2021846 |
20/01 - 07/02 |
Abundance and distribution of cod and haddock. Project name: Arctic Winter survey (Vintertoktet) Coordinating body: Institute of Marine Research |
Barents Sea |
1 - 60 |
1 - 111 |
2021822 |
12/02 - 25/02 |
Provide acoustic estimates of abundance and distribution of Norwegian spring spawning heting during the spawning migration along the Norwegian coast. Cruise coordinator: Are Salthaug, Institute of Marine Research, Norway. |
Norwegian Sea |
1 - 12 |
1 - 26 |
2021821 |
13/02 - 25/02 |
Collection of acoustic data from fisheries sonar for study og herring schools . Collection of acoustic data from echo sounder for biomass estimation of herring . Collection of biological samples for estimation of species and size composistion in the acoustic observations . Collection of hydrographic data (CTD) |
Norwegian Sea |
1 - 12 |
1 - 24 |
2021826 |
13/02 - 19/02 |
The objective of the SpawnSeis project is to study effects of seismic exposures on the behaviour of wild, free ranging, spawning cod using acoustic telemetry in Austevoll, Norway. The objective of the cruise is to deploy airguns from the vessel and expose the experimental area and to monitor the resulting noise patterns in the area where the cod is tagged. CTD stations were also taken in the area to characterise the propagation properties of the water column. The behavioural data will be downloaded from the listening buoys for the fish tags later and is not part of this survey. Project name: SpawnSeis Coordinating body: Institute of Marine Research, Norway |
North Sea |
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2021849 |
14/02 - 20/02 |
A demersal seine was applied with pelagic trawl doors for live capture of cod. Catch limitation devices were tested and filmed with underwater cameras. Fishing was conducted at various depths and fishing densities and viability of the fish evaluated. Project name: Pelagic trawling for live capture of cod. Coordinating body: Institute of Marine Research Bergen, Norway |
Norwegian Sea |
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0153_2021_UFJN_VILN |
23/02 - 19/03 |
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2021802 |
26/02 - 11/03 |
Acoustic trawl survey on Capelin spawning stock. Methodological survey using a stratified survey design aiming to measure the abundance of Capelin during the spawning season. Project name: Managing strategies for the Barents Sea Coordinating body: Havforskningsinstituttet |
Norwegian Sea |
13 - 25 |
1 - 14 |
2021803 |
26/02 - 11/03 |
Acoustic trawl monitoring survey for biomass estimation of the capelin spawning stock. Project name: Forvaltningsstrategiar for Barentshavet (15568) Coordinating body: Institute of Marine Research, Norway |
Barents Sea |
13 - 26 |
25 - 44 |
2021825 |
08/03 - 21/03 |
The aim of this research cruise was to further develop the catch control methods and technologies initially investigated in cruise No. 2019862 by addressing the following objectives: 1. Investigate the effectiveness of three designs of catch control rigs to retain target catch during fishing operations and then release excess catch once the catch limited is reached. 2. Investigate the effectiveness of the catch limit release mechanism on the trawl codend (Prototype by Foss Tech). 3. Monitor the geometry of the trawl and codend, particularly during haulback. 4. Develop methods for the rapid release of the pump from the trawl codend, as a countermeasure to sinking codends. 5. Develop methods to assess the vitality and injuries of fish being release from the catch control rigs. |
Celtic Sea |
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2021818 |
21/03 - 08/04 |
International blue whiting spawning stock survey. Acoustic survey to monitor the spawning stock of blue whiting on the spawning grounds west of the British Isles. Project name: International Blue Whiting Spawning Stock Survey Coordinating body: WGIPS, ICES |
Atlanterhavet/Vest for de Britiske øyer |
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2021812 |
11/04 - 14/05 |
It is established a long-term data set of reproductive data for the Harp Seal population in the East Ice/Barents Sea. The main purpose of the cruise was to obtain data to continue this work and to collect samples to get updated data for the populations condition. The methodological approach was to collect jaws, ovaries and body measurements of female harp seals. The sampled seals were animals that were part of the commercial catch of the sealing vessel MS Salarøy. |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021823 |
04/04 - 09/04 |
The objective of the cruise was to test technical solutions to release sharks and other large fish from pelagic trawls in the Great Argentine (Argentina silus) fisheries. The devices tested were 7 and 14 m four panel sections with a 600 mm square mesh panel obliquely mounted in the sections, with large escape opening in the bottom, just in front of the square mesh section. The cruise was conducted without any serious interruptions. Under water filming was conducted using GoPro cameras in aluminium housings with dive lights. |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021830 |
06/04 - 14/05 |
2021-BAR-019: Prøvetaking av kommersielle fangstar av bunnfisk (særleg torsk, sei, hyse, blåkveite, uer) landa på strekninga Helgeland-Varanger. Prøvetaking 180 døgn per år fordelt på alle kvartal, men med hovudvekt på 1 og 2 kvartal. |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021847 |
21/04 - 16/05 |
. Measuring the abundance, distribution and age composition of lesser sandeel . Dredge sampling for burrowed sandeels . Bottom trawls . Pelagic trawls . Echo sounder sampling . Zooplankton sampling . Mapping of hydrographical conditions |
North Sea |
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2021844 |
24/04 - 07/05 |
2021-MP-017: Å samle inn data med fiskefartøy med full EK80 utrustning på full spectrum av tobis, sild og øyepål, med fartøyet selv, samt med medbrakt overflate drone, KM Sounder og eller KayakDrone Bruke Drone for å måle unnvikelse, og forbedre dekningsgrad. |
North Sea |
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2021820 |
04/05 - 04/06 |
Tagging with RFID technology and biological sampling of mackerel in the spawning areas west of Shetland and the Hebrides, Scotland and west of Ireland. Project name: Tagging and biological sampling of mackerel as part of studies on the European mackerel stocks. Coordinating body: Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway. |
Atlantic Ocean |
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2021831 |
24/05 - 08/06 |
2021-BAR-020: Prøvetaking av kommersielle fangstar av bunnfisk (særleg torsk, sei, hyse, blåkveite, uer) landa på strekninga Helgeland-Varanger. Prøvetaking 180 døgn per år fordelt på alle kvartal, men med hovudvekt på 1 og 2 kvartal. |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021851 |
30/05 - 12/06 |
Beregne hvor stor andel av totalseleksjonen av reker som skjer på hhv fiskedypet og i overflaten. |
Skagerrak |
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2021809 |
31/5-5/6 |
Survey of potentially human pathogenic (i. e. anisakids nematodes) and other important parasites (i.e. Ichthyophonus) in North Sea herring intended for human consumption. In addition, a small sample of bycatch (i.e. haddock and saithe) was studied. |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021813 |
05/06 - 29/06 |
The main purpose of the cruise was to obtain data for ecological monitoring of the minke whale stock. Samples were collected for the project Arven etter Nansen, with special focus on diet and dietary changes over time. Diets (stomach content): fatty acids (blubber, muscle, liver): stable isotopes (blubber, muscle, liver, eye, baleens): pollutants (blubber, muscle, liver), fertility (ovaries): age determination (eye and baleens): nutrients and micronutrients (faeces and urine). There was a complete sampling from all whales. All material was frozen to be analysed later. |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021824 |
7/6 - 1/8 |
The objective of the cruise is to collect sightings information for estimating abundance of whales, especially minke whales, as part of a long-term survey program to cover the Northeast Atlantic over the years 2020-2025. The survey vessel has followed predetermined tracklines on which observations of whales have been recorded by dedicated observers. Data collected for each observation include: Species, position, position relative to vessel, weather data and other covariates. In total, around 2600 nautical miles were surveyed in the waters around Jan Mayen. Combined for the two platforms, 85 minke whale observations were recorded. Other species recorded were fin whale (31 observations), blue whale (6 observations), sei whale (3 observations), humpback whale (26 observations), harbor porpoise (2 observations), killer whales (18 observations), white-beaked dolphin (6 observations), pilot whale (2 observations), Northern bottlenose whale (67 observations) and sperm whale (25 observations). |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021853 |
23/06 - 24/06 |
Klargjøre og teste deep vision (DV) stereo-kamerasystem til makrell-økosystemtoktet. Sikre at håndtering inkludert av og påmontering i trålen og utsetting og ombortaking fungerer bra. Sikre at DV ikke påvirker trålgeometri og andre trålegenskaper. I tillegg er målet å gi praktisk opplæring i bruk av DV på HI tokt. |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021816 |
30/06 - 02/08 |
Primary objectives:Large-scale mapping and abundance estimation of Northeast Atlantic (NEA) mackerel, Norwegian Spring-Spawning (NSS) herring and Atlantic blue whiting. Swept area trawling for mackerel and acoustic recordings and trawling for NSS herring and blue whiting. Secondary objectives: Mapping distribution of Atlantic salmon, lumpfish and other pelagic species. Sampling of zooplankton and water temperature/salinity profiles. Tagging of 100 lumpfish. Opportunistic marine mammals observations along the transects and survey lines. |
Norwegian Sea |
46 - 120 |
54 - 149 |
2021817 |
30/06 - 01/08 |
Primary objectives: Large-scale mapping and abundance estimation of Northeast Atlantic (NEA) mackerel, Norwegian Spring-Spawning (NSS) herring and Atlantic blue whiting. Swept area trawling for mackerel and acoustic recordings and trawling for NSS herring and blue whiting. Secondary objectives: Mapping distribution of Atlantic salmon, lumpfish and other pelagic species. Sampling of zooplankton and water temperature/salinity profiles. Tagging of 100 lumpfish. Genetic sampling of herring populations. Opportunistic marine mammals observations along the transects and survey lines. |
Norwegian Sea |
15 - 87 |
28 - 105 |
0154_2021_UFJN_VILN |
12/08 - 25/09 |
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2021810 |
31/08 - 04/09 |
Survey of potentially human pathogenic anisakid nematodes and other important parasites (i.e. Ichthyophonus, Kudoa and didymozoid trematodes) of Atlantic mackerel intended for human consumption. |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021852 |
31/08 - 13/09 |
Collect echo sounder broadband data from mackerel during comercial operations. Project name: Center for Research Based Innovation in Marine Acoustic Abundance Estimation and Backscatter Classification. Coordinating body: Institute of Marine Research, Norway |
North Sea |
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2021848 |
12/09 - 30/09 |
This cruise is part of a multi-purpose ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea, done by several research vessels and carried out jointly by Norway and Russia. The objectives were to collect data at several trophic levels: phyto- and zooplankton, benthos, pelagic invertebrates, fish, and marine mammals. In addition, hydrography, water chemistry and physics, and acoustics were monitored. Two sections (Hinlopen and the northernmost part of Vardø-Nord) were covered. Project name: BESS - Barents Sea Ecosystem Survey Coordinating body: IMR (Norway) and PINRO (Murmansk, Russia) |
Svalbardsonen |
61 - 114 |
112 - 223 |
2021856 |
28/09 - 01/10 |
Tidsserie med trollgarn på grunnt vatn, Ryfylke - Florø, del Austevoll |
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2021815 |
3/10 - 13/10 |
Methodological survey to evaluate best acoustic methods for detection, identification and quantification of bluefin tuna in Norwegian waters. Project name: Acoustic and visual monitoring of BFT in Norwegian waters Coordinating body: Institute of Marine Research, Norway |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021857 |
04/10 - 07/10 |
Prøvefiske på grunt vatn med trollgarn. Oktober 2021 |
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2021855 |
18/10 - 22/10 |
Innsamling av biologiske data på sjøkrepsbestanden i Frohavet, et viktig sjøkrepsområde (lengde, modning, kjønnsfordeling). Merkeforsøk for undersøkelser av vandring og estimering av vekst og overlevelse. Det arbeides med å få etablert et marint verneområde for sjøkreps i Frohavet, og data samles inn både fra et potensielt verneområde (før-data) og et kontrollområde. |
North Sea |
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2021841 |
18/10 - 31/10 |
Gill-net survey in shallow waters along the coast. Main objective is to monitor the abundance of cod and other species in the coastal region. |
North Sea |
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2021811 |
31/10 - 04/11 |
2021-FRES-004: Kartlegging av forekomst og ditto endringer av humanpatogene og kvalitetsreduserende parasitter hos NVG-sild, med hovedvekt på kveis med de to aktuelle Anisakis-artene A. simplex og A. pegreffii, i tillegg til "sildesoppen" Ichthyophonus sp. |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021854 |
15/11 - 30/11 |
1) Undersøke nåværende utbredelse til dypvannsreke og kysttorsk på rekefelt i vestlandsfjordene, 2) oppnå estimater (med usikkerhet) av biomasse og mengde av dypvannsreke og bunnfisk, 3) kartlegge bunndyr som blir berørt av reketrål og 4) samle inn oseanografiske data (temperatur, saltholdighet og O2-innhold i bunnvannet). |
Norwegian Sea |
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2021819 |
18/11 - 09/12 |
2021-NOR-011: Merking og utsetting av Nvg-sild med RFID-teknologi i overvintringsområdene |
Norwegian Sea |
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