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Guosong Zhang

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Avdeling: Akustikk og observasjonsmetodikk


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Resolving acoustic azimuth using an accelerometer-based underwater acoustic vector sensor

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong, Alessandro Cresci, Howard Browman, Geir Pedersen
Limnology and Oceanography : Methods

Effects of anthropogenic electromagnetic fields used for subsurface oil and gas exploration (controlled-source electromagnetics, CSEM) on the early development of Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)

Claire Guillebon, Prescilla Perrichon, Howard Browman, Alessandro Cresci, Lise Doksæter Sivle, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Guosong Zhang, Caroline Durif
Marine Pollution Bulletin 211

Answering the key stakeholder questions about the impact of offshore wind farms on marine life using hypothesis testing to inform targeted monitoring

Alessandro Cresci, Steven Degraer, Guosong Zhang, Jennifer Dannheim, Howard Browman
ICES Journal of Marine Science

The Behavioral and Neurobiological Response to Sound Stress in Salmon

Frode Oppedal, Luke T. Barrett, Thomas Fraser, Tone Vågseth, Guosong Zhang, Oliver Gilberg Andersen, Léa Jacson, Marie-Aida Dieng, Marco Vindas
Brain, Behavior and Evolution

KRILLSCAN: An automated open-source software for processing and analysis of echosounder data from the Antarctic krill fishery

Sebastian Menze, Gavin Macaulay, Guosong Zhang, Andrew Lowther, Bjørn Arne Krafft
Fisheries Management and Ecology

Answ ering the key stakeholder questions about the impact of offshore wind farms on marine life using hypothesis testing to inform targeted monitoring

Alessandro Cresci, Steven Degraer, Guosong Zhang, Jennifer Dannheim, Howard Browman
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Characterisation of grunt sound pressure level from spawning Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

Guosong Zhang, Tonje Nesse Forland, Karen de Jong, Lise Doksæter Sivle

The Behavioral and Neurobiological Response to Sound Stress in Salmon

Frode Oppedal, Luke T. Barrett, Thomas Fraser, Tone Vågseth, Guosong Zhang, Oliver Gilberg Andersen, Lea Jacson, Marie-Aida Dieng, Marco Vindas
Brain, Behavior and Evolution

Determining the directionality of anthropogenic noise using an underwater acoustic vector sensor: a case study in a Norwegian fjord

Guosong Zhang, Alessandro Cresci, Howard Browman
Acta Acustica

Underwater Acoustic Source Localization Based On A Vector Sensor System: A Field Case Study

Xiaoyu Zhu, Hefeng Dong, Guosong Zhang
Underwater Acoustics Conference & Exhibition (UACE)

Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae are attracted by low-frequency noise simulating that of operating offshore wind farms

Alessandro Cresci, Guosong Zhang, Caroline Durif, Torkel Larsen, Steven Shema, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Howard Browman
Communications Biology 6 p. 353

An Automated Pipeline for Image Processing and Data Treatment to Track Activity Rhythms of Paragorgia arborea in Relation to Hydrographic Conditions

Ander Zuazo, Jordi Grinyo, Vanesa López-vázquez, Erik Rodriguez, Corrado Costa, Luciano Ortenzi, Sascha Flögel, Javier Valencia, Simone Marini, Guosong Zhang, Henning Wehde, Jocopo Aguzzi
Sensors 20

In situ calibration of observatory broadband echosounders

Egil Ona, Guosong Zhang, Geir Pedersen, Espen Johnsen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 p. 2954-2959

Long term acoustic time series of the Lofoten–Vesterålen ocean observatory

Geir Pedersen, Guosong Zhang, Ana Sofia Aniceto, Espen Johnsen
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148

in situ calibration of observatory broadband echosounders

Egil Ona, Guosong Zhang, Geir Pedersen, Espen Johnsen
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Measurements of underwater noise radiated by commercial ships at a cabled ocean observatory

Guosong Zhang, Tonje Nesse Forland, Espen Johnsen, Geir Pedersen, Hefeng Dong
Marine Pollution Bulletin 153

A flexible autonomous robotic observatory infrastructure for bentho-pelagic monitoring

Jacopo Aguzzi, Jan Albiez, Sascha Flögel, Olav Rune Godø, Endre Grimsbø, Simone Marini, Olaf Pfannkuche, Erik Rodriguez, Laurenz Thomsen, Terje Torkelsen, Javier Valencia, Vanesa López-vázquez, Henning Wehde, Guosong Zhang
Sensors 20

Underwater communications in time-varying sparse channels using passive-phase conjugation

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong
Applied Acoustics 74 p. 421-424

Joint passive-phase conjugation with adaptive multichannel combining for coherent underwater acoustic communications

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong
Applied Acoustics 73 p. 433-439

Experimental Assessment of Different Receiver Structures for Underwater Acoustic Communications over Multipath Channels

Guosong Zhang, Jens Martin Hovem, Hefeng Dong
Sensors 12 p. 2118-2135

Experimental demonstration of spread spectrum communication over long range multipath channels

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong
Applied Acoustics 73 p. 872-876

Experimental assessment of sparse channel estimations for passive-phase conjugation communications

Guosong Zhang, Bo Peng, Hefeng Dong
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing p. 2701-2704

Coherent underwater communication using passive time reversal over multipath channels

Guosong Zhang, Jens Martin Hovem, Hefeng Dong, Lanbo Liu
Applied Acoustics 72 p. 412-419

Experimental assessment of a multicarrier underwater acoustic communication system

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong
Applied Acoustics 72 p. 953-961

Spatial diversity in multichannel processing for underwater acoustic communications

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong
Ocean Engineering 38 p. 1611-1623

A novel probe processing method for underwater communication by passive-phase conjugation

Guosong Zhang, Jens Martin Hovem, Hefeng Dong, Paul van Walree
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing p. 2700-2703

Experimental research on adaptive multichannel equalization for underwater communications

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. Proceedings p. 1-5

An efficient spread spectrum pulse position modulation scheme for point-to-point underwater acoustic communication

Guosong Zhang, Jens Martin Hovem, Hefeng Dong, Shihong Zhou, Shuanping Du
Applied Acoustics 71 p. 11-16

A design for timing pulse acquisition in underwater multipath environments

Guosong Zhang, Jens Martin Hovem, Hefeng Dong, Tor Arne Reinen
Electronical Journal of Technical Acoustics

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


Long term acoustic time series of the Lofoten–Vesterålen ocean observatory

Geir Pedersen, Guosong Zhang, Ana Sofia Aniceto, Espen Johnsen
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148

The Lofoten-Vesterålen Ocean Observatory—A cabled infrastructure for operational acoustical oceanography

Geir Pedersen, Espen Johnsen, Lars Alf Ødegaard, Guosong Zhang, Endre Grimsbø, Gavin Macaulay, Tor Arne Reinen, Anders Hermansen
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146

Faglige foredrag


Underwater acoustic source localization based on a vector sensor system: A field case study

Xiaoyu Zhu, Hefeng Dong, Guosong Zhang

A unique approach to assessing the impact of low-frequency noise and magnetic fields generated by offshore wind farms on swimming, orientation, and dispersal of fish larvae

Alessandro Cresci, Caroline Durif, Guosong Zhang, Prescilla Perrichon, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Howard Browman

Direct measurements of the migration speed of spawning herring

Egil Ona, Guosong Zhang, Nils Olav Handegard, Sverre Berg, Lars N Andersen

Experimental research on adaptive multichannel equalization for underwater communications

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong

Experimental Assessment of Adaptive Spatial Combining for Underwater Acoustic Communications

Guosong Zhang, Jens Martin Hovem, Hefeng Dong

Underwater acoustic communication experiments in the Trondheim Fjord

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong, Lanbo Liu, Zhangliang Cao, Ganpan Ke, Jens Martin Hovem

Experimental studies of underwater acoustic communication in Trondheim fjord

Guosong Zhang, Hefeng Dong, Jens Martin Hovem

Experimental Studies of Underwater Acoustic Communications over Multipath Channels

Guosong Zhang, Jens Martin Hovem, Hefeng Dong, Lanbo Liu

The problems for point-to-point underwater acoustic communication

Zhang, Guosong

A Simple Time Synchronization Method for Underwater Communication Receivers

Guosong Zhang, Jens Martin Hovem, Hefeng Dong, Tor Arne Reinen

Experimental Research of Chirp Spread Spectrum for High-rate Underwater Acoustic Communication

Guosong Zhang, Shihong Zhou, Jens M. Hovem, Hefeng Dong, Junsheng Jiao

A Design of Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Acoustic Communication System

Shengjun Xiong, Guosong Zhang, Shihong Zhou



Direct measurements of the migration speed of spawning herring

Egil Ona, Guosong Zhang, Sindre Vatnehol, Sverre Berg, Lars Nonboe Andersen, Nils Olav Handegard

Experimental assessment of sparse channel estimations for passive-phase conjugation communications

Guosong Zhang, Bo Peng, Hefeng Dong

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Antarctic krill and ecosystem monitoring survey off the South Orkney Islands in 2024

Bjørn Arne Krafft, Ludvig Krag, Guosong Zhang, Sebastian Menze, Linn Åsvestad, Astrid Fuglseth Rasmussen, Mette Svantemann Lyngby

Antarctic krill and ecosystem monitoring survey off the South Orkney Islands in 2023

Bjørn Arne Krafft, Ronald Pedersen, Guosong Zhang, Sebastian Menze, Astrid Fuglseth Rasmussen, Hege Skaar, Julian Dale, Martin Biuw, Chris Oosthuisen, Andrew Lowther

Havforskningsinstituttets rådgivning for menneskeskapt støy i havet - Kunnskapsgrunnlag, vurderinger og råd for 2023

Lise Doksæter Sivle, Tonje Nesse Forland, Karen de Jong, Guosong Zhang, Tina Kutti, Caroline Durif, Henning Wehde, Endre Grimsbø

Havforskningsinsituttets rådgivning for menneskeskapt støy i havet - Kunnskapsgrunnlag, vurderinger og råd for 2022

Lise Doksæter Sivle, Tonje Nesse Forland, Karen de Jong, Geir Pedersen, Guosong Zhang, Tina Kutti, Kate McQueen, Henning Wehde, Endre Grimsbø

Survey report: Developing methods for abundance estimation of bluefin tuna in Norwegian waters

Hector Pena, Maria Tenningen, Guosong Zhang, Georg Skaret

Testing of trawl-acoustic stock estimation of spawning capelin 2022

Georg Skaret, Hector Pena, Atle Totland, Maria Tenningen, Guosong Zhang

Effects of the electromagnetic field used in hydrocarbon surveys on marine organisms

Caroline Durif, Guosong Zhang, Alessandro Cresci, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Howard Browman, Lise Doksæter Sivle, Daniel Nyquist, Hans Roger Jensen, Jon Gunnar Solheim

Testing of trawl-acoustic stock estimation of spawning capelin 2021

Georg Skaret, Hector Pena, Atle Totland, Guosong Zhang, Lea Marie Hellenbrecht, Stine Karlson, Ronald Pedersen, Susanne Tonheim, Frøydis Rist, Valentine Anthonypillai

Havforskningsinsituttets rådgivning for menneskeskapt støy i havet - Kunnskapsgrunnlag, vurderinger og råd for 2021

Lise Doksæter Sivle, Tonje Nesse Forland, Karen de Jong, Tina Kutti, Guosong Zhang, Henning Wehde, Endre Grimsbø
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