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Report on cruises and data stations 2019

— Oversikt over tokt og stasjoner tatt i 2019

Author(s): Karen Gjertsen (IMR)


Report on cruises and data stations 2019

The report gives an overview of cruises in 2019, by the Institute of Marine Research, University of Bergen and Tromsø and Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø on board our research vessels and  many of the hired commercial vessels. Each cruise is described by a short description and a track chart mainly showing CTD, plankton and trawl stations. The coverage of the oceanographic sections is listed in a table. Another table shows the number of observations per month for the fixed stations. Meta data about the cruises are reported to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) using the form “Cruise Summary Report”: http://www.seadatanet.org/Metadata/CSR. Research data are available from the Norwegian Marine Data Centre at Institute of Marine Research. The charts can internally at IMR be downloaded from the Institute Intranet/Archive: https://mediearkiv.hi.no/ Charts are made by Karen E. Gjertsen. Sebastian Bosgraaf made charts for “G.M.Dannevig”.

1 - Charts overview 2019 - Ctd stations and trawl stations.







2 - "G. O. Sars" – Cruises 2019

Ship code 10
Cruise noPeriodPurposeAreaCTD st.noTrawl st.noFig. no
20191012.1.-4.1.The marine geological survey is a training course for students within marine geology and marine geophysic. Norwegian fjords 1-5-1
20191025.2.-3.3.Monitoring: demersal fish stocks, fish egg and larvae, shellfish and cephalopods, other macro-benthic species, marine litter, temperature and salinity. North Sea, Northeast Atlantic Ocean 6-1381-612-4
2019103 5.3.-22.3.Acoustic survey of saithe during the spawning period, at time of year when saithe spawning stock (SSB) are highly aggregated. Survey to be used in assessment after 5 years (ICES regulation). North Sea139-16162-1425-6
2019104 24.3.-26.3.Collecting plankton and phytoplankton with mocness and multinet mammoth. Comparison of two different tools, Mocness and Multinet Mammoth, for collecting zooplankton. Both gears are multipel nets with open and close mechanisms.Norwegian fjords162-7
2019105  Cancelled- -- 
2019106 6.4.-19.4.Sea bottom mapping with video-filming and sampling of benthic fauna and sediments at selected stations in the shelf and continental slope west of Bear Island. The main aim is mapping of benthic fauna, bio-diversity, habitat types, geological terrain-parameters and chemical pollution. The mapping was performed using visual seabed observation using hauled video rig, sampling of sediments and organisms using a variety of sampling gears (grab, boxcorer, multicorer, beam trawl and hyperbenthic sled).Barents Sea163-168-8
2019107 29.4.-3.6.Part of the International Ecosystem Survey of the Nordic Seas (IESNS) where the objectives are (1) to measure the abundance of Norwegian spring-spawing herring and blue whiting using acoustics, (2) collect data on zoo- and phytoplankton, (3) measure the hydrographical conditions.Norwegian Sea 169-223143-1959-10
2019108 7.6.-4.7.Deep Sea ResearchNorwegian Sea 224-230-11
2019109 6.7.-10.7.The purposes of the cruise was to-Visually inspect the wreck of the nuclear submarine «Komsomolets» with cameras attached to the Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV). Collect samples of seawater, sediment and biota at specific locations in the immediate proximity of the wreck. «Komsomolets» is resting at a depth of 1680 m at 73.72N and 13.27E southwest of Bear Island in the Norwegian Sea.Norwegian Sea 231-236-12
2019110 10.7.-15.7.The objective of the cruise was to collect corals from deep-sea coral reefs to assess the biological and physiological health status of reefs in the Northern part of the Norwegian coast and shelf. In addition, water samples were collected to assess water quality parameters and food availability for organisms living in the reefs. Carbon chemistry parameters were measured to assess temporal variability in ocean chemistry and to create a basline data base for the OA monitoring in Norway. Fugløya, Korallen, Stjernsund, Steinavær and Hola reefs were sampled. Norwegian Sea 237-252-13-14
2019111 18.7.-21.7.LoVe and transect 3 Norwegian Coast253-258-15
2019112 24.7.-6.8.The ocean bottom seismometer survey to study crustal structure in the KNIPOVICH RIDGE and transition zone with oceanic crust. The structure of the oceanic crust generated by the ultraslow, oblique spreading KNIPOVICH RIDGE, the end-member of spreading ridge s ystem, makes it an important and interesting ridge to investigate. This ridge is responsible for opening of North Atlantic and relative movement between Greenland and Svalbard. Barents Sea259-16
2019113 13.8.-11.9.

Ecosystem Monitoring: oceanographic conditions, zooplankton, juvenile fish and adults (pelagic and demesal), benthos, sea birds, marine mammals, biodiversity and marine litter. 


Barents Sea 261-343198-33717-18
2019114 18.9.-4.10.Training course in Ocean Science.North Sea 344-390338-42819-20
2019115 10.10.-15.11.MAREANO Leg 3. Kvitøyrenna Sea bottom mapping with video-filming and sampling of benthic fauna and sediments at selected stations in the Barents Sea (west and east off Svalbard). With the main aim off mapping benthic fauna, bio-diversity, habitat types, geological terrain-parameters and chemical pollution.The mapping was performed using visual seabed observation and sampling of sediments and organisms using a variety of sampling tools (video-rig, grab, box corer, multicorer, beam trawl and hyperbenthic sledge).Barents Sea 391-402-21
2019119 -Cancelled (Mareano)- ---
2019120 20.11.-24.11Course- ---
2019117 26.11.-5.12.Investigations of sampling trawls.Barents Sea -429-49022
2019118 11.12.-17.12.ICES international training course in wideband acoustic methods, with 20 international scientists.Norwegian fjord 405-406 23

3 - "G. O. Sars" – Charts for cruises 2019


Fig. 1



Fig. 2


Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Fig. 10


Fig. 12

Fig. 13

Fig. 14



Fig. 15

Fig. 16

Fig. 17

Fig. 18

Fig. 19

Fig. 20

Fig. 21

Fig. 22

Fig. 23


4 - "Johan Hjort" – Cruises 2019

Ship code no 12
Cruise noPeriodPurposeAreaCTD st.noTrawl st.noFig. no
201920119.1.-28.1.Monitoring of the environment and plankton on the Svinøy and Fugløya-Bjørnøya sections and at station M. Measuring physical, chemical and biological parameters important to follow changes in climate and environment at weather station M in the Norwegian Sea. Implementation of transect over LoVe after fixed setup. Ocean acidification samples (carbon) at station M and Svinøy and Fugløya-Bjørnøya sections.Barents Sea Norwegian Sea1-43-24
201920231.1.-20.3.Bottom trawl survey to assess the biomass and geographical distribution of the target species cod and haddock. Acoustic survey to assess the biomass and distribution of the target species cod, haddock and capelin. Barents Sea44-1141-25925-26
201920322.3.-9.4.The main survey objective is to estimate abundance indices at age of the spawning stock of North East Arctic cod using the trawl acoustic methodNorwegian Sea115-232260-29527-29
201920413.4.- 12.5.The North Sea Ecosystem spring cruise has been run since 2010 by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) as a multi-purpose survey. The cruise covers hydrography, chemistry, phytoplankton and zooplankton, as well as fish eggs and fish larvae. The cruise also includes monitoring of radioactive contamination. Standard sections.Kattegat, North Sea, Skagerrak233-479296-29930-31
201920515.5.-4.6.Monitoring the environment and plankton distribution at sections in the Norwegian Sea, and deployment of Argo floats.Barents Sea, Greenland Sea, Norwegian Sea480-592-32-33
2019206 11.6.-12.6.Anniversary. (Johan Hjort 150 years).- ---
2019207 29.6.-3.8.The cruise will produce the data for the acoustic indexes for North Sea herring and saithe. The first part of the cruise was covering the areas closest to the Norwegian coast, the second half covered the central and western part of the North Sea, and acoustic transects west of Shetland. All transects was conducted as planned.North Sea 593-686300-49434-35
2019208 6.8.-19.8.Monitoring of the environment and plankton on standard sections. Measuring physical, chemical and biological parameters important to follow changes in climate and environment at weather station M in the Norwegian Sea.Barents Sea Norwegian Sea 687-758-36
2019209 20.8.-3.10.The cruise forms part of a multi-ship, multi-purpose “ecosystem survey” of the Barents Sea, carried out jointly by Norway and Russia. The objective of the cruise was to collect data related to stations and along cruise tracks, on water chemistry and physics, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish (acoustics and trawl), benthic organisms, sea mammals, and birds.Barents Sea 759-888495-70337-38
2019210 5.10.-13.11.Annual combined acoustic and bottom trawl survey along the Norwegian coast north of 62˚ N.Norwegian Sea Norwegian coast 889-946704-85239-40
2019211 14.11-27.11.Monitoring of the environment and plankton at standard sections and station M. Measuring physical, chemical and biological parameters. Ocean acidification samples (carbon) at station M in the Norwegian Sea. Pick-up Polar buoy operating at station M.Conducting transect over LoVe after fixed setup. Launch a Argo buoy at the Fugløya-Bjørnøya section.Norwegian Sea Barents Sea 947-1027-41
2019212 30.11.-12.12.Monitor and assess the standing stock of Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica) in the waters near Bear Island and at Spitsbergenbanken.Barents Sea --42
- 16.12Plankton course – daytrip.Norwegian fjord ---

5 - "Johan Hjort" – Charts for cruises 2019


Fig. 24

Fig.25 Fig.26 Fig.27 Fig.28 Fig.29

Fig.30 Fig.31 Fig.32 Fig.33 Fig.34 Fig.35

Fig.36 Fig.37 Fig.38 Fig.39 Fig.40 Fig.41 Fig. 42


6 - "Kristine Bonnevie" – Cruises 2019

Ship code no 03
Cruise noPeriodPurposeAreaCTD st.noTrawl st.noFig. no
20196015.1-26.1.Annual shrimp survey.North Sea, Skagerrak 1-1151-12943-44
20196021.2.-4.2.The cruise was undertaken as a part of the GEOF337, Physical Oceanography of Fjords course offered at the Geophysical Institute (GFI), University of Bergen. The site of study was Masfjorden and Fensfjorden. The data set collected aimed to address the processes related tides and mixing processes in Masfjorden, ocean-fjord exchange mechanisms and the observed deoxygenation of the inner basins in the fjord.Norwegian fjords 116-181-45
2019603 7.2-16.2.The objective of the cruise was to collect data and samples on pre-selected stations as part of the IMR monitoring of physical and biological parametres in the. In addition, a series of samplings were to be undertaken along the east coast of Scotland and west coast of Norway. The cruise programme included sampling for physical-chemical oceanographic parameters (CTD casts, nutrients and chlorophyll) and phytoplankton and zooplankton with plankton net and the Multinet Mammoth. A larger plankton net with an associated smaller and finer mesh net was used to sample the fish larvae and fish eggs.North Sea 182-250-46-47
2019604 28.2-3.3.The cruise was undertaken as a part of the GEOF232, Practical Meteorology and Oceanography course offered at the Geophysical Institute (GFI), University of Bergen. The site of study was Masfjorden and Fensfjorden. The data set collected aimed to address processes related fjord circulation and the observed deoxygenation of the inner basins in the fjord.Norwegian fjords 251-330-48
2019605 4.3-8.3.The survey is part of a training course in hydroacoustics and fish abundance estimation in cooperation between the Institute of Marine Research and the University of Bergen. Norwegian fjords 331-335130-14049
2019606 17.3-26.3.Monitoring of the environment and plankton on the Gimsøy, Fugløya-Bjørnøya, BjørnøyaV sections. Ocean acidification samples (carbon) at Gimsøy sections. Barents Sea Norwegian Sea 336-378-50
2019607 27.3-31.3.Genetic sampling of spawning Northeast Atlantic saithe Main task : 1) Genetic sampling of spawning fish from known and new spawning grounds. 2) Distribution of saithe eggs from spawning grounds. 3) Boyancy measurements on saithe eggs. Troms Fjord and coastal areas from Lyngen, Malangsgrunnen, Balsfjord, Ulsfjord . 379-391-51-52
2019608 1.4-4.4.Hydrographic measurements in fjords. Current meter moorings were recovered and deployed in the three sounds of Altafjorden. 75 CTD-stations in the fjords and coast between Tromsø and Hammerfest. Norwegian fjords392-466-53
2019609 6.4.-10.4.Recovery and re-deployment of standard RCM-mooring S1-S in the Svinøy section. Recovery of the PolarBuoy and deep mooring. Standard CTD and plankton Svinøy section. Norwegian Sea467-484-54
2019610 13.4.-25.4.Fish eggs and larvae in the coastal zone, Hordaland Municipality, Norway. Coastal zone and fjords --55
2019611 27.4.-1.5.A 5-days cruise to Sognefjorden to measure the how a 150km nutrition gradient affects the biodiversity and population connectivity in the deepest part of Sognefjord. Norwegian west coast 485-492-56
2019612 1.5.-7.5.Recover, service and re-deploy 4 moorings along the Barents Sea opening transect, and deploy a fifth mooring along the same section. Two of the moorings are bottom-mounted trawl-proof moorings, while the other three are moored strings. The moorings measure water velocity, temperature, and salinity. Barents Sea Norwegian Sea 493-497-57
2019613 9.5.-12.5.Hydrographic measurements in fjords. 76 CTD-stations in the fjords and coast between Tromsø and Hammerfest. Norwegian fjords 498-574-58
2019631 13.5.-14.5.Water sampling for eDNA analysis in Balsfjord and Malangen to study fish community composition in the two fjords.Test the usability of video equipment mounted on a sledge. This was done to make sure that the equipment function as intended before it is put to use offshore. The equipment will be used to count red king crab and snowcrab. Norwegian Sea575-585-59
2019614 -Cancelled- ---
2019615 16.5.-21.5.The ocean environment and the ecosystem of the Porsanger fjord are mapped with water samples, acoustics, net, boxcore, pelagic and benthic trawl-samples.Barents Sea 586-599 60-61
2019616 25.5.-31.5.The cruise is conducted to test instrumentation related to the project the Nansen LEGACY. The LEGACY is the Norwegian Arctic research community’s joint effort to establish a holistic understanding of a changing marine Arctic climate and ecosystem. Norwegian fjords600-622-62
2019617 -Cancelled - ---
2019618 8.6.-11.6.Recovery and re-deployment of standard RCM-mooring S1-S in the Svinøy section. Deployment of surface and deep moorings at st-Mike (66N,2E) Norwegian Sea 623-63
2019619 13.6.-21.6.The objective of the cruise was to assess the impact of effluents from fish farms on the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. This was achieved by documenting the distribution and health of natural coral communities around fish farms and recovering transplanted coral fragments (from cruise 2018612) from a gradient away from a fish farm where the corals had been exposed to fish farm effluents for 1 years. Mortality, growth, cellular stress, and energy stores were compared. In addition, water sample were collected off two wall reefs in Langenuen, Hordaland and video transects were run around 3 wall reefs in the same fjord to document the living coral community.North Sea, Norwegian Sea 624-645-64-65
2019620 22.6.-1.7.Acoustic survey to get an index of the stock size of sprat and herring in Sognefjorden and Hardangerfjorden in Western Norway.Norwegian fjords 646-671175-19666-67
2019621 2.7.-10.7Ecosystem Skagerrak, OslofjordSkagerrak 672-67619768-70
2019622 12.7.-17.8.IBTS Q3. Standard sections.North Sea 678-828198-27671-73
2019623 20.8.-22.8.Field investigations in connection with course BIO102 (Organismal biology), collection of fish and environmental data for student projects.Southwest coast of Norway, Lygrafjorden, Åfjorden829-833277-28174
2019632 23.8.-25.8.Recovery and re-deployment of standard RCM-mooring S1-S in the Svinøy section. Deployment of Wavescan Buoy.Norwegian Sea  75
2019624 -Cancelled----
2019625 27.8.-29.8.Field investigations in connection with course BIO102 (Organismal biology), collection of fish and environmental data for student projects.Southwest coast of Norway, Lygrafjorden, Åfjorden834-838282-28676
2019626 -Cancelled----
2019628 2.9.-19.9.Stock assessment of the red king crab in the fjords and near coastal waters of the quota regulated area in Norwegian waters.Barents Sea--77-78
2019627 21.9-25.9.Hydrographic measurments in fjords. Three current meter moorings were recovered and deployed in Altafjorden. CTD-survey of fjords and coast in Troms and western Finnmark.Norwegian fjords 839-916-79
2019629 2.10.-9.11.Annual combined acoustic and bottom trawl survey along the Norwegian coast north of 62˚ NNorwegian Sea917-996287-40680-82
2019630 10.11.-16.11.The objective of the cruise is to collect hydrographic and ocean currents off the west coast of Norway. The data will be used to evaluate the numircal circulation modelt hat is a central tool in Institute of Marine Research salmon lice advice. Current meter moorings were deployed and a detailed CTD/ADCP survey in the Norwegian Coastal Current off the west coast of Norway was conducted.Norwegian Sea997-1112-83
2019633 17.11.-26.11.The objective of the cruise was to collect data and samples on pre-selected stations as part of the IMR monitoring of physical and biological parametres in the North Sea. In addition, a series of samplings were to be undertaken along the east coast of Scotland and west coast of Norway, and also one station with sampling within 5nm of the Sleipner field.The cruise programme included sampling for physical-chemical oceanographic parameters, zooplankton with plankton net and the Multinet Mammoth. A larger plankton net with an associated smaller and finer mesh net was used to sample the fish larvae and fish eggs.North Sea1113-1204-84-85

7 - “Kristine Bonnevie” –charts for cruises 2019


Fig.43 Fig. 44 Fig. 45 Fig. 46 Fig. 47 Fig. 48 Fig. 49 Fig. 50 Fig. 51 Fig. 52 Fig. 53 Fig. 54 Fig. 55 Fig. 56 Fig. 57 Fig. 58 Fig. 59 Fig. 60 Fig. 61 Fig. 62 Fig. 63 Fig. 64 Fig. 65 Fig. 66 Fig. 67 Fig. 68 Fig. 69 Fig. 70 Fig. 71 Fig. 72 Fig. 73 Fig. 74 Fig. 75 Fig. 76 Fig. 77 Fig. 78 Fig. 79 Fig. 80 Fig. 81 Fig. 82 Fig. 83 Fig. 84 Fig. 85


8 - "Kronprins Haakon" – Cruises 2019

Ship code 59
Cruise noPeriodPurposeAreaCTD st.noTrawl st.noFig. no
2018716 (start 2018) 1.12.-9.1The scientific goals during the transect were twofold; to assess mesopelagic backscatter and to assess parameters that may be used in evaluating levels of primary production.Atlantic Ocean – from Norway to Chile 1-2 (2018:199-221)-86
2019701 10.1.-24.2Large scale krill synoptic survey in Area 48, Antarctica. South Atlantic Ocean 3-511-6787-89
2019702 28.2-10.4The aim of the ECOgaps cruise is to improve the knowledgebase for the management of the King Haakon VII Sea extending from the coast of the Dronning Maud Land. ECOgaps. Specifically we focussed on a part of the MPA planning Domain 4 (CCAMLR - Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) extending from the 0 meridian to the Astrid ridge (13E, See Fig. 1). We ran different CTD sections sampling for primary production, chemistry and oceanography across the Astrid ridge, at 6 E and Maud Rise and along one section. Along the route we registered krill swarms and the mesopelagic layer using the echosounder. At occasions, we trawled for krill and the mesopelagic layer. At 4 occasions we ran a bottom transect with an ROV filming and collecting material using the ROV itself and RP sled and bottom net. On all the transects we also set a long line and ran a multinet tows. South Atlantic Ocean 52-11668-8290-91
2019703 1.5.-27.5.Pelagic and mesopelagic research. From Norway to Chile 117-13683-10092-93
2019704 3.7.-22.7.Bioprospecting pelagic and bottom organisms Environmental data Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Barents Sea 138-144-94
2019705 -Cancelled- ---
2019706 5.8.-27.8.The cruise initiate the seasonal studies of the northern Barents Sea and the adjacent Arctic Basin in the Nansen Legacy project. Physical, chemical and biological investigations will be carried out at process stations along a transect. Sampling will be carried out at the sea floor, the water column and from the sea ice. Barents Sea145-193101-10995-98
2019707 1.9.-16.9The annual Fram Strait cruise is part of the long-term monitoring program of Arctic Ocean freshwater and sea ice export run the Norwegian Polar Institute. The main priority is to recover and redeploy the moorings from NPI across the East Greenland Current at 78°50' N, and to carry out the CTD/LADCP section (including extensive water sampling for various chemical properties and tracers) across entire Fram Strait along the 78°50'N line. In addition, sea ice physics work is carried out across the East Greenland Current. This includes in-situ work on selected sea ice floes as well as on land-fast ice as far west as we can go on 78°50'N. One additional CTD/LADCP section will be carried out across the Belgica-Norske-Westwind trough on the east Greenland shelf, the main conduit for warm Atlantic water to the Greenland coastal system and the floating tongue of the 79N glacier.Greenland Sea194-253-99
2019708 19.9.-16.10.Conduct the first multidisciplinary study of hydrothermal vents under permanent ice cover in the deep (4000 m) Arctic Ocean, including mapping, geochemistry, physical oceanography, microbiology, meio-, macro- and megafauna sampling and video surveys.Svalbard area254-276-100
2019709 19.10.-9.11.SEAMSTRESS focuses on studies of the effect of tectonic stress on methane release at Arctic continental margins while CAGE studies the amount of methane hydrate and magnitude of methane release in Arctic Ocean environments on time scales from the Neogene to the present. The cruise is directed to the Atlantic-Arctic gateway region to provide necessary field data for these objectives. From previous cruises, we have identified key localities which will be main targets for this cruise.Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Fram Strait277-293-101
20196710 12.11.-27.11.The main objectives were to recover and redeploy a number of moorings a) in the northern Barents Sea and north of Svalbard for the Nansen Legacy project and b) over the continental slope north of Svalbard for A-TWAIN/SIOS InfraNor, including project partner moorings. We also did CTD profiles and transects at a number of locations, with dual rosette mounted L-ADCPs and 38 + 150 kHz vessel mounted ADCPs. Water samples for biogeochemistry were taken at a number of the CTD casts. A glider was deployed in the central Barents Sea, to be recovered during a later cruise. Barents Sea 297-418-102
2019711 28.11.-17.12Nansen Legacy 07 Seasonal study Q4. This cruise was the second of in total four seasonal cruises with RV Kronprins Haakon in 2019/20 which focuses on biology in the project Arven etter Nansen (AeN). This seasonal cruise was named Q4 (Q4= 4th quarter of the year) and investigated 17stations of the established AeN transect along 34 E in the Northern Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Basin from 76 to 82°N. The cruise took a variety of continuous ship measurements (Weather station, EK80, EM203, ADCP, thermosalinograph, pCO2 underway) as well as CTD with water samples, and a wide range of biological sampling of the benthos (box corer, benthic trawl), water column (multinet, MIK net, macrozooplankton trawl and many other smaller nets) and sea ice (snow, ice cores, water just underneath sea ice). In addition, experimental work (respiration, grazing and egg production) were conducted in the ship’s laboratories. The chemistry (IMR/NPI) team onboard measured oxygen, nutrients and pH from standard depths on most CTD stations. Barents Sea Svalbard area 419-461110-117103-105

9 - "Kronprins Haakon" – Charts for cruises 2019


Fig.86 Fig.87 Fig.88 Fig.89 Fig.90 Fig.91 Fig.92 Fig.93 Fig.94 Fig.95 Fig.96 Fig.97 Fig.98 Fig.99 Fig.100 Fig.101 Fig.102 Fig.103 Fig.104 Fig.105


10 - "G. M. Dannevig" – Cruises 2019

Ship code 16
Cruise noPeriodPurposeAreaCTD st.noFig. no
201930116.1.-21.1.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals”. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak1-26106
20193021.2.-6.2.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals”. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak27-51107
201930312.3.-18.3.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals”. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak52-77108
201930419.3.-3.4.Mapping of spawning areasSouth/eastcoast 78-79109
20193054.4.-9.4.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals”. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak80-104110
20193068.5.-14.5.Genetic mapping of cod-populations in the outer OslofjordOuter Oslofjord105-107111
201930715.5.-18.5.Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak108-121112
201930831.5.-8.6.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals” l. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak122-149113
20193092.7.-8.7.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals”. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak150-176114
20193102.8.-4.8.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals”. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak177-192115
20193115.8.-18.8.Ecosystem-based monitoring of skagerrak and coastal areas. The cruise focuses on the interaction between coast and seaSkagerrak193-203116
201931219.8.-31.8.Monitoring lobster/MPAOuter Oslofjord-No chart
201931313.9.-14.9.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals”. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside ArendalSkagerrak204-209117
201931415.9.-5.10.Beach seine studies to measure recruitment of coastal fish-species Skagerrak210-268118
20193156.10.-8.10.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals”. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak269-281119
201931615.11.-17.11.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals”. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastSkagerrak282-292120
201931718.11.-5.12.Monitoring of the cod population, and other species in SkagerrakSkagerrak293-295121
20193186.12.-12.12.Hydrographic standard section “Torungen-Hirtshals” l. Long-term environmental monitoring on a near-shore station outside Arendal and in the fjords along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast.Skagerrak296-315122


11 - "G. M. Dannevig" – Charts for cruises 2019


Fig.106 Fig. 107

Fig.108 Fig.109 Fig.110 Fig.111 Fig.112 Fig.113 Fig.114 Fig.115 Fig.116 Fig.117 Fig.118 Fig.119 Fig.120 Fig.121 Fig. 122

12 - Hired vessels – 2019

Cruise noPeriodVesselPurposeAreaCTD st.noTrawl st.noFig. no
2019802 22.1.-26.2.«Helmer Hanssen» Abundance and distribution of cod and haddock.Barents Sea,Greenland Sea.1-621-189123-124
2019804 11.2.-21.2.«Asbjørn Selsbane» A demersal seine was applied with pelagic trawl doors for live capture of cod. Catch limitation devices were tested and filmed with underwater cameras. Fishing was conducted at various depths and fishing densities and viability of the fish evaluated.Barents Sea.-1-18125
2019806 20.6.-5.7. Talbor” The aim of the cruise was to study the spreading and collect densities data of the snow crab in the Svalbard Fishery Protection Zone by using a hired fishery vessel. Our main study area was in the area for commercial fishing.Barents Sea --126
2019807 7.3.-2.4. Trombas” Investigate effects of artificial light and new pot designs in the Barents Sea snow crab.Barents Sea --No Chart
2019809 4.3.-17.3. Vendla” Acoustic trawl survey on Capelin spawning stock. Methodological survey using a stratified survey design aiming to measure the abundance of Capelin during the spawning season.Norwegian Sea -1-22127
2019813 19.9.-4.10.«Helmer Hanssen» The survey is part of the Barents Sea Ecosystem survey. Main goal is monitoring of the ecosystem. Data that were collected included physical oceanography, plankton, fish, benthos and marine mammal registrations. Several special investigations were also conducted. Barents Sea 63-96190-260128-129
2019815 10.6.-16.6.«Johan Ruud» Study the spreading area for red king crab in Vest Finnmark, Norway. This is the area for a free fishing for red king crab and the further spreading is monitored. Barents Sea --130
2018818 12.8.-1.9.«Arctic Aurora» Estimate harbour seal abundance based on numbers hauled out during moult in the counties Trøndelag and Nordland.Barents Sea --No chart
2019824 18.3.-10.4.«Katla» Compare the unfished northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) stocks in the two fjords Porsanger and Tana in North-Norway (closed for trawling since the beginning of the 1970s) with the shrimp stock in a commercially exploited reference fjord (Kvænangen) with regards to density, spatial distribution, size and stage distribution, as well as genetic stock composition.Collect data on all demersal fish stocks (density, spatial distribution, length, age, stomach content) in the Tana and Porsanger fjords as well as in the reference fjord, Kvænangen, for use in an ECOPATH model.Collect bottom temperature in all three fjords by means of temperature loggers on the trawl.Norwegian Sea-1-82131
2019825 30.9.-23.10.«Katla» Compare the unfished northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) stocks in the two fjords Porsanger and Tana in North-Norway (closed for trawling since the beginning of the 1970s) with the shrimp stock in a commercially exploited reference fjord (Kvænangen) with regards to density, spatial distribution, size and stage distribution, as well as genetic stock composition.Collect data on all demersal fish stocks (density, spatial distribution, length, age, stomach content) in the Tana and Porsanger fjords as well as in the reference fjord, Kvænangen, for use in an ECOPATH model.Collect bottom temperature in all three fjords by means of temperature loggers on the trawl.Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea  No chart
2019828 8.1.-12.3.« Cabo de Hornos » Large scale krill synoptic survey in Area 48 Antarctica - ARK vessel. Scotia Sea--No chart
2019829 5.4.-14.5.«Lance» It is established a long-term data set of reproductive data for the Harp Seal population in the Greenlan Sea/West Ice. The main purpose of the cruise was to obtain data to continue this work and to collect samples to get updated data for the population’s condition. Greenland Sea/West Ice--No chart
2019830 4.8.-27.8. Kato” The main purpose of the cruise was to obtain data for ecological monitoring of the minke whale stock.Barents Sea --132
2019831 22.3.-8.4. Kings Bay” International blue whiting spawning stock survey. Acoustic survey to monitor the spawning stock of blue whiting on the spawning grounds west of the British Isles. Northeast Atlantic Ocean 1-2716-26133
2019832 18.9.-1.10. Fiskebas” Test optical and acoustic instruments and methods for characterising the catch, with respect to species, biomass, individual size and welfare status. Observe fish behaviour and environmental conditions before and during catching, as well as the fish's vitality, during pumping and storage, as a basis for studying catch welfare.Norwegian Sea North Sea--No chart
2019833 10.6.-24.6. Vendla” North Sea herring fishing grounds. North Sea--No chart
2019836 9.6.-29.6.«Brennholm» ICES Triennial egg survey for assessment of spawning stock biomass of North East Atlantic Mackerel .North Sea, Norwegian Sea--134
2019837 3.7.-6.8.«Kings Bay» Part of the International Ecosystem Summer Survey of the Nordic Seas (IESSNS) where the objectives are (1) to measure the abundance of Northeast Atlantic mackerel using swept-area method (2) measure the abundance of Norwegian spring-spawing herring and blue whiting using acoustics, (2) collect data on zooplankton, (3) measure the hydrographical conditions.Norwegian Sea28-10327-115135-136
2019838 4.7.-6.8.«Vendla» Pimary objective: Large-scale mapping and abundance estimation of Northeast Atlantic (NEA) mackerel, Norwegian Spring-Spawning (NSS) herring and blue whiting. Swept area trawling for mackerel and acoustic recordings and trawling on registrations for NSS herring and blue whiting.Secondary objectives: Sampling of zooplankton (0-200 m depth) and water temperature/salinity profiles (0-500 m depth). Opportunistic marine mammal observations along the covered transects.Mapping of Atlantic salmon, lumpfish and other pelagic fish species.Atlantic Ocean, Norwegian Sea12-8236-126137-138
2019839 2.5.-3.6.«Fiskebas» Tagging with RFID technology and biological sampling of mackerel in the spawning areas west of Ireland and Scotland.Northeast Atlantic Ocean--139
2019840 13.2.-25.2.«Kings Bay» Provide acoustic estimates of abundance and distribution of Norwegian spring spawning herring during the spawning migration along the Norwegian coast.Norwegian Sea-1-15140
2019841 13.2.-25.2.«Eros» Abundance estimation of Norwegian Spring spawing herring during the spawning season.Norwegian Sea83-921-14141
2019842 13.2.-25.2.«Vendla» Collection of acoustic data from fisheries sonar for study of herring schools. Collection of acoustic data from echo sounder for biomass estimation of herring. Collection of biological samples for estimation of species and size composition in the acoustic observations. Collection of hydrographic data (CTD).Norwegian Sea1-111-13142-143
2019843 19.11.-10.12. Nystrøm” Tagging and release of NSS herring with RFID technology and biological sampling of herring in the wintering areas in Troms, Northern Norway.Northeast Atlantic Ocean--No Chart
2019844 18.6.-12.8. ACC Mosby” Minke whale sighting survey program. Over the period 2014-2019 the Northeast Atlantic is covered by a mosaic survey to estimate the abundance of minke whales and other cetaceans. The methodology which involves tracking procedures for minke whales is especially developed for minke whales. Barents Sea, Greenland Sea, Norwegian Sea--No Chart
2019847 23.4.-13.5. Eros” Measuring the abundance, distribution and age composition of lesser sandeel Dredge sampling for burrowed sandeels Bottom trawls Pelagic trawls Echo sounder sampling Zooplankton sampling Mapping of hydrographical conditionsNorth Sea11-3515-48144-145
2019849 28.4.-10.5. Tangen” Estimate the effect of codend circumference for the size selection of northern shrimp. Quantify the importance of selection near or at the surfce during haulback.North Sea-1-17146
2019850 11.8.-28.8.« Arni Fridriksson» The survey is part of the international deep pelagic ecosystem surveys (ICES-WGIDEEPS). Main objective: Survey of Sebastes mentella in the open Norwegian Sea, the calculated survey index will be used as input in the assessment of the stock. Secondary objective: Collect data in support to integrated ecosystem management in the open Norwegian Sea.Norwegian Sea-1-28147
2019851 6.2.-12.2.«Grotle» Comparative fishing trials of artificial bait in longline fisheries for cod, ling and tusk. Trials part of a project aiming at finding alternative baits to expensive natural baits. The cruise tested at total of 10 different baits from two manufactures.Norwegian Sea--No chart
2019853 1.10.-5.10.«Kings Bay» Survey of potentially human pathogenic and quality reducing parasites and microbiota in Atlantic mackerel intended for human consumption. The main parasite target species are anisakid nematodes incl. Anisakis spp., the soft flesh-inducing myxosporean parasite Kudoa thyrsites, and the fungus-like parasite Ichthyophonus sp. Additionally, the above mentioned parasite species, especially Anisakis spp., may serve as biological tag to track the actual mackerels‘ migration route.North Sea, Norwegian Sea --No chart
2019854 10.10.-14.10.«Kings Bay» Survey of quality reducing parasites in Atlantic mackerel intended for human consumption. The parasite target species were the soft flesh-inducing myxosporean parasite Kudoa thyrsites, and the fungus-like parasite Ichthyophonus sp.North Sea --No chart
2019855 8.4.-15.4.«Kings Bay» Survey of potentially human pathogenic and/or quality reducing parasites and microbiota in blue whiting intended for human consumption.Northeast Atlantic Ocean--No chart
2019856 6.6.-10.6.«Kings Bay» Survey of potentially human pathogenic or quality reducing parasites and microbes in North Sea herring (Clupea harengus).North Sea --No chart
2019857 30.10.-4.11.«Kings Bay» Survey of potentially health hazardous and/or quality reducing parasites in Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus) intended for human consumption. The main parasite target species were the zoonotic nematode Anisakis simplex and the fungus-like parasite Ichthyophonus sp.Norwegian Sea --No chart
2019858 7.1.-28.1. Nystrøm” Tagging and release of NSS herring with RFID technology and biological sampling of herring in the wintering areas in Troms, Northern Norway.Norwegian fjord--148
2019860 30.8.-19.9. Arni Fridriksson” Deep-sea fish species: Monitoring of Greenland halibut, redfish and other deep-sea fish species, and elasmobranches. Biological sampling and data collection for assessment. Barents Sea Norwegian Sea --149
2019861 17.3.-10.4. Henriette” Investigate distribution of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) on different types of benthic habitat using shrimp pots in the two fjords Porsanger and Tana in North-Norway (closed for trawling since the 1970’s) and in a trawled reference fjord (Kvænangen).Compare catch efficiency between a commercial shrimp trawl and shrimp pots.Collect bottom temperature in all three fjords by means of temperature loggers on shrimp pots.Barents Sea Norwegian Sea --150
2019862 10.3.-19.3. Vikingbank” A blue whiting trawl was equipped with depth sensors, catch limitation system and a cod-end release device. The catch limitation system and cod-end release device were tested and filmed with underwater cameras, and observations of the trawls geometry was carried out.North Atlantic Ocean -1-4151
2019863 18.3.-29.3. Eli R” A sorting grid for excluding large fish is mandatory in the Norwegian shrimp fisheries. The use of the grid also causes loss of valuable Nephrop catches. To avoid losing Nephrops, an opening at the bottom of the grid has been suggested as a solution. In this study, a standard grid was therefore compared to a grid with 15 cm opening at the bottom to investigate if the grid modification results in increased catches of Nephrops and fish. Two identical trawls were towed simultaneously in commercial fishing areas and all species measured and quantified.Skagerrak --152
2019865 2.4.-14.4. Marie Emilie” A sorting grid for excluding large fish is mandatory in the Norwegian shrimp fisheries. The use of the grid also causes loss of valuable Nephrop catches. To avoid losing Nephrops, an opening at the bottom of the grid has been suggested as a solution. In this study, a standard grid was therefore compared to a grid with 15 cm opening at the bottom to investigate if the grid modification results in increased catches of Nephrops and fish. Two identical trawls were towed simultaneously in commercial fishing areas and all species measured and quantified.North Sea --153
2019866 29.10.-8.11. Marie Emilie” A sorting grid for excluding large fish is mandatory in the Norwegian shrimp fisheries. The use of the grid also causes loss of valuable Nephrop catches. To avoid losing Nephrops, an opening at the bottom of the grid has been suggested as a solution. In this study, a standard grid was therefore compared to a grid with 15 cm opening at the bottom to investigate if the grid modification results in increased catches of Nephrops and fish. Two identical trawls were towed simultaneously in commercial fishing areas and all species measured and quantified.North Sea --154
2019871 4.9.-10.9. Ballstadoey” Underwater observation of catch regulation device for demersal seines. Video recordings where obtained from catch regulation device square mesh codend and codend extension. The overall objective is to collect video and information in order to improve the accuracy of the catch regulation system and to produce teaching material, in addition a prototype of an automatic codend releaser was tested.Barents Sea Coast of Finnmark - -No chart
2019873 21.10.-1.11. Eir” Experimental fishery in shallow water, using trammel nets and fyke nets. Main objective is to add data to time-series with focus on coastal cod abundance. North Sea Coastal areas --No chart

13 - Hired vessels – Charts for hired vessels 2019


Fig. 123

Fig. 124

Fig.125 Fig. 126

Fig.127 Fig.128 Fig.129 Fig.130 Fig. 131



Fig. 132

Fig.133 Fig.134 Fig.135 Fig.136 Fig.137 Fig.138 Fig.139 Fig. 140

Fig.141 Fig.142 Fig.143 Fig.144 Fig.145 Fig. 146



Fig. 147

Fig. 148


Fig. 149

Fig. 150

Fig. 151

Fig. 152

Fig. 153

Fig. 154


14 - "Dr. Fridtjof Nansen" – Cruises 2019

Ship code 14
Cruise noPeriodPurposeAreaCTD st.noTrawl st.noFig. no
2019401 24.1.-24.2.Study Seamount complexes for SEAFO. South Atlantic Ocean1-311-10155-156
2019402 28.2.-31.3.Cover the transboundary demersal fish stocks of South-Eastern Atlantic. South Atlantic Ocean32-2071-153157-158
2019403 4.4.-24.4.Cover the ecosystem and the transboundary demersal fish stocks of the South-Eastern Atlantic. South Atlantic Ocean208-3361-87159-160
2019404 30.4.-7.5.Study mesopelagic fish. South Atlantic Ocean337-3691-14161-162
2019405 11.5.-26.5.Cover the transboundary demersal fish stocks in the South-Eastern Atlantic. North Atlantic Ocean370-4671-93163-164
2019406 26.5.-26.6.Cover the transboundary demersal fish stocks in the South-Eastern Atlantic South-Eastern Atlantic468-6901-181165-167
201940729.6.-16.7.Cover the environmental conditions along the 0 -meridian. Atlantic Ocean691-7501-25168-169
201940820.7.-18.8.Cover the marine ecosystem in Western Gulf of Guinea. Western Gulf of Guinea751-9701-143170-172
201940922.8.-23.9Transboundary demersal and pelagic resources and ecosystems in the western Gulf of Guinea. North Atlantic Ocean 971-11341-153173-175
201941126.9.-7.10.Cover the pelagic stocks and ecosystems Senegal–Morocco. West Africa1135-11581-13176-178
20194129.10.-20.10.Cover the pelagic stocks and ecosystems Senegal–Morocco. Atlantic Ocean 1160-11831-36179-180
201941330.10.-18.11.Cover the pelagic stocks and ecosystems Senegal–Morocco West Africa1184-12451-46181-183
201941421.11.-1.12.Cover the pelagic stocks and ecosystems Senegal–Morocco. West Africa1246-12661-23184-185
20194153.12-16.12Study the mesopelagic ecosystem.Vest Afrika 1267-1304 No chart

15 - "Dr. Fridtjof Nansen" – Charts for 2019


Dr. Fridtjof Nansen” 2019 Fig. 155 Fig. 156 Fig. 157 Fig. 158 Fig. 159 Fig. 160 Fig. 161 Fig. 162 Fig. 163 Fig. 164 Fig. 165 Fig. 166 Fig. 167 Fig. 168 Fig. 169 Fig. 170 Fig. 171 Fig. 172 Fig.173 Fig. 174 Fig. 175 Fig. 176 Fig. 177 Fig. 178 Fig. 179 Fig. 180 Fig.181 Fig.182 Fig183 Fig184 Fig. 185


16 - Oceanographic sections and Fixed oceanographic stations - map.

Oceanographic sections and Fixed oceanographic stations.

17 - Tables – Observations in 2019 – Oceanographic sections and fixed oceanographic stations.


Oceanographic sections 2019 (Cruise no)

AreaOceanogr. sec.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
North Sea Fedje–Shetland   2019204         
Slotterøy-West   2019204         
Utsira-West 2019603 2019204   2019622   2019633 
Jærens Rev-SW and W    2019204        
Egerøya-SW   2019204         
Lista-SW   2019204         
Lindesnes-SSW   2019204         
Hanstholm–Aberdeen  2019603  2019204   2019622   2019633 
Hysby Klit    2019204         
 Knude-Dyb    2019204         
Skagerrak and Kattegat Torungen–Hirtshals 2019301 2019302 2019303 2019204 2019305 2019306 2019308 2019309 2019310 2019313 2019315 2019316 2019318
Oksøy–Hanstholm   2019204        
Jomfruland–Koster   2019204         
Väderø   2019204         
Måseskjær   2019204         
Gøteborg–Fredrikshavn   2019204         
AreaOceanogr. secJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
The Norwegian Sea and Vestfjorden Svinøy-North/West2019201   2019205  2019208  2019211 
Gimsøy-North/West  201960620196092019205  2019208  2019211 
Bjørnøya-West  2019606    2019208  2019211 
Kabelvåg–Steigen   2019203         
Ballstad– Måløy/Skarholmen            
The Barents SeaFugløya–Bjørnøya2019201 2019606 2019205  2019208  2019211 
Vardø-North 2019202       2019209  
Fixed stationsJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
LISTA N58 ° 05,1 E06 ° 32,5 1 3 343333333234
UTSIRA Y N59 ° 19 E04 ° 44 2x232333222125
UTSIRA I N59 ° 19 E04 ° 592x232333222125
SOGNESJØEN N61 ° 01 E04 ° 50 x22221x1322118
BUD N62 ° 56 E06 ° 47 x2331323233126
SKROVA N68 ° 07 E14 ° 39 44255234335343
EGGUM N68 ° 23 E13 ° 38 x2544445444444
INGØY N71 ° 08 E24 ° 01 x12x2213334122
Frøya N63° 44,6 E09° 05,1xxxxxxxxxxxxx