Tag attachment innovation on spurdog (Squalus acanthias) reveals year-round coastal association of pregnant females in northeastern Atlantic waters
Claudia Junge, Keno Ferter, Antonia Klöcker, Otte Bjelland, Jon Albretsen, Robert Lennox, Finn Økland, Romaric Jac, Hector Antonio Andrade Rodriguez, Ole Thomas Albert
Journal of Fish Biology
Seasonal habitat use and diel vertical migration in female spurdog in Nordic waters
Antonia Klöcker, Ole Thomas Albert, Keno Ferter, Otte Bjelland, Robert Lennox, Jon Albretsen, Lotte Pohl, Lotte Svengård Dahlmo, Nuno Queiroz, Claudia Junge
Movement Ecology
Transboundary movements of porbeagle sharks support need for continued cooperative research and management approaches
Jenny R. Bortoluzzi, Grace E. McNicholas, Andrew L. Jackson, Antonia Klöcker, Keno Ferter, Claudia Junge, Otte Bjelland, Adam Barnett, Austin J. Gallagher, Neil Hammerschlag, William K. Roche, Nicholas L. Payne
Fisheries Research
Tag attachment innovation on spurdog (Squalus acanthias) reveals year-round coastal association of pregnant females in northeastern Atlantic waters
Claudia Junge, Keno Ferter, C. Antonia Klöcker, Otte Bjelland, Jon Albretsen, Robert Lennox, Finn Økland, Romaric Jac, Hector Antonio Andrade Rodriguez, Ole Thomas Albert
Journal of Fish Biology
Atlantic bluefin tuna tagged off Norway show extensive annual migrations, high site-fidelity and dynamic behaviour in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
Keno Ferter, Camille M.L.S. Pagniello, Barbara A. Block, Otte Bjelland, Michael R. Castleton, Sean R. Tracey, Theodore E. J. Reimer, Andreas Sundelöf, Inigo Onandia, Martin Wiech, Francisco Alemany, Leif Nøttestad
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Seasonal habitat use and diel vertical migration in female spurdog in Nordic waters
C. Antonia Klöcker, Ole Thomas Albert, Keno Ferter, Otte Bjelland, Robert Lennox, Jon Albretsen, Lotte Pohl, Lotte Svengård Dahlmo, Nuno Queiroz, Claudia Junge
Movement Ecology
Transboundary movements of porbeagle sharks support need for continued cooperative research and management approaches
Jenny R. Bortoluzzi, Grace E. McNicholas, Andrew L. Jackson, C. Antonia Klöcker, Keno Ferter, Claudia Junge, Otte Bjelland, Adam Barnett, Austin J. Gallagher, Neil Hammerschlag, William K. Roche, Nicholas L. Payne
Fisheries Research
Integrating complementary survey methods to estimate catches in Norway's complex marine recreational hook-and-line fishery
Keno Ferter, Håkon Magne Otterå, Mary C. Christman, Alf Ring Kleiven, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Sofie Gundersen, Christine Djønne, Otte Bjelland, Bruce Hartill, Jeremy Lyle, Kieran Hyder, Trude Kristin Borch, Jon Helge Vølstad
ICES Journal of Marine Science
p. 107-121
Integrating complementary survey methods to estimate catches in Norway’s complex marine recreational hook-and-line fishery
Keno Ferter, Håkon Magne Otterå, Mary C. Christman, Alf Ring Kleiven, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Sofie Gundersen, Christine Djønne, Otte Bjelland, Bruce Hartill, Jeremy Lyle, Kieran Hyder, Trude Kristin Borch, Jon Helge Vølstad
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Teleostei, Scophthalmidae: four-spot megrim spotted in Norwegian waters
Rupert Wienerroither, Otte Bjelland, Gjertrud Jensen, Anne Sveistrup
Fauna Norvegica
p. 26-29
Northernmost record of the little gulper shark Centrophorus uyato in the northeastern Atlantic, with taxonomical notes on C. zeehaani
Rupert Wienerroither, Otte Bjelland, Lutz Bachmann, Claudia Junge
Journal of Fish Biology
p. 834-844
Northernmost record of the little gulper shark Centrophorus uyato in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean, with taxonomical notes on Centrophorus zeehaani
Rupert Wienerroither, Otte Bjelland, Lutz Bachmann, Claudia Junge
Journal of Fish Biology
p. 834-844
First record of Diaphus rafinesquii (Cocco, 1838) (Myctophidae) in the Norwegian Sea
Rupert Wienerroither, Otte Bjelland
Fauna Norvegica
p. 39-43
Atlas of the Barents Sea fishes
Rupert Wienerroither, Edda Johannesen, Andrey Dolgov, Ingvar Byrkjedal, Otte Bjelland, Konstantin Drevetnyak, Kirsti Børve Eriksen, Åge Sigurd Høines, Gunnar Langhelle, Herdis Langøy, Tatiana Prokhorova, Dmitry Prozorkevich, Thomas de Lange Wenneck
IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series
p. 1-272
Some helminth and copepod parasites of three rajid species from the continental slope of the north-eastern Norwegian Sea
Jerzy Rokicki, Otte Bjelland, Bjørn Berland
Acta Parasitologica
p. 12-17
Trophic ecology of deep-water fishes associated with the continental slope of the eastern Norwegian Sea
Otte Bjelland, Odd Aksel Bergstad, Jon Egil Skjæraasen, Kenneth Meland
p. 101-117
Horizontal movement phenotypes of spiny dogfish & their social interactions in four dimensions
Lotte Svengård Dahlmo, Knut Wiik Vollset, Keno Ferter, Otte Bjelland, Claudia Junge
Horizontal movement phenotypes of ‘coastal’ spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) & their social interactions in four dimensions
Lotte Svengård Dahlmo, Knut Wiik Vollset, Keno Ferter, Otte Bjelland, Claudia Junge
Fjorder i endring - klimaeffekter på miljø og økologi
Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll, Tone Falkenhaug, Lars Asplin, Einar Dahl, Svein Sundby, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Otte Bjelland, Bjørn Olav Kvamme
Klimaendringer i kyst- og fjordstrøk - effekter på kystnært fiske og havbruk
Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll, Tone Falkenhaug, Lars Asplin, Einar Dahl, Svein Sundby, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Otte Bjelland, Bjørn Olav Kvamme
Fjorder i endring - klimaeffekter på miljø og økologi
Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Tone Falkenhaug, Lars Asplin, Einar Dahl, Svein Sundby, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Otte Bjelland, Bjørn Olav Kvamme
Distribution, catches and research on Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Norwegian exclusive economic zone: updated and revised including 2024 data.
Leif Nøttestad, Keno Ferter, Manu Sistiaga, Hector Pena, Ørjan Sørensen, Erling Boge, Sondre Hølleland, Otte Bjelland, Martin Wiech, Magnus Falnes Hole, Rune Baug Mjørlund
Distribution, catches and research on Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Norwegian exclusive economic zone
Leif Nøttestad, Keno Ferter, Manu Sistiaga, Hector Pena, Ørjan Sørensen, Erling Boge, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland, Otte Bjelland, Martin Wiech, Magnus Falnes Hole, Rune Baug Mjørlund
Prøvefiske med trollgarn og åleruser på grunt vatn om hausten - Strekninga Florø Ryfylke i perioden 2015-2023
Håkon Magne Otterå, Otte Bjelland, Jan Hinriksson, Harald Næss, Kjell Harald Nedreaas
Tagging of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) with pop-up satellite archival tags (PSAT) in Norway during 2021
Keno Ferter, Otte Bjelland, Jan Hinriksson, Leif Nøttestad
Fisker (Myxini, Petromyzontiformes, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes). Norsk rødliste for arter 2021
Rupert Wienerroither, Trygve H. Hesthagen, Otte Bjelland, Ingvar Byrkjedal, Peder Fiske, Arve Lynghammar, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Nicolas Straube
Tagging of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) with pop-up satellite archival tags (PSAT) in Norway during 2020
Keno Ferter, Otte Bjelland, Jan Hinriksson, Leif Nøttestad
Tagging of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) with pop-up satellite archival tags (PSAT) in western Norway during 2018
Keno Ferter, Sean R. Tracey, Jan Hinriksson, Otte Bjelland, Inigo Onandia, Leif Nøttestad
Atlas of the Barents Sea Fishes based on the winter survey
Rupert Wienerroither, Edda Johannesen, Andrey Dolgov, Ingvar Byrkjedal, Asgeir Aglen, Otte Bjelland, Konstantin Drevetnyak, Kirsti Børve Eriksen, Åge Sigurd Høines, Gunnar Langhelle, Herdis Langøy, Pavel Murashko, Tatiana Prokhorova, Dmitry Prozorkevich, Oleg Smirnov, Thomas de Lange Wenneck
Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) in Nordic waters: biology, distribution and feeding.
Leif Nøttestad, Øyvind Tangen, Magnus Tangen, Otte Bjelland
The mesopelagic and demersal fishes of the northeastern Norwegian Sea and mid- and west-Norwegian fjords
J.B. Kristoffersen, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, O.A. Bergstad, O. Bjelland, H. Ullebust, K. Hansen, Mette Hordnes, S. Torkhildsen, E. Katsarou, J.-E. Skjæråsen, Torleiv Brattegard
Life-history tactics of two fjordic populations of Maurolicus muelleri. Thesis Cand. scient
Bjelland, Otte