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Malthe Hvas

Malthe Hvas foto Frode Oppedal
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Avdeling: Dyrevelferd


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Physiological performance and cardiac morphology of Atlantic salmon reared under slow and fast growth conditions

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Marco Vindas, Ida Beitnes Johansen
Aquaculture Reports

Tolerance to fluctuating currents in farmed Atlantic salmon: a novel method to simulate offshore wave effects in the laboratory

Ronja Rogerdatter Athammer, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 16 p. 103-114

Fasting and its implications for fish welfare in Atlantic salmon aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Jelena Kolarevic, Christopher Noble, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien
Reviews in Aquaculture

Atlantic salmon in chronic turbulence: Effects on growth, behaviour, welfare, and stress

Emma Barbier, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas
Aquaculture 582

Louse-induced mortality thresholds in Atlantic salmon of wild-origin

Samantha Bui, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Malthe Hvas, Ørjan Karlsen, Sussie Trine Dalvin
Conservation Science and Practice (CSP)

Novel tag-based method for measuring tailbeat frequency and variations in amplitude in fish

F. Warren-Myers, Eirik Svendsen, Martin Føre, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas
Animal Biotelemetry 11

Welfare effects of environmental hypercapnia quantified by indicators based on morphology and allostatic load in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Erik Höglund, Ole Folkedal, Johan Aerts, Malthe Hvas, Øyvind Øverli, Anders Mangor-Jensen, Marco A. Vindas, Jonatan Nilsson, Tore Kristiansen
Aquaculture 572

Energetic costs of ectoparasite infection in Atlantic salmon

Malthe Hvas, Samantha Bui
Journal of Experimental Biology 225

Swimming energetics of Atlantic salmon in relation to extended fasting at different temperatures

Hvas, Malthe
Conservation Physiology 10 p. 1-14

Full compensatory growth before harvest and no impact on fish welfare in Atlantic salmon after an 8-week fasting period

Malthe Hvas, Jonatan Nilsson, Tone Vågseth, Velimir Nola, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Ole Folkedal
Aquaculture 546

Influence of photoperiod and protocol length on metabolic rate traits in ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta

Hvas, Malthe
Journal of Fish Biology p. 1-10

What is The Limit of Sustained Swimming in Atlantic Salmon Post smolts?

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13 p. 189-198

Sentinels in Salmon Aquaculture: Heart Rates Across Seasons and During Crowding Events

Fletcher Warren-Myers, Malthe Hvas, Tone Vågseth, Tim Dempster, Frode Oppedal
Frontiers in Physiology

The effect of fasting period on swimming performance, blood parameters and stress recovery in Atlantic salmon post molts

Malthe Hvas, Jonatan Nilsson, Tone Vågseth, Velimir Nola, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Ole Folkedal
Aquaculture 546

The effect of fasting period on swimming performance, blood parameters and stress recovery in Atlantic salmon post smolts

Malthe Hvas, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 255

Skeletal deformities in wild and farmed cleaner fish species used in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar aquaculture

Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Angelico Madaro, Malthe Hvas, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Thomas Fraser
Journal of Fish Biology p. 1-10

Is it advantageous for Atlantic salmon to be triploid at lower temperatures?

Erling Nilsen Riseth, Thomas Fraser, Florian Sambraus, Lars Helge Stien, Malthe Hvas
Journal of Thermal Biology 89

Heart rates of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar during a critical swim speed test and subsequent recovery

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Journal of Fish Biology

Fish welfare in offshore salmon aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Reviews in Aquaculture

Heart rate bio-loggers as welfare indicators in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 529

The metabolic rate response to feed withdrawal in Atlantic salmon post-smolts

Malthe Hvas, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 529

Fish Welfare Based Classification Method of Ocean Current Speeds at Aquaculture Sites

Kristbjörg Edda Jónsdóttir, Malthe Hvas, Jo Arve Alfredsen, Martin Føre, Morten Alver, Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 249-261

Physiological responses of farmed Atlantic salmon and two cohabitant species of cleaner fish to progressive hypoxia

Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 512

Influence of experimental set-up and methodology for measurements of metabolic rates and critical swimming speed in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Journal of Fish Biology 95 p. 893-902

Physiological performance of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) at different temperatures and its implication for cleaner fish usage in salmon aquaculture

Jeffrey William Yuen, Tim Dempster, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas
Biological control (Print) 135 p. 117-123

Fish welfare based classification method of ocean current speeds at aquaculture sites

Kristbjörg Edda Jónsdóttir, Malthe Hvas, Jo Arve Alfredsen, Martin Føre, Morten Alver, Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 249-261

Metabolic and functional impacts of hypoxia vary with size in Atlantic salmon

Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Barbara F. Nowak, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 231 p. 30-38

Oxygen Uptake and Osmotic Balance of Atlantic Salmon in Relation to Exercise and Salinity Acclimation

Malthe Hvas, Tom Ole Nilsen, Frode Oppedal
Frontiers in Marine Science 5 p. 1-11

Metabolic rates, swimming capabilities, thermal niche and stress response of the lumpfish, cyclopterus lumpus

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Albert Imsland, Frode Oppedal
Biology Open 7:bio036079 p. 1-9

The gill parasite Paramoeba perurans compromises aerobic scope, swimming capacity and ion balance in Atlantic salmon.

Malthe Hvas, Egil Karlsbakk, Stig Mæhle, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal
Conservation Physiology 5 p. 1-12

Sustained swimming capacity of Atlantic salmon

Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 9 p. 361-369

The effect of thermal acclimation on aerobic scope and critical swimming speed in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Albert Imsland, Frode Oppedal
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 p. 2757-2764

Assessing swimming capacity and schooling behaviour in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar with experimental push-cages

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, David Solstorm, Tone Vågseth, Jan Olav Fosse, Lars Christian Gansel, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 473 p. 423-429

Critical swimming speed in groups of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Mette Remen, Frida Solstorm, Samantha Bui, Klebert Pascal, Tone Vågseth, David Solstorm, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8 p. 659-664

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


Forvirring om fisk som forsøksdyr

Ole Folkedal, Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Malthe Hvas

Skremmende tall om dyreforsøk er storm i vannglass

Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas

Våre dyreforsøk skal fremme fiskevelferd

Ole Folkedal, Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Malthe Hvas

Forsøksfisk for bedre dyrevelferd

Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland

Forsøksfisk for bedre dyrevelferd

Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland

Skremmende tall om dyreforsøk er storm i vannglass

Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas

Faglige foredrag


Stress-induced mortality in large Atlantic salmon at high temperatures is associated with collapsing aerobic scopes

Hvas, Malthe

Physiology and morphology of clonal Atlantic salmon - Influence of Incubation temperature, ploidy, and zygosity

Malthe Hvas, Fletcher Warren-Myers, Ida Beitnes Johansen, Tom Johnny Hansen

Faste. Ikke vær redd for å faste laksen din! - men vær redd hvis laksen frivillig faster...

Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Malthe Hvas

Ikke vær redd for å faste laksen din!

Hvas, Malthe

Eksponert oppdrett - Kunnskap og løsninger for å trekke lengre ut, uten å dra til havs

Jan Tore Fagertun, Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Trine Thorvaldsen, Martin Gutsch, Eivind Lona, Biao Su, Per Christian Endresen, Malthe Hvas, Eirik Svendsen

Biological premises for salmon offshore farming

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal

The adaptability of Atlantic salmon Salmon salar to novel turbulent environments

Emma Barbier, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Fiskens mestringsevne for eksponerte forhold

Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Utfordringer for oppdrettsnæringen i et klima i endring

Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Bjørn Ådlandsvik, Malthe Hvas

Hva nå? Eksponert oppdrett fra et biologisk standpunkt

Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas

Mortality thresholds for salmon lice infections in Atlantic salmon

Sussie Dalvin, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Malthe Hvas, Ørjan Karlsen, Samantha Bui

Fasting and fish welfare in salmon aquaculture

Hvas, Malthe

Salmon lice in wild and cultured salmonids

Sussie Dalvin, Malthe Hvas, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Ørjan Karlsen, Samantha Bui

Sulting av laks - ikke nødvendigvis en plage

Hvas, Malthe

Fasting and fish welfare in salmon aquaculture

Hvas, Malthe

Fish welfare in new aquaculture contexts – challenges for and contributions from marine technology

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal

Laksens tålegrenser for havbruk til havs

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal

Hvor mye vannstrøm tåler laks og rensefisk

Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas

Fish welfare implications of prolonged fasting periods in Atlantic salmon

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien

Fish welfare in exposed farming

Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Sulting av laks – en positiv historie

Lars Helge Stien, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Vekst er mer enn kilo og gram

Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Jonatan Nilsson

Optimizing feed withdrawal for safeguarding fish welfare

Hvas, Malthe

Kan fiskevelferd sikres langt til havs?

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal

Rognkjeks er ikke laks

Hvas, Malthe

The use of swim tunnel studies in defining environmental thresholds for Atlantic salmon and cleanerfish in exposed Aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal

Hvilke velferdsindikatorer skal brukes i ulike anleggskonsepter for lakseoppdrett?

Kristoffer Vale Nielsen, Chris Noble, Kristine Gismervik, Cecilie Marie Mejdell, Jonatan Nilsson, Jelena Kolarevic, Lars Helge Stien, Martin Haugmo Iversen, James F. Turnbull, Bjørn-Steinar Sæther, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter Espmark, Kjell Øyvind Midling, David Izquierdo-Gomez, Tore S Kristiansen, Thomas Torgersen, Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, Daniel William Wright, Kristian Ellingsen

The effect of environmental factors on swimming capacity and oxygen uptake in Atlantic salmon

Hvas, Malthe

Thresholds for hypoxia and water current in salmon production

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Frida Solstorm, David Solstorm, Tina Oldham, Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien

The gill parasite Paramoeba perurans compromises aerobic scope and swimming capacity in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Egil Karlsbakk

Velferdsindikatorer for laks og regnbueørret (FISHWELL)

Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Tore S Kristiansen, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal, Thomas Torgersen, Malthe Hvas, Daniel W Wrigth, Chris Noble, Jelena Kolarevic, Kristine Gismervik, James F. Turnbull

Premisser for merdteknologi – lytter vi til "brukerens" krav til vannstrøm for god vekst og velferd på eksponerte lokaliteter?

Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, David Solstorm, Frida Solstorm, Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal

Hva er akseptabel vannstrøm for laks i merder?

Frode Oppedal, David Solstorm, Frida Solstorm, Mette Remen, Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal



Mortality thresholds for Atlantic salmon with salmon lice infections

Samantha Bui, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Malthe Hvas, Ørjan Karlsen, Sussie Dalvin

The gill parasite Paramoeba perurans compromises aerobic scope, swimming capacity and ion balance in Atlantic salmon.

Malthe Hvas, Egil Karlsbakk, Frode Oppedal

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Safe, robust, and productive Exposed Aquaculture Operations - Challenges and solutions

Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Kristine Vedal Størkersen, Heidi Moe Føre, Trine Thorvaldsen, Ole Folkedal, Ingunn Marie Holmen, Eivind Lona, Esten Ingar Grøtli, Ørjan Selvik, Jan Tore Fagertun, Per Christian Endresen, Sveinung Johan Ohrem, Hans Tobias Slette, Martin Gutsch, Bjørn Magnus Mathisen, Malthe Hvas, Pascal Klebert

Safe, robust, and productive Exposed Aquaculture Operations - Challenges and solutions

Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Kristine Vedal Størkersen, Heidi Moe Føre, Trine Thorvaldsen, Ole Folkedal, Ingunn Marie Holmen, Eivind Lona, Esten Ingar Grøtli, Ørjan Selvik, Jan Tore Fagertun, Per Christian Endresen, Sveinung Johan Ohrem, Hans Tobias Slette, Martin Gutsch, Bjørn Magnus Mathisen, Malthe Hvas, Klebert Pascal

Tolerance limits to fluctuating water currents in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): A novel method to simulate the impact of ocean waves on salmon welfare in the laboratory “Wave after Wave”

Ronja Rogerdatter Athammer, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Chronic turbulence and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): assessing effects on growth performance, behaviour, welfare, stress and swimming capacity.

Barbier Emma, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Havbasert oppdrett – hvor mye vannstrøm tåler laks og rensefisk? - fiskevelferd og grenseverdier

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal

Physiology and welfare of Atlantic salmon and cleaner fish in exposed aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Albert Imsland

Do diploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) have a higher swimming capacity than triploid?

Erling Nilsen, Enrique Blanco Gonzalez, Lars Helge Stien, Malthe Hvas
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