Min utdannelse i fiskeribiologi har jeg fra Universitetet i Bergen. Våren 2000 avholdt jeg min doktor disputas over temaet; “Distribution of gadoids in the Barents Sea; Impact on survey results”. Avhandlingen tok for seg hvordan torsk fordeler seg i vannmassene i henhold til endringer av ulike miljøparametre som lys, temperatur og fødetilgang, og hvilke konsekvenser variasjonen i fiskefordelingen vil kunne få for våre viktigste mengdeberegningsinstrumenter (bunntrål og akustikk).
I de senere årene har jeg arbeidet med;
• Koordinering av forskningstokt med R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen
• Koordinering av ulike utviklingssamarbeidsprosjekter (Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar)
• Adferd, utbredelse, vandring og økologi hos Norsk Arktisk torsk
• Vandring og utbredelse hos Atlantisk kveite
• Merketeknologi brukt på fisk
• Forsøksdyransvarlig for felt- og tokt aktivitet ved Havforskningsinstituttet
• Vært ansvarlig for det årlige økosystemtoktet i Barentshavet
• Toktleder ved ulike forskningstokt rundt om i verden
• Evalueringer av forskningssøknader, artikler, toktsøknader
• Ulike oppdrag fra FAO, Norad, Utenriksdepartementet, Nærings - og fiskeridepartementet og Forskningsrådet
Dr. Kathrine Michalsen
Academic Title: Principal scientist (qualified to a professor position)
1986-1993 Cand. Scient at the University of Bergen, with the thesis “Diel variations in trawl catches of cod (Gadus morhua L.) - a result of vertical migration and feeding”.
1999 Dr. Scient Dissertation (PhD) at University of Bergen, with the thesis “Distribution of gadoids in the Barents Sea; Impact on survey results”.
In the period 2006-2007 a course in Leadership for young leaders, AFF, Norwegian School of economics and business administration was conducted
Work experience:
• 2012 Principal scientist at Institute of Marine Research (IMR, 1183-scientist)
• 2011 Senior scientist at Institute of Marine research, Centre for Development Co-operation in Fisheries (CDCF) at IMR
• 2010 -2011 Senior scientist at Institute of Marine research, Ecosystem processes group
• 2007-2010 Head of Research group on “Biogeography and Trophic interaction” at IMR
• 2005 Qualified as 1110- scientist at IMR
• 2003 Permanent position as a 1109-scientist at IMR
• 2002-2003 Qualified as 1109-scientist at IMR. NFR-project “climate-fish interactions”, Oceanography group
• 1999-2002 Researcher at the IMR in Bergen (Catch section /Demersal Fish section).
• 1996 Visiting scientist at Fisheries Conservation Chair, Memorial University, St.John’s Canada in Nov-Dec 1996 .
• 1994-1999 Doctoral fellowship financed by the Norwegian Research Council. In this period I have also been the cruise leader for several of the annual abundance surveys conducted in the Barents Sea and other, more experimental cruises.
Committees and Board assignments:
• The steering committee for 100-years anniversary conference for IMR and Directory of fisheries “Mat fra havet- også de neste tusen år”, 11-13 Oct 2000.
• The board for the scientists labour union at IMR for 3 years (2001-2004). Head of IMR’s data policy-committee (2001-2002).
• The National committee for Polar research (Norwegian Research Council, 2001-2003)
• The steering committee for the conference “Fish behavior in exploited systems”, Bergen, May 2003.
• The group recommending action for use of environmental information for stock evaluation and management advice purposes. Resulted in a IMR publication (Huse et al. 2004)
• Several committees related to the re-organization of IMR (2005-2006)
• The IMR-scientific strategy committee (2007-2008).
• The IMR-functional structure committee (2007-2008).
• Representing the employees at IMR at the institute board (2006-2010)
• The committee development of OSPAR conventions (2008-2009)
• Member of “kollokvieutvalget”- A group that organize scientific presentation for the employees at IMR (2011- ongoing)
• Committee giving input to the Ministry of Foreign affair regarding development of a new strategy in support to developing countries, called “Fish for development” (2014)
• International expert group to Addressing Knowledge Needs and Gaps in Norwegian ODA-Funded Research Support, called the CEEN report (2014).
• Scientific council for the Hjort centre for marine ecosystem dynamics (2013)
University experience:
• Supervisor for 3 master students and 1 PhD student.
• Examinatior/sensor and opponent for 4 master students and 1 PhD.
• Teaching master students in survey assessment methodology and tagging methodlogy, through lectures at the University of Bergen.
International experience:
• Visiting Fisheries Conservation Chair, Memorial University, St. John’s Canada in, Nov-Dec 1996
• Visiting Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Mont-Joli Canada, in Sept-Oct, 2003.
• Member of the steering committee for the conference on « Fish behaviour in exploited systems», Bergen, 2003. Participated with scientific papers or invited contributions to international meetings and conferences in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Russia, England, Scotland, Germany, Italy, Netherland, Portugal, France, USA, Canada.
• Hosted several scientists visiting IMR;Dave Righton 2002, 1 week (CEFAS, UK), Andrew C. Seitz 2003, 2 weeks, Jenifer Nielsen 2006, 1 week, Jeroen van der Kooj 2006, 1 week, Francis Neat 2006, 1 week, Edna í Homrum 2011, 1 week, Aaron Jaeschke 2011, 2 months, Aaron Jaeschke 2013, 3 months, Aaron Jaeschke 2014, 1 year.
• Member of the ICES FAST (Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology) Working group and FTFB (Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour) 1998-2008.
• Financially co-ordinator for the European project “CODYSSEY” (Q5RS-2002-00813).Involved in several international projects including the EU project (STEREO; FAIR CT98-4122).
• Planning committee for a project in Indonesia, financed by NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, 2006.
• Scoping mission to Myanmar on behalf of Norad, as preparation for a potential new project, 2015
• Project leader for co-operation project between Indonesia and Norway (2010-2013) and Thailand (2012-1016).
• Scientific coordinator for a joint IMR/PINRO Ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea (2007- 2008).
• Invited to a expert meeting on "The use of research vessels in building the knowledge base for the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries " - Rome, Italy, 29-31 August 2011.
• Coordinating the joint IMR/PINRO Ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea for two years (2007- 2008).
• Cruiseleader at an ecosystem survey on the northwest coast of Africa and Indian Ocean with R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen ( https://www.hi.no/forskning/utviklingssamarbeid/surveys/nb-no)
Leader experience:
• Head of IMR’s data policy-committee (2001-2002).
• Head of a research group at IMR called “Biogeography and Trophic interactions” (March 2007-April
• 2010, 30 scientist and 6 technicians)
• Chair of session on “Fish behaviour relevant to fish catchability”, at the conference “Fish behavior in exploited systems”. Bergen, May2003.
• Chair of session “Animal behavior” at the symposium on the Ecosystem approach with fisheries acoustics and complementary technologies (SEAFACTS), Bergen June 2008.
• Cruise leader on national and international scientific surveys for many years (research vessel, small and large fishing boats) from 1998- current
• Project leader on national and international level (currently leading 5 national project and one co- operation project between Indonesia and Norway).
• Head of the group evaluating applications for 1110 at IMR in 2009.
Referee jobs for several journals and other organizations:
• -Referee jobs for ICES Journal of Marine Science, Fisheries Research, Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Journal of Sea Research, Fisheries Oceanography, Marine Biology Research, Journal of Fish Biology, PLoS ONE and Marine Ecology Progress Series.
• -Evaluation of applications for senior competence at Institute of Marine Research (1110 scientist), spring 2010
• -Evaluating applications to the Portuguese Research Council, Spring 2010
• -Evaluating applications to the ”national research vessels, ship-time grant-aid program”, Ireland, November2009 – 2015.
• -Evaluation of a final research project report for DEFRA, October 2010
Editorial work:
• Michalsen, K., 2003. Havets ressurser 2003. Fisken og havet, særnr. 1-2003.
• Michalsen, K., 2004. Havets ressurser 2004. Fisken og havet, særnr. 1-2004.
• Subject editor for Marine Biology Research 2012-2013.