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Ole Samuelsen

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Arbeider med kjemisk analyse av organiske forbindelser i biologisk materiale og miljøeffekter ved bruk av legemidler i fiskeoppdrett, persistens og effekter på non-target organismer. Studier av behandlingseffektivitet og farmakokinetiske undersøkelser av legemidler i fisk og skalldyr. Undersøke spredning av organisk materiale fra oppdrettsanlegg til miljøet, sediment og fauna, ved å bruke stabil isotop analyse (SIA) og fettsyrer.

1. Utvikling av analytiske metoder (HPLC) for legemidler i biologisk materiale-

2. Farmakokinetiske studier av antibakterielle og antiparasittmidler i fisk og skalldyr.

3. Effektivitet av antibakterielle og antiparasittmidler i behandlingen av bakterielle sykdommer og parasittinfeksjoner i fisk.

4. Effekt av legemidler brukt i fiskeoppdrett på non-target organismer.

5. Spredning og persistens av legemidler til det marine miljø.

6. Ved å bruke stabile isotoper av C and N og fettsyreprofiler studeres spredning av organisk materiale fra oppdrettsanlegg til miljøet

Curriculum Vitae

Cand. Scient. ved Universitetet i Bergen 1984.

Dr. philos ved Universitetet i Bergen 1993 med avhandlingen “The use of antibacterial agents in Norwegian aquaculture. Residue analysis and environmental impacts”.

Seniorforsker ved Havforskningsinstituttet og Professor II ved Universitetet i Bergen.


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Anti-Sea Lice Veterinary Medicinal Products on Salmon Farms: A Review and Analysis of Their Usage Patterns, Environmental Fate and Hazard Potential

Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Rosa H. Escobar-Lux, Rita Hannisdal, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Ole Samuelsen
Reviews in Aquaculture 17

Effects of the sea lice chemotherapeutant, emamectin benzoate, on metabolism and behaviour of the sea-pen Pennatula phosphorea

Bastien Taormina, Rosa Helena Escobar Lux, Erwann Legrand, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Tina Kutti, Vivian Husa, Rita Hannisdal, Ole Samuelsen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt
Marine Pollution Bulletin 198

Lufenuron treatment temporarily represses gene expression and affects the SUMO pathway in liver of Atlantic salmon

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Kristine Ertnæs Brokke, Ole Samuelsen, Rita Hannisdal
Journal of Fish Diseases p. 1-14

Lufenuron treatment temporarily represses gene expression and affects the SUMO pathway in liver of Atlantic salmon

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Kristine E. Brokke, Ole Samuelsen, Rita Hannisdal
Journal of Fish Diseases

CO2-Induced Ocean Acidification Alters the Burrowing Behavior of Manila Clam Ruditapes philippinarum by Reversing GABAA Receptor Function

Weiwei Jiang, Jinghui Fang, Samuel Rastrick, Ole Samuelsen, Bo Liang, Yuze Mao, Øivind Strand, Jianguang Fang, Zengjie Jiang
Environmental Science and Technology 57 p. 8921-8932

Effect of sea lice chemotherapeutant hydrogen peroxide on the photosynthetic characteristics and bleaching of the coralline alga Lithothamnion soriferum

Erwann Legrand, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Rosa Escobar, Florian Freytet, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Vivian Husa
Aquatic Toxicology 247

Effect of salmon-lice therapeutant hydrogen peroxide on the photosynthetic characteristics and bleaching of the coralline alga Lithothamnion soriferum.

E Legrand, AE Parsons, RH Escobar Lux, F Freytet, AL Agnalt, OB Samuelsen, V Husa
Aquatic Toxicology 247

Modelling chemical releases from fish farms: impact zones, dissolution time, and exposure probability

Pål Næverlid Sævik, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 p. 22-33

Distribution and Persistence of Diflubenzuron and Teflubenzuron in the Marine Environment Around Salmonid Aquaculture Facilities

Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Rita Hannisdal, Tore Tjensvoll, Vivian Husa
Frontiers in Marine Science 8 p. 1-11

Impact zones, dissolution time and exposure risk

PN Sævik, A-L Agnalt, OB Samuelsen, M Myksvoll
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Antibacterial treatment of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) experimentally challenged with Vibrio anguillarum, atypical Aeromonas salmonicida and Pasteurella atlantica

Karen Obrestad Kverme, Marielle Kallekleiv, Kristina Larsen, Anita Rønneseth, Heidrun I. Wergeland, Ole B. Samuelsen, Gyri T. Haugland
Journal of Fish Diseases p. 1-11

The occurrence of anti-sea lice drugs, diflubenzuron and teflubenzuron, in biota and sediments from the Norwegian marine environment-a field survey

AE Parsons, OB Samuelsen, I Askeland Johnsen, R Hannisdal, T Tjensvoll, V Husa.
Frontiers Marine Science

The Acute and Delayed Mortality of the Northern Krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) When Exposed to Hydrogen Peroxide

Rosa Escobar, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 105 p. 705-710

Acute and delayed mortality of the northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) when exposed to low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.

RH Escobar-Lux, OB Samuelsen
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 105 p. 705-710

Short-term exposure to hydrogen peroxide induces mortality and alters exploratory behaviour of European lobster (Homarus gammarus)

Rosa Escobar, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 204

The effects of teflubenzuron on mortality, physiology and accumulation in Capitella sp.

Jinghui Fang, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øivind Strand, Pia Kupka Hansen, Henrice M Jansen
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 203 p. 1-7

The impact of anti-sea lice pesticides, azamethiphos and deltamethrin, on European lobster (Homarus gammarus) larvae in the Norwegian marine environment

Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Rosa Escobar, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt
Environmental Pollution (1987) 264 p. 1-11

Mortality in the rockpool shrimp Palaemon elegans following long-term exposure to low doses of the anti-parasitic drug Teflubenzuron

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Tore Tjensvoll, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Rita Hannisdal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 12 p. 23-29

The effects of hydrogen peroxide on mortality, escape response, and oxygen consumption of Calanus spp.

Rosa Escobar, David M. Fields, Howard Browman, Steven D. Shema, Reidun Marie Bjelland, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Caroline Durif
FACETS 2019 p. 626-637

Whole‐animal accumulation, oxidative stress, transcriptomic and metabolomic responses in the pink shrimp (Pandalus montagui) exposed to teflubenzuron

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Marte Aulin, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Rita Hannisdal, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Journal of Applied Toxicology

Pharmacokinetic Data Show That Oxolinic Acid and Flumequine Are Absorbed and Excreted Rapidly From Plasma and Tissues of Lumpfish

Gyri Teien Haugland, Karen Obrestad Kverme, Rita Hannisdal, Marielle Kallekleiv, Duncan John Colquhoun, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6

Pharmacokinetics of florfenicol in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) after a single oral administration

Karen Obrestad Kverme, Gyri Teien Haugland, Rita Hannisdal, Marielle Kallekleiv, Duncan John Colquhoun, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture 512 p. 1-7

Mortality and reduced photosynthetic performance in sugar kelp Saccharina latissima caused by the salmon-lice therapeutant hydrogen peroxide

Barbro Taraldset Haugland, Samuel Rastrick, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Vivian Husa, Tina Kutti, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 1-17

Mortality and reduced photosynthetic performance in sugar kelp Saccharina latissima caused by the salmon-lice therapeutant hydrogen peroxide

Barbro Haugland Taraldset, Samuel Rastrick, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Vivian Husa, Tina Kutti, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11

Acute toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide, used for salmon lice treatment, on the survival of polychaetes Capitella sp. and Ophryotrocha spp.

Jinghui Fang, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øivind Strand, Henrice M Jansen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 363-368

Acute toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide, used for salmon lice treatment, on the survival of polychaetes (Capitella sp. and Ophryotrocha spp.)

Jinghui Fang, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øivind Strand, Henrice M Jansen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 363-368

Whole-animal accumulation, oxidative stress, transcriptomic and metabolomic responses in the pink shrimp (Pandalus montagui) exposed to teflubenzuron

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Marte Aulin, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Rita Hannisdal, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Journal of Applied Toxicology p. 1-13

Whole-animal accumulation, oxidative stress, transcriptomic and metabolomic responses in the pink shrimp (Pandalus montagui) exposed to teflubenzuron.

PA Olsvik, M Aulin, OB Samuelsen, R Hannisdal, A-L Agnalt, BT Lunestad,
Journal of Applied Toxicology p. 1:13

Acute toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide, used for salmon lice treatment, on the survival of polychaetes (Capitella sp. and Ophryotrocha spp.)

J. Fang, O.B. Samuelsen, Ø. Strand, H. Jansen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions Vol 10 p. 363-368

Exposure to teflubenzuron negatively impacts exploratory behavior, learning and activity of juvenile European lobster (Homarus gammarus)

Alessandro Cresci, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Caroline Durif, Reidun Marie Bjelland, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Howard Browman, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 160 p. 216-221

Impact of teflubenzuron on the rockpool shrimp (Palaemon elegans)

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Ole Bent Samuelsen
201 p. 35-43

Development of anaesthetic protocols for lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.): Effect of anaesthetic concentrations, sea water temperature and body weight

Malene Waage Skår, Gyri Teien Haugland, Mark Powell, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen
PLOS ONE 12:e0179344 p. 1-18

Persistence and Stability of Teflubenzuron and Diflubenzuron When Associated to Organic Particles in Marine Sediment

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology p. 1-5

Transcriptional responses to teflubenzuron exposure in European lobster (Homarus gammarus)

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Aquatic Toxicology 167 p. 143-156

Changes in fatty acid composition and stable isotope signature of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in response to laboratory dietary shifts

Siri Aaserud Olsen, Pia Kupka Hansen, Henriette Givskud, Arne S Ervik, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture 435 p. 277-285

Distribution and persistence of the anti sea-lice drug teflubenzuron in wild fauna and sediments around a salmon farm, following a standard treatment

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Rita Hannisdal, Raymond Bannister, Siri Aaserud Olsen, Tore Tjensvoll, Eva Farestveit, Arne S Ervik
Science of the Total Environment 508 p. 115-121

Mortality and deformities in European lobster (Homarus gammarus) juveniles exposed to the anti-parasitic drug teflubenzuron

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Eva Farestveit, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Rita Hannisdal, Bjarte Holmelid, Tore Tjensvoll, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt
Aquatic Toxicology 149 p. 8-15

Antibiotic uptake by cultured Atlantic cod leucocytes and effect on intracellular Francisella noatunensis subsp. noatunensis replication

Marte Albriktsen Kaldestad, Gyri Teien Haugland, Anita Rønneseth, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 108 p. 11-21

Toxicological assessment of the anti-salmon lice drug diflubenzuron on Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Ane Erdal, Bjarte Holmelid, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 105 p. 27-43

Antimicrobial susceptibility of Francisella noatunensis subsp noatunensis strains isolated from Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in Norway

Cecilie Helen Isachsen, Øivind Vågnes, Ragnhild Aakre Jakobsen, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 98 p. 57-62

Anaesthesia of farmed fish: implications for welfare

Inger Hilde Zahl, O Samuelsen, Anders Kiessling
Fish Physiology & Biochemistry 38 p. 201-218

An evaluation of the duration of efficacy of emamectin benzoate in the control of Caligus curtus Muller infestations in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L

Lars Are Hamre, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Rita Hannisdal, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Journal of Fish Diseases 34 p. 453-457

Anaesthesia of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) - Effect of pre-anaesthetic sedation, and importance of body weight and water temperature

Inger Hilde Zahl, Anders Kiessling, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Magne Kjerulf Hansen
Aquaculture Research 42 p. 1235-1245

Evaluating bioencapsulation of florfenicol in rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis)

Irja Sunde Roiha, Erling Otterlei, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture Research 42 p. 1110-1116

Feed intake and tissue distribution of florfenicol in cod (Gadus morhua) administered feed with different fat contents

Geir Olav Melingen, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27 p. 57-60

Efficacy of florfenicol in the treatment of bacterial infections in halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.), larvae

Irja Sunde Roiha, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Torstein Harboe
Journal of Fish Diseases 34 p. 927-930

Bioencapsulation of florfenicol in brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana, nauplii

Irja Sunde Roiha, Erling Otterlei, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Bioanalysis & Biomedicine 2 p. 60-64

The Effect of the Feed Oil and Protein Source on the Deposition and Depletion of Oxolinic Acid in Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.)

Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Merat Behzadzadeh, Ole Samuelsen, Marit Espe, MARC BERNTSSEN
Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability 2

Pharmacokinetics of emamectin benzoate administered to Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., by intra-peritoneal injection

Kevin Alan Glover, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Karin Kroon Boxaspen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Journal of Fish Diseases 33 p. 183-186

Uptake and elimination of florfenicol in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae delivered orally through bioencapsulation in the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana

Irja Sunde Roiha, Erling Otterlei, Amund Litlabø, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture 310 p. 27-31

Anesthesia induces stress in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)

Inger Hilde Zahl, Anders Kiessling, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Rolf Erik Olsen
Fish Physiology & Biochemistry 36 p. 719-730

A single-dose pharmacokinetic study of emamectin benzoate in cod, Gadus morhua L., held in sea water at 9 degrees C

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Journal of Fish Diseases 33 p. 137-142

Pharmacokinetics, plasma cortisol and effectiveness of benzocaine, MS-222 and isoeugenol measured in individual dorsal aorta-cannulated Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) following bath administration

Anders Kiessling, David Johansson, Inger Hilde Zahl, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture 286 p. 301-308

Anaesthesia of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Effect of pre-anaesthetic sedation, and importance of body weight, temperature and stress

Inger Hilde Zahl, Anders Kiessling, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Magne Kjerulf Hansen
Aquaculture 295 p. 52-59

Pharmacokinetics and transcriptional effects of the anti-salmon lice drug emamectin benzoate in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Eva Mykkeltvedt, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Kjell Petersen, Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
BMC Pharmacology 8

A laboratory study to evaluate the use of emamectin benzoate in the control of sea lice in sea-ranched Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Kevin Glover, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Aquaculture 285 p. 2-7

A laboratory study to evaluate the use of emamectin benzoate in the control of sea lice in sea-ranched Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Pål A. Olsvik, Kai K Lie, Eva Mykkeltvedt, Ole B. Samuelsen, Kjell Petersen, Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
BMC Pharmacology 285 p. 2-7

Susceptibility of corkwing wrasse Symphodus melops, goldsinny wrasse Ctenolabrus rupestris, and Atlantic salmon salmo salar smolt to experimental challenge with Vibrio tapetis and Vibrio splendidus isolated from corkwing wrasse. Aquacult Int 15:11-18

Øivind Bergh, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture International 15 p. 11-18

Multiple dose pharmacokinetic study of oxolinic acid in cod, Gadus morhua L

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Aquaculture International 14

Treating experimentally induced vibriosis (Listonella anguillarum) in cod (Gadus morhua L.) with florfenicol

Berit Seljestokken, Øivind Bergh, G. O. Melingen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Rolf Hetlelid Olsen, Hari Prakash Rudra
Journal of Fish Diseases 737

Pharmacokinetics of quinolones in fish. A review

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Aquaculture 255 p. 55-75

Winter ulcer disease of post-smolt Atlantic salmon; an unsuitable case of treatment?

Rosie Theresa Coyne, Peter R. Smith, Inger Dalsgaard, H Nilsen, Heidi Kongshaug, Øivind Bergh, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture 253 p. 171-178

Absorption, tissue distribution, metabolism and excretion of ormethoprim and sulphadimethoxine in cod (Gadus morhua) after oral administration of Romet

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22 p. 68-71

Viral and bacterial diseases of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, their prophylaxis and treatment: a review

Ole B. Samuelsen, Audun H. Nerland, Trond Ø. Jørgensen, Merete Bjørgan Schrøder, Terje Svåsand, Øyvind Bergh
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 71 p. 239-254

Efficacy of orally administered flumequine in the treatment of vibriosis caused by Listonella anguillarum in cod Gadus morhua

Frode Todnem Vik-Mo, Øivind Bergh, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 67 p. 87-92

A question of temperature related differences in plasma oxolinic acid concentrations achieved in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under laboratory conditions following multiple oral dosing

Rosie Coyne, Øivind Bergh, Pete Smith, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture 245

Determination of oxytetracycline in fish muscle by liquid chromatography.

Rosie Coyne, Øivind Bergh, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Journal of Chromatography A 810 p. 325-328

On the validity of setting breakpoint minimum inhibition concentrations at one quarter of the plasma concentration achieved following oral administration of oxytetracycline

Rosie Coyne, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øivind Bergh, Kari Andersen, Hari Prakash Rudra, Pete Smith
Aquaculture 239 p. 23-35

A comparison of oxolinic acid concentrations in farmed and laboratory held rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following oral therapy

Rosie Coyne, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Heidi Kongshaug, Kari Andersen, Inger Dalsgaard, Pete Smith, Øivind Bergh
Aquaculture 239 p. 1-13

Attempts to validate breakpoint MIC values estimated from pharmacokinetic data obtained during oxolinic acid theraphy of winter ulcer disease in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Rosie Coyne, Øivind Bergh, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture p. 51-66

Efficacy of orally administered florfenicol and oxolinic acid for the treatment of vibriosis in cod (Gadus morhua)

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øivind Bergh
Aquaculture 235 p. 27-35

A comparison of oxolinic acid concentrations in fanned and laboratory held rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following oral therapy

Rosie Coyne, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture 239 p. 1-13

On the validity of setting breakpoint minimim inhibitory concentrations at one quarter of the plasma concentration acheieved following oral administration of oxytetracycline

Rosie Coyne, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture p. 23-35

One-step liquid chromatographic method for the determination of oxytetracycline in fish muscle

Rosie Coyne, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øivind Bergh
Journal of chromatography. B 810 p. 325-328

Anti-complement effects of lactoferrin-derived peptides

O Samuelsen, Hanne Haukland, H. Ulvatne, Lars Vorland
FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology

Characterization of strains of Vibrio splendidus and Vibrio tapetis isolated from corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) suffering vibriosis.

Sigmund Jensen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Kari Andersen, Christophe Lambert, Gwenaelle Choquet, Christine Paillard, Øivind Bergh
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 53 p. 25-31

The efficacy of a single intraperitoneal injection of oxolinic acid in the treatment of bacterial infections in goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) and corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) studied under field and laboratory conditions.

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Per Gunnar Kvenseth, Johan Andreassen, Lise Torkildsen, Arne S Ervik, Øivind Bergh
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 26 p. 181-186

A single-dose pharmacokinetic study of oxolinic acid and vetoquinol, an oxolinic acid ester, in cod, Gadus morhua L., held in seawater at 8ºC and in vitro antibacterial activity of oxolinic acid against Vibrio anguillarum strains isolated from diseased cod.

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øivind Bergh, Arne S Ervik
Journal of Fish Diseases 26 p. 339-347

Pharmacokinetics of florfenicol in cod, Gadus morhua L., held in seawater at 8ºC and in vitro antibacterial activity against Vibrio anguillarum.

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øivind Bergh, Arne S Ervik
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 56 p. 127-133

Characterization of strains of Vibrio splendidus and V. tapetis isolated from corkwing wrasse Symphodus melops suffering vibriosis

Sigmund Jensen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Kari Andersen, Lise Torkildsen, Christophe Lambert, Gwenaelle Choquet, Christine Paillard, Øyvind Bergh
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 53 p. 25-31

The efficacy of a single intreperitoneal injection of oxolinic acid in the treatment of bacterial infections in goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) and corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) studied under field and laboratory conditions

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Per Gunnar Kvenseth, Johan Andreassen, Lise Torkildsen, Arne Ervik, Øyvind Bergh
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 26 p. 181-186

A single-dose pharmacokinetic study of oxolinic acid and vetoquinol, an oxolinic acid ester, in cod Gadus morhua L., held in sea water at 8° C and in vitro antibacterial activity of oxolinic acid against Vibrio anguillarum strains isolated from diseased cod

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øyvind Bergh, Arne Ervik
Journal of Fish Diseases 26 p. 339-347

Pharmacokinetics of florfenicol in cod Gadus morhua in in vitro antibacterial activity against Vibrio anguillarum

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øyvind Bergh, Arne Ervik
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 56 p. 127-133

Administration of the antibacterial agents flumequine and oxolinic acid to small turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) by bath

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 19 p. 55-58

The efficacy of a single intraperitoneal injection of flumequine or oxytetracycline hydrochloride to prevent outbreak of atypical Aeromonas salmonicida infection in goldsinny wrasse Ctenolabrus rupestris L. following stress.

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Arne S Ervik, Lise Torkildsen, Øivind Bergh
Aquaculture International p. 257-264

Treatment of early life stages of scallop (Pecten maximus) with antimicrobial agents; searching for an alternative to chloramphenicol.

Lise Torkildsen, Rosie Coyne, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Thorolf Magnesen, Øivind Bergh
Aquaculture International 1 p. 399-409

Dosage regime experiments with oxolinic acid and flumequine in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) held in seawater

Odd Ellingsen, Bjørn Midttun, Astri Rogstad, Christian Syvertsen, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture 209 p. 19-34

The stability and persistence of Diflubenzuron in marine sediments studied under laboratory conditions and the dispersion to the sediment under a fish farm following medication

Agnethe Selvik, Pia Kupka Hansen, Arne Ervik, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Science of the Total Environment 285 p. 237-245

The efficacy of a single intraperitoneal injection of either flumequine or oxytetracycline hydrochloride in prevention of outbreaks of atypical Aeromonas salmonicida infection in goldsinny wrasse Ctenolabrus rupestris L. following stress

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Arne Ervik, Lise Torkildsen, Øyvind Bergh
Aquaculture International 10 p. 257-264

Treatment of the early life stages of scallop (Pecten maximus) with antimicrobial agents; searching for an alternative to chloramphenicol

Lise Torkildsen, Rosie Coyne, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Thorolf Magnesen, Øyvind Bergh
Aquaculture International 10 p. 399-409

Diseases, prophylaxis and treatment of the Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus: a review.

Øivind Bergh, Frank Nilsen, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 48 p. 57-74

Diseases, prophylaxis and treatment of the Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus: a review

Øyvind Bergh, Frank Nilsen, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 48 p. 57-74

Effects of sea water on the activity of antimicrobial agents used in aquaculture; implications for MIC testing

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Aquaculture 196 p. 319-323

Absorption, tissue distribution and excretion of flumequine and oxolinic acid in corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) following administration by a single intraperitoneal injection or by bath

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Arne Ervik
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 24 p. 111-116

The efficacy of a single intraperitoneal injection of flumequine in the treatment of a bacterial infection in corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops).

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Susanna Husgard, Lise Torkildsen, Øivind Bergh
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 12 p. 324-327

Minimal inhibitory concentration of chloramphenicol, florfenicol, trimethoprim/sulfadiazine and flumequine in seawater of bacteria associated with scallops (Pecten maximus ) larvae

Lise Torkildsen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Øivind Bergh
Aquaculture 185 p. 1-12

A single-dose pharmacokinetic study of oxolinic acid and vetoquinol, an oxolinic acid ester, in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) held in seawater and in vitro antibacterial activity against Aeromonas salmonicida

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Arne Ervik, Lisa Pursell, Pete Smith
Aquaculture 187 p. 213-224

The efficacy of a single intraperitoneal injection of flumequine in the treatment of systemic vibriosis in corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops)

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Susanna Husgaard, Lise Torkildsen, Øyvind Bergh
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 12 p. 324-328

Efficacy of orally administered oxolinic acid and vetoquinol, an oxolinic acid ester, in the treatment of furunculosis in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar held in seawater

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Brit Hjeltnes, Lise Torkildsen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 37 p. 53-59

A single-dose pharmacokinetic study of oxolinic acid and vetoquinol, an oxolinic acid ester, in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) held in seawater at 9°C

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Arne S Ervik
Journal of Fish Diseases 22 p. 13-23

Efficacy of orally administered Florfenicol in the treatment of furunculosis in Atlantic salmon

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Brit Hjeltnes, Johan Glette
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 10 p. 56-61

Single dose pharmacokinetic study of flumequine after intravenous, intraperitoneal and oral administration to Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) held in seawater at 9˚C

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Arne S Ervik
Aquaculture 158 p. 215-227

Multiple dose pharmacokinetic study of Romet30 in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and in vitro antibacterial activity against Aeromonas salmonicida

Ole Bent Samuelsen, L. Pursell, A. Ervik, P. Smith
Aquaculture 152 p. 13-24

Efficacy of bath administered flumequine and oxolinic acid in the treatment of Vibriosis in halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 9 p. 127-131

Pharmacokinetic and efficacy studies on bath administering potentiated sulphonamides in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)

Ole Bent Samuelsen, B.T. Lunestad, A. Jelmert
Journal of Fish Diseases 20 p. 287-296

Estimates of rates of resolution of oxytetracycline from sediments under Atlantic salmon cages

Peter R. Smith, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquaculture 144 p. 17-26

Bath treatment, an alternative method for administration of the quinolones flumequine and oxolinic acid to halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and in-vitro antibacterial activity of the drugs against some Vibrio sp

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 27 p. 13-18

Failure of Flumisol bath treatments during commercial transport of salmon smolts to prevent the activation of stress inducible furunculosis

Maura P. Hiney, Rosie Theresa Coyne, J P Kerry, Lisa Pursell, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Peter R. Smith
Aquaculture 136 p. 31-42

Concentrations of divalent cations found in the sea water reduce the in-vitro activity of flumequine against Aeromonas salmonicida

Lisa Pursell, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Peter R. Smith
Aquaculture 135 p. 245-255

Absorption, tissue distribution, metabolism and excretion of ormetoprim and sulfadimethoxine in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after intravenous and oral administration of Romet30

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Arne S Ervik, Vidar Vennevik
Xenobiotica 25 p. 1169-1180

Photodegradation of eight antibacterial agents in seawater

Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Arne S Ervik, S. Fjelde
Aquaculture 134 p. 217-225

Association of mortalities in a salmon hatchery with the oral administration of flumequine

Maura P. Hiney, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Peter R. Smith
Bulletin of The European Association of Fish Pathologists 14 p. 204-206

Impacts of administrating antibacterial agents on wild fish and blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the vicinity of fish farms

A. Ervik, B. Thorsen, V. Eriksen, B. T. Lunestad, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 18 p. 45-51

Reduced environmental impact of antibacterial agents applied in fish farms using the LiftUp feed collector system of a hydroacoustic feed detector

A. Ervik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, J. E. Juell, H. Sveier
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 19 p. 101-104

High-performance liquid chromatografic determination of oxolinic acid in fish silage

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Journal of chromatography. B 655 p. 311-314

Simultaneous determination of ormethoprim and sulfadimethoxine in plasma and muscla of Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar)

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Journal of Chromatography A 666 p. 412-417

Stability of antibacterial agents in an artificial marine aquaculture sediment studied under laboratory conditions

Ole Bent Samuelsen, B. T. Lunestad, A. Ervik, S. Fjelde
Aquaculture 126 p. 283-290

Bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents used in fish farming; A critical evalution on method and meaning

P. Smith, M. Hiney, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Annual Review of Fish Diseases 4 p. 273-313

Effects of oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid and flumequine on bacteria in an artificial marine fish farm sediment

Pia Kupka Hansen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Canadian Journal of Microbiology (print) 39 p. 1307-1312

Long-range changes in oxytetracycline concentration and bacterial resi stance towards oxytetracycline in a fish farm sediment after medicatio n

O.B. Samuelsen, Vigdis Lid Torsvik, A Ervik
Science of the Total Environment 114 p. 25-36

Changes in plasma and liver glutathione levels in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) suffering from infectious salmon anemia(ISA)

B. Hjeltnes, Ole Bent Samuelsen, A. Svartdal
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 14 p. 31-33

Residues of oxolinic acid in wild fauna following medication in fish farms

Ole Bent Samuelsen, B. T. Lunestad, B. Husevåg, T. Hølleland, A. Ervik
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 12 p. 111-119

Simultaneous occurence of Aexomonas salmonicida and antibiotic resistant bacteria in sediments at abandoned aquaculture sites

B. Husevåg, B. T. Lunestad, Per J Johannessen, Ø. Enger, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Journal of Fish Diseases 14 p. 631-640

Toxicity of Rotenone to some potential predators on marine fish larvaean experimental study

T. Næss, K. E. Naas, Ole Bent Samuelsen
Aquacultural Engineering 10 p. 149-159

Fate and microbiological effects of Furazolidone in a marine aquaculture sediment

Ole Bent Samuelsen, B. T. Lunestad, E. Solheim
Science of the Total Environment 108 p. 275-283

A simple and rapid method for the determination of flumequine and oxolinic acid in salmon (Salmo salar) plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Journal of chromatography. B 530 p. 452-457

High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of furazolidone in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) tissue

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Journal of chromatography. B 528 p. 595-600

The change in liver glutathion concentration in salmon (Salmo salar) and char (Salvelinus alpinus) during and after medication with furazolidone

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Asbjørn Svardal, B. Hjeltnes
Bulletin of European Association of Fish Pathology 10 p. 35-36

Degradation of oxytetracycline in seawater at two different temperatures and light intensities and the persistence of oxytetracycline in the sediment from a fish farm

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Aquaculture 83 p. 7-16

Determination of flumequine in fish by high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Journal of chromatography. B 497 p. 355-359

The toxicity and excretion of rotenone in oysters (Ostrea edulis) and its degradation in seawater at temperatures near 0˙C

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Einar Solheim, Håkon Magne Otterå, Jan Per Pedersen
Aquaculture 70 p. 355-363

A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the sediment gas and diethylether extract of the sediment from salmon farms

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Arne S Ervik, Einar Solheim
Aquaculture 74 p. 277-285

Aeration rate, pH and temperature effects on the degradation of trichlorfon to DDVP and the half-lives of trichlorfon and DDVP in seawater

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Aquaculture 66 p. 373-380

Degradation of Trichlorfon to Dichlorvos in seawater: a preliminary report

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
Aquaculture 60 p. 161-164

Metabolism of the cinnamon constituent o-methoxycinnamaldehyde in the rat

Ole Bent Samuelsen, J Brenna, Einar Solheim, Ronald Scheline
Xenobiotica 16 p. 845-852

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


The First Metallo-beta-Lactamase Identified in Norway Is Associated with a TniC-Like Transposon in a Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolate of Sequence Type 233 Imported from Ghana

O Samuelsen, L Buaro, MA Toleman, Christian G. Giske, Nils Olav Hermansen, Timothy R Walsh, arnfinn Sundsfjord
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Faglige foredrag


Impact zones around Norwegian fish farms from release of bath treatment chemicals

Pål Næverlid Sævik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll

Spredning av organiske partikler og fôrbaserte fremmedstoff

Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Siri Aaserud Olsen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Vivian Husa

Pharmacokinetics and effect of antibacterial treatments of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) experimentally challenged with V. anguillarum, atypical A. salmonicida and Pasteurella sp.

Gyri Teien Haugland, Karen obrestad Kverme, Kristina Larsen, Marielle Kallekleiv, Rita Hannisdal, Anita Rønneseth, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Heidrun Inger Wergeland

Pharmacokinetics and effect of antibacterial treatments of lumpfish experimentally challenged with V. anguillarum, atypisk A.salmonicida and Pasteurella.

Gyri Teien Haugland, Karen obrestad Kverme, Kristina Larsen, Marielle Kallekleiv, Rita Hannisdal, Anita Rønneseth, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Development of benthic IMTA by coupling polychaete production to salmon farming.

Henrice Maria Jansen, Jinghui Fang, Marit A.J. Nederlof, Natalie Brennan, Pia Kupka Hansen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øivind Strand

Antibiotika-resistens hos fiskepatogene bakterier, farmakokinetikk og antibakteriell behandling av rognkjeks.

Gyri Teien Haugland, Karen obrestad Kverme, Marielle Kallekleiv, Rita Hannisdal, Anita Rønneseth, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Duncan John Colquhoun, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Heidrun Inger Wergeland

Determination of antibiotic resistance among fish pathogenic bacteria, pharmacokinetics and effect of antibacterial agents on lumpfish experimentally challenged with V.anguillarum

Karen obrestad Kverme, Duncan John Colquhoun, Anita Rønneseth, Rita Hannisdal, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Gyri Teien Haugland

Bedøvelse av rognkjeks

Malene waage Skår, Gyri Teien Haugland, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Microbial Control of Live Feed Organisms in Marine Fish Hatcheries

Irja Sunde Roiha, Øivind Bergh, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Managing microbial ecology in atlantic cod Gadus morhua hatcheries: pathology, therapy and prophylaxis by microbial control

Øivind Bergh, Nina Sandlund, Irja Sunde Roiha, Laila Brunvold, Ane Rebecca Engelsen, Erling Otterlei, Trond Mork Pedersen, Geir Olav Melingen, Egil Karlsbakk, Ole Bent Samuelsen



Antimikrobiell sensitivitetstesting av Aeromonas salmonicida isolater fra rognkjeks

Marielle Kallekleiv, Duncan John Colquhoun, Anita Rønneseth, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Gyri Teien Haugland

Resistens og MIC bestemmelse av atypisk Aeromonas salmonicida og Vibrio anguillarum isolert fra rognkjeks.

Karen Obrestad Kverme, Duncan John Colquhoun, Anita Rønneseth, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Gyri Teien Haugland

Anaesthetic protocols for lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.)

Gyri Teien Haugland, Malene waage Skår, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Anaesthetic protocols for lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.).

Malene waage Skår, Gyri Teien Haugland, Heidrun Inger Wergeland, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Behandling av bakterielle sjukdomar hjå larvar i marint oppdrett

Irja Sunde Roiha, Erling Otterlei, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Investigation of fish to fish variation in oxolinic acid concentration in commercially farmed fish and laboratory held fish following commercial oral theraphy

Rosie Coyne, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øyvind Bergh, Heidi Kongshaug, Audun Høylandskjær, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Pete Smith

Comparison of oxolinic acid plasma concentrations in dead, moribound and healthy rainbow trout obtained after standard treatment in a commercial fish farm

Samuelsen, Ole Bent

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2025 - Produksjonsdødelighet hos oppdrettsfisk og miljøeffekter av norsk fiskeoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Lasse Berg Andersen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Samantha Bui, Thomas Bøhn, Ola Håvard Diserud, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Rosa Helena Escobar Lux, Peder Fiske, Ole Folkedal, Lena Geitung, Kevin Alan Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Rita Hannisdal, Pia Kupka Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Vivian Husa, Eeva Jansson, Ørjan Karlsen, Sten Karlsson, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Rune Nilsen, Jonatan Nilsson, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ole Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Rosa Maria Serra Llinares, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Morten D. Skogen, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lars Helge Stien, Elisabeth Stöger, Kjell Rong Utne, Vidar Wennevik
Rapport fra havforskningen

The effects of delousing chemical, imidacloprid, on the copepod Acartia tonsa

Christoffer Vesterhus Målen, Rita Hannisdal, Rosa Helena Escobar Lux, Ole Samuelsen

Kunnskapsstatus – legemidler i fiskeoppdrett (2024)

Ole Samuelsen, Rita Hannisdal, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Rosa Escobar, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud
Rapport fra havforskningen

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2024 - Produksjonsdødelighet hos oppdrettsfisk og miljøeffekter av norsk fiskeoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Lasse Berg Andersen, Ola Håvard Diserud, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Rosa Escobar, Peder Fiske, Ole Folkedal, Kevin Alan Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Rita Hannisdal, Pia Kupka Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Vivian Husa, Eeva Jansson, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Ørjan Karlsen, Sten Karlsson, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Jonatan Nilsson, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ole Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Rosa Maria Serra Llinares, Øystein Skaala, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lars Helge Stien, Elisabeth Stöger, Terje Svåsand, Kjell Rong Utne, Vidar Wennevik
Rapport fra havforskningen

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2022 - kunnskapsstatus - Effekter på miljø og dyrevelferd i norsk fiskeoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Pål Arne Bjørn, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Pia Kupka Hansen, Vivian Husa, Ørjan Karlsen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lars Helge Stien

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2022 - risikovurdering — Effekter på miljø og dyrevelferd i norsk fiskeoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Lasse Berg Andersen, Pål Arne Bjørn, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Pia Kupka Hansen, Vivian Husa, Ørjan Karlsen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lars Helge Stien

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2021 - kunnskapsstatus

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ørjan Karlsen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Kevin Alan Glover, Vivian Husa, Pia Kupka Hansen, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Lars Helge Stien, Terje Svåsand

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2021 - risikovurdering

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ørjan Karlsen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Kevin Alan Glover, Vivian Husa, Pia Kupka Hansen, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Lars Helge Stien, Terje Svåsand

Døde og strandete krepsdyr - Nitti tilfeller rapportert til Havforskningsinstituttet i perioden 2014-2020

Guldborg Søvik, Padmini Dalpadado, Tone Falkenhaug, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Maria Jenssen, Marita Larsen, Rita Hannisdal, Jon Rønning, Siri Aaserud Olsen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Trude Hauge Thangstad, Hanna Ellerine Helle Danielsen, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Siren Hatland, Aina Bruvik, Tore Tjensvoll, Felicia Dawn Couillard, Patrick-Andre Korneliussen

Kunnskapsstatus - miljøeffekter av norsk fiskeoppdrett 2019 : Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett, del 2

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Terje Svåsand, Kevin Glover, Vivian Husa, Pia Kupka Hansen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Lars Helge Stien

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2019 - Miljøeffekter av lakseoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Terje Svåsand, Kevin Glover, Vivian Husa, Pia Kupka Hansen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Lars Helge Stien

Opptak og utskillelse av antibakterielle midler fra plasma og vev i rognkjeks

Gyri Teien Haugland, Rita Hannisdal, Karen obrestad Kverme, Marielle Kallekleiv, Kristina Larsen, Anita Rønneseth, Duncan John Colquhoun, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Heidrun Inger Wergeland

Antimikrobiell sensitivitetstesting av (Aeromonas salmonicida) isolater og behandling av rognkjeks (Cyclopterus lumpus) etter eksperimentell smitte med atypisk (A. salmonicida)

Marielle Kallekleiv, Gyri Teien Haugland, Duncan John Colquhoun, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Heidrun Inger Wergeland

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2018

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Kevin Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Vivian Husa, Ørjan Karlsen, Tore S Kristiansen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Stein Mortensen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Lars Helge Stien, Terje Svåsand

Antibakteriell behandling av rognkjeks (Cyclopterus lumpus)- bakteriedyrking, resistenstesting, farmakokinetikk og behandling

Karen Obrestad Kverme, Gyri Teien Haugland, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Heidrun Inger Wergeland

Anestesi av oppdretta rognkjeks

Malene Waage Skår, Gyri Teien Haugland, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Heidrun Inger Wergeland

Effekter av utslipp fra akvakultur på spesielle marine naturtyper, rødlista habitat og arter. Kunnskapsstatus

Vivian Husa, Tina Kutti, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Ørjan Karlsen, Raymond Bannister, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik

Risikovurdering norsk fiskeoppdrett 2012

Lars Asplin, Jan Aure, Raymond Bannister, Pål Arne Bjørn, Karin Kroon Boxaspen, Geir Dahle, Arne S Ervik, Bengt Finstad, Kevin A. Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Pia Kupka Hansen, Mikko Heino, Vivian Husa, P. A. Jansen, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Knut Eirik Jørstad, Egil Karlsbakk, Ørjan Karlsen, Tore S Kristiansen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Rosa Maria Serra Llinares, Abdullah Madlhun, Terje van der Meeren, Stein Mortensen, Craig Morton, Rune Nilsen, Håkon Otterå, Sonal Patel, Bjørn-Steinar Sæther, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Øystein Skaala, Cecilie Skår, Ove Skilbrei, Lars Helge Stien, Terje Svåsand, Geir Lasse Taranger, Ingebrigt Uglem, Vidar Wennevik

Bioencapsulation of florfenicol in Artemia franciscana and Brachionus plicatilis for treatment of bacterial diseases of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) larvae

Ole Bent Samuelsen, Irja Sunde Roiha

Risikovurdering av organiske tinnforbindelser i sjømat

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden og Faggruppen for tilsetningsstoffer, aroma, matemballasje og kosmetikk. 22.5.2007. Vurdering av helserisiko ved konsum av grillet mat

Janneche Utne Skåre, Tore Aune, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Mona-Lisa Binderup, Knut Helkås Dahl, Trine Husøy, Kristine Naterstad, Jan Erik Paulsen, Tore Sanner, Inger-Lise Steffensen, Jan Alexander

Risikovurdering av azaspiracidtoksiner i krabbe og vurdering av påviste funn. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

How can stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N) be used to trace a shift in diet of small and large Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)?

Henriette Givskud, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Vurdering av irgarol, diuron, dikofol og BHT i blåskjell og fiskelever. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Vurdering av funn av azaspiracidtoksiner i krabbe. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Risikovurdering av kvikksølv i torskefilet. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Risikovurdering av bly og kadmium i skjell. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Vurdering av PFAS i noen enkelte vann- og fiskeprøver. Vurdert og godkjent av Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen

Vurdering av funn av PBDE og PCB i en drikkevannsprøve fra Lillehammer. Vurdert og godkjent av Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen

Risikovurdering av PBDE

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Vurdering av kvikksølv, dioksiner og dioksinliknende PCB i fisk fra Mjøsa

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Vurdering av nye resultater - Ranfjorden. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Vurdering av nye resultater i Vefsnfjorden/ Leirfjorden og Sandnessjøen. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Vurdering av dioksiner og dioksinliknende PCB i kveite. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Kommentar til risikovurdering av forurensede sedimenter. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Vurdering av nye resultater i Sørfjorden. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Behandling av vibriose hjå atlantisk torsk (Gadus morhua L.) med florfenikol

Berit Seljestokken, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Vurdering av nye analyseresultater av polybromerte difenyletere i oppdrettslaks. Faggruppen for Forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen

Comments on proposed maximum levels for dioxin-like PCBs in Food. Panel on Contaminants Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen

Vurdering av analyseresultater i fisk fra enkelte ferskvann i Sør-Varanger. Vurdering av Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden for Vitenskapskomitteen for Matsikkerhet

Janneche Utne Skåre, Jan Alexander, Tore Aune, Marc Berntssen, Kari Grave, Kåre Julshamn, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen

The use of antibacterial agents in norwegian aquaculture : residue analysis and environmental impacts

Samuelsen, Ole Bent
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