal Behaviour 94 p. 117-134

Instrumentation and handling effects on Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella)

Marie Ann Blanchet, Christian Lydersen, Erik Martin Biuw, P.J. Nico de Bruyn, Greg Hofmeyr, Bjørn Arne Krafft, Kit M. Kovacs
Polar Research 33:21630

Numerical responses of saproxylic beetles to rapid increases in dead wood availability following geometrid moth outbreaks in sub-arctic mountain birch forest

Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad, Sabrina Schultze, Jane Uhd Jepsen, Erik Martin Biuw, Lauri Teemu Kapari, Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, Rolf Anker Ims

Long-term Impacts of Contrasting Management of Large Ungulates in the Arctic Tundra-Forest Ecotone: Ecosystem Structure and Climate Feedback

Erik Martin Biuw, Jane Uhd Jepsen, Juval Cohen, Saija H. Ahonen, Mysore V Tejesvi, Sami Aikio, Piippa R. Wäli, Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad, Annamari Markkola, Pekka Niemelä, Rolf Anker Ims
Ecosystems 17 p. 890-905

Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) breeding habitat use in northern Sweden

Åshild Ønvik Pedersen, Marie-Anne Ermeline Blanchet, Maria Hörnell Willebrand, Jane Uhd Jepsen, Erik Martin Biuw, Eva Fuglei
Journal of Ornithology 155 p. 195-209

At-sea behaviour of three krill predators breeding at Bouvetøya- Antarctic fur seals, macaroni penguins and chinstrap penguins

Marie-Anne Blanchet, Martin Biuw, G. J. Greg Hofmeyr, P. J. Nico De Bruyn, Christian Lydersen, Kit M. Kovacs
Marine Ecology Progress Series 477 p. 285-302

Control of Mode and Intermediate Water Mass Properties in Drake Passage by the Amundsen Sea Low

Sally E. Close, Alberto C. Naveira Garabato, Elaine L. McDonagh, Brian A. King, Erik Martin Biuw, Lars Boehme
Journal of Climate 26 p. 5102-5123

Selective blubber fatty acid mobilization in lactating gray seals (Halichoerus grypus)

Aline Arriola, Erik Martin Biuw, Mike Walton, Simon Moss, Patrick Pomeroy
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86 p. 441-450

At-sea behavior of three krill predators breeding at Bouvetøya: Antarctic fur seals,macaroni penguins and chinstrap penguins

Marie-Anne Blanchet, Erik Martin Biuw, Greg Hoffmeyr, P.J.N de Bruyn, Christian Lydersen, Kit M. Kovacs
Marine Ecology Progress Series

Ecosystem Impacts of a Range Expanding Forest Defoliator at the Forest-Tundra Ecotone

Jane Uhd Jepsen, Erik Martin Biuw, Rolf Anker Ims, Lauri Teemu Kapari, Tino Schott, Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad, Snorre Hagen
Ecosystems 16 p. 561-575

Effects of Hydrographic Variability on the Spatial, Seasonal and Diel Diving Patterns of Southern Elephant Seals in the Eastern Weddell Sea

Martin Biuw, Ole Andres Nøst, Audun Stien, Qin Zhou, Christian Lydersen, Kit M. Kovacs

Time budgets and at-sea behaviour of lactating female Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella at Bouvetoya

Martin Biuw, Bjørn Arne Krafft, GJG Hofmeyr, Christian Lydersen, Kit Kovacs
Marine Ecology Progress Series 385 p. 271-284

Scientific lectures


Develop methods for the co-existence of large baleen whales with a sustainable krill fishery

Bjørn Arne Krafft, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Martin Biuw, Andrew Lowther

Return of the gients: Summer abundance of fin whales in the Scotie Sea

Martin Biuw, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, ja jackson, Mick Baines, n kelly, g mccallum, Georg Skaret, Bjørn Arne Krafft

Seasonal dynamics in hydrography and biogeochemical cycling in a sub-Arctic fjord

Elizabeth Marie Jones, Angelika Renner, Melissa Chierici, Ingrid Wiedmann, Martin Biuw

Norwegian and Russian catches of harp and hooded seals in the Northeast Atlantic in 2017-2019.

Tore Haug, Martin Biuw, Vladimir Zabavnikov

The respiratory physiology of the harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus): Total lung capacity, anatomical dead space, and ventilatory response to exercise

Judith Ullmann, Martin Biuw, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Mario Acquarone, Lars Folkow

An integrated ecosystem understanding of a northern fjord receiving massive winter herring and whale arrivals (weShare, WHALE, EFFECT projects in the Fram Centre Fjord & Coast flagship)

Martin Biuw, Paul Eric Renaud, Angelika Renner, Ingrid Wiedmann, Jofrid Skardhamar, Q. Zhou, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Elizabeth Jones, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Evert Mul, Zoe Walker

Fjord i Nord Symposium

Martin Biuw, Paul Eric Renaud, Angelika Renner, Ingrid Wiedmann, Jofrid Skardhamar, Q. Zhou, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Elizabeth Jones, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Evert Mul, Zoe Walker

Fjord i Nord Symposium

Martin Biuw, Paul Eric Renaud, Angelika Renner, Ingrid Wiedmann, Jofrid Skardhamar, Q. Zhou, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Elizabeth Jones, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Evert Mul, Zoe Walker

A humpback whale utilizes fishing boats to forage on herring.

Takashi Iwata, K. Aoki, Patrick J.O. Miller, Martin Biuw, Mike Williamson, K. Sato

Vocal discrimination of fish- and mammal-eating killer whales sounds by humpback and pilot whales,

Charlotte Curé, Patrick J.O. Miller, Saana Isojunno, Benjamin Benti, Fleur Visser, Heike Vester, N Biassoni, Martin Biuw

Do porpoises have a biological clock?

Evert Mul, Ronald Smit, Geert Aarts, Martin Biuw, Mario Acquarone, Meike Scheidat

Validation of acceleration-based body density and energy expenditure estimates of diving harp seals in a semi-natural facility

Martin Biuw, Mario Acquarone, Lars Folkow, Erling Sverre Nordøy, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Ippei Suzuki, K Aoki, Andreas Fahlman, K. Sato, Ryan James Dillon, Michael A. Fedak, Patrick J.O. Miller

First release of harp seals after temporary captivity for research purposes

Marie-Anne Blanchet, Mario Acquarone, Martin Biuw, Roger B. Larsen, Erling Sverre Nordøy, Lars Folkow

Quantifying whale detection uncertainty in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) observations

Ana Sofia Aniceto, Martin Biuw, Ulf Lindstrøm, Stian Solbø, Fredrik Björn Broms, JoLynn Carroll

Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Marine Mammal Surveys in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions

Ana Sofia Aniceto, Martin Biuw, Ulf Lindstrøm, JoLynn Carroll

Encountering whales: encountering compassion and conflicts’

Britt Kramvig, Berit Kristoffersen, Fredrik Björn Broms, Martin Biuw

Comparing gross body composition of harp seals from computed tomography, isotope dilution and dissection

Mario Acquarone, Martin Biuw, Erling Sverre Nordøy, K. Aoki, P Schotts, KA Johansen, Sven Weum, Rune Sundset, Lars Folkow

COAT - Climate- ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra

Audun Stien, Kari Anne Bråthen, Elisabeth J. Cooper, Dorothee Ehrich, Vera Helene Hausner, John-André Henden, Rolf Anker Ims, Ingrid Jensvoll, Siw Turid Killengreen, Virve Ravolainen, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz, Martin Biuw, Per Fauchald, Jane Uhd Jepsen, Ingunn Tombre, Torkild Tveraa, Eva Fuglei, Jack Kohler, Åshild Ø. Pedersen, Steve Coulson, Pernille Bronken Eidesen, Eike Müller, Ole Einar Tveito, Jesper Madsen



Automatic detection of seal pups on ice from aerial images

Arnt Børre Salberg, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Martin Biuw, Garry B. Stenson

Autonomous detection of humpback whales - migration and distribution in relation to Norwegian spring spawning herring.

Ana Sofia Aniceto, Martin Biuw, Lisa Elena Kettemer, Evert Mul, Ulf Lindstrøm, Geir Pedersen, Raul Primicerio, Lionel Camus

Marine mammal survey methods using UAV technology

Ana Sofia Aniceto, Martin Biuw, Ulf Lindstrøm, Stian Solbø, JoLynn Carroll

Model-based detection of marine mammals using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) – survey design and detection probability.

Ana Sofia Albuquerque Lima Aniceto, Martin Biuw, Ulf Lindstrøm, JoLynn Carroll

PBR - is it really the only tool we want in the toolbox

Arnauld Mosnier, Mike Osborne Hammil, Tore Haug, Garry B. Stenson, Martin Biuw, Tor Arne Øigård

The occurrence and habitat use of harbour porpoises in a strong tidal current in Northern Norway

Ronald Smit, Mario Acquarone, Erik Martin Biuw, Meike Scheidat, Ana Sofia Albuquerque Lima Aniceto

Successional trajectories in a birch forest ecosystem following severe outbreaks by geometrid moths: the role of mammalian herbivores

Jane Uhd Jepsen, Ole Petter L. Vindstad, Malin Ek, Annamari Markkola, Otso Suominen, Erik Martin Biuw, Rolf Anker Ims

Ecosystem impacts of a long-standing contrast in reindeer herding regime at the forest-tundra ecotone

Jane Uhd Jepsen, Erik Martin Biuw, Ole Petter L. Vindstad, Rolf Anker Ims, Annamari Markkola, Piippa R. Wäli, Juval Cohen, Saija H. Ahonen, Mysore V Tejesvi, Sami Aikio, Pekka Niemela

Identifying periods of ‘resting’ at sea helps making sense of harbour seals’ foraging signature in movement data

Virginie Ramasco, Martin Biuw, Frédéric Barraquand, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Bernie J. McConnell

Individual feeding patterns of female Antarctic fur seals throughout lactation at Bouvetøya

Erik Martin Biuw, Bjørn Arne Krafft, GJG Hofmeyr, Christian Lydersen, Kit M. Kovacs

Reports and dissertations


Sluttrapport for prosjekt: "Kartlegging og testing av metoder for å redusere interaksjoner mellom fiskeri og hval" - FHF 901681

Maria Tenningen, Lise Doksæter Sivle, Martin Biuw, Audun H. Rikardsen
Rapport fra havforskningen

The One Ocean Expedition: Science and Sailing for the Ocean We Want

Geir Huse, Thierry Baussant, Meike Becker, Martin Biuw, Gunhild Bødtker, Jeremy Cook, Alessio Gomiero, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Nils Olav Handegard, Arne Johan Hestnes, Lars Robert Hole, Berengere Husson, Pierre Franqois Jaccard, Johnny Andre Johannessen, Adriana Krolicka, Vidar Surén Lien, Christian Lindemann, Are Olsen, Angelika Renner, Sjur Ringheim Lid, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Espen Strand, Jon-Ivar Westgaard, Geir Pedersen
Rapport fra havforskningen

Antarctic krill and ecosystem monitoring survey off the South Orkney Islands in 2023

Bjørn Arne Krafft, Ronald Pedersen, Guosong Zhang, Sebastian Menze, Astrid Fuglseth Rasmussen, Hege Skaar, Julian Dale, Martin Biuw, Chris Oosthuisen, Andrew Lowther

Stable isotope (C&N) and dietary fatty acid compositions (>1%) for marine mammals in the European Arctic

Kirsteen M. MacKenzie, Christian Lydersen, Tore Haug, Heli Anna Irmeli Routti, Jon Aars, Clare Margaret Andvik, Katrine Borgå, Aaron Fisk, Sonnich Meier, Martin Biuw, Andrew Lowther, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Kit M. Kovacs

Report From Surveys To Assess Harp And Hooded Seal Pup Production In The Greenland Sea Pack-Ice In 2022

Martin Biuw, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Martin Kristiansen, Lotta Lindblom, Michael Tino Poltermann, Tore Haug, Malin Johansson


Kirsteen M. MacKenzie, Christian Lydersen, Tore Haug, Heli Anna Irmeli Routti, Jon Aars, Clare Margaret Andvik, Katrine Borgå, Aaron Fisk, Sonnich Meier, Martin Biuw, Andrew Lowther, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Kit M. Kovacs

Forskerutvalg om sjøpattedyr 2021 - Råd om forskning og forvaltning

Arne Jostein Bjørge, Nils Inge Øien, Martin Biuw, Tore Haug, Kjell Tormod Nilssen

Forskerutvalg om sjøpattedyr 2020 - Tilrådning om forskning og forvaltning

Arne Jostein Bjørge, Nils Inge Øien, Tore Haug, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Martin Biuw, Lise Doksæter Sivle, Petter Helgevold Kvadsheim

Krafttak for kysttorsken - Kunnskap for stedstilpasset gjenoppbygging av bestander, naturtyper og økosystem i Færder- og Ytre Hvaler nasjonalparker

Even Moland, Ann-Elin Synnes, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Carla Freitas, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Jonas Thormar, Martin Biuw, Per Erik Jorde, Halvor Knutsen, Geir Dahle, Anders Jelmert, Sebastian Bosgraaf, Esben Moland Olsen, Anne Deininger, Atle Haga

Potensielle effekter av havvindanlegg på havmiljøet

Karen de Jong, Henning Steen, Tonje Nesse Forland, Henning Wehde, Daniel Nyqvist, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Jon Albretsen, Tone Falkenhaug, Martin Biuw, Lene Buhl-Mortensen, Lise Doksæter Sivle

Potensielle effekter av havvindanlegg på havmiljøet

Karen de Jong, Henning Steen, Tonje Nesse Forland, Daniel Nyquist, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Jon Albretsen, Tone Falkenhaug, Martin Biuw, Lene Buhl-Mortensen, Lise Doksæter Sivle

Forskerutvalg om sjøpattedyr 2019 - Anbefalinger om forskning og forvaltning

Arne Jostein Bjørge, Martin Biuw, Tore Haug, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Nils Inge Øien

Havbruk til havs – Fysiske miljøbetingelser og økosystempåvirkning

Jon Albretsen, Alexander Christian Beck, Martin Biuw, Mats Brockstedt Olsen Huserbråten, Tina Kutti, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Øystein Skagseth, Kjell Rong Utne, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø, Vidar Wennevik

Seamounts in the OSPAR maritime area - from species to ecosystems

Tina Kutti, Kristin Windsland, Cecilie Broms, Tone Falkenhaug, Martin Biuw, Trude Hauge Thangstad, Odd Aksel Bergstad

Report from a krill focused survey with RV Kronprins Haakon and land-based predator work in Antarctica during 2018/2019

Bjørn Arne Krafft, Kjell Gunnar Bakkeplass, Terje Berge, Martin Biuw, Julio Alberto Erices, Elizabeth Marie Jones, Tor Knutsen, Rokas Kubilius, Merete Kvalsund, Ulf Lindstrøm, Gavin Macaulay, Angelika Renner, Alina Rey, Henrik Søiland, Rupert Wienerroither, Heidi Ahonen, Jade Goto, Nils Hoem, Magdelena Huerta, Juan Höfer, Oda Iden, William Jouanneau, Lucas Kruger, Håvard Liholt, Andy Lowther, Azwianewi B. Makhado, Mireia Mestre, Audun Narvestad, Chris Oosthuisen, Jose Rodrigues, Rune Øyerhamn

Development of methods relevant to feedback management (FBM) for the krill fishery

Bjørn Arne Krafft, Andrew Lowther, Gavin Macaulay, Melissa Chierici, Martin Biuw, Angelika Renner, tor klevjer, Rune Øyerhamn, cecar cardenas, arata makhado, Christian Reiss, Odd Aksel Bergstad

Kan førerløse fly brukes ved seltellinger?

Tore Haug, Mario Acquarone, Erik Martin Biuw

Habitatmodell for lirype i Finnmark

Åshild Ø. Pedersen, Jane Uhd Jepsen, Martin Biuw, Bernt Johansen
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