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Kvoteråd: Lodde i Barentshavet

Et kar med fanget lodde.

Lodda i Barentshavet blir sjeldan over 20 cm og 50 gram.

Fotograf: Jan de Lange / Havforskningsinstituttet
Anbefalt kvote 2024
196 000
Anbefalt kvote 2023
62 000
Avtalt kvote 2023
62 000

Advice on fishing opportunities

The Joint Russian-Norwegian Working Group on Arctic Fisheries (JRN-AFWG) advises that when the Joint Norwegian–Russian Fisheries Commission management plan is applied, catches in 2024 should be no more than 196.000 tonnes.

Stock development over time

Spawning‑stock size is above Blim. No reference points for fishing pressure have been defined for this stock.

Figure 1. Barents Sea capelin (ICES subareas 1 and 2, excluding Division 2.a west of 5°W). Catch, recruitment, survey biomass (age 1+, maturing (> 14cm) and immature (< 14 cm) stock biomass), and SSB (1 April) with 5 and 95 % confidence limits.
Figure 1. Barents Sea capelin (ICES subareas 1 and 2, excluding Division 2.a west of 5°W). Catch, recruitment, survey biomass (age 1+, maturing (> 14cm) and immature (< 14 cm) stock biomass), and SSB (1 April) with 5 and 95 % confidence limits. The biomass reference points relate to SSB. Survey biomass and recruitment values are estimates from the acoustic survey completed by the beginning of October. The recruitment plot is shown only from 1981 onwards since earlier estimates of age 1 capelin are based on incomplete survey coverage. SSB estimates are shown only from 1989 onwards because a different model was used previously, and uncertainty estimates are only available from 2018 onwards. The 2022 estimate of recruitment, maturing and immature stock biomass has not been corrected for incomplete survey coverage. Incomplete survey coverage in 2018 might also have led to recruitment underestimation.

Read the IMR-PINRO report