R number |
Video line |
Biology and VME habitats/species |
Details |
3405 |
3490 |
Dominated by Asteroidea (Astropecten irregularis, Fam. Asteriidae) and Paguridae. |
R3405VL3490, P44. Dive 768. Sediment: Muddy sand with ripples all the way. Biology: Astropecten dominating. Asteriidae, Paguridae. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3406 |
3491 |
Dominated by Asteroidea (Astropecten irregularis, Fam. Asteriidae) and Paguridae, a few Pleuronectiformes and Triglidae (Knurr). |
R3406VL3491, P40. Dive 769. Sediment: Muddy sand. Sand ripples all the way. Strong current. Biology: Astropecten, Asteriidae, Paguridae, several Pleuronectiformes and Triglidae. Alcyonium on pagoridae. Push-corer taken without core-catcher, sample was lost. No still a 4K video. PC-logger: Camille. |
3407 |
3492 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Paguridae and Pleuronectiformes. Some Alcyonium digitatum. |
R3407VL3492, P36. Dive 770. Sediment: Muddy sand with sand ripples all the way. Biology: Astropecten and Pleuronectiformes dominating. Some pagoridae and Alcyonium. PC-logger: Heidi G. |
3408 |
3493 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Luidia sarsii and Pleuronectiformes. Some Alcyonium digitatum and Aphrodita aculeata. |
R3408VL3493, P85. Dive 771. Sediment: Muddy sand. ROV sampling asteroidea in push corer. |
3409 |
3494 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Luidia sarsii, Paguridae, Buccinoidea, Triglidae (Knurr) and Pleuronectiformes. |
R3409VL3494, P174. Dive 772. Extra station. Sediment: Muddy sand with ripples all the way. Biology: Astropecten, Luidia sarsii, Buccinoida, Triglidae, Pagurida and Pleuronectiformes common. ROV sampled Aphroditidae. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3410 |
3495 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Luidia sarsii, Paguridae, Buccinoidea, Triglidae (Knurr), Sei and Pleuronectiformes. |
R3410VL3495, P31. Dive 773. Sediment: Muddy sand with ripples all the way. Biology: Luidia sarsii, Astropecten, Asteriidae, Paguridae, Buccinoida, Triglidae and Melanogrammus aeglefinus common. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3411 |
3496 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Luidia sarsii, Paguridae, Buccinoidea, Triglidae (Knurr). |
R3411VL3496, P32. Dive 774. Sediment: Muddy sand with ripples all the way. Biology: Luidia sarsii, Astropecten, Asteriidae, Paguridae, Prosobranchia Triglidae. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3412 |
3497 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Luidia sarsii, Asterias rubens, Buccinoidea, Triglidae (Knurr) and Pleuronectiformes. |
R3412VL3497, P33. Dive 776. Sediment: Muddy sand with sand ripples. Biology: Different Asteroidea (Astropecten, Asterias rubens, Luidia sarsii), Buccinoidea, Pleuronectiformes and Triglidae. A few Aphroditidae. Echinoidea irregular, making tracks but hard to spot. PC-logger: Camille. |
3413 |
3498 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Luidia sarsii, Asterias rubens, Buccinoidea, Triglidae (Knurr) and Pleuronectiformes. Lebensspuren from Echinoidea irregular. |
R3413VL3498, P33. Dive 33. Sediment: Muddy sand with sand ripples. Biology: Different Asteroidea (Astropecten, Asterias rubens, Luidia sarsii), Buccinoidea, Pleuronectiformes and Triglidae. A few Aphroditidae. Echinoidea irregular making trcks but hard to spot. PC-logger: Camille. |
3414 |
3499 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Asterias rubens, Paguridae and Pleuronectiformes. Lebensspuren from Echinoidea irregular. |
R3414VL3499, P27. Dive 777. FULL STATION BUT WINCH BROKE DOWN AFTER FIRST GRAB. Moved to next videoline after CTD, ROV-dive and one grab. Sediment: Muddy sand with sand ripples all the way. Biology: Echinoidea irregular making lebenspuhren tracks dominant. Asterias, Astropecten, Pleuronectiformes, Paguridae. PC-logger: Camille. |
3415 |
3500 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Oxydromus flexuosus, Buccinoidea, Paguridae and Pleuronectiformes. |
R3415VL3500, P84. Dive 778. Sediment: Muddy sand.Sand ripples present throughout. Dominant species are Astropecten, Oxydromus flexuosus, Buccinoidea, Pleuronectiformes and Paguridae. Sampled Buccinoidea and Astropecten with net. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3416 |
3501 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Buccinoidea and Paguridae. |
R3405VL3490, P44. Dive 768. Flew ROV at 0.3kn. Sediment: Muddy sandy gravel at the beginning. Biology: Collected floating Rhodophyta with net. PC-logger:Andrey/Heidi. |
3417 |
3502 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Asteriidae, Buccinoidea and Paguridae and Hydrozoa. |
R3417VL3502, P43. Dive 780. Sediment: Muddy sand with ripples all the way. Biology: Astropecten, Paguridae, Asteriidae, Buccinoidea, Hydrozoa and Luidia sarsii sometimes. Pleuronectiformes and Alcyonium. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3418 |
3503 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Asteriidae, Buccinoidea and Paguridae and Pleuronectiformes, Melanogrammus aeglefinus. Scarce fauna. |
R3418VL3503, P25. Dive 781. Sediment: Sand. Biology: Asteriidae, Astropecten, Buccinoidea, Pleuronectiformes, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Flustridae. Poor transect in sense of diversity and abundances. PC-logger: Yngve |
3419 |
3504 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Asteriidae, Buccinoidea and Pleuronectiformes. |
R3419VL3504, P55. Dive 782 Sediment: Sand with spots of shell fragments. Biology: Buccinoidea are abundant. At least some of them are Buccinum undatum. Asteriidae, Astropecten, Pleuronectiformes. Oppr transect. PC-loggr: Yngve. |
3420 |
3505 |
Scarce fauna, dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Luidia sarsii, Asteriidae, Paguridae, Aphrodita aculeata, Buccinoidea and Pleuronectiformes. |
R3420VL3505, P51. Dive 783. Sediment: Sand. Biology: Astropecten, Luidia sarsii, Buccinoidea, Paguridae, Pleuronectiformes, Aphroditidae, Asteriidae. Poor transect. PC-logger: Yngve |
3421 |
3506 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Asteriidae, Paguridae, Buccinoidea and Melanogrammus aeglefinus. Some dense aggregations of Alcyonium digitatum on hard bottom. |
R3421VL3506, P62. Dive 784. Sediment: Mostly sand, but areas with MSGCB. Biology: Astropecten, Buccinoidea, Asteriidae, Paguridae, Melanogrammus aeglefinus. Some dense aggregations of Alcyonium digitatum. PC-logger: Andrey |
3422 |
3507 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Hydrozoa, Leptasterias sp. and Flustridae on cobbles/boulders. |
R3422VL3507, P169. Dive 783. SHIP POSITION USED! ROV system crashed, depth ok. Issues with 1K video files (mpg), part of transect missing. Sediment: Gravel, cobbles and boulders. Patches of sand with ripples. Biology: Flustridae, Hydrozoas, Alcyonium. Sampled Asteriidae Leptasterias. PC-logger: Yngve/Camille. |
3423 |
3508 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Hydrozoa, Asteroidea and Flustridae on cobbles/boulders. VME: Alcyonium garden |
R3423VL3508, P170. Dive 786. Sediment: Sand, gravel, cobbles, boulders, and some areas of sand. Biology: Alcyonium gardens, Flustridae, Hydrozoa, Asteroideas - Astropecten, Asterias rubens, Leptasterias muelleri, Actiniaria "red blob". Some flat fish and Melanogrammus aeglefinus. PC-logger: Mona. |
3424 |
3509 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae on cobbles/boulders. Sand dominated by Asteroidea (Astropecten irregularis, Asteriidae, ) and Pleuronectiforme VME: Alcyonium garden |
R3424VL3509, P64. Dive 787. Sediment: Mostly sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders. Also portions with sand gravelly sand. Biology: Alcyonium and Serpulidae (largely dominant when boulders are present). bryoza encrusting. Some parts with Alcyonium gardens. On sand, Asteroidea (Astropecten, Asterias) and Pleuronectiformes dominant. PC-logger: |
3425 |
3510 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Asterias rubens, Buccinoidea, Echinoidea irregular. |
R3425VL3510, P46. Dive 788. Sediment: Muddy sand all the way. Biology: Mostly Astropecten, Buccinoidea, Asterias rubens, Echinoidea irregular. Some burrows. Flustridae and Oxydromus flexuosus, Paguridae. PC-logger: Camille. |
3426 |
3511 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Asteriidae, Paguridae, Pleuronectiformes and Aphrodita aculeata. |
R3426VL3511, P58. Dive 789. Sediment: Muddy sand all the way. Biology: Dominant species were Astropecten, Asteriidae, Paguridae, Pleuronectiformes and Aphroditidae. Some Buccinoidea, Triglidae and Luidia sarsii. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3427 |
3512 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, Flustridae on cobbles/boulders, Melanogrammus aeglefinus a VME: Alcyonium garden |
R3427VL3512, P75. Dive 790. Sediment: Alternating between sand, gravel, cobble and boulders, and sand with shell fragents. Biology: Alcyonium garden. throughout most of the dive. Dominant taxa were Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, Flustridae, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Cf. Simnia patula on Alcyonium digitatum at the beginning. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3428 |
3513 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Asteriidae, Paguridae, Pleuronectiformes, Aphrodita aculeata and Triglidae (Knurr). |
R3428VL3513, P50. Dive 791. Sediment: Sand and gravelly sand (shell fragments). Biology: Astropecten, Pleuronectiformes, Paguridae, Aphroditidae, Triglidae. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3429 |
3514 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Asterias, Buccinoidea, Pleuronectiformes. |
R3429VL3514, P54. Dive 792. Sediment: Sand. Biology: Astropecten, Pleuronectiformes, some Buccinoidea and Asterias. Centre 1K .mpg crashed, video unavailable. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3430 |
3515 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, red algae, Flustridae on cobbles/boulders. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3430VL3515, P82. Dive 793. Sediment: Sand, sand gravel, cobbles and boulders. Biology: Alcyonium garden with encrusting red algae, Serpulidae, Flustridae. Some Leptasterias, Asterias, Solaster, Pleuronectiformes, Melanogrammus aeglefinus and Gadus morhua. PC-logger: Heidi G. |
3431 |
3516 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Pleuronectiformes and Aphroditidae aculeata. |
R3431VL3516, P56. Dive 794. Sediment: Sand and sand ripples, mde from waves. Shell fragments. Biology: Mostly Astropecten, Pleuronectiformes, Aphroditidae, likely more Echinoidea irregular. Lebensspuhren. Poor vision due to rough weather. PC-logger: Mona. |
3432 |
3517 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis and Pleuronectiformes. Very low visibility. |
R3432VL3517, P65. Dive 795. Sediment: Sand all the way with bits of shell fragments at the end of transect. Very poor vission due to the weather (sand in suspension with the swell). Of the things we could see, Astropecten and Pleuronectiformes are dominant. No still due to low visibility. PC-logger: Heidi G. |
3433 |
3518 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, red algae encrusting. Very low visibility. |
R3433VL3518, P19. Dive 796. Very poor visibility. Sediment: Alternating between gravvely sand and sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders. Biology: Alcyonium, Rhodophyta encrusting calcareous, Serpulidae. Not much visible, so very biased towards Alcyonium and Rhodophyta encrusting calcareous. PC-logger: Camille. |
3434 |
3519 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, Gadidae, Asteroidea. Very low visibility. |
R3434VL3519, P13. Dive 797. Very poor visibility. Sediment: Sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders, to gravelly sand, to sandy gravel and gravel at the end of the transect. Biology: Only Alcyonium, Serpulidae, Gadidae and a couple of seastars was possible to see. PC-logger: Heidi M. |
3435 |
3520 |
Dominated by Asteroidea, Buccinoidea, Echinoidea irregular (Spatangoidae), Pleuronectiformes and Aphrodita aculeata. Very low visibility. |
R3435VL3520, P53. Dive 798. FULL STATION. Poor visibility. Sediment: Sand to sand with shell fragments. Biology: Asteroidea, Paguridae, Spatangoidae, Buccinidae, Pleuronectiformes, Aphroditidae. Poor diversity, low abuncances. PC-logger: Heidi M. |
3436 |
3521 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, Leptasterias and Flustridae, encrusting red algae, Solaster sp. Very low visibility. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3436VL3521, P61. Dive 799. Positions in file is inncorrect - Transponder M28 will be used in Campod logger files. Relatively bad visibility. Sediment: Sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders. Biology: Mostly Alcyonium digitalum garden with occasional Leptasterias, Flustridae, encrusting red algae and Solaster sp. PC-logger: Camille. |
3437 |
3522 |
Dominated by Asterias rubens and Leptasterias sp., Flustridae, encrusting red algae and encrusting yellow sponge, Alcyonium digitalum on cobbles/boulders. Astropecten irregularis on sand. |
R3437VL3522, P22. Dive 800. Sediment: Sand at the beginning, then gravel, cobbles and boulders. First crossing a depression, then flat sand and then over a moraine ridge. Biology: Mostly asterias and Leptasterias, Flustridae, encrusting red algae and encrusting yellow sponge, Alcyonium digitalum. Pause transect with Pectinidae. Sand bottom dominated by Astropecten, but not many. Lots of shell fragments on the sandy part. Porifera encrusting yellow sampled. PC-logger: Heidi. |
3438 |
3523 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, also hosting Leptasterias sp., Asterias rubens, Hydrozoa, some gastropods and a few Modiolus modiolus. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3438VL3523, P83. Dive 801. Problems with laser, only one light. Sediment: Gravelly sand followed by rocks and some sand. Biology: Most of transect is Alcyonium gardens, also hosting Leptasterias, Asterias, Hydrozoa, some gastropods and a few Modiolus. PC-logger: Camille. |
3439 |
3524 |
Dominated by Modiolus modiolus, also hosting Leptasterias sp., Asterias rubens and encrusting red algae. Melanogrammus aeglefinus. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3439VL3524, P80. Dive 802. Sediment: Sand, gravel, cobble and boulder. Some areas with mostly sand and shell fragments. Biology: Modiolus gardens mostly in the first part of the video line. Leptasterias, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Asterias rubens, Rhodophyta encrusting calcareous. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3440 |
3525 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, Flustridae, Leptasterias sp., Asterias rubens, Stichastrella sp., Pleuronectiformes, Filograna implexa. |
R3440VL3525, P78. Dive 803. Sediment: Sand, gravel, cobble and boulders. Proportions vary along the transect. Biology: Alcyonium, Serpulidae, Flustridae, Asterias rubens, Leptasterias, Stichastrella, Pleuronectiformes, Filograna. Not many Modiolus here, if any. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3441 |
3526 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum and Serpulidae. |
R3441VL3526, P79. Dive 804. FULL STATION. Sediment: Alternating between sand and sand, gravel, cobble and boulders. Biology: Scarse fauna on sand. On cobbles many Alcyonium, Serpulidae. Some Pleuronectiformes, Astropecten, Asterias and Leptasterias. One nudibranch. Sampled stone with encr. Bryozoa (red). PC-logger: Camille. |
3442 |
3527 |
Dominated by Pleuronectiformes, Paguridae, Luidia sarsii, Asteriidae, Buccinoidea, Astropecten irregularis. |
R3442VL3527, P38. Dive 805. Sediment: Snd with ripples all the way. Biology: Pleuronectiformes, Paguridae, Luidia sarsii, Asteriidae, Buccinoidea, Astropecten. Very oppr transect in sense of diversity and abundances. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3443 |
3528 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, Modiolus modiolus, Simnia c.f., Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Serpulidae and Flustridae. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3443VL3528, P23. Dive 806. Sediment: Alternating between sand and sand, gravel, cobble and boulders for bottom type. Biology: Alcyonium digita gardens were Alcyonium digitata, Modiolus, Simnia c.f., Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Serpulidae and Flustridae. Collected Echinoidea regular, Asteriidae and Galathea with suction sampler. Collected rock with Alcyonium and Simnia with claw. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3444 |
3529 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, Modiolus modiolus, Simnia c.f., Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Serpulidae and Flustridae. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3444VL3529, P74. Dive 807. Sediment: Muddy sand with shell fragments, gravel, cobbles and boulders in various proportions along the transect. Biology: Alcyonium, Serpulidae, Paguridae, Leptasterias, Astropecten, Luidia, Buccinoidea, Pleuronectiformes, Melanogrammus aeglefinus. Poor transect in sense of diversity. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3445 |
3530 |
Dominated by Asteroidea (Asterias rubens, Luidia sarsii and Astropecten irregularis) and pleuronectiformes. |
R3445VL3530, P60. Dive 808. Sediment: Sandy bottom with sand ripples. Biology: Dominating fauna was Asteroidea (Asterias, Luidia sarsii and Astropecten) and flat fish. Irregular echinoderms, Aphroditidae and a few snails. One Lithodes maja on transect. PC-logger: Andrey, Mona. |
3446 |
3531 |
Dominated by Melanogrammus aeglefinus and Asterias rubens, some Pleuronectiformes. |
R3446VL3531, P77. Dive 809. Sediment: Sandy gravel - shell fragments, gravel waves. Biology: Melanogrammus aeglefinus and Asterias dominating. Some Pleuronectiformes. Flustridae. Burrowed flatfish on still. PC-logger: Heidi. |
3447 |
3532 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum on cobbles/boulders. Pleuronectiformes, Buccinoidea and Asteroidea on sand. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3447VL3532, P63. Dive 810. Sediment: Sand with ripples and shell fragments. Also areas of gravel, cobble and boulders. Biology: Alcyonium garden and stretches of sand with ripples in between. Simnia patula on still. Flat fish, Buccinoidea and sea stars on sand. PC-logger: Mona. |
3448 |
3533 |
Dominated by Asteriidae on gravel. Alcyonium digitatum on cobbles/boulders with Flustridae, Serpulidae, encrusting red algae and encrusting biota. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3448VL3533, P21. Dive 811. Sediment: Sandy gravel - gravel, cobbles and boulders. Biology: Asteridae dominating sandy gravel. Alcyonium garden on boulders with Flustridae, Serpulidae, encrusting red algae and encr biota (Bryo/porifera). A few Echinus esculentus and Pleuronectiformes. PC-logger: Heidi. |
3449 |
3534 |
Dominated by Pleuronectiformes, Asterias rubens, Astropecten irregularis and Paguridae. Likely many Echinoidea irregular. Very low visibility. |
R3449VL3534, P57. Dive 812. Very low visibility (suspension). Sediment: Sand all the way with sand ripples. Biology: Mostly Pleuronectiformes, Asterias rubens, Astropecten irregularis and Paguridae visible. Some Aphrodita aculeata. Probably Echinoidea irregular hidden (under sand and making lebenspuhren). PC-logger: Camille. |
3450 |
3535 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Flustridae, Serpulidae and Leptasterias sp. and other Asteroidea. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3450VL3535, P20. Dive 813. Sediment: Sand, gravel, cobble and bouldersdominating the dive, with some patches of gravelly sand. Biology: Alcyonium gardens throughout most of the dive in patches. Dominating taxa are Alcyonium digitata, Flustridae, Serpulidae and Asteroidea/Leptasterias. PC-logger: Mona/Yngve. |
3451 |
3536 |
Scarce fauna. Dominated by Pleuronectiformes, Astropecten, Paguridae, Buccinoidea. Very low visibility. |
R3451VL3536, P81. Dive 814. Poor visibility. Sediment: Sand with shell fragments in different proportions. Biology: Pleuronectiformes, Astropecten, Paguridae, Buccinoidea. Very poor transect, sandy desert. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3452 |
3537 |
Dominated by Astropecten irregularis, Pleuronectiformes, Aphroditida aculeata, Buccinoidea and Paguridae. |
R3452VL3537, P45. Dive 815. Sediment: Sand. Biology: Astropecten, Pleuronectiformes, Aphroditidae, Buccinoidea, Paguridae. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3453 |
3538 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, biota encrusting on hard bottom. Some Pleuronectiformes and Asteriidae on sandy parts. |
R3453VL3538, P15. Dive 816. Sediment: Sand with ripples and some shell fragments. Cobbles and boulders in the middle of the line. Biology: On the rocky parts there was Alcyonium, Serpulidae, biota encrusting and some flat fish and Asteriidae on sandy parts. PC-logger: Camille. |
3454 |
3539 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum, Serpulidae, Flustridae, Hydrozoa, biota encrusting, Asteroidea. VME: Alcyonium garden. |
R3454VL3539, P17. Dive 817. No depth in the beginning. Sediment: Gravelly sand at the beginning, then sand, gravel, cobble and boulders. Biology: Alcyonium dominating hard bottom. Serpulidae, Flustridae, Hydrozoa, biota encrusting, Asteroidea. Sampled "white stick", ID as Alcyonium. Astropecten, Pleuronectiformes, Aphroditidae, Buccinoidea, Paguridae. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3455 |
3540 |
Dominated by Paguridae and Buccinoidea. Scarce fauna. Low visibility. |
R3455VL3540, P48. Dive 818. Low visibility. Sediment: Sand and ripples and some shell fragments. Biology: Dominating Paguridae and Buccinoidea. A few flat fish. Scarce fauna. PC-logger: Mona. |
3456 |
3541 |
Dominated by Paguridae, Pleuronectiformes, Asteriidae and Buccinoidea. Scarce fauna. Very low visibility. |
R3456VL3541, P14. Dive 819. Sediment: Sand with shell fragments. Biology: Most dominant taxa were Paguridae, Pleuronectiformes, Asteriidae and Buccinoidea. Very low diversity and abundance. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3457 |
3542 |
Dominated by Paguridae, Aphroditida aculeata and Buccinoidea. Scarce fauna. |
R3457VL3542, P47. Dive 820. Poor visibility. Sediment: Sand with some shell fragments. Biology: Paguridae, Aphroditidae, Buccinoidea, few Asteroidea. Very poor transect in sense of diversity and abundances. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3458 |
3543 |
Dominated by Asteriidae, Aphroditida aculeata, Pleuronectiformes, Paguridae, Buccinoidea. Scarce fauna. |
R3458VL3543, P49. Dive 821. Sediment: Sand. Biology: Asteriidae, Aphroditidae, Pleuronectiformes, Paguridae, Buccinoidea. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3459 |
3544 |
Sand dominated by Buccinoidea, Asteriidae, Ophiuroidea, Triglidae (Knurr), Paguridae and Pleuronectiformes. Diverse fauna on hard bottom, Alcyonium digitatum, Actiniaria, Serpulidae, Hydrozoa, Solaster and other Asteroidea. Gadus morhua and other fish. |
R3459VL3544, P168. Dive 822. Targeted transect. Sediment: Sand most of the transect. 2 patches with gravel, cobbles and boulders. Biology: Buccinoidea, Asteriidae, Ophiuroidea, Triglidae, Paguridae, Pleuronectiformes on sand. Alcyonium, Actiniaria, lots of Gadus morhua and other fish, Serpulidae, Hydrozoa. Solaster and other sea stars on cobbles and boulders. High diversity and abundances associated with stones, low diversity and abundances on sand. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3460 |
3545 |
Dominated by Paguridae with Epizoanthus sp., Astropecten irregularis, Aphroditida aculeata, Asteriidae, Pleuronectiformes, Cerianthidae and Melanogrammus aeglefinus. |
R3460VL3545, P49. Dive 823. Sediment: Sand, trong current. Biology: Paguridae with Epizoanthus on top, Astropecten, Aphroditidae, Asteriidae, Pleuronectiformes, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Cerianthidae. PC-logger: Yngve. |
3461 |
3546 |
Dominated by Paguridae, Cerianthidae, Melanogrammus aeglefinus and Pleuronectiformes. |
R3461VL3546, P72. Dive 824. Sediment: Gravelly sand, sand. Biology: Paguridae, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Pleuronectiformes, Cerianthidae. PC-logger: Andrey. |
3462 |
3547 |
Dominated by Alcyonium digitatum (some times on Sabellidae tubes) dominating. Also Buccinoidea, Paguridae, Asteriidae. Diverse fish. |
R3462VL3547, P68. Dive 825. Sediment: Sand and sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders. Biology: Alcyonium, some times on Sabellidae tubes dominating. Buccinoidea, Paguridae, Asteriidae common. Some Hormathiidae, Bolocera, Hydrozoa and encrusting biota. Pleuronectiformes, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Gadus morhua and Pollachius virens. PC-logger: Camille. |
3463 |
3548 |
Dominated by Paguridae, Buccinoidea, some Epizoanthus sp. on snail houses, Alcyonium digitatum on Sabellid tubes, Asteriidae and Hormathiidae. |
R3463VL3548, P69. Dive 826. Sediment: Sand to gravelly sand. Biology: Paguridae dominating, many Buccinoidea, some Epizoanthus on snail houses, Alcyonium on Sabellid tubes, Asteriidae and Hormathiidae. PC-logger: Heidi. |
3464 |
3549 |
Dominated by Paguridae, some with Epizoanthus sp. |
R3464VL3549, P66. Dive 827. Sediment: Sand and ripples, some shell fragment. Biology: Paguridae, some with Epizoanthus. Buccinoidea, some with Hormathiidae, a few fish. ROV sampling Paguridae with porifera encrusting. ID as Pagurus bernhardus. PC-logger: Mona. |
3465 |
3550 |
Dominated by Paguridae, Sabellid tubes, Buccinoidea. Some Hormathiidae and Alcyonium digitatum. |
R3465VL3550, P70. Dive 828. Sediment: Sand and ripples all the way. Biology: Paguridae dominating. Sabellidae tubes, Buccinoidea. Some Hormathiidae and Alcyonium. A few fish. A long Nemertea at the end. ROV sampling Pennatulacea, ID as Virgularidae. PC-logger: Heidi. |