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Oceanography and climate

Oseanografi og klima bilde

This group monitors and does research on physical and climatic processes that affect marine ecosystems.

The objective of the group is to understand and quantify the significance of oceanographic variability and changes in the marine climate for the production, distribution and behaviour of marine organisms.

The term “oceanography” signifies “science of the sea”, and it is used here in its widest sense. It thus comprises physical, chemical and biological aspects. In order to achieve its aims, the group performs systematic monitoring of hydrographic parameters (temperature and salinity) and currents, in addition to monitoring nutrient salts and primary production (phytoplankton). Monitoring is performed along fixed routes, at fixed stations and through regional coverage of the open sea, coastal regions and fjords.

The group is active in the use and development of oceanographic models that aim to recreate holistic models of the state of the marine environment in the past, present and future.

Most of the members of the group have links to the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. 

The group is involved in both national and international projects, and the results of its research are published in internationally recognised journals.

The external users of the group include:

  • Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs
  • Ministry of Environment and affiliated bodies
  • The Research Council of Norway
  • The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
  • The European Union (EU)

Its most important internal users include:

All the Institute of Marine Research’s research and advisory programmes.

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Oceanography and climate

Oseanografi og klima bilde

This group monitors and does research on physical and climatic processes that affect marine ecosystems.

The objective of the group is to understand and quantify the significance of oceanographic variability and changes in the marine climate for the production, distribution and behaviour of marine organisms.

The term “oceanography” signifies “science of the sea”, and it is used here in its widest sense. It thus comprises physical, chemical and biological aspects. In order to achieve its aims, the group performs systematic monitoring of hydrographic parameters (temperature and salinity) and currents, in addition to monitoring nutrient salts and primary production (phytoplankton). Monitoring is performed along fixed routes, at fixed stations and through regional coverage of the open sea, coastal regions and fjords.

The group is active in the use and development of oceanographic models that aim to recreate holistic models of the state of the marine environment in the past, present and future.

Most of the members of the group have links to the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. 

The group is involved in both national and international projects, and the results of its research are published in internationally recognised journals.

The external users of the group include:

  • Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs
  • Ministry of Environment and affiliated bodies
  • The Research Council of Norway
  • The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
  • The European Union (EU)

Its most important internal users include:

All the Institute of Marine Research’s research and advisory programmes.