Starting in 2007 in Lofoten, and 2009 in Borgundfjord, the Pantophysin gene, commonly known as PanI, has been used to estimate the frequency of North East Arctic cod (NEAC) and Norwegian Coastal Cod (NCC) in the Atlantic´s first “real-time” genetic monitoring program. Both these monitoring programs have been in operation yearly until todays date, and have supplied the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries, who are responsible for regulation and inspection of marine fisheries in Norway, with weekly estimates of NEAC and NCC fractions. The overall aims of these programs have been to protect the dwindling NCC resource from over-exploitation by the commercial fishing fleet, while simultaneously providing a good management regime for exploitation of the sustainable NEAC resource (Johansen et al., submitted, Dahle et al., submitted). These unique data sets, which collectively include the genetic profile of ~25 000 cod have also given us unprecedented insights into the relationships between NEAC and NCC. The genus Sebastes or redfish is composed of at three species in Norwegian waters. Sebastes mentella and S. norvegicus are the commercial important species. These two species can be difficult to differentiate by morphology, and particularly as juveniles 45,47. In a large program, based on DNA markers we are identifying redfish juveniles in bycatches from fisheries for northern shrimps. If the estimated fraction of S. norvegicus are high the fishery will be closed.
Norway has >400 rivers supporting Atlantic salmon populations. Through a variety of National, internal and EU-funded projects (E.g., SALEA-Merge 2008-2011), we have established a genetic baseline of Norwegian salmon populations in >150 of these rivers. These data have been mixed with international data sets to enable assignment of post-smolt and adult salmon caught in oceanic cruises and fisheries back to the regions of origin 96. This allows for mapping of migration routes and oceanic feeding areas for salmon from different regions, and better understanding of the differences observed in marine mortality and growth over time, and between regions. A more detailed baseline, both in terms of population coverage and number of genetic markers mapped, was developed for the northern populations of Atlantic salmon from northern Norway and Russia in the EU-funded project Kolarctic-salmon. The baseline developed here was applied for investigating exploitation patterns of coastal fisheries for salmon in northern Norway. The project provided detailed information on where and when different salmon populations are exploited in marine fisheries. The results have been implemented in the management regime for coastal fisheries for these northern populations.
Each year Norway carries out a commercial harvest of minke whales in the northeast Atlantic. As a part of this highly regulated harvest regime, tissue samples are taken from all captured whales and their individual DNA profile is entered in a DNA register 97. These DNA profiles follow meat being exported to Japan, and permit control over the domestic market. The register includes the DNA profiles and biological information for ~10 000 minke whales and has provided us with unique insights into this species and its connectivity with its close relatives. For example, we have detected Antarctic minke whales in the Arctic 98, identified fertile hybrids between these species thought to have been isolated for millions of years 76,99, identified Greenland sharks feeding on offal from whaling operations 100, and identified the number of putative populations present in the Management Areas 71. The DNA register is in operation every year and data from the genomic work has been made openly accessible so that researchers in all regions of the world can identify potential minke whale hybrids and long-distance migrants against our data 76.
The group has a long history of working on the European lobster, ranging from population genetic structure, aquaculture production, sea ranching, MPAs and identification of American lobsters 73-75,80,101,102. Concerns about the presence of American lobster on the European continent has been reported from Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden. Since 2000, about 60 lobsters have been genetically identified by IMR as American lobsters, 29 in Norwegian waters. In 2015, IMR identified three American lobsters found in Ireland, three in Sweden and three in Norway. In 2010, the first crossbreeding between American and European lobster was found in Norway, one more in 2014 in Sweden, and again in Norway in 2015. The ecological and environmental risks associated with American lobster are primarily introducing new diseases and parasites, but hybridization with the European lobster, rapid geographic spreading through pelagic larval stages, as well as competition with native lobsters are also of great concern, especially with the identification of hybrids. We are now investigating if these hybrids are fertile.
The group has played a pioneering role in developing and implementing DNA methods to trace unreported escapes back to their farms of origin. The work was initiated in the mid-2000´s, and quickly resulted in the world´s first example of using DNA to trace escapees back to their farms of origin 103. This case ended up in a fine for the company found in breach of regulations. This marked the start of extensive work to develop the DNA tracing method further 104, including the ability to trace farmed escaped rainbow trout 105 and Atlantic cod 37,106. The method has been applied in ~20 cases for the regulatory authorities in the period 2007-todays date 104, and has involved a diverse set of cases investigated 107,108. This work is still run as a routine service for the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries who are the responsible authority for aquaculture regulation in Norway.
Examples of recent cases we have analysed for the authorities can be seen on the following links (Norwegian): Link 1 and Link 2
The incidence of farmed escaped salmon in Norwegian rivers has been monitored since the late 1980´s. However, in 2014, the Norwegian government instructed the Institute of Marine Research to establish a new and nationally-coordinated monitoring program for farmed escapees. This involved starting a project group consisting of >20 researchers from five Norwegian research institutes and establishing a coordinated sampling and reporting program. Based upon estimates originating from summer angling surveys, dedicated autumn angling surveys, fish traps and snorkeling-surveys, the incidence of farmed escapees is now estimated in >200 Norwegian rivers annually 23. Data from this program feed into the Institute of Marine Research´s risk assessment (below), as well as providing the basis for the national mitigation strategy to remove farmed escapees from the spawning grounds in order to reduce the potential for genetic interactions.
The report from the monitoring program itself is available here.
Each year, the Institute of Marine Research publish a risk-assessment of Norwegian aquaculture 109. Based upon this risk assessment, farmed escapees and genetic interactions with wild conspecifics is ranked as the second largest challenge to an environmentally sustainable aquaculture industry. The research group is responsible for the farmed escapee chapter of this annual report which among other things, is used by the Norwegian government to regulate the aquaculture industry.
Publisert: 29.12.2017