Fotograf: Paolo Cipriani/ Erling Svensen / Havforskningsinstituttet
Period | 01. januar 2022 - 31. desember 2026 |
Financed by | Forskningsrådets program |
Partner(s) | University of Miami, Norges Geologiske instiutt, Leiden University Medical Centre |
Projects is lead by | Institute of Marine Research. Project leader Monica Sanden. WP: Morten Skogen, Cecilie Hansen, Sonnich Meier, Josef Rasinger and Tri Ho Quang. |
1) Establish novel marine mechanistic ecosystem models with bioaccumulation models of critical contaminants under different simulated climate driven changes in food web structure (WP1). Lead Morten Skogen and Cecilie Hansen
2) Advance the understanding of contaminant trophic transfer dynamics in the context of seafood safety and changing climate conditions (WP1 WP2). Lead Sonnich Meier
3) Provide a mechanistic understanding of high latitude marine ecosystems’ response to changing environmental conditions (WP3 WP2). Lead Josef Rasinger
4) Risk assessment of future seafood in different climate and fisheries management scenarios (WP4 WP1). Lead Quant Ho Tri
Published: 25.09.2023 Updated: 12.12.2024