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Barbro Taraldset Haugland

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Telefon: 41349087
Avdeling: Bunnsamfunn

Jeg er utdannet marinbiolog og er spesielt interessert i de forskjellige habitatene og økosystemene som vi har langs kysten vår, og hvordan vi mennesker samhandler med og påvirker disse. Jeg har erfaring innen blant annet forskning på effekter av fiskeoppdrett på tareskog, identifikasjon av arter fra video / bilder, kartlegging av naturtyper langs kysten og overvåking av blåskjellbestanden. 

I am a marine biologist who is especially interested in the different habitats and ecosystems along our coastline and how we humans interact with and impact these. My experience includes research on impacts of fishfarming on kelp forests, identification of species from video/ images, mapping of nature types along the coast, and monitoring of the blue mussel population. 


Jeg jobber hovedsaklig med: 

  • Kartlegging av bentiske naturtyper ved bruk av NiN systemet (Natur i Norge)
  • Overvåking av blåskjell, inkludert utvikling av nye metoder for dette
  • Kartlegging av fremmedarter
  • Riskiovurdering av fremmedarter (alger)
  • Norsk Nettverk for Blå Skog (NBFN)


I mainly work with: 

  • Mapping of benthic nature types using the NiN system (Nature in Norway)
  • Monitoring of blue mussels including development of new methods
  • Mapping of introduced species
  • Risk evaluation of introduced species (algae)
  • Norwegian Blue Forest Network (NBFN)

Curriculum Vitae


2014 - Master in Marine biodiversity. Thesis title: Faunal colonization of submarine mine tailings: an intertidal experiment to investigate the influence of sediment organic carbon content. University of Bergen/ NIVA. http://hdl.handle.net/1956/8556

2019 - PhD in marine ecology. Thesis title: Effects of fish farm effluents on kelp forest ecosystems: Kelp performance, associated species, and habitats. Institute of Marine Research / University of Oslo http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-71648



National scientific board for risk evaluation of introduced marine species. Artsdatabanken 2021-2023.



Haugland, BT, Armitage, C, Kutti, T, Husa, V, Skogen, MD, Bekkby, T, Carvajalino-Fernandez, M, Bannister, RJ, White, CA, Norderhaug, KM, and Fredriksen, S (2021) Large-scale salmon farming in Norway impacts the epiphytic community of Laminaria hyperborea. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 13(81-100). doi:http://10.3354/aei00392

Sweetman, AK, Haugland, BT, Kvassnes, AJS, and Bolam, SG (2020) Impeded macrofaunal colonisation and recovery following marine deposition of inert and organically modified mine-tailings. Frontiers of Marine Science, 7:649. doi: http://10.3389/fmars.2020.00649

Haugland, BT, Rastrick, SPS, Agnalt, AL, Husa, V, Kutti, T, and Samuelsen, OB (2019) Mortality and reduced photosynthetic performance in sugar kelp Saccharina latissima caused by the salmon-lice therapeutant hydrogen peroxide. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 11(1-17). doi: http://10.3354/aei00292

Sweetman, AK, Norling, K, Gunderstad, C, Haugland, BT, and Dale, T (2014) Benthic ecosystem functioning beneath fish farms in different hydrodynamic environments. Limnology and Oceanography, 59 (4). doi:http://10.4319/lo.2014.59.4.1139

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